Two-Cycle Engine • HorizontalNertical Crankshaf_ • Air-Cooled
IMPORTANT NOTICE! Safety Definitions ........................................ ii
I. General Safety Precautions ............................................................. 1
II. Howto Get Service .......................................................................... 3
Ill. Oil and Fuel Specifications ............................................................... 3
IV. Before Starting Your Engine ............................................................. 4
V. Starting Your Engine ........................................................................ 5
VI. Stopping Your Engine and Short-Term Storage ............................... 9
VII. Maintenance ................................................................................... 11
VIII. Transporting Your Engine ............................................................... 13
IX. Storing Your Engine ....................................................................... 13
X. Preventing Forest, Brush and Grass Fires ..................................... 15
XI. Maintenance Intervals .................................................................... 16
California & US EPA Emission Control Warranty Statement .......... 20
Emission Control System Warranty ............................................... 21
XlI. Warranty Information ...................................................................... 22
(English) 05/01/04

Safety Definitions
Statements inthismanual preceded bythe followingwords
and graphics are of specialsignificance:
WARNING indicatesa potentiallyhazardous situation
which if notavoided, couldresult in death or seriousinjury.
Refers to important information and is placed in italic type.
It is recommended that you take specialnoticeof all items
discussedon the next two pagesand wear the apprepdate
safety equipment.
Before operatingthisengine # isyourresponsibility to read
this Operator's Manual. Followthese basic rules for your
• Keep this manual handy at all times for future
• Read itcarefully and familiarize yourselfwith
operating, maintenance, componentsand safety
Notice Regarding Emissions
Engines which are certifiedto comply with California and
U.S. EPA emission regulations for SORE (Small Off Road
Equipment), are certified to operate on regular unleaded
gasoline, and may include the following emission control
systems: (EM) Engine Modification and (TWC) Three-Way
Catalyst (if so equipped).
Tecumseh Contact Information
Forengine adjustments, repairsor warranty servicenot
covered in thismanual, contactyour nearestAuthorized
Tecumseh Servicing Dealer. Findthem on ourwebsite at
www.TecumsahPower.com or call Tecumseh Power
Company at 1-800-558-5402.
_:)Copydght 2004
TecumsehPower Company
All Rights Reserved
Page ii Two-Cycle Engine • HodzontaYVertical Crankshaft • Air-Cooled 181-807-14

I, General Safety Precautions • NEVER fillfuel tank indoors. Fillfuel tank outdoors
in a well-ventilated area.
• DO NOT smoke whilerefueling tank.
Read equipmentmanufacturer's manual andthis
materialthoroughly before usingthis engine. Failure to
do socan resultinseriousinjuryordeath. CallTecumseh
Power Company at 1-800-558-5402 or visit
www.TecumsehPower.com ifyou have anyquestions.
A. Avoid Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Allengine exhaust contains
carbon monoxide, a deadly
gas. Breathingcarbon
monoxidecan cause
headaches, dizziness,
and eventuallydeath.
Carbon monoxide is a colorless,odorless, tasteless gas
whichmay be present even if youdo notsee or smell any
engine exhaust. Deadly levels of carbon monoxidecan
collectrapidly and you can quickly be overcome and
unable to save yourself. Also, deadly levels of carbon
monoxide can linger for hours or days in enclosed or
poorly-ventilated areas. If you experience any symptomsof
carbon monoxide poisoning, leave the area immediately,
get fresh air, and SEEK MEDICAL TREATMENT.
To prevent serious injuryor death from carbon monoxide:
NEVER runengine indoors.Even ifyou tryto
ventilateengine exhaustwithfans or open windows
and doors,carbon monoxide can rapidlyreach
dangerous levels.
NEVER runengine in poorly-ventilated or partially
enclosed areas suchas barns, garages,
basements, carports, under dwellings,or in pits.
NEVER runengineoutdoorswhere engine exhaust
can be drawnintoa buildingthroughopeningssuch
as windows and doors.
