Comtech EF Data Radyne RCS11 Installation And Operation Manual

IMPORTANT NOTE: The information contained in this document supersedes all previously published information regarding this product. This manual is subject to change without prior notice.
1:1 Redundancy Switch
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number MN-RCS11 Revision 9
Errata A
Comtech EF Data Documentation Update
Changes to Chapter 4. Connection Hardware for Tables 4-3, 4-4, 4-5 Alarm Fault Cable name.
Original Manual Part Number:
Errata Number / Agile Document ID
July 9, 2010
MN-RCS11 Rev 9
Agile CO Number
Change Specifics:
This information will be incorporated into the next revision. Replace the following pages with the pages below. Pages 4-6, 4-7, 4-8 in the MN-RCS11 manual.
Errata ER-RCS11-EA9 Comtech EF Data Documentation Update
Figure 4-3 illustrates a 1:1 system using a RCS11 with the universal Interface connected to DMD20 or DMD50 Modems with 70/140 MHz option and G.703/HSSI Interfaces. Table 4-3 describes the connectio n hardware required.
Figure 4-3. RCS11 with HSSI G.703 Interface Connected to DMD20, DMD50 or DMD2050
Modems with G.703 HSSI Interfaces
Table 4-3. Connection Hardware for 70/140 MHz Option
Item No. Quantity Part Number Discription
1 1 RF/ZSC-2-175 70/140 IF Splitter 2 4 CA/3598-36 3’ BNC to BNC 75 Ohm Coaxial Cable 3 2 CA/4181 HSSI Data Cable 4 1 CA/5162 Alarm Fault Cable
MN-RCS11 – Rev. 9
Errata ER-RCS11-EA9 Comtech EF Data Documentation Update
Figure 4-4 illustrates a 1:1 system using a RCS11 with the HSSI / ASI Interface connected to DMD20 or DMD50 Modems with 70/140 MHz option utilizing the ASI DVB data Interfaces. Table 4-4 describes the connection hardware required.
Figure 4-4. RCS11 with HSSI ASI Interface Connected to DMD20, DMD50 or DMD2050
Modems with ASI/DVB Interfaces
Table 4-4. Connection Hardware
Item No. Quantity Part Number Discription
1 1 RF/ZSC-2-175 70/140 IF Splitter 2 8 CA/3598-36 3’ BNC to BNC 75 Ohm Coaxial Cable 3 1 CA/5162 Alarm Fault Cable
MN-RCS11 – Rev. 9
Errata ER-RCS11-EA9 Comtech EF Data Documentation Update
Figure 4-5 illustrates a 1:1 system using a RCS11 with the HSSI / ASI Interface connected to DMD20 Modems with HSSI Interfaces. Table 4-5 describes the connection hardware required.
Figure 4-5. RCS11 with HSSI/ASI Interface Connected to DMD20
Modems with HSSI Interfaces
Table 4-5. Connection Hardware
Item No. Quantity Part Number Discription
1 1 RF/ZSC-2-175 70/140 IF Splitter 2 4 CA/3598-36 3’ BNC to BNC 75 Ohm Coaxial Cable 3 2 CA/4181 HSSI Data Cable 4 1 CA/5162 Alarm Fault Cable
MN-RCS11 – Rev. 9
1:1 Redundancy Switch
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number MN-RCS11
Revision 9
September 29, 2009
Copyright © 2009 Comtech EF Data. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
Comtech EF Data, 2114 West 7th Street, Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA, 480.333.2200, FAX: 480.333.2161
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Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................. III
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 1–1
1.1 Description ................................................................................................................................... 1–1
1.2 Redundant Power Supplies ........................................................................................................ 1–1
1.3 Front Panel Controls .................................................................................................................. 1–1
1.4 Power-Up Defaults ...................................................................................................................... 1–2
CHAPTER 2. THEORY OF OPERATION ................................................................... 2–1
2.1 Theory of Operation ................................................................................................................... 2–1
2.2 RCS11 Operation ........................................................................................................................ 2–1
2.2.1 Operating Procedures ............................................................................................................ 2–1
2.2.2 Configuring the RCS11 (Refer to Figure 2-1) ...................................................................... 2–2
2.2.3 Manual Mode ........................................................................................................................ 2–2
2.2.4 Auto Mode ............................................................................................................................ 2–2
2.2.5 Power-Up Defaults ................................................................................................................ 2–2
2.3 RCS11 Major Assemblies ........................................................................................................... 2–2
2.3.1 Main Switch Board ............................................................................................................... 2–3
2.3.2 Front Panel Board ................................................................................................................. 2–3
2.3.3 Redundant Power Supplies ................................................................................................... 2–3
2.4 RCS11 General Operation ......................................................................................................... 2–3
2.4.1 Signals ................................................................................................................................... 2–3
2.4.2 Backup .................................................................................................................................. 2–3
Fail-Safe ................................................................................................................................ 2–4
2.4.4 Fault Relays .......................................................................................................................... 2–4
CHAPTER 3. USER INTERFACES ............................................................................. 3–1
3.1 User Interfaces ............................................................................................................................ 3–1
