CONCORD DVCAM Frequently Asked Questions Manual

Concord Eye-Q DV Cam
1. Can I use my camera as a web camera?
This camera can be used as a web camera provided your computer runs on a Windows operating system and it also works with many popular video conferencing software titles. The web camera feature is not compatible with MAC computers.
2. Will the pictures be lost if the camera batteries are depleted?
Yes. This camera uses a type of memory that continually draws power from the batteries to retain the pictures in the camera's internal memory even if the camera is powered off. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the batteries are not drained and the batteries are not removed from the battery compartment in order to ensure that all the pictures that are stored in the camera are not lost.
It is strongly recommended that you transfer your images to the computer promptly via the provided USB cable before replacing the batteries if you do not plan on using your camera for an extended period of time.
Note: It is recommended that you check the battery power before a trip. Do not remove the batteries until you have transferred all images in the camera to the computer; otherwise, the pictures in the camera will be lost.
3. Does the camera support Windows 98 First Edition?
This camera supports Windows 98 Second Edition and higher operating systems. Windows 98 First Edition is not supported.
4. Is the Concord Eye-Q DV Cam Mac OS compatible?
The camera is not compatible with Mac OS.
5. Where can I purchase accessories? You can find a handy order form and instructions under the Camera support tab on our web site. If accessories were missing or defective at the time of purchase, please contact the retailer from whom you purchased the camera.