B. Avoid Gasoline Fires
Gasoline (fuel) vapors are highly flammable
and can explode. Fuel vapors can spread
and be ignitedby aspark orflame manyfeet
away from engine.To preventinjuryordeath
from fuel fires, follow these instructions:
• NEVER storeengine withfuel infuel
tank inside a building with potential
sources of ignition such as hot water andspace
heaters, clothes dryers, electric motors,etc.
NEVER removefuel cap oradd fuel when engine is
NEVER startoroperate the engine withfuel fill cap
The manufacturerof the applicationmay provide
informationabout who isallowedto use this engine(see
equipment manufacturer's manual). Not everyone who is
allowed to use this engine is capable of safely and
responsibly operating, maintaining and/or fueling it.
Tecumseh recommends the following:
To avoid unsupervisedoperationof the engine, especially
by children, NEVER leave it unattended when it isrunning.
D. Stay Away from Rotating Parts
NEVER operatethe engine with an unguardedengine
The equipment manufacturer may attach
a sprocketand chain or pulley and belt to
the engine shaft.If these partsare not
properlyguarded, or ifyou are notsure
whetherthey are preperlyguarded, DO
NOT use your engine; contactthe
equipmentmanufacturer. Hands, feet,
hair,jewelry, clothing,etc. can become
entangled inrotating parts, leadingto
sedousinjuryor death. To avoid serious
injuryor death, be sure the flywheel
guard is inplace. See Figure1,
on page 2.
Use onlyan approved red GASOLINE container to
storeand dispense fuel. Tecumsehrecommends
purchasinggasolineincontainerswitha capacityof
2.5 gallons or less. Small containersare easier to
handle and help eliminatespillageduring refueling.
• DO NOT pour fuel from engine or siphonfuel by
mouth. To emptyfuel tank see "1.Draining Fuel"
instructions on page 14.
Adult Supervision of Operation, Refueling
and Maintenance
• An adult shouldfuel this engine. NEVER allow
childrento refuel this engine. See "B. Filling Fuel
Tank"instructionsonpage 4.
• An adult should performmaintenance on this
engine. See "VII. Maintenance"instructionson
page 11. Only allow childrento perform
maintenance if an adulthas determined they are
experienced and capable ofsuch operation.
• An adultshould start the engine. See "G Avoid
AccidentalStarts" instructionson page 2. Only allow
children to start the engine if an adult has
determined they are experienced and capable of
such operation.
• Allow engine to cool before refueling.
181-807-14 Two-Cycle Engine • HorizontalA/ertical Crankshaft •Air-Cooled Page 1

E. Do Not Modify Engine
To avoid serious injury or death, DO NOT modify engine in
any way. Tampering with the governor setting can lead to a
runaway engine and cause it to operate at unsafe speeds.
NEVER tamper with factory setting of engine governor.
Use of thisengine on fun-carts, go-kartsor mini-bikes
could result in serious injury or death. Tecumseh
manufactures the Power Sport line of engines for use in
such applications. Consult your local Authorized
Tecumseh Servicing Dealer, call 1-800-558-5402, or go
to www.TecumsehPower.com for additional information.
F. Avoid Burns and Fire from Hot Surfaces
The mufflerand other engine parts become
extremely hotduring operationand remain
hotafter the engine has stopped.
To avoidsevere bums on contact,
NEVER operate the engine without
the mufflerguard inplace and avoid
hot areas of the engine.
To reduce the riskof fire keep allmaterials that can
burn, includinggrassand leaves, away from muffler
and rest of engine. DO NOT operate, idle or park
the engine application in long dry grass or other dry
ground cover.
G, Avoid Accidental Starts
To prevent accidental starting when working on equipment
• Disconnectsparkplug wire and keep itaway from
spark plug. See Figures 2 and 3.