3.2 Front Panel Interface .................................................................................................................. 3–1
3.3 Rear Panel Interface ................................................................................................................... 3–2
3.3.1 System Installation and Connections .................................................................................... 3–2 with Universal G.703 Interface ............................................................................ 3–2
RCS11 1:1 Redundancy SwitchTable of Contents Revision 9 Table of Contents MN-RCS11 Interface with Optional Offline IF Monitor ............................................................... 3–3 Parallel Interface ................................................................................................... 3–5 – HSSI Interface with G.703 or ASI E3/T3/DS3/STS1 ......................................... 3–6 Interface .............................................................................................................. 3–7 Interface ....................................................................................................... 3–8 Interface .................................................................................................................. 3–9
CHAPTER 4. INSTALLATION .................................................................................... 4–1
4.1 Installation Requirements .......................................................................................................... 4–1
4.2 Unpacking .................................................................................................................................... 4–2
4.2.1 Test Data Sheet ..................................................................................................................... 4–2
4.3 Site Considerations ..................................................................................................................... 4–2
4.3.1 Power Sources ....................................................................................................................... 4–2
4.4 Rack Mounting ............................................................................................................................ 4–3
4.5 System Connections .................................................................................................................... 4–3
4.6 Connections ................................................................................................................................. 4–4
4.6.1 DMD15 Universal ................................................................................................................. 4–4
4.6.2 DMD20 or DMD50 Universal with G.703 IBS/IDR Interface ............................................. 4–5
4.6.3 DMD20 or DMD50 with HSSI Interface .............................................................................. 4–6
4.6.4 DMD20 or DMD50 ASI / DVB with RCS11 ASI HSSI ...................................................... 4–7
4.6.5 DMD20 HSSI ........................................................................................................................ 4–8
4.6.6 DMD20/DMD50 ETHERNET ............................................................................................. 4–9
DMD50 T3 E3 STS1........................................................................................................... 4–10
4.6.8 DM240 PIIC ASI Interface ................................................................................................. 4–11
4.6.9 DM240XR ASI Data Interface ........................................................................................... 4–12
4.6.10 DD240XR Ethernet ............................................................................................................. 4–13
4.6.11 DM240XR Ethernet ............................................................................................................ 4–14
4.6.12 DM240XR HSSI ................................................................................................................. 4–15
4.6.13 DM240XR DVB Parallel .................................................................................................... 4–16
4.6.14 DD240XR HSSI .................................................................................................................. 4–17
4.6.15 DM240XR & DD240XR .................................................................................................... 4–18
4.6.16 DMD20 (RS530) to RCS11 RS449/422 Serial Data Interface ........................................... 4–19
4.6.17 DMD20LBST (RS530) to RCS11 RS449/422 Serial Data Interface ................................. 4–20
CHAPTER 5. CONNECTOR PINOUTS ....................................................................... 5–1
5.1 RCS11 Connections .................................................................................................................... 5–1
5.2 AC Power Input/Switch .............................................................................................................. 5–1
5.3 DC Power Input/Switch .............................................................................................................. 5–1
5.4 RCS11 COMMON CONNECTIONS ....................................................................................... 5–2
RCS11 1:1 Redundancy SwitchTable of Contents Revision 9 Table of Contents MN-RCS11
5.4.1 FAULTS (J1) ........................................................................................................................ 5–2
5.4.2 REMOTE (J2) ....................................................................................................................... 5–2
5.4.3 TX B (J3) .............................................................................................................................. 5–3
5.4.4 TX OUT (J4) ......................................................................................................................... 5–3
5.4.5 TX A (J5) .............................................................................................................................. 5–3
5.4.6 GND ...................................................................................................................................... 5–3
