Model No.
_k WARNING: Toreduce tho riskofinjury,
the user mustread and understandthe
operator'smanual before usingthisproduct.
Customer Help Line: 1-800-932-3188
Sears, Roebuck and Co., 3333 Bevedy Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 USA
Visit the Craftsman web page: www.sears.com/cmflsman
Save this manual for future reference

• Warranty.......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
• Infroduction..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
• General SafetyRules.................................................................................................................................................... 3-4
• SpecificSafety Rules...................................................................................................................................................... 4
• Symbols........................................................................................................................................................................ 5-6
• Electrical.......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
• Features........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
• Assembly......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
• Operation.................................................................................................................................................................... 9-12
• Maintenance............................................................................................................................................................. 12-13
• AcceSSories................................................................................................................................................................... 13
• ExplodedView and Parts List................................................................................................................................... 14-15
• Parts Ordering/Service..................................................................................................................................... Back Page
If theCraftsmanProfessionaltoolfails to give completesatisfactionwithinone year from date o1purchase,RETURN IT
TO THE NEAREST SEARS STORE IN THE UNITED STATES,and Searswill replace it, freeof charge.
Thiswarrantygivesyou specificlegalrights,and youmay also haveother rightswhich varyfrom stateto state.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., DopL 817 WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Thistool has many featuresfor making its use more pleasantand enjoyable.Safety, performance,and dependability
havebeen given top priorityinthe design of thisproductmakingiteasy to maintain and operate.

WARNING:Readand understand all Instruc-
tions. Failureto follow a]] instructions listed below,
mayresultin eisctric shock,timand/orserious
• Keep your work area clean and well lit, Cluttered
benchesand dark areas invite _cc;dents.
• Do not operate power tools in explosive stmo-
spheres, such as in the presence offlammable liq-
uids, gases, or dust. Power tools createsparkswhich
may ignitethe dustor fumes,
• Keep bystanders, children, andvbltore eweywblls
operating a power tool. Distractionscan cause you to
lose control.
• Double Insulated tools are equipped with a polar-
ized plug (one blade is wider than the other). This
plug wi(I fit in a polarized out(st only one way. If the
plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug.
If it still does not fit, contact • qualified eleoVldan
to install e polarized out(eL Do nat change the plug
in anyway. Double insulation[] eliminatesthe need
for the three-wire groundedpowercordand grounded
power supplysystem.
• Avoid body contact wlth grounded surfaces such
as pipes, radiators, range_, and rstrlperatore. There
Isan Increasedriskofelectricshock IfyourbodyIs
• Don't expose power tools to rein or wet conditions`
Water enteringa power tool will Increase the riskof
• Do nat abuse the cord. Never use the cord to carry
the tools or pull the plug from an outlet. Keep cord
away from heat, oil, sharp edges, or moving parts.
Replace damaged cords immediately. Damaged
cords increasethe risk of electricshock.
• When operating s power tool outside, use an outdoor
exterBIon cord marked '=W-A"or =If_. Thesecords
are ratedfor outdooruseand reducethe riskof electric
• Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use com-
men sense when operating s power tool. Do not
use tool white tired or under the influence of drugs,
alcohol, or medication. A momentof inattentionwhite
operatingpower toolsm.ayresultin seriouspersonal
• Dress properly. Do notweer loose clothing or
jewelry. Contain long hair. Keep your heir, clothing,
end gloves away from moving parts. Loose clothes,
jewelry, or long haircan be caughtinmoving parts.
• Avoidaccidental etarUng.Besure switch le off
before plugging In. Carryingtoolswithyourfinger on
the switchorpluggingin toolsthathavetheswitchon
• Remove adjusting keys or wrenches before tuming
the tool on. A wrenchor a key that isleftattached to a
rotatingpart of the toolmay resultin persocaJiniury.
• Do not overreach. Keep proper footing end balance
at all times. Properfooting and balance en_b[asbetter
con_olofthetooSin unexpectedsituations.
• Use sefetyequipment. Nwsyewear eye protection.
Dustmask, nonskidsafetyshoes, hard hat, or hearing
protectionmust be usedfor appropriateconditions.
• Do not wear loose clothing orjewelry. Contain long
hair. Looseclothes,jewelry,or long haircan be drawn
intoair vents.
• Do not use on a ladder or un_d_ablesupport. Stable
footing on a solid surfaceenab)esbetter con_ol ofthe
tool in unexpectedsituations.
• Use clamps or other practical way to secure and
support the workplece to a stable platform. Holding
thework byhand oragainst your body is unstableand
may lead to lossof centroL
• Do not force too/. Use the correct tool for your ap-
plication. The correct too(willdo the job better and
setar at the ratetor whichitis designed.
• Do not cee tool if=witch does not turn it on or off.
Anytool that cannot be controlledwith the switchis
dangerousand mustbe repaired.
• Disconnect the plugfrom power source before
making any adjustments, changing accessories,
or storing the tool. Such preventivesafety measures
reduce theriskof startingthe tool accidentally.
• Store idle tools out of the reach of children and
other untrained persona. Tootsare dangerousinthe
• Mdntsln tools wtth cars. Keep cuffing tools sharp
and clean. Properlymaintainedtoolswith sharp cut-
ting edges areless likelyto bind and are easierto
• Check for misaitgnment or binding of moving parts,
brsekags of parts, and any othe_condition that
may effect the tool's operation. If damaged, have
the tool serviced before using. Many accidentsare
caused by poorly maintained tools.
• Use onlyaccessories that are recommended by the
manufacturer for your model. Accessoriesthat may
be su[tab(efor one too{,may become hazardouswhen
usedon another tool.
• Keep the tool end its handle dry, clean end free
from oil end grease. ANvsysuse a cleanclothwhen
cleaning. Never use brake fluids, gasoline,petToioum-
based products,or any strongsolventsto cleanyour
tool.Followingthis ruJewJflreduce theriskof loss of
control and deteriorationof the enctos6veplastic.