• Keep the disconnected spark plug wire
securelyaway from metal parts wherearcing
Figure 1. DO NOT Use Without Flywheel Guard
Figure 2. Disconnecting/Connecting Spark Plug
• Attach the sparkplug wire to the grounding
post, if provided.
• Disconnect batteryat negative terminal first, if
engine isequipped with an electricstarter.
• Turn offall engine switches.
• Remove ignitionkey, ifprovided.
H. Use Hearing Protection
Engine noise may cause hearing damage. Always wear
hearing protection when operating an engine.
Page 2 Two-Cycle Engine • Horizontal/Vertical Crankshaft •Air-Cooled 181-807-14
Figure 3. Typical Spark Plug Connection

II. How to Get Service
For engine adjustments, repairs orwarranty service not
covered in thismanual, contactyour nearest Authorized
Tecumseh Servicing Dealer. Findthem on ourwebsite at
www.TecumsehPower.com or call Tecumseh Power
Company at 1-800-558-5402.
A. Engine Identification Decal
A sample engine identification decal (See Figure 4.)
indicates the engine'smodel number, specificationof
engine and the date of manufacture (D.O.M.). Please look
at the decal onyour engine and fill inthis informationinthe
spaces providedfor future reference.
The Engine Identification Decal includesengine life
specificationsfor the emissions-relatedusefullife periodof
yourengine. This periodrelates tothe emissioncompliance
life as certified by EPA and/or CARB. To findthe lifeperiod
specificationfor your engine, please look on your engine's
decal and findthe letter enclosed by quotationmarks
between thewords MODERATE and LIFE PERIOD. Match
one ofthe following letters with the letterprintedon your
decal. For example, TH (HSK) models are designatedas
"C" 50 hours,=B" 125 hours,=A" 300 hours.
B. Tecumseh Technician's Handbooks
If you have a general understanding of internal combustion
engines and wish to repair and service yourengine and/or
engine emission controlsystemsyourself, a Technician's
Handbook is availablefrom yourAuthorized Tecumseh
ServicingDealer. See Figure 5. This handbookcovers
repairs and adjustments not covered withinthis Operator's
Manual, and it isintended for individualswho have had
adequate training,experience and who practice propertool
usage. Service proceduresshould be clearly understood
and practicedwhen servicingTecumseh Engines. Orderas
part no. 694988 for TH (HSK) Models.
Tecumseh manufactures and is responsibleonly for the
engine used onthis power equipment.If repair orservice is
needed for anythingother than the engine, contact the
service sourcerecommended bythe equipment
II1.Oil and Fuel Specifications
A. Oil
To operate your engine you need to use a clean, high
quality,2 Cycle oil mixed with fuel at a ratioof 50:1. For
recommendedmixture ratioof fuel and oil, see Tables 1
and 2. See "A. Mixing Fuel and Oil"instructionson page4.
classifiedoilis recommended.
A 32:1 fuel mix ratio is recommended ifNMMA oil is not
available. See Table 2. See '_A.Mixing Fuel and Oil"
instructionsonpage 4.
Tecumseh syntheticand special formulatedoils are
available at your Authodzed TecumsehServicing Deale_
Contact yourAuthorized TecumsehServicing Dealer for
Toav=di_u+-_ordsatl_r_adthe_ ._s
martu_ and the equipment 0_r$
CallIIB00)5_-5402forer+_ine n_.
T}_5_NGINE _ EpA
PJEL_ 01_ SAE 30
_m:_: _ 04_15AAO001
I/_ WnlLIIkllk (0)
Figure 4. Engine Identification Label
2_:yCJ.E ENGiI_E S
Figure 5. Technician's Handbook
Table 1. Fuel Mix Chart - Mixture Ratio 50:1
U.S. S.I. Metric
Gas Oil Petrol Oil
1 Gal. 2-1/2 oz. 4 Liters 80 ml
2 Gal. 5 oz. 8 Liters 160 ml
5 Gal. 13 oz. 20 Liters 400 ml
Table 2. Fuel Mix Chart - Mixture Ratio 32:1
U.S. S.I. Metric
Gas Oil Petrol Oil
1 Gal. 4 oz. 4 Liters 125 ml
2 Gal. 8 oz. 8 Liters 250 ml
5 Gal. 20 oz. 20 Liters 625 ml
181-807-14 Two-Cycle Engine • Horizontal/Vertical Crankshaft •Air-Cooled Page 3

B. Fuel
Use unleaded regular,unleaded premium or reformulated
automotivefuel only. You may use gasolinecontainingthe
following componentsidentifiedinTable 3.