5.5 UNIVERSAL G.703/SYNCHROUNOUS INTERFACE ........................................................ 5–3
5.5.1 SYNC DATA (J7) ................................................................................................................. 5–3
5.5.2 MODEM A & B (J7 & J11) G703/RS422 Serial Universal Interface w/SCSI connectors . 5–4
5.5.3 ESC 8K DATA (J15) ............................................................................................................ 5–6
5.5.4 ESC VOICE (J16) ................................................................................................................. 5–7
5.5.5 ESC Alarms (J17) ................................................................................................................. 5–7
5.5.6 ES/ES (J18) Universal Interface ........................................................................................... 5–8
5.5.7 G.703 Balanced (J20) ............................................................................................................ 5–8
5.5.8 SD (DDI) (J23) ..................................................................................................................... 5–9
5.5.9 DDO (J24) ............................................................................................................................. 5–9
5.5.10 IDI (J25) ................................................................................................................................ 5–9
5.5.11 RD (IDO) (J26) ..................................................................................................................... 5–9
5.6 ASI Data Interface ...................................................................................................................... 5–9
5.6.1 DATA A (J7) ........................................................................................................................ 5–9
5.6.2 ASI TERR (J10) .................................................................................................................... 5–9
5.6.3 DATA B (J11) ....................................................................................................................... 5–9
5.6.4 Alarm A (J18) ....................................................................................................................... 5–9
5.6.5 Alarm B (J19) ..................................................................................................................... 5–10
5.7 DVB Parallel Interfaces ............................................................................................................ 5–10
5.7.1 Data A & Data B DVB Parallel Interface (J7) .................................................................... 5–10 A & Data B M2P Parallel Interface (J7 & J11) ...................................................... 5–11
5.7.2 Terrestrial Data (J10) DVB Parallel Interface .................................................................... 5–12 Data (J10) M2P Data Interface ...................................................................... 5–13
5.7.3 Alarm A (J18) ..................................................................................................................... 5–14
5.7.4 Alarm B (J19) ..................................................................................................................... 5–14
5.8 DMD50 UNIVERSAL G703 T3/E3 & RS422 SERIAL INTERFACE w/SCSI .................. 5–14
5.8.1 EIA 530 (J36) ...................................................................................................................... 5–14
5.8.2 MODEM A & B (J7 & J11) Universal Interface, G703/Synchrounous Data w/SCSI
connectors ........................................................................................................................................... 5–15
5.8.3 ESC 8K DATA (J15) .......................................................................................................... 5–17
5.8.4 ESC VOICE (J16) ............................................................................................................... 5–17
5.8.5 ESC Alarms (J17) ............................................................................................................... 5–18
5.8.6 ES/ES (J18) Universal Interface ......................................................................................... 5–19
5.8.7 RXB (J30) ........................................................................................................................... 5–19
5.8.8 TERR RX (J31) ................................................................................................................... 5–19
5.8.9 RXA (J32) ........................................................................................................................... 5–19
TXB (J33) ........................................................................................................................... 5–19
5.8.11 TERR TX (J34) ................................................................................................................... 5–19
5.8.12 TXA (J35) ........................................................................................................................... 5–19
RCS11 1:1 Redundancy SwitchTable of Contents Revision 9 Table of Contents MN-RCS11
5.9 High-Speed Serial Interface (HSSI) & ASI or G703 Interface (Optional) .......................... 5–20
5.9.1 HSSI TERR DATA (J8) ..................................................................................................... 5–20
5.9.2 ASI or G703 Data Interface ................................................................................................ 5–20 ASI or G703 (J15) ................................................................................................. 5–20 TX ASI or G703 (J16) ......................................................................................... 5–20 - ASI or G703 (J17) ............................................................................................... 5–21 - ASI or G703 (J18) ............................................................................................... 5–21 RX - ASI or G703 (J19) ....................................................................................... 5–21 - ASI or G.703 (J20) .............................................................................................. 5–21