• Tool service must be performed only by qualified
repair personnel. Serviceor maintenanceperformed
by unqualifiedpersonnelmay re,suitin a riskof injury.
• When servicing • tool, use only Identical replace-
ment parts, Followins;:ructionsin the Maintenance
section of thLsmanual. Use ofunauthorizedpartsor
failure to follow Maintenance Instructionsmay createa
riskof shock or injury.
• Hold tool byInsulated gripping surhlcse when
performing an operation where the cutting tool may
contact hidden wiring or Its own cord. Contact with
e "live"wirewillmake exposedmetal parts of the cut-
tingtool "live"and shockthe operator.
I Never use this or any power sander for wet sanding
or (io,uid polishing. Failureto comptywill increasethe
risk o#electricalshock.
• Know your power tool. Read operator's manual
carefully. Learn Its applications end limitations, as
well as the specific potential hazards related to this
tool. Followingthisrutswill reduce ths riskof electric
shock,firs,or seriousInjury.
• Always wear safety glasses. Everyday eyeglasses
have only_mpsct-re=dstsnt lenses; they ere NOT
safety glasses. Followingthisrulewil(reduce the risk
• Proteof your lungs. Wear e face or dust meek if the
operation Is dusty. Fallowingthisrulewi[Ireducethe
riskof serious perser_l injury.
• Protect your hearing, Wear hearing protection dur-
Ing extended Periods of operation. Followingthisrule
wiltreduce the risk of seriouspersonal injury.
• Inspect tool cords lc_icxliceHy end, ffdamaged,
have repaired at your nearest Authorized ServJca
Center. Constantly stay aware of cord location. Fol-
lowing thisrulewJilreducetherisk of eisctrJc shock or
• Check damaged parts. Before further use of the
tool, • guard or other pert that is damaged should
be carefully checked to determine that It will op-
erate properly and perform its intended function.
Check for alignment of moving parts, binding of
moving parts, breakage of parts, recur=ling,and
any other conditions that may effect It_ opera.
Uon. A guard or other part that is damaged should
be propEwlyrepaired or replaced by an authorized
service center. Followingthis rulewfffreduce the risk
of shock, fire, or seriousinjury.
• Make sure your extension cord is In good oondl-
tia_'LWhen using an extsns_oncord, be sure to use
one heavy enough to carry the current your product
will draw. Awlre gauge size {A,W.G.) of at least 16
is recommended for an extension cord I00 feet
or tess In leagth. A cord exceeding 100 feat is not
reoon'mnondod. If in doubt, use the next heavier
gaul. The =-nailer the gauge number, the he=vler
the cord. An undersized cordwJJJcauses dropin line
vol_tgsresultingInlossof powerend overheating.
• Inspect for end remove all nails from lumber before
using this tool. Followingthisrulewill reducethe risk
• Save these Instructions. Referto them frequentlyand
use _ to instruct othe_swho may usethistool. If
you loan someone this tool, loan them theseinstruc-
WARNING: Somadust crsatad by power sanding,sawing,grinding, drilling,end other constructionactivities
containschemicalsknownto cause cancer,birthdefects or otherreproductiveharm.Someexamples of these
• lead from lead-based, palms,
. crystallines_t(cafrom bricks and cement and othermasonry produc_s,and
• arsenicand chromiumit'om chemically-treated{umber.
Yourriskfromthese exposuresvaries,dependingon how oftenyou do thistype of work. To reduceyoursxposum
to thesechemicals:work ina well ventilatedarea, andwork with approvedSafetyequipment,such as thosedust
maskstha_arespeciallydesignedto filter out microscopic particles.

Some of the following symbols may be used on this tool. Pleasestudy them and learn their meaning. Proper
interpretationof these symbolswill allow youto operate the tool batterand safer.
V Volts Voltage
A Amperes Current
Hz Hertz Frequency(cyclesper second)
W Watt Power
rain Minutes "i3me
'%, AlternatingCurrent Type of current
,= Direct Current Typeor a chsracterLsticof current
no No Load Speed Rotationalspeed,at no load
_] ClassII Consb'uctJon Doub]e-]nsu)_tedconstruction
..Jm]n Per Minute Revolutions,strokes,surface speed, orb_setc., per minute
(_ Wet ConditionsAlert Do not exposeto rainor use in damp locations.
Read The Operator'sManual To reducethe riskofinjury, usermust read and understand
O Atwaysweer safety gogglesor safetyglasseswith aide
A Safety Alert Precautionsthat involveyour safety.
(_ Failureto keep yourhandsaway fromthe bladewillresultin
(_) Failureto keep yourhands away hornthe blade wil)resultin
O Failureto keepyour handsaway fromthe bladewi_ resuttin
,/_ No Hands Symbol Faitureto keep yourhands away from the blade wil! resuttinseriouspersonalinjury.
_) Hot Sur/ace Toreduce the riskof _n[uryor damage, avoidcontactwlthanyhot surface.
Eye Protection shieldsand a fun face shieldwhen operatingthis product.
No Hands Symbol seriouspersonalinjury.
No HandsSymbol seriouspersonalinjury.
No Hands Symbol seriouspersonalinjury.
operator'smanual beforeusingthis product.