Comtech EF Data CLO-10 User Manual

Link Optimizer
Installation and Operation Manual
For Firmware Version 1.2.1 or higher
(see New in this Release - Section 1.7)
Revision 1
IMPORTANT NOTE: The information contained in this document supersedes all previously published information regarding this product. Product specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

Errata A

Comtech EF Data Documentation Update
Subject: Date: Original Manual : Part Number/Rev: Agile Document ID:
Changes to Appendix A. REDUNDANT SYSTEM OPERATION June 26, 2008 MN/CLO-10.IOM Rev 1 ER-MN-CL
Agile CO Number:
Change Specifics:
This information will be incorporated into the next revision. Update Figures A-8 and A-9 in Appendix A. REDUNDANT SYSTEM OPERATION per redlines attached
on following pages. Action: Replace pages A-9 through A-12 in manual with pages A-9 through A-12 provided in this Errata
to facilitate update.
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CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Redundant System Operation MN/CLO-10.IOM
Figure A-8 shows the functional block diagram of Bridge Mode. In this example, Traffic Unit #2
is being bridged and, as the figure shows, the only energized “baseball” switches are on Traffic Unit #2.
A.4.2 Backup Mode Operation
Backup Mode is similar to Bridge Mode, with an added function: In Backup Mode, the Redundant Unit completely replaces the Traffic Unit. More specifically, the Redundant Unit will now be online, and the failed Traffic Unit will go offline. The output IF signal directed to the demodulator is subsequently taken from the Redundant Unit.
Figure A-9 shows the functional block diagram of Backup Mode. In this example, Traffic Unit #2
is being backed up and, as the figure shows, all of the “baseball” switches are energized on the IOSM on Traffic Unit #2.
Backup Mode can be done manually or automatically. In automatic mode, the Redundant Unit will monitor all of the Traffic Units continuously. When a fault is detected on any of these active Traffic Units, the Redundant Unit will first bridge the faulted unit, then back it up. When a faulted Traffic Unit needs to be replaced, its IOSM can be separated from the Traffic Unit chassis, leaving the active online Redundant Unit HSB Daisy Chain intact through the IOSM switch module. The chain can be extended without affecting the online unit’s operation.
CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Redundant System Operation MN/CLO-10.IOM
Figure A-8. CLO-10 Daisy Chain Redundancy – Bridge Mode
CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Redundant System Operation MN/CLO-10.IOM
Figure A-9. CLO-10 Daisy Chain Configuration – Backup Mode
CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Redundant System Operation MN/CLO-10.IOM
A.5 Cables and Connections
Once the CLO-10s and the accompanying equipment have been mounted, the user must properly
attach all required cabling. Referring to Figure A-10 and Figure A-11, interconnection between
all equipment in the Daisy Chain Redundancy System is accomplished as follows:
Connect Redundancy and Traffic Unit(s) using the High Speed Bus Cable, fabricated and
supplied by CEFD. This cable connects to the DB-25F J2 Redundancy connector on each unit, and consists of as few as (2X) DB-25M connectors (for the CEFD P/N
CA/RB0014-1-U2 1:1 Cable, shown in Figure A-10) to as many as (13X) connectors (for the CEFD P/N CA/RB0014-12-U2 1:12 Cable, shown in Figure A-11). There will be only as many DB-25M connectors as is required for the specific 1:N Redundancy system.
Using CEFD-supplied BNC patch cable CA/BNC75OHM, first connect the inputs and
outputs between the Redundant Unit and Traffic Unit #1; then, connect the inputs and outputs between each Traffic Unit subsequent in the redundancy chain.
The unit’s assignment number must match that of the numbered DB-25 connector on the High Speed Bus cable (CEFD P/N CA/RB0014-XX-U2).
For the interfaces between the CLO-10, modem, and the up and down converters, use
standard off-the-shelf 75Ω BNC male-to-BNC male patch cables, supplied by the user.
As an alternative to using off-the-shelf patch cables, the user may purchase IF Cable
PL/0813-4 (75Ω BNC male-to-BNC male, 4’) from Comtech EF Data; this cable can be
ordered at the same time the order is placed for the CLO-10 Daisy Chain Redundancy System.
A.5.1 75 Load in Redundant Unit
As shown in Figure A-10 and Figure A-11, a 75 load (CEFD P/N CN/CXLBNCTM01) must
be installed in the J5 (“To U/C”) port on the Redundant Unit’s IOM. This load is needed to terminate the splitter on the IOM.
Link Optimizer
Installation and Operation Manual
For Firmware Version 1.2.1 or higher
(see New in this Release - Section 1.7)
Revision 1
June 18, 2008
Copyright © 2008 Comtech EF Data. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
Comtech EF Data, 2114 West 7th Street, Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA, 480.333.2200, FAX: 480.333.2161
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CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Table of Contents MN/CLO-10.IOM

Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. III
TABLES ....................................................................................................................... VIII
FIGURES ....................................................................................................................... IX
PREFACE ...................................................................................................................... XI
Customer Support ........................................................................................................................ xi
About this Manual ...................................................................................................................... xii
Reporting Comments or Suggestions Concerning this Manual ................................................ xii
Conventions and References ...................................................................................................... xii
Cautions and Warnings ............................................................................................................. xii
Metric Conversion .................................................................................................................... xii
Recommended Standard Designations ..................................................................................... xii
Trademarks .............................................................................................................................. xiii
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Compliance .............................................................. xiii
EN55022 - 1997 Compliance ................................................................................................... xiii
EN50082-1 Compliance ........................................................................................................... xiii
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ......................................................................... xiii
Safety Compliance ..................................................................................................................... xiv
EN 60950 ................................................................................................................................. xiv
Low Voltage Directive (LVD) ................................................................................................. xiv
Warranty Policy .......................................................................................................................... xv
Limitations of Warranty ............................................................................................................ xv
Exclusive Remedies ................................................................................................................. xvi
CHAPTER 1.INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 1–1
1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 1–1
1.2 Features .......................................................................................................................... 1–2
1.2.1DoubleTalk™ Carrier-in-Carrier® .............................................................................. 1–2
1.2.2Software – Flash Upgrading ....................................................................................... 1–2
1.2.3Verification ................................................................................................................. 1–2
1.2.4Remote Control ........................................................................................................... 1–3
CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Table of Contents MN/CLO-10.IOM
1.3 Description of CLO-10 Features.................................................................................. 1–3
1.3.1Front Panel .................................................................................................................. 1–3
1.3.2Rear Panel ................................................................................................................... 1–3
1.4 Major Assemblies .......................................................................................................... 1–3
1.5 FAST Options and Hardware Options ....................................................................... 1–4
1.5.1FAST System .............................................................................................................. 1–4 FAST Options ..................................................................................................... 1–4 FAST Implementation ........................................................................................ 1–4
1.5.2Hardware Options ....................................................................................................... 1–5
1.6 Functional Description ................................................................................................. 1–5
1.6.1What is DoubleTalk™Carrier-in-Carrier®? ................................................................ 1–5
1.6.2Application Requirements .......................................................................................... 1–7
1.6.3System Functionality .................................................................................................. 1–8
1.7 New in this Release........................................................................................................ 1–9
1.8 Summary of Specifications ......................................................................................... 1–10
1.8.1System Specifications ............................................................................................... 1–10
1.8.2Environmental and Physical Specifications .............................................................. 1–11
1.9 Dimensional Envelope ................................................................................................ 1–12
CHAPTER 2. INSTALLATION ................................................................................. 2–1
2.1 Unpacking and Inspection ............................................................................................ 2–1
2.2 Mounting ........................................................................................................................ 2–2
2.2.1Optional Rear-Mounting Support Brackets ................................................................ 2–2
CHAPTER 3.REAR PANEL CONNECTORS ......................................................... 3–1
3.1 Connector Overview ..................................................................................................... 3–1
3.2 External Reference Connector, J1 (BNC-F) ............................................................... 3–2
3.3 Alarms Connector, P1A (DB-9F)................................................................................. 3–2
3.4 Remote Control Interface Connector, P1B (DB-9M) ................................................ 3–2
3.5 M&C 10/100 BaseT Ethernet Management Port (RJ-45) ......................................... 3–3
3.6 IOM/IOSM Connectors (BNC-F) ................................................................................ 3–4
3.7 IEC Line Input (AC Power) Connector ...................................................................... 3–5
CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Table of Contents MN/CLO-10.IOM
3.8 DC Power Connector .................................................................................................... 3–5
3.9 Ground Connector ........................................................................................................ 3–6
CHAPTER 4.CABLES AND CONNECTIONS ........................................................ 4–1