5.9.3 FAULTS (J1) ...................................................................................................................... 5–21
5.10ETHERNET & RS530 DATA INTERFACE ......................................................................... 5–22
5.10.1 EIA 530 (J10) ...................................................................................................................... 5–22
5.10.2 Ethernet Interface ................................................................................................................ 5–23 B (J27) ................................................................................................................. 5–23 DATA (J28) ......................................................................................................... 5–23 A (J29) ................................................................................................................ 5–23 (S1) ................................................................................................................. 5–23
5.11SERIAL INTERFACE ............................................................................................................. 5–23
5.11.1 TERRESTRIAL RS449/RS422 SERIAL DATA (J10) ...................................................... 5–24
5.11.2 DATA A & B (J7 & J11) .................................................................................................... 5–25
CHAPTER 6. MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................... 6–1
6.1 Basic Troubleshooting and Maintenance .................................................................................. 6–1
6.2 Basic User Checks ....................................................................................................................... 6–1
6.2.1 Checking the Fuses ............................................................................................................... 6–1
6.2.2 Checking the Cabling and Connectors .................................................................................. 6–2
6.3 Major and Minor Faults ............................................................................................................. 6–2
CHAPTER 7. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................... 7–1
7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 7–1
7.2 General ......................................................................................................................................... 7–1
7.3 Monitor and Control ................................................................................................................... 7–1
7.4 Terrestrial Interfaces .................................................................................................................. 7–1
7.5 Front Panel LED Indicators ....................................................................................................... 7–2
7.6 Front Panel Controls .................................................................................................................. 7–2
7.7 Power and Environmental .......................................................................................................... 7–2
RCS11 1:1 Redundancy SwitchTable of Contents Revision 9 Table of Contents MN-RCS11
7.8 Storage Temperature: -2 0 to 70°C, 99% Humidity, Noncondensing Physical ...................... 7–2
APPENDIX A. RCS11 DIP SWITCH CONFIGURATION ............................................. A–1
APPENDIX B. RCS11 REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS ............................................... B–1
B.1 Host Computer Remote Communications ............................................................................... B–1
B.1.1 Protocol Structure ................................................................................................................ B–1
B.1.2 Protocol Wrapper ................................................................................................................. B–2
B.1.3 Frame Description and Bus Handshaking ............................................................................ B–3
B.1.4 Global Response Operational Codes .................................................................................... B–4
B.1.5 Software Compatibility ........................................................................................................ B–5
B.1.6 RLLP Summary ................................................................................................................... B–5
B.2 Remote Port Packet Structure: ................................................................................................. B–6
APPENDIX C. TERMINAL COMMUNICATIONS ........................................................ C–1
RCS11 1:1 Redundancy SwitchTable of Contents Revision 9 Table of Contents MN-RCS11
About this Manual
This manual describes the installation and operation for the Radyne RCS11. This is a technical document intended for earth station engineers, technicians, and operators responsible for the operation and maintenance of the RCS11.
Reporting Comments or Suggestions Concerning this Manual
Comments and suggestions regarding the content and design of this manual are appreciated. To submit comments, please contact the Comtech EF Data Technical Publications department:
Conventions and References
Related Documents
The following documents are referenced in this manual:
Metric Conversion
Metric conversion information is located on the inside back cover of this manual. This information is provided to assist the operator in cross-referencing non-Metric to Metric conversions.
RCS11 1:1 Redundancy Switch Revision 9 Preface MN-RCS11
Cautions and Warnings
IMPORTANT or NOTE indicates a statement associated wi th the task
being performed or information critical for proper equipment function.
CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. CAUTION may also be used to indicate other unsafe practices or risks of property damage.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Examples of Multi-Hazard Formats
Product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.
