IMPORTANT NOTE: The information contained in this document supersedes all previously
published information regarding this product. This m anual is sub ject to c hange without prior no tice.
Comtech EF Data, 2114 West 7th Street, Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA, 480.333.2200, FA X: 480.333.2161
Errata A
Comtech EF Data Documentation Update
High-Speed Digital Modulator
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number MN-DM240XR
Appendix D: Update AutoEQ PIIC Interface Theory of Operation
Revision 12
Original Manual Part
Errata Number/
PLM Document ID:
PLM CO Number:
Per PLM System
MN-DM240XR Rev 12
CO C-0022022
Replace Appendix D with these pages.
This information will be incorporated into the next revision of the
Errata Page 2 of 2
This page is intentionally blank.
Appendix D. AutoEQ™ Interface
D.1 Introduction
Appendix C outlines the operation and configuration of the AutoEQ™ PIIC Interface. The
AutoEQ™ Interface is used in conjunction with the DM240XR.
D.2 Applicable Documents
The following documents can be used for reference in aligning and troubleshooting the AutoEQ
system. Insure that the document revision is the same as the hardware revision of the assembly.
• AN208: DM240XR Firmware Upgrade Procedure
Operation Guide
MN-DM240XR– Revision 12 D–1
DM240XR High-Speed Digital Modulator AutoEQ™ Interface Operation Guide
D.3 AutoEQ™ PIIC Interface Theory of Operation
AutoEQ™ PIIC Interface allows the ability to compensate for the overall system Group Delay
and Amplitude Equalization over the satellite by pre-distorting the Uplink Carrier, eliminating the
need for external Group Delay/Amplitude Equalizers. AutoEQ™ will automatically generate the
proprietary profile for the DM240XR to pre-distort the modulator, resulting in Amplitude and
Group Delay equalization over the Satellite Link.
Figure 1. Auto EQ PIIC Card Usage
MN-DM240XR– Revision 12 D–2
DM240XR High-Speed Digital Modulator AutoEQ™ Interface Operation Guide
AutoEQ™ supports SCPC equalization of Group Delay and Amplitude over the satellite system.
When installed into the PIIC slot of the DM240XR (with Firmware Revision FO5377-J or
higher), the AutoEQ™ Calibration menu will be displayed allowing for selection and monitoring
of the AutoEQ™ functions. The AutoEQ™ will operate over the full transponder from a symbol
rate of 10.1 Msps to 45 Msps.
Note, the 45 Msps AutoEQ™ requires a different PIIC card (PLR5972) than the original PIIC
card (PLR5808) operating to 38 Msps. The new AutoEQ™ card supersedes and replaces the
original one and both are supported by revision N or later firmware.
When the AutoEQ™ Calibration mode is selected, the DM240XR will disable the existing
programmed modulated outbound signal, and replace it with the AutoEQ™ calibration signal at
the same Symbol Rate, Roll off, and Transmit frequency as programmed into the DM240XR.
This signal is transmitted to the satellite, and received (Satellite Loop-Back) by the DM240XR
AutoEQ™ input at the L-Band downlink frequency. The AutoEQ™ calibration mode will
demodulate the received signal, and automatically calculate the required pre-distortion parameters
for the Satellite Link.
This information is read by the DM240XR modulator where the new pre-distort values are
programmed into the outbound carrier, resulting with the required pre-distortion of the TX output.
Upon successful completion of the calibration cycles, the DM240XR will automatically return to
the programmed outbound signal (such as DVB-S2) with the proper pre-distortion for the satellite
loop per the selected symbol rate, roll off and transponder frequency. If any parameters are
changed affecting Symbol Rate or Roll off, AutoEQ™ must be re-calibrated to the new
parameters. At any time, AutoEQ™ can be enabled or disabled.
The DM240XR is capable of retaining 32 AutoEQ™ satellite loop pre-distortion values, which
can be useful for systems requiring relocation to different transponders or Satellites. Once the
applicable transponder is calibrated, the calibration information can be stored in memory for use
now or in the future. All storage locations can be renamed by the user to correspond with the
identification of the transponder, and recalled for operational use.