4.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 4–1
4.2 External Cable Connections......................................................................................... 4–1
4.3 Redundancy Cable Connections .................................................................................. 4–1
CHAPTER 5.MODEM AND OPTIMIZER CONFIGURATION ................................. 5–1
5.1 Modem Configuration .................................................................................................. 5–1
5.1.1Verify Link without Carrier-in-Carrier® .................................................................... 5–1
5.2 CLO-10 Configuration ................................................................................................. 5–1
5.2.1CLO-10 Power ............................................................................................................ 5–1
5.2.2Flash Updating ............................................................................................................ 5–2 Flash Update Help............................................................................................... 5–2
5.2.3CLO-10 FTP Upload Procedure ................................................................................. 5–3
5.2.4CLO-10 Tuning ........................................................................................................... 5–5 Initial Link Access Procedures ........................................................................... 5–5 Link Access Setup............................................................................................... 5–6
5.3 Other Useful Information............................................................................................. 5–6
CHAPTER 6.FRONT PANEL OPERATION ........................................................... 6–1
6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 6–1
6.1.1LED Indicators ............................................................................................................ 6–2
6.1.2Keypad ........................................................................................................................ 6–3
6.1.3Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD) .......................................................................... 6–4
6.2 CLO-10 Menu Structure .............................................................................................. 6–5
6.3 Main (Top-level Select) Menu ...................................................................................... 6–6
6.4 CONFIG (Configuration) ............................................................................................. 6–7
6.4.1CONFIG: Remote ....................................................................................................... 6–8
CONFIG: Remote Æ Serial ........................................................................................ 6–8
CONFIG: Remote Æ Serial Æ Interface .................................................................... 6–8
CONFIG: Remote Æ Serial Æ Interface Æ RS485-2W or RS485-4W .................... 6–8
CONFIG: Remote Æ Serial Æ Baudrate ................................................................... 6–9
CONFIG: Remote Æ Ethernet .................................................................................... 6–9
CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Table of Contents MN/CLO-10.IOM
CONFIG: Remote Æ Ethernet Æ Gateway ............................................................... 6–9
CONFIG: Remote Æ Ethernet Æ Address ................................................................. 6–9
CONFIG: Remote Æ Ethernet Æ MAC ..................................................................... 6–9
6.4.2CONFIG: BW (Bandwidth) ...................................................................................... 6–10
6.4.3CONFIG: Uplink (Uplink Frequency) ...................................................................... 6–10
6.4.4CONFIG: Downlink (Downlink Frequency) ............................................................ 6–10
6.4.5CONFIG: Remod (Remodulation Parameters) ......................................................... 6–11
CONFIG: Remod ÆFrequency ................................................................................ 6–11
CONFIG: Remod Æ On/Off .................................................................................... 6–11
CONFIG: Remod Æ Attenuation ............................................................................. 6–11
6.4.6CONFIG: CnC (Carrier-in-Carrier© Parameters) ..................................................... 6–12
CONFIG: CnC Æ SearchDelay ................................................................................ 6–12
CONFIG: CnC Æ FrequencyOffset ......................................................................... 6–12
6.4.7CONFIG: Misc: (Miscellaneous Configurations) ..................................................... 6–12
CONFIG: Misc: Æ Mask .......................................................................................... 6–12
CONFIG: Misc: Æ Alarm Mask: Æ Unit ................................................................ 6–13
CONFIG: Misc: Æ Alarm Mask: Æ Unit Alarm Mask: Æ ERC ............................ 6–13
CONFIG: Misc: Æ Alarm Mask: Æ Unit Alarm Mask: Æ ACQ_FAIL ................. 6–13
CONFIG: Misc: Æ Alarm Mask: Æ Uplink ............................................................ 6–13
CONFIG: Misc: Æ Alarm Mask: Æ Downlink ....................................................... 6–13
CONFIG: Misc: Æ Reference (Reference Oscillator) .............................................. 6–14
CONFIG: Misc: Æ Redundancy .............................................................................. 6–14
6.5 Monitor ........................................................................................................................ 6–15
6.5.1Monitor: Alarms (Live Alarms) ................................................................................ 6–15
Monitor: Alarms Æ (Live Alarms:) Unit (Unit Alarms) .......................................... 6–15
Monitor: Alarms Æ (Live Alarms:) Uplink (Uplink Alarms) .................................. 6–16
Monitor: Alarms Æ( Live Alarms:) Downlink (Downlink Alarms) ........................ 6–16
Monitor: Alarms Æ( Live Alarms:) Remod (Remod Alarms) ................................. 6–17
6.5.2Monitor: Event Log (Stored Events) ......................................................................... 6–17
6.5.3Monitor: CnC (Carrier-in-Carrier®) .......................................................................... 6–18
6.5.4Monitor: Temp .......................................................................................................... 6–18
6.5.5Monitor: RSL (Receive Signal Level) ...................................................................... 6–18
6.6 TEST ............................................................................................................................ 6–19
6.7 INFO (Information) .................................................................................................... 6–20
INFO: Remote (Remote Control Information) ......................................................... 6–20
INFO: Bw (Bandwidth Information) ........................................................................ 6–20
INFO: Uplink (Uplink Information) ......................................................................... 6–20
INFO: Downlink (Downlink Information) ............................................................... 6–21
INFO: Remod (Remodulation Information) ............................................................. 6–21