RCS11 1:1 Redundancy Switch Revision 9 Preface MN-RCS11
Safety Compliance
EN 60950
Applicable testing is routinely performed as a condition of manufacturing on all units to ensure compliance with safety requirements of EN60950.This equipment meets the Safety of Information Technology Equipment specification as defined in EN60950.
Low Voltage Directive (LVD)
The following information is applicable for the European Low Voltage Directive (EN60950):
<HAR> Type of power cord required for use in the European Community.
International Symbols:
Symbol Definition Symbol Definition
CAUTION: Double-pole/Neutral Fusing ACHTUNG: Zweipolige bzw. Neutralleiter-Siche rung
Alternating Current
For additional symbols, refer to Cautions and Warnings, listed earlier in this Preface.
Protective Earth /
Safety Ground
Chassis Ground
RCS11 1:1 Redundancy Switch Revision 9 Preface MN-RCS11
Warranty Policy
Comtech EF Data products are warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of two years from the date of shipment. During the warranty period, Comtech EF Data will, at its option, repair or replace products that prove to be defective. Repairs are warranted for the remainder of the original two year warranty, or a 90 day extended warranty, whichever is longer.
For equipment under warranty, the owner is responsible for freight to Comtech E F Data and all related customs, taxes, tariffs, insurance, etc. Comtech EF Data is responsible for the freight charges only for return of the equipment from the factory to the owner. Comtech EF Data will return the equipment by the same method (i.e., Air, Express, Surface) as the equipment was sent to Comtech EF Data.
All equipment returned for warranty repair must have a valid RMA number issued prior to return and be marked clearly on the return packaging. Comtech EF Data strongly recommends all equipment be returned in its original packaging.
Comtech EF Data Corporation’s obligations under this warranty are limited to repair or replacement of failed parts, and the return shipment to the buyer of the repaired or replaced parts.
Limitations of Warranty
The warranty does not apply to any part of a product that has been installed, altered, repaired, or misused in any way that, in the opinion of Comtech EF Data Corporation, would affect the reliability or detracts from the performance of any part of the product, or is damaged as the result of use in a way or with equipment that had not been previously approved by Comtech EF Data Corporation.
The warranty does not apply to any product or parts thereof where the serial number or the serial number of any of its parts has been altered, defaced, or removed.
The warranty does not cover damage or loss incurred in transportation of the product.
The warranty does not cover replacement or repair necessitated by loss or damage from any cause beyond the control of Comtech EF Data Corporation, such as lightning or other natural and weather related events or wartime environments.
The warranty does not cover any labor involved in the removal and or reinstallation of warranted equipment or parts on site, or any labor required to diagnose the necessity for repair or replacement.
RCS11 1:1 Redundancy Switch Revision 9 Preface MN-RCS11
The warranty excludes any responsibility by Comtech EF Data Corporation for incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of the equipment or products, or for any inability to use them either separate from or in combination with any other equipment or products.
A fixed charge established for each product will be imposed for all equipment returned for warranty repair where Comtech EF Data Corporation cannot identify the cause of the reported failure.
Exclusive Remedies
Comtech EF Data Corporation’s warranty, as stated is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed, implied, or statutory, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The buyer shall pass on to any purchaser, lessee, or other user of Comtech EF Data Corporation’s products, the aforementioned warranty, and shall indemnify and hold harmless Comtech EF Data Corporation from any claims or liability of such purchaser, lessee, or user based upon allegations that the buyer, its agents, or employees have made additional warranties or representations as to product preference or use.
The remedies provided herein are the buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies. Comtech EF Data shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory.
RCS11 1:1 Redundancy Switch Revision 9 Preface MN-RCS11
Customer Support
Contact the Comtech EF Data Customer Support Department for:
Product support or training  Reporting comments or suggestions concerning manuals  Information on upgrading or returning a product
A Customer Support representative may be reached at:
Comtech EF Data Attention: Customer Support Department 2114 West 7th Street Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA
480.333.2200 (Main Comtech EF Data number)
480.333.4357 (Customer Support Desk)
480.333.2161 FAX
To return a Comtech EF Data product (in-warranty and out-of-warranty) for repair or replacement:
Contact the Comtech EF Data Customer Support Department. Be prepared to supply
the Customer Support representative with the model number, serial number, and a description of the problem.