Figure 2 AutoEQ™ Satellite Loopback
MN-DM240XR– Revision 12 D–3
DM240XR High-Speed Digital Modulator AutoEQ™ Interface Operation Guide
D.4 AutoEQ™ Menu Options and Parameters
These Menu options are only available when the DM240XR is configured for AutoEQ™
operation. Refer to Figure 3 for the AutoEQ™ portion of the DM240XR Menu Tree. The
DM240XR must have software Version FO5377-J or higher to operate the AutoEQ™ PIIC
Interface Card. These Menu options are also available on the Ethernet Web browser (J6), the
RS232 (J1) terminal port, and the Remote Port (J4) of the DM240XR. Refer to the DM240XR
Manual for all Modulator related options and Parameters.
Figure 3 AutoEQ™ Menu Tree
MN-DM240XR– Revision 12 D–4
DM240XR High-Speed Digital Modulator AutoEQ™ Interface Operation Guide
EQ ENABLE: {Enable, Disable}
Allows the DM240XR Modulator to implement the AutoEQ™
coefficient values as specified by the EQ Select.
EQ SELECT: {None, User Specified Name}
Allows the DM240XR Modulator to select the stored AutoEQ™
coefficient file to be implemented. Up to 32 User Nameable
storage locations are available.
RXIF: {950 – 2050 MHz}
Sets the receive input center frequency for the AutoEQ™
Interface Card. This programmed frequency must be within +
kHz of the actual desired system downlink center frequency to
insure proper acquisition.
MSE: {Value}
Displays the Mean Squared Error (MSE) value of the equalizer.
A value of 1 E-5 or less indicates a successful calibration run
with acceptable coefficients for operation over the satellite.
EQ CAL: {Normal, Calibrating, Ref ACQ}
Allows the DM240XR Modulator to select the AutoEQ™
interface mode of operation.
Normal: When in this state, the AutoEQ™ is in monitoring
mode, with no Calibration or Reference Acquisition functions
being preformed.
Calibrating: When in this state, the AutoEQ™ will program the
DM240XR modulated output for the AutoEQ™ calibration
signal. The calibration output bandwidth is set by the symbol
rate currently programmed into the DM240XR Modulator.
During calibration, the AutoEQ™ will compute the coefficient
values required to successful equalize the group delay and
amplitude of the satellite link over the programmed symbol rate.
During this process, the MSE can be monitored reflecting the
calibration process. Upon successful completion of the
calibration, the EQ CAL will revert to the “Normal” state, and
the event log of the DM240XR will reflect “AutoEQ™ CAL
MN-DM240XR– Revision 12 D–5
DM240XR High-Speed Digital Modulator AutoEQ™ Interface Operation Guide
(EQ CAL: Cont)
REF ACQ: Although default reference files are provided, the
operator may wish to acquire the best possible reference from
their modulator. A mechanism to accomplish this is allowed by
REF ACQ, this overwrites the stored default and replaces it with
a new reference. Prior to entering this state, the L-Band output
of the DM240XR (J11) must be connected to the AutoEQ™
RXRF Input (J12). The DM240XR Output power should be set
to -20 dBm, and a 20 dB in line attenuator should be used. The
Modulator output frequency should be set to set to the
corresponding AutoEQ™ RXRF Input Frequency. When
properly connected and in this state, the AutoEQ™ will program
the DM240XR modulated output for the AutoEQ™ calibration
signal. The calibration output bandwidth is set by the symbol
rate currently programmed into the DM240XR Modulator.
During reference calibration, the AutoEQ™ will obtain receive
lock and establish the baseline coefficients for internal reference.
References are captured for each modulator roll-off and
oversample rate. During this process, the MSE can be monitored
reflecting the Reference Acquisition process. Upon successful
completion of the Reference Acquisition, the REF ACQ will
revert to the “Normal” state, and the event log of the DM240XR
will reflect “REF ACQ SUCCESSFUL”.
RESTORE EQ CAL: {Filename}
Allows the selected Calibration coefficient file to be Restored.
EQ RENAME: {Filename}
Allows the Calibration coefficient file to be renamed using
Alpha-numeric characters.
EQ DELETE: {Filename}
Allows the selected Calibration coefficient file to be deleted.
EQ RECEIVER: {Local, Remote}
Allows selection of Local or Remote Equalization.
MN-DM240XR– Revision 12 D–6
DM240XR High-Speed Digital Modulator AutoEQ™ Interface Operation Guide
D.5 AutoEQ™ Back Channel Menu Options and Parameters
These Menu options are only available when the DM240XR is configured for AutoEQ™
operation. Refer to Figure 4 for the back channel portion of the DM240XR Menu Tree. The
DM240XR must have software Version FO5377-J or higher to operate the AutoEQ™ PIIC
Interface Card. These Menu options are also available on the Ethernet Web browser (J6), the
RS232 (J1) terminal port, and the Remote Port (J4) of the DM240XR. Refer to the DM240XR
Manual for all Modulator related options and Parameters.