INFO: CnC (Carrier-in-Carrier® Information) ......................................................... 6–21
INFO: Ref (Frequency Reference) ............................................................................ 6–21
CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Table of Contents MN/CLO-10.IOM
6.8 SAVE/LOAD ............................................................................................................... 6–22
Save/Load: Save (Save Configuration) ..................................................................... 6–22
Save/Load: Load (Load Configuration) .................................................................... 6–23
6.9 UTILITY ...................................................................................................................... 6–24
Utility: Clock (Real-time Clock) .............................................................................. 6–24
Utility: Ref (Reference Adjustment) ......................................................................... 6–24
Utility: ID (Circuit Identification) ............................................................................ 6–25
Utility: Display (Display Brightness) ....................................................................... 6–25
Utility: Firmware ...................................................................................................... 6–25
Utility: FAST (FAST Code Options) ........................................................................ 6–27
APPENDIX A.REDUNDANT SYSTEM OPERATION ............................................ A–1
A.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. A–1
A.1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................ A–1
A.1.2 Redundancy System Operational Rules ................................................................. A–3
A.2 Installation .................................................................................................................... A–4
A.3 Description of Modules ................................................................................................ A–5
A.3.1.1Overview: CLO-10 with Input/Output Module (IOM) ...................................... A–5
A.3.1.2Overview: CLO-10 With Input/Output Switch Module (IOSM) ...................... A–6
A.3.2 Connector Pinouts .................................................................................................. A–6
A.3.2.1IOM / IOSM Redundancy Connector, J2 (DB-25F) .......................................... A–6
A.3.2.2IOM / IOSM BNC Connectors .......................................................................... A–7
A.4 Description of Operation ............................................................................................. A–8
A.4.1 Bridge Mode Operation ......................................................................................... A–8
A.4.2 Backup Mode Operation ........................................................................................ A–9
A.5 Cables and Connections ............................................................................................ A–12
A.5.1 75 Load in Redundant Unit ............................................................................... A–12
A.5.2 1:1 Redundancy Configuration Cabling .............................................................. A–13
A.5.3 1:N Redundancy Configuration Cabling ............................................................. A–14
A.5.4 Adding and Removing CLO-10s and/or Modules ............................................... A–15
A.6 Front Panel Operation ............................................................................................... A–17
A.6.1 Redundancy Menu Access ................................................................................... A–17
A.6.2 Traffic Unit Redundancy Configuration .............................................................. A–18
A.6.3 Redundant Unit Redundancy Configuration ........................................................ A–18
A.6.3.1Redundancy Enable /Disable ........................................................................... A–19
A.6.3.2Redundancy Holdoffs ...................................................................................... A–19
A.6.3.3Active Unit Selection ....................................................................................... A–19
A.6.3.4Establish the Operating Mode .......................................................................... A–20
A. Auto Off/On .................................................................................. A–20
A. Unit – Manual Select ............................................................ A–20
CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Table of Contents MN/CLO-10.IOM
A.6.3.5Set the Redundant Unit Address via the Main Menu ...................................... A–22
A.6.4 Set Operation Mode ............................................................................................. A–24
A. Holdoff Period ..................................................................................... A–24
A. Backup Holdoff Period ........................................................................ A–24
A. Restore Holdoff Period ........................................................................ A–25
A.7 Daisy Chain Remote Addressing .............................................................................. A–26
A.7.1 Introduction to Addressing .................................................................................. A–26
A.7.2 Switching Addresses ............................................................................................ A–26
A.7.3 Traffic Unit Addresses ......................................................................................... A–26
APPENDIX B.REMOTE CONTROL ........................................................................ B-1
B.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ B-1
B.2 RS-485 ............................................................................................................................ B-1
B.3 RS-232 ............................................................................................................................ B-2
B.4 Basic Protocol ................................................................................................................ B-2
B.5 Packet Structure ............................................................................................................ B-2
B.5.1 Start of Packet ......................................................................................................... B-3
B.5.2 Address ................................................................................................................... B-3
B.5.3 Instruction Code ...................................................................................................... B-3
B.5.4 Instruction Code Qualifier ...................................................................................... B-4
B.5.5 Message Arguments ................................................................................................ B-5
B.5.6 End Of Packet ......................................................................................................... B-5
B.6 Remote Commands and Queries ................................................................................. B-6
B.6.1 Switch Remote Commands and Queries for the CLO-10 Link Optimizer ............. B-7
B.6.2 Remote Commands and Queries For the CLO-10 Link Optimizer ........................ B-9
B.6.3 Commands and Queries ........................................................................................ B-15
B.6.4 Bulk Commands and Queries ............................................................................... B-19