Request a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number from the Comtech EF Data
Customer Support representative.
Pack the product in its original shipping carton/packaging to ensure that the product is
not damaged during shipping.
Ship the product back to Comtech EF Data. (Shipping charges should be prepaid.)
Online Customer Support
An RMA number request can be requested electronically by contacting the Customer Support Department through the online support page at
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Click on the “RMA Request Form” hyperlink, then fill out the form completely before
Send e-mail to the Customer Support Department at service @comt echefdat .
For information regarding this product’s warranty policy, refer to the Warranty Policy, p. xxii.
1.1 Description
The Radyne RCS11 1:1 Redundancy Switch provides simple backup redundancy protection for most configurations of the DMD15, DMD20, DMD50 and DMD2050 Satellite Modems as well as the DM240XR Video Modulator and DD240XR Video Demodulator. The backup functions of the RCS11 may be performed manually via the front panel or from the Terminal Mode. Refer to Figure 1-1 for an illustration of the RCS11 1:1 Redundancy Switch Front Panel, Figure 1-2 for the Interface options of the RCS11 and Figure 1-3 of a RCS11 Fucntional Block Diagram.
The RCS11 redundant 1:1 switch supports various product configurations that require different setups. The switch can support a modem, modulator or demodulator only applications.
Operating in the Automatic Mode, the RCS11 immediately places a Backup Modem online in the event of a Primary Online Modem failure. In the Manual Mode, the user may designate the selected Online Primary Modem from either the Interactive Front Panel or a remote Terminal Interface.
Figure 1-1. RCS11 1:1 Redundancy Switch Front Panel
1.2 Redundant Power Supplies
The RCS11 is equipped with two fully redundant internal power. Each power supply is fully independent of the other, including their source of AC power and fusing. The RCS11 remains fully operational as long as either power supply is providing a source of power. The power supplies are located one on either side of the front of the RCS11 Chassis.
1.3 Front Panel Controls
The Front Panel of the RCS11 provides all of the necessary controls and LED indicators to provide the operator with online status and backup status of the online and backup Modulators and deModulators.
MN-RCS11 – Revision 9 1–1
RCS11 1:1 Redundancy Switch Introduction
1.4 Power-Up Defaults
During power-up, the RCS11 initializes itself to the last mode set by the Front Panel Pushbuttons. For example, if the operator desires the RCS11 to operate in the Auto Mode, with both the Modulator and Demodulator set to Modem B, the operator places the RCS11 into this condition using the Front Panel Pushbuttons and the RCS11 stores this configuration into nonvolatile memory. If the power source was then to fail and be restored, the RCS11 would again power-up in the Auto Mode with both the Modulator and Demodulator set to Modem B.
Universal with G.703 IBS/IDR Interface w/ 70/140 IF TX (used with DMD15/20/50)
Universal with G.703 IBS/IDR Interface w/L-Band IF (used with DMD15/20/50)
ASI Interface w/ 70/140 IF TX or RX only option (used with DM240XR or DD240XR)
ASI Interface w/ L-Band IF TX or RX only options (used with DM240XR or DD240XR)
Optional ASI Interface with Offline 70/140 IF Monitor (used with DM240XR)
Optional Parallel Interface (used with DM240XR or DD240XR)
MN-RCS11 – Revision 9 1–2
RCS11 1:1 Redundancy Switch Introduction
Optional HSSI and G703 or ASI Interface used with DM240XR, DD240XR, DMD20, DMD50
Optional Ethernet Interface (used with DM240XR, DD240XR, DMD20/50)
Optional T3/E3 Interface (used with DMD50 only)
Optional RS449/RS422 Serial interface
MN-RCS11 – Revision 9 1–3
RCS11 1:1 Redundancy Switch Introduction
MN-RCS11 – Revision 9 1–4
Figure 1-3. RCS11 Functional Block Diagram
Chapter 2. Theory of Operation
2.1 Theory of Operation
2.2 RCS11 Operation
A block diagram of the signal flow is shown in Figure 2-1 below.