Figure 4. AutoEQ™ Back Channel Menu Tree
MN-DM240XR– Revision 12 D–7
DM240XR High-Speed Digital Modulator AutoEQ™ Interface Operation Guide
D.6 AutoEQ Backchannel Setup
To support remote equalization with the AutoEQ system, the equalization data is
transported over TCP/IP using a backchannel protocol. Before setting up the
backchannel, perform the TCP/IP Ethernet setup as outlined in the TCP/IP Ethernet Setup
section of the user manual. This document is to be used only as a guideline for setting up
the backchannel menus. Contact the Network administrator for proper guidance and
support to ensure setup is successful.
Backchannel Configuration
Using the Front Panel display and arrow keys, scroll thru the System menu until the
Backchannel sub menu is displayed. Both the local unit (the Modulator) and the remote
unit (with the AutoEQ card installed) require the proper configuration with the correct
network settings.
Refer to Figure 4.
Note: The router/gateway/firewall system must be configured to allow these ports to
pass on each communication end. Contact your Network Administrator for allowable
port numbers and to open up the ports on the firewall if necessary.
Enter into the Backchannel menu and the following sub menus will appear, however the
order may vary.
The local port number must be set to the same value at
both the local and remote sites.
The server port number must be set to the same value at
both the local and remote sites.
Note: The local port and server port values must be different from the local and remote
SERVER IP ADDR: {XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX} Hexidecimal Address
{ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd} Decimal Address
On the local unit, this should have the value of the
remote unit’s IP address.
Note: If the remote IP address is not publicly accessible then its translated NAT
(Network Address Translation) needs to be applied.
This value is factory set, and should only be adjusted as directed by your Network
administrator or Radyne Customer Service.
This value is factory set, and should only be adjusted as directed by your Network
administrator or Radyne Customer Service.
MN-DM240XR– Revision 12 D–8
DM240XR High-Speed Digital Modulator AutoEQ™ Interface Operation Guide
Figure 5. AutoEQ™ Backchannel Setup
Back Channel Test
The "BACK CHAN TEST" does the following:
1. Establishes a connection with the back channel server as defined under the
2. Issues a ping to the back channel server.
3. Sends a message to and validates the reply from the back channel server application
running on the back channel server.
4. If passes, no additional; events will appear in the event log.
5. If fails, logs one of the following events on the local side event log:
6. If fails, may log one of the following events on the server side event log:
Ethernet Test
Verify Local Router:
On the local unit, using the Front Panel display and arrow keys, scroll thru the Monitor
menu and clear the Event Log.
Now scroll thru the Test menu and Ping Test the TCP/IP ROUTER. If the event LED on
the front panel does not light, communications between the modem and its router was
Verify Remote Router:
Perform the same test on the remote unit as detailed under Verify Local Router.
Verify Local to Remote Connection:
On the local unit, using the Front Panel display and arrow keys, scroll thru the Monitor
menu and clear the Event Log.
Now scroll thru the Test menu and Ping Test the BK CHAN SERVER. If the event LED
on the front panel does not light, communications between the local modem and the
remote modem was successful.
MN-DM240XR– Revision 12 D–9
DM240XR High-Speed Digital Modulator AutoEQ™ Interface Operation Guide
D.7 AutoEQ™ Operation Procedure
The following sequence must be followed in order to perform the initial AutoEQ™ Calibration.
The sequence is identified into three (3) individual sections: 1) Reference Acquisition
Calibration (REF ACQ) - optional, 2) Equalizer Calibration (CALIBRATING), and 3) Equalizer
Modes (NORMAL). These three menu selections are selectable under EQ CAL.
All DM240XR Faults and Alarms must be cleared prior to any AutoEQ™
Calibration process. If Data is not present on the DM240XR Data interface
causing a data Alarm, Advanced ASI may be selected for the AutoEQ™
Calibration (Advanced ASI inserts Null Packets into the Data Stream).
This Section will establish the calibration reference for the AutoEQ™ Interface Card. This
optional step may be preformed prior to Equalizer Calibration. This step is optional as
default reference(s) are already loaded into the system. This operation will replace the
default reference(s) with the actual references measured during the calibration cycle. The
modulator must be programmed for an L-Band frequency and the AutoEQ
Frequency programmed to match.