Table 3-1. External Connections ................................................................................................ 3–1
Table 3-2. Alarm Interface Connector Pin Assignments ............................................................ 3–2
Table 3-3. Remote Control Interface Connector Pin Assignments ............................................. 3–2
Table 3-4. M&C Interface Connector Pin Assignments ............................................................. 3–3
Table 3-5. CLO-10 IOM BNC Connectors Reference ............................................................... 3–4
Table A-1. IOM (CEFD P/N PL/12833-1) BNC Connectors Reference ................................... A–7
Table A-2. IOSM (CEFD P/N PL/12834-1) BNC Connectors Reference ................................ A–7
CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Table of Contents MN/CLO-10.IOM


Figure 1-1. CLO-10 Link Optimizer ........................................................................................... 1–1
Figure 1-2. CLO-10 Front Panel ................................................................................................. 1–3
Figure 1-3. CLO-10 Rear Panel (CLO-10-1 shown) .................................................................. 1–3
Figure 1-4. Conventional FDMA Link ....................................................................................... 1–6
Figure 1-5. Link with Carrier-in-Carrier® ................................................................................... 1–6
Figure 1-6. Conceptual Block Diagram ...................................................................................... 1–8
Figure 1-7. CLO-10 Dimensional Envelope ............................................................................. 1–12
Figure 2-1. Typical CLO-10 Rack Installation (Side View) ....................................................... 2–3
Figure 2-2. Installation of the Optional Rear-Mounting Support Brackets ................................ 2–4
Figure 3-1. CLO-10 Rear Panel (CLO-10-1 Shown).................................................................. 3–1
Figure 4-1. CLO-10 External Cable Connections – Standalone Configuration ......................... 4–2
Figure 5-1. Flash Update via Internet ......................................................................................... 5–2
Figure 6-1. CLO-10 Front Panel ................................................................................................. 6–1
Figure 6-2. CLO-10 Menu Tree .................................................................................................. 6–5
Figure A-1. CLO-10 1:1 Daisy Chain Redundancy ................................................................... A–2
Figure A-2. CLO-10 1:N Daisy Chain Redundancy (1:12 shown) ........................................... A–2
Figure A-3. Typical Rack-mounted Redundancy Configuration ............................................... A–4
Figure A-4. IOM (CEFD P/N PL/12833-1) ............................................................................... A–5
Figure A-5. CLO-10 With IOM – Block Diagram .................................................................... A–5
Figure A-6. IOSM (CEFD P/N PL/12834-1) ............................................................................. A–6
Figure A-7. CLO-10 With IOSM – Block Diagram .................................................................. A–6
Figure A-8. CLO-10 Daisy Chain Redundancy – Bridge Mode ............................................. A–10
Figure A-9. CLO-10 Daisy Chain Configuration – Backup Mode .......................................... A–11
Figure A-10. CLO-10 1:1 Daisy Chain Redundancy Cabling ................................................. A–13
Figure A-11. CLO-10 1:N Daisy Chain Redundancy Cabling (1:12 shown) .......................... A–14
Figure A-15. Module Removal/Installation ............................................................................. A–15
Figure A-16. Operating Configuration .................................................................................... A–16
Figure A-12. Redundancy Menu Tree ..................................................................................... A–17
Figure A-13. Unit Bridging in AUTO-OFF (manual operating) Mode .................................. A–21
Figure A-14. Unit Backup in AUTO-ON (automatic operating) Mode .................................. A–21
Figure A-17. CLO-10 Daisy Chain Addressing Scheme Example: User Remote M&C RS-232 .... A–27
Figure A-18. CLO-10 Daisy Chain Addressing Scheme Example: User Remote M&C RS-485 .... A–27
Figure A-19. CLO-10 Base Addressing Scheme Example for Daisy Chained Multiple Redundant
Systems: User Remote M&C RS-485.............................................................................. A–28
CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Table of Contents MN/CLO-10.IOM
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Customer Support