2.2.1 Operating Procedures
The RCS11 is designed to require minimal operator intervention and control during normal operation. After initial setup, the unit should operate in a relatively ‘transparent’ manner, providing trouble-free backup of the online Modems. The scope of this section is limited to instruction on the various modes of control available to the operator. Refer to Section 3-1 for the RCS11 Front Panel Controls and Indicators and Table 3-1 for a description of the Controls and Indicators.
MN-RCS11 – Revision 9 2–1
Figure 2-1. Functional Block Diagram
RCS11 1:1 Redundancy Switch Theory of Operation
2.2.2 Configuring the RCS11 (Refer to Figure 2-1)
The purpose of the ‘ENABLE’ pushbutton on the front panel is to reduce the risk of accidentally changing the operating modes of the RCS11 by accidentally bumping any one of the front panel pushbuttons. For any one of the front panel pushbuttons to function, the ‘ENABLE’ pushbutton must be depressed simultaneously with the desired function pushbutton. Depress the ‘ENABLE’ pushbutton. This pushbutton must be depressed to allow the operator to proceed with any other configurations. The ‘MANUAL’ LED should illuminate and the FAULT indicator may momentarily flash. Under the MOD region of the front panel, depress ‘SELECT A’ to bring Modem ‘A’ modulator online. The green LED should illuminate. Under the DEMOD region of the front panel, depress ‘SELECT A’ to bring modem ‘A’ demodulator online. The Green LED should illuminate. The RCS11 should now be in backup mode with modem ‘A’ on line.
2.2.3 Manual Mode
To manually select which MOD or DEMOD is to be placed online, simultaneousl y depress the ‘ENABLE’ pushbutton and the appropriate MOD or DEMOD ‘SELECT’ pushbutton. When a MOD or DEMOD selection is made, the RCS11 enters Manual Mode to carry out the selection, and will not respond to either modem’s MOD or DEMOD Fault signals until placed back into Auto Mode.
2.2.4 Auto Mode
To enable automatic backup in the event of a MOD or DEMOD failure, the RCS11 must be placed into the Auto Mode. First, select which MOD and DEMOD are to be active by following the ‘Manual Mode’ procedure in the previous paragraph. To enter the Auto Mode, simultaneously depress the ‘ENABLE’ pushbutton and the ‘SELECT AUTO’ pushbutton. The RCS11 will then enter into Auto Mode with the last selections made in Manual Mode. In the Auto Mode, the decision to switch from one MOD or DEMOD to another is made automatically by monitoring the Fault signals from each modem.
2.2.5 Power-Up Defaults
During power-Up, the RCS11 initializes itself to the last mode set by the operator on the front panel pushbuttons. For example, if the operator desires the RCS11 to operate in the Auto Mode, with both Mod and Demod set to Modem B, by placing the RCS11 into this condition using the front panel pushbuttons, the settings are stored into non-volatile memory. If MOD B was to fail, and the RCS11 was to backup with MOD A, the new backup setting would not be saved. If the power was to be removed and restored, the RCS11 would again power-up in AUTO MODE, with both MOD and DEMOD set to Modem B.
2.3 RCS11 Major Assemblies
The RCS11 Redundancy Control Unit contains the modules that control and monitor the operation of the 1:1 Switch system. The 1:1 Switch is composed of the following major assemblies and components:
Main Switch Board Front Panel Board Dual Redundant Power Supplies
MN-RCS11 – Revision 9 2–2
RCS11 1:1 Redundancy Switch Theory of Operation
2.3.1 Main Switch Board
The Main Switch Board contains the RCS11 1:1 Switch Intelligence and Memory Circuitry and all switching circuitry. The on-board microprocessor is an MC68HC11, which has a 16-bit address bus and an 8-bit data bus. The microprocessor controls and coordinates all of the major functions of the Switch and performs all necessary calculations. The non-volatile system memory on the board stores the switching parameter settings for ea ch modem channel. Control and data signals are routed to the appropriate devices in the system through various latches and transceivers that are controlled by the microprocessor.