1. Install the AutoEQ™ PIIC Interface into one of the available PIIC Slots on the DM240XR.
2. Verify that the DM240XR revision is FO5377-K or greater.
3. Insure that there is a Flash Card installed in the Flash Card slot on the DM240XR.
4. Using the Front Panel menu, set the DM240XR Modulator Data Rate, Modulation type, Roll
off, and remaining Modulator parameters to the required system settings.
5. Using the Front Panel menu, scroll to “RXIF” located under the EQUALIZER menu and set
the AutoEQ “RXIF”.
For best results it is suggested that the RXIF frequency used to acquire the
reference be the actual frequency used to perform the equalization calibration.
6. Using the Front Panel menu, set the DM240XR Transmit Frequency (L-Band) to match the
programmed AutoEQ RXIF Frequency.
7. Using the Front Panel menu, set the DM240XR TX Output Power to -10 dBm.
8. Connect the DM240XR L-BAND Output (J11) through a 20 dB attenuator then to the AutoEQ
Interface RXRF Input (J12) using a suitable L-Band Cable.
MN-DM240XR– Revision 12 D–10
DM240XR High-Speed Digital Modulator AutoEQ™ Interface Operation Guide
Figure 6. AutoEQ™ Ref Acq Set-up
For best results place the attenuator pad as close to the AutoEQ port (J12) as
9. Clear the events of the modulator by scrolling to <MONITOR> then down and over to <PRESS
CLEAR TO ERASE EVENTS> and press clear. Verify that the Event LED is now off.
10. Using the Front Panel menu, scroll to “EQ CALIBRATION” and set to “REF ACQ”
a. After a successful calibration the event log will display “REF ACQ SUCCESSFUL” upon
completion of this step. When the REF ACQ is complete, the “EQ CALIBRATION” will
revert to “NORMAL”.
11. Remove the interconnect cable installed in Step 8 above.
12. Verify through the event log that the system successfully calibrated the reference.
D.9 Equalizer Calibration
For best AutoEQ equalization calibration it is recommended that the amplifier be
run in its linear range and not saturated.
The AutoEQ™ RXRF Acquisition range is +
programmable. To insure proper operation, the actual center frequency of the carrier should be
accurately measured with this measured value programmed into the AutoEQ™. This can be
accomplished by generation a CW (Carrier Wave) frequency with the modulator, and measuring
the downlink L-Band frequency with an accurate frequency counter or spectrum analyzer.
1. Reprogram the DM240XR Modulator output frequency to the proper operating frequency of
the Uplink system (if it was reprogrammed for Section 4.1 above) and the output power to the
system operating level. Connect the DM240XR Modulator output to the Uplink system.
Enable the modulator and adjust all uplink parameters as required for proper uplink
25 kHz from the programmed frequency and is not
2. Measure the center frequency of the down converted modulated signal. Using the front panel
Menu, reprogram the AutoEQ™ to the center frequency of the down converted signal. The
AutoEQ™ programmed frequency must be within +
MN-DM240XR– Revision 12 D–11
25 kHz of the measured frequency in
DM240XR High-Speed Digital Modulator AutoEQ™ Interface Operation Guide
order to assure proper acquisition of the downlink signal. Connect the AutoEQ™ Input (J12)
to the earth Station L-Band Downlink System. The desired downlink carrier should be
typically between the range of -45 to -20 dBm.
3. Clear the events of the modulator by scrolling to <MONITOR> then down and over to
<PRESS CLEAR TO ERASE EVENTS> and press clear. Verify that the Event LED is now
4. Using the Front Panel menu, scroll to “EQ CAL” and set it to “CALIBRATING”. This will
start the AutoEQ™ Calibration for the Satellite Link.
a. After each data acquisition and processing cycle the MSE display will be updated. A normal
calibration cycle will take 60 to 90 seconds, and system typically performs two or three of
these cycles.
b. During this calibration, the MSE can be monitored showing the progress of the cycle. A
value of 1 E-5 or less will reflect a success full completion of this step. Additionally, event
light will come on, and the event log will display “EQ CAL SUCCESSFUL” upon
completion of this step. When the EQ CAL is complete, the “EQ CAL” will revert to
“NORMAL” and the AutoEQ file will be named “UNTITLED”.
The AutoEQ calibration must be saved or powering down of the system will lose
the calibration.
5. To change the name of the “UNTITLED” file, using the Front Panel menu, scroll to EQ
RENAME, Press ENTER, use the Up/DN Arrows on the Keyboard to change the name, and press
ENTER to save the new name for the file.