• DO NOT use leaded fuel.
• Fuel must be fresh and clean. NEVER use fuel lefl
over from last seasonor storedfor long periods.
• DO NOT use fuel containing Methanol (Wood
IV. Before Starting Your Engine
A. Mixing Fuel and Oil
_ _ NEVER storeenginewithfuel infuel
sources of ignitionsuchas hot water and space heaters,
clothesdryers, electdc motors,etc.
DO NOT mix fuel and oil directly in fuel tank.
Use of NMMA, TC-W]! or TC-W3, JASO FB or JASO FC
classified oil is recommended.
A 32:1 fuel mix ratio is recommended if NMMA oilis not
available. See Table 2.
Tecumseh synthetic and special formulated oils are
available at your Authorized Tecumseh Servicing Dealer.
Contact your Authodzed Tecumseh Servicing Dealer for
Tecumseh Oil.
1. Be sure containerisoutdoorsand in a well-ventilated
Fill approved clean red GASOLINE container with 1/4
of recommended fuel amount. See Table 3.
3. Add requiredamount of recommended oilto fuel•See
Tables 1 and 2.
4. Screw cap onto container.
5. Shake container vigorously•
6. Unscrew cap from container.
7. Fillcontainerwith remainder ofrecommended fuel. See
Tables 1 and 2.
8. Wipe away any spilledfuel or oil.
B. Filling Fuel Tank
engine• Gasoline (fuel) vapors are highlyflammable and
can explode• Fuel vapors can spread and be ignitedbya
spark or flame manyfeet away from engine•To prevent
injuryor death fromfuel fires, followthese instructions:
1. Stop engine and allow it to cool before refueling.
2. Be sure engine is outdoorsand in a well-ventilated
3. Clean area around fuel fill cap and remove fuel fill cap.
4. Remove and discard white plastic fuel tank insert, if so
equipped. See Figure 6.
tank insidea buildingwith potential
An adult shouldfuel this engine•
NEVER allow childrento refuelthis
Table 3. Recommended Fuel
Fuel Component Percentage
Ethanol 10%
Grain Alcohol ("Gasohol") 10%
MTBE (Methyl Tertiary ButylEther) 15%
ETBE (EthylTertiary ButylEther) 15%
Figure 6. Fuel Cap Insert Symbol
Front View
Bottom View
Figure 7. Possible Anti-Splash Fuel Fill Cap(s)
For recommended mixture ratios offuel and oil, see Tables
1 and 2 on page 3. See "111.Oil and Fuel Specifications"
instructions on page 3.
Usingan approved red GASOLINE container,add fuel
slowly,being carefulto avoid spilling•DO NOT overfill
fuel tank• Leave space in thetank to allowfuel to
expandwithout overflowing.
Replace anti-splashfuel fill cap securelyand wipe up
spilled fuel before starting engine. If fuel is spilledDO
NOT start engine. Move machine away from area of
spillage. Avoid creating any source of ignition until fuel
vaporsare gone.
Replace a damaged or missing gas cap only with agenuine
Tecumseh replacement anti-splash fuel fill cap. Failure to do
so may VOID YOUR WARRANTY See Figure 7.
Page 4 Two-Cycle Engine • HodzontaWertical Crankshaft • Air-Cooled 181-807-14

C. Check the Following Equipment
Be sure equipment is in neutral before attempting to start
(see equipment manufacturer's instructions).