Contact the Comtech EF Data Customer Support Department for:
Product support or training
Reporting comments or suggestions concerning manuals
Information on upgrading or returning a product
A Customer Support representative may be reached at:
Comtech EF Data Attention: Customer Support Department 2114 West 7th Street Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA
480.333.2200 (Main Comtech EF Data Number)
480.333.4357 (Customer Support Desk)
480.333.2161 FAX


To return a Comtech EF Data product (in-warranty and out-of-warranty) for repair or replacement:
Contact the Comtech EF Data Customer Support Department. Be prepared to supply the
Customer Support representative with the model number, serial number, and a description of the problem.
Request a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number from the Comtech EF Data
Customer Support representative.
Pack the product in its original shipping carton/packaging to ensure that the product is not
damaged during shipping.
Ship the product back to Comtech EF Data. (Shipping charges should be prepaid.)
For Online Customer Support
An RMA number request can be requested electronically by contacting the Customer Support Department through the online support page at
Click “Return Material Authorization Instructions” from the Service page for detailed
information on our return procedures.
Click the “RMA Request form” hyperlink, then fill out the form completely before
Send e-mail to the Customer Support Department at
For information regarding this product’s warranty policy, refer to the Warranty Policy, p. xv.
CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Preface MN/CLO-10.IOM

About this Manual

This manual provides installation and operation information for the Comtech EF Data CLO-10 Link Optimizer. This is a technical document intended for earth station engineers, technicians, and operators responsible for the operation and maintenance of the CLO-10.
Comtech EF Data reserves the right to change specifications of products described in this document at any time without notice and without obligation to notify any person of such changes. Information in this document may differ from information published in other Comtech EF Data documents. Refer to the company website or contact Customer Service for the latest released product information.

Reporting Comments or Suggestions Concerning this Manual

Comments and suggestions regarding the content and design of this manual are appreciated. To submit comments, please contact the Comtech EF Data Technical Publications department:

Conventions and References

Cautions and Warnings

IMPORTANT or NOTE indicates a statement that is associated with the task being performed or information critical for proper equipment function.
CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. CAUTION may also be used to indicate other unsafe practices or risks of property damage.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Metric Conversion

Metric conversion information is located on the inside back cover of this manual. This information is provided to assist the operator in cross-referencing non-Metric to Metric conversions.

Recommended Standard Designations

Recommended Standard (RS) Designations are interchangeable with the designation of the Electronic Industries Association (EIA).
CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Preface MN/CLO-10.IOM


Product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Compliance

This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment, it may cause radio interference that requires the user to take adequate protection measures.