6. Using the Front Panel menu, scroll to “SAVE EQ CAL”, and press ENTER to save the file.
D.10 Equalizer Modes
The AutoEQ feature must be enabled on the DM240XR, and section 4.2 Equalizer Calibration
must be performed prior to this section.
Disable Mode
MN-DM240XR– Revision 12 D–12
DM240XR High-Speed Digital Modulator AutoEQ™ Interface Operation Guide
To disable a programmed Equalizer Setting, use the Front Panel and scroll to “EQUALIZER”,
press the Enter” key, change the selection to “DISABLE”, and press the Enter key. This will
disable the Equalizer, and allow for normal operation of the DM240XR.
Enable Mode
To enable the equalizer, use the front panel and scroll to “EQ SELECT” and press the Enter key.
Using the Up/Dn keys, scroll to the desired saved equalizer file, and press the Enter key to select
the file. Scroll back to Equalizer, press the Enter key, and using the Up/Dn keys, scroll to
“ENABLE” and press the Enter key. This will enter the selected equalizer file parameters into
the DM240XR Modulator and initiate AutoEQ™ equalization.
D.11 AutoEQ™ Remote Operation
To operate the AutoEQ™ system in remote, perform the following setup steps.
1. The TCP/IP Ethernet Setup described in the operator manual
2. The Backchannel Setup as described in Section 4.0
3. Select REMOTE under the EQ RECEIVER Submenu
4. Perform the Operations as described in Section 5.0 for equalization
Figure 7. Remote AutoEQ™ Site Equalization
MN-DM240XR– Revision 12 D–13
DM240XR High-Speed Digital Modulator AutoEQ™ Interface Operation Guide
D.12 Additional Features
D.12.1 AutoEQ™ Status Indicator
The LED on the back of the AutoEQ™ interface card can provide additional status for the
operation of the AutoEQ™ system.
Short Blink Green Heartbeat, board ready for operation.
Solid Green AutoEQ™ test pattern lock.
Solid Yellow AutoEQ™ data being accessed.
Blink Red AutoEQ™ test pattern unlocked. Signal error.
D.12.2 LNB Power Connector
On the back of the AutoEQ™ interface card is the connector J13 that can be used to insert LNB
power to the J12 SMA connector to feed DC to the LNB.
Mating Connector: PP3-002A 5.5mm x 2.1mm x 9.5mm In-Line DC Power Plug.
MN-DM240XR– Revision 12 D–14
Errata B
Comtech EF Data Documentation Update
Revise Chapter 7. Technical Specifications – Update DM240XR IF Frequency
Date :
Per PLM System
Original Manual
Part Number/Rev:
MN-DM240XR Rev 12
Errata Number/
PLM Document
PLM CO Number:
The information provided in this erratum will be incorporated into the next
formal revision of the manual.
Revise Sect. 7.2 IF Specification / Frequency Stability (page 7-1):
Errata C for MN-DM240XR Rev 12
Errata C
Comtech EF Data Documentation Update
Revise Chapter 9. Rem ote Operations – Add Auto EQ data
Date :
Original Manual
Part Number/Rev:
Errata Number
PLM Document
PL M CO Number:
Comments: The informat ion
Per PLM System
MN-DM240XR Rev 12
formal revision of the manual.
See attached pages for Chapter 9.