2.3.2 Front Panel Board
The Front Panel Board contains the LED Indicators and the pushbutton switches needed to control and operate the RCS11. Refer to Figure 3.0 for a description of Front Panel Indicators.
2.3.3 Redundant Power Supplies
The 1:1 Switch comes equipped with two fully redundant internal power supplies (PS1 and PS2) that supplies power to the system. Each supply is fully independent of the other, including their source of AC power and fusing.
The Switch can remain fully operational as long as it is supplied with a source of voltage from either power supply. PS1 and PS2 are located one on either side at the rear of RCS11 chassis.
2.4 RCS11 General Operation
2.4.1 Signals
All necessary Modem signals are backed-up through a passive switching system. Signals that are required to maintain the modem in off-line (hot-standby) are buffered by appropriate circuitry to minimize loading on incoming signals.
2.4.2 Backup
If an online MOD fault is sensed, and the off-line MOD is in a non-faulted state, the RCS11 will switch to the MOD without the fault. The Fault Signal has a small debounce delay to prevent false triggering. If the faulted MOD has its fault cleared, it stays off-line unless the other MOD has subsequently faulted. The DEMOD faults are handled in a similar manner, but the fault signals have longer debounce delays to allow for Demodulator acquisition time.
MN-RCS11 – Revision 9 2–3
RCS11 1:1 Redundancy Switch Theory of Operation
2.4.3 Fail-Safe
If the RCS11 has a non-recoverable internal fault, the MOD and DEMOD both revert back to Modem A, the Switch Fault LED is illuminated, and the Switch Fault Relay switches to a faulted state. If Power Supply 1 and Power Supply 2 simultaneously fail, the switching circuitry in the RCS11 reverts back to Modem A, and the Switch Fault Relay switches to a faulted state. Modem B does not receive buffered signals in this condition.
2.4.4 Fault Relays
Fault Connector (J1), has Form-C contacts to indicate the state of the MOD and DEMOD selections. An additional Form-C contact is available to indicate an RCS11 Fault.
MN-RCS11 – Revision 9 2–4
Chapter 3. User Interfaces
3.1 User Interfaces
There are four user Interfaces available for the RCS11. These are:
Front Panel Remote Port Terminal
3.2 Front Panel Interface
Table 3-1. RCS11 Front Panel Controls and Indicators
Nomenclature Description Function
Power 1 Indicates PS1 has
Power 2 Indicates PS2 has Fault Indicates a Switch
Auto (LED) Indicates RCS11 is in Manual (LED) Indicates the RSC11
ENABLE (Pushbutton) ------------------- Enables Front Panel
SELECT AUTO (Pushbutton)
Demodulator Controls and Indicators
Online LED Indicates which
Fault LED The RCS11 has
LED illuminates Green
power applied
power applied Fault has occurred
the Auto Mode is in the Manual Mode
------------------- Allows the operator to
Demodulator is online: A or B
received a Demodulator fault
for Power Available LED illuminates Green
for Power Available LED illuminates Red for
Switch Fault LED illuminates Green
for Auto Mode LED illuminates Green
for Manual Mode
controls to function
select Automatic Mode of operation
LED illuminates green for Online
LED illuminates Red for Fault
MN-RCS11 – Revision 9 3–1
RCS11 1:1 Redundancy Switch User Interfaces
from Modem A or B
SELECT Demod A or B (Pushbutton)
Online LED Indicates which
Fault LED The RCS11 has
SELECT Mod A or B (Pushbutton)
-------------------- Allows the operator to
Modulator Controls and Indicators
Modulator is online: A or B
received a fault from Modulator A or B
---------------------- Allows the operator to
3.3 Rear Panel Interface
3.3.1 System Installation and Connections RCS11 with Universal G.703 Interface
Figure 3-1 illustrates the RCS11 with the Universal G.703 Interface available with either AC or DC power entry and 70/140 or L-Band Intermediate Frequency. Table 3-1 describes the connect ion hardware required.
select a Demodulator: A or B
LED illuminates green for Online
LED illuminates Red for Fault
select a Modulator: A or B
Figure 3-1. RCS11 with the Universal G.703 Interface
MN-RCS11 – Revision 9 3–2
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