1. Be sure ignitionswitchon engine or equipmentis in
"ON', =RUN" or"START" position,if present(see
equipment manufacturer's instructions).
Be sure airvent on fuel cap, if present (see equipment
manufacturer's instructions)is free of debris. Be sure
airvent screw,if present(see equipmentmanufacturer's
instructions)onfuel cap isopen.
V. Starting Your Engine
, An adultshould startthe engine.
an adult hasdetermined they are experienced and capable
of such operation.
manual, contact yourAuthorized Tecumseh Servicing
Dealer. To avoid serious buminjuriesor damage to your
engine, DO NOT attemptto startor troubleshootthis
engine inany other way. Forexample:
• DO NOT use startingfluid.
• DO NOT spray flammable vaporsintocarburetoror
ontoair cleaner.
Only allowchildrento startengine if
If you are unable to startthis engine
afterfollowing instructionsinthis
Figure 8. Typical Engine Symbols
• DO NOT put flammableliquids intocarburetor or
ontoair cleaner.
• DO NOT operate engine or pull on starterrope with
sparkplug removed.Fuelcan sprayfrom sparkplug
holeand ignite.
ff engine is remotely controlled, (see equipment
manufacturer's instructions)your equipmentmay have one
or more of the following engine symbols. See Figure 8.
This section contains startinginstructionsforseveral
differenttypes of engines. Inordertolocate the instructions
that apply toyour engine, firstdetermine what typeof
starteryou have. Ifyou have an electric starter see
"A. Engines with Electric Starters" instrections on page 6. If
you have a manual recoilstarter see "B. Engines with
Recoil Starters" instructionsonpage 8.
181-807-14 Two-Cycle Engine • HortzontaYVertical Crankshaft • Air-Cooled Page 5

A. Engines with Electric Starters
__ Some electric startersare equipped
_i_ with a 120VA.C. Thrae-wira power
cord and plug designed to operate on a 120V A.C.
household current. It must be properly grounded at all
times to avoid the possibility of injury or death from
electdcal shock.
a. Determine if your house wiring has a Ground Fault
Interrupted (GEl.) Three-Wire Grounded System; If
you are not sure ask a Licensed Electrician.
b. If your housewiring does not have a G.EI.
Interrupted Three-Wire Grounded System, DO NOT
c. If your house wiring is grounded and a G.F.I.Three-
Prong Wall Receptacle is not availableat the
location where your starter will be used, one must be
installed by a Licensed Electrician BEFORE USING
;, Some electdc startersare equipped
__ with a 220VA.C. Three-wire power
cord and adaptor designed to operate on a 220V A.C.
household current. It must be properly earthed at all times
to avoid the possibility of injury or death from electrical
a. Determine if yourhouse wiringhas a Residential
Current Device (R.C.D.) and a Three-Wire Earthed
System; If youare notsure ask a Licensed
b. If your house widng does not have a R.C.D.Three-
Wire Earthed System, DO NOT USE THIS
c. If your house widngis earthed and a R.C.D. Three-
Prong Wall Receptacle is not available at the
location where your starter will be used, one must be
installed by a Licensed Electrician BEFORE USING
1. To avoidcarbon monoxide poisoning, make sure
engine is outdoorsin awell-ventilated area.
__ 120V A.C.
2 3 5
1. Power Cord to Outlet
2. Switch Box
3. Starter Button
4. Schuko Plug
5. Power Cord to Switch Box on Engine
Figure 9. Electrical Applications
ff your engine is equipped with a 12V battery-opereted
electdcstarter,proceed to step 4.
When connecting power cord, always connect power cord
to switchbox on engine first;then into outlet. See Figure 9.
For European 220V A.C. Applications use an appropdate
grounded extension lead available locally.
2. Connect power cord to switchbox on engine. See
Figure 9.
3. Plug end of power cord intooutlet.
Page 6 Two-Cycle Engine • HodzontalA/edical Crankshaft • Air-Cooled 181-807-14