EN55022 - 1997 Compliance

This equipment meets the radio disturbance characteristic specifications for information technology equipment as defined in EN55022.

EN50082-1 Compliance

This equipment meets the electromagnetic compatibility/generic immunity standard as defined in EN50082-1.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate ra dio freque ncy e nergy. If not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment i n a residentia l area is likely to cause ha rmful interfere nce; in whic h case, users are required to correct the interference at the ir own expe nse.
To ensure compliance, properly shielded cables for DATA I/O shall be used. More specifically, these cables shall be shielded from end to end, ensuring a continuous shield.
CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Preface MN/CLO-10.IOM

Safety Compliance

EN 60950

Applicable testing is routinely performed as a condition of manufacturing on all units to ensure compliance with safety requirements of EN60950.This equipment meets the Safety of Information Technology Equipment specification as defined in EN60950.

Low Voltage Directive (LVD)

The following information is applicable for the European Low Voltage Directive (EN60950):
International Symbols:
Symbol Definition Symbol Definition
For additional symbols, refer to Cautions and Warnings listed earlier in this Preface. Applicable testing is routinely performed as a condition of manufacturing on all units to ensure compliance with safety requirements of EN60950.
Type of power cord required for use in the European Community.
CAUTION: Double-pole/Neutral Fusing ACHTUNG: Zweipolige bzw. Neutralleiter-Sicherung
Alternating Current
Protective Earth / Safety Ground
Chassis Ground
CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Preface MN/CLO-10.IOM

Warrant y Policy

Comtech EF Data products are warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of two years from the date of shipment. During the warranty period, Comtech EF Data will, at its option, repair or replace products that prove to be defective.
For equipment under warranty, the owner is responsible for freight to Comtech EF Data and all related customs, taxes, tariffs, insurance, etc. Comtech EF Data is responsible for the freight charges only for return of the equipment from the factory to the owner. Comtech EF Data will return the equipment by the same method (i.e., Air, Express, Surface) as the equipment was sent to Comtech EF Data.
All equipment returned for warranty repair must have a valid RMA number issued prior to return and be marked clearly on the return packaging. Comtech EF Data strongly recommends all equipment be returned in its original packaging.
Comtech EF Data Corporation’s obligations under this warranty are limited to repair or replacement of failed parts, and the return shipment to the buyer of the repaired or replaced parts.

Limitations of Warranty

The warranty does not apply to any part of a product that has been installed, altered, repaired, or misused in any way that, in the opinion of Comtech EF Data Corporation, would affect the reliability or detracts from the performance of any part of the product, or is damaged as the result of use in a way or with equipment that had not been previously approved by Comtech EF Data Corporation.
The warranty does not apply to any product or parts thereof where the serial number or the serial number of any of its parts has been altered, defaced, or removed.
The warranty does not cover damage or loss incurred in transportation of the product.
The warranty does not cover replacement or repair necessitated by loss or damage from any cause beyond the control of Comtech EF Data Corporation, such as lightning or other natural and weather related events or wartime environments.
The warranty does not cover any labor involved in the removal and or reinstallation of warranted equipment or parts on site, or any labor required to diagnose the necessity for repair or replacement.
The warranty excludes any responsibility by Comtech EF Data Corporation for incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of the equipment or products, or for any inability to use them either separate from or in combination with any other equipment or products.
CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Preface MN/CLO-10.IOM
A fixed charge established for each product will be imposed for all equipment returned for warranty repair where Comtech EF Data Corporation cannot identify the cause of the reported failure.

Exclusive Remedies

Comtech EF Data Corporation’s warranty, as stated is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed, implied, or statutory, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The buyer shall pass on to any purchaser, lessee, or other user of Comtech EF Data Corporation’s products, the aforementioned warranty, and shall indemnify and hold harmless Comtech EF Data Corporation from any claims or liability of such purchaser, lessee, or user based upon allegations that the buyer, its agents, or employees have made additional warranties or representations as to product preference or use.
The remedies provided herein are the buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies. Comtech EF Data shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory.

1.1 Overview

The CLO-10 is Comtech EF Data’