[i_ IAIA Dlklllklt'__. The Engine Exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State
wvPInaleel_,;_, of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
_lb Yourlawnmowerwasbuiltto be operatedaccordingto the rulesforsafe operationinthis manual. Aswith I
anytype ofpowerequipment,carelessnessorerror onthe partof the operatorcanresult in seriousin ury.
DANGER: Ths awn mower s capabe ef amputaf nghandsandfeet andthrowng objects.Fa ureto observethefo -
lowingsafetyinstructionscouldresultinserious injuryordeath.
_il. GENERALOPEP,__TION • Do not operatethe mowerwhileunderthe influenceof alcoholor
• Readthisownersguide carefullyinitsentirstybeforeattempting drugs.
to assemblethis machine.Read,understand,and follow all • Disengagetheself-propelledmechanismor driveclutchon units
instructionsonthe machineandin themanual(s)beforeopera-
tion. Becompletelyfamiliarwith the controlsandthe properuse
of this machinebeforeoperating it. Keepthis manualin a safe
placefor future andregular referenceandfor ordering replace-
• Yourrctary mowerisa precisionpieceof powerequipment,nct a
plaything.Therefore,exemiseextremecautionat alltimes. Your
unit hasbeendesignedto performonejob:to mow grass.Donot
useit for anyother purpose.
• Never allow childrenunder 14 years old to operate a power
mower. Children 14 years old and over should only operate
mower under closeparentalsupervision.Only responsibleindi-
vidualswhoare familiarwith theserulesofsafeoperationshould
beallowedto useyourmower.
• Keepthe areaof operation clearofall persons,particuladysmall
childrenand pets.Stop engine whenthey arein the vicinity of
yourmowerto helppreventbladecontactor thrown objectinjury.
Althoughthe areaof operationshouldbe completelyclearedof
foreign objects,an object mayhavebeenoverlookedandcould
beaccidentallythrown by the mowerin any directionand cause
seriouspersonalinjuryto the operatoror anyothers allowedin
the area.
• Thoroughly inspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to be used.
Removeall stones, sticks, wire, bones,toys and otherforeign
objectswhichcould be pickedup andthrown by the mower in
anydirectionandcauseseriouspersonalinjuryto theoperatoror
anyothersallowedin the area.Planyour mowingpatternto avoid
dischargeof material toward roads, sidewalks,bystandersand
the like.Tohelpavoidathrown ob ectsinjury,keepchildren,ani-
mals,bystandersand helpersat east75 feet from the mower
soequipped beforestartingthe engine.
• The blade controlhandle is a safetydevice.Neverattemptto
bypassits operation.Doingso makesthe safetydeviceinopera-
tive andmay result in personal injury through contactwith the
rotating blade.The blade control handlemust operateeasily in
bothdirectionsandautomaticaliyreturnto the disengagedposi-
tion whenreleased.
• Neveroperatethe mower in wet grass.Alwaysbesure of your
fooling. A slip andfall cancauseserious personalinjury.Keepa
firm holdonthe handleandwalk,neverrun.Mowonlyindaylight
or in goodartificiallight.
: Stopthe bladewhencrossinggraveldrives, walksor roads.
If the equipment should start to vibrate abnormally, stopthe
engineand checkimmediatelyfor the cause.Vibrationis gener-
allya warningof trouble.
• Shutthe engineoff andwaituntil the bladecomesto acomplete
stopbeforeremovingthegrasscatcheror uncloggingthe chute.
Thecutting bladecontinuesto rotatefor a few secondsafterthe
engineis shut off. Neverplaceany partof thebody inthe blade
areauntil youare surethe bladehasstoppedrotating.
• Never operate mower without proper guards, grass catcher,
platesor othersafetyprotective devicesin place.
• Muffler and enginebecomehot and cancausea bum. 0o not
• Only useaccessoriesapprovedfor this rnacbinebythe manufac-
turer.Read,understand,andfollow allinstructions providedwith
the approvedaccessory.
• If situationsoccurwhicharenotcoveredin this manual,usecare
andgoodjudgment.Contactyourdealerfor assistance,
whileit is in operation. _ II. SLOPEOPERATION
• Alwayswearsafetyglasseswithside shieldsor safety goggles RI Foryoursafety,usethe slopegaugeincludedaspart of this manual
duringoperation orwhileperforminganadjustmentorrepair,to
protect eyesfrom foreign objectsthat may bethrown from the
• Wear sturdy, rough-soledwork shoes and close-fittingslacks
and shirts.Shirts and pantsthat cover the arms andlegs and
steel-toed shoes are recommended.Do not wearloose fitting
clothesor jewelry. Theycan be caught in moving parts. Never
operatea unit in barefeet,sandals,or sneakers.
• Do not put handsorfeet nearor underrotating parts.Keepclear
of dischargeopeningat all times asthe rotating bladecancause
• Many Lnjuriesoccur as aresult of the mower beingpulledover
thefoot duringa fall.Do not hangonto the mowerif you arefall-
ing;releasethe handleimmediately.
• Neverpull the mowertoward you whileyou are walking.If you
mustbackthe moweraway from a wallor obstructionfirst look
downand behind,andthen follow thesesteps:
• Step backfrom the mowerto fufly extendyour arms.
• Besure youare wellbalancedwithsurefooting.
• Pullthe mower backslowly,no morethanhalfwaytoward you.
• Repeatthesestepsasneeded.
to measureslopes beforeoperatingthis uniton a sloped or hilly
area.If theslopeisgreaterthan15°, asshownonthe slopegauge,
• Mow across the face of slopes; neverup and down. Exercise
extremecautionwhenchangingdirectionon slopes.
• Watch for holes,ruts, hiddenobjects, or bumps. Tallgrasscan
• Always besure ot yourfocting. A slip andfall cancauseserious
• Doflot mow neardrop-ofts,ditchesor embankments.Theopera-
tor couldloosefooting orbalance.
• Do not mow slopes greaterthan 15° as shown on the slope
• Do notmow onwetgrass. Reducedfooting couldcauseslipping.