rovided in this erratum will be inc or por ated into the next
Errata C for MN-DM240XR Rev 12
Blank Page
DM240XR High-Speed Digital Modulator Remote Operations
<1> Reserved TBD, Default = 0
<11> Reserved TBD
<1> Reserved TBD
<1> Major Alarm
Bit 0 = Spar
Bit 1 = Transmit Oversample PLL Lock
Bit 2 = FPGA Config Error
Bit 3 = IF Synthesizer PLL Lock
Bit 4 = External Reference PLL Lock
Bit 5 = Composite (SCT) PLL Lock
Bit 6 = Symbol PLL Lock
Bit 7 = Spare
0 = Mask, 1 = Allow
<1> Minor Alarm
Bit 0 = Terrestrial Ethernet data activity detect
Bit 1 = Loss Terrestrial Clock
Bit 2 = Loss Terrestrial Data
Bit 3 = FIFO Error
Bit 4 = Output Level
Bit 5 = Terrestrial Framing Error
Bit 6 = Terr Ethernet jitter buffer underflow
Bit 7 = Terr Ethernet jitter buffer overflow
0 = Mask, 1 = Allow
<1> Common Fault
Bit 0 = -12 V Alar
Bit 1 = +12 V Alarm
Bit 2 = +5 V Alarm
Bit 3 = Spare
Bit 4 = Spare
Bit 5 = Spare
Bit 6 = Spare
Bit 7 = Spare
0 = Mask, 1 = Allow
<1> Reserved TBD, Default = 0
<4> Symbol Rate Symbol Rate in Symbols Per Secon
<1> Terrestrial
<1> Roll Off 0 = 0.35, 25 = 0.25, 1 = 0.20
<1> Reserved TBD
<1> Output Clock
DM240XR High-Speed Digital Modulator Remote Operations
<1> BB Scrambler
0 = Normal, 1 = Bypass
<1> Outer FEC
0 = Normal, 1 = Bypass
<1> Test Pattern 0 = None, 1 = 2
<1> Last Rate
0 = Symbol Rate, 1 = Data Rate, 2 = Auto
<1> Interleaver
0 = Bypass, 1 = Normal
<1> PCR
0 = Off, 1= O
<1> Multi-PIIC
1 = Manual,
2 = Redundancy
<1> Redundancy
0 = Force Prime,
1 = Force Backup,
2 = Manual Revert,
3 = Auto-Revert
<1> Prime PIIC Slot 1 – 3
1, 23 = 223-1
<1> Backup PIIC
1 – 3
<1> Pilot Symbols 0 = Off, 1= O
<1> Inner FEC
0 = Normal, 1 = Bypass
<1> PL Scrambler
0 = Normal, 1 = Bypass
<1> Reserved Set to 0
<1> Reserved Set to 1
<2> Reserved Set to 0
<4> Gold Code Seq
0 to 262142
<1> Sat Framing 3=DVB-S, 5=DTV, 10=DVB-S2 Normal, 15=DVB-S2 Short
<1> Auto EQ
0=Off, 1=O
<9> Auto EQ Filter
Coef Name
8-character NULL terminated string, this is the filter’s name
as shown on the front panel (identical to the filter’s base
fil e name, th e ex tension is ass umed to be “ AE Q”)
<1> Reserved
<1> Reserved
MN-DM240XR– Revision 12 9–6
Status Bytes
DM240XR High-Speed Digital Modulator Remote Operations
<1> Redundancy
0 = Force Prime,
1 = Force Backup,
2 = Manual Revert,
<1> P ilot Symbols 0 = Off, 1= O
<1> Inner FEC
0 = Normal, 1 = Bypass
<1> PL Scrambler
0 = Normal, 1 = Bypass
<1> Reserved Set to 0
<1> Reserved Set to 1
<2> Reserved Set to 0
<4> Gold Code Seq
0 to 262142
<1> Sat Framing 3=DVB-S, 5=DTV, 10=DVB-S2 Normal, 15=DVB-S2 Short
<1> Auto EQ
0=Off, 1=O
<9> Auto EQ Filter
Coef Name
8-character NULL terminated string, this is the filter’s name
as shown on the front panel (identical to the filter’s base
fil e name, th e ex tension is ass umed to be “ AE Q”)
DM240XR Clock Source Selection Matrix
Interface T ype InClk SourceOutClk Source
RS-422 Serial SCT or SCT
SCT Only
G.703 (E3, T3, STS-1) SCT E OnlySCT , SCTE, or None
SCT Only
OC3 SCTE OnlyNone
STM-1 SCTE OnlyNone
ASI, Advanced ASI SCTE OnlyNone
M2P Parallel SCT or SCT
SCT Only
DVB Parallel SCTE OnlySCT Only
MN-DM240XR– Revision 12 9–19
DM240XR High-Speed Digital Modulator Remote Operations
When changing Data Rate, Symbol Rate, Inner FEC Rate, Modulation Type,
or Terrestrial Framing using the Mod All Command, the Data Rate and
Symbol R ate p aramet er must be ra nge checked us ing the fo llo wi ng formu la s
to ensur e t hey d o no t exceed t he max l i mi t s :
Symbol Rate = (Data Rate * Over head)/(Code Rate * Modulation)
Data Rate = (Symbol Rate * Code Rate * Mod ulat ion)/Overhead
Maximum Symbol Rate 68 Msps.
Maximum Data Rate 238 Mbps with high-speed interface card.
Overhead 204/188 for 188 byte
204/204 for 204 byte
204/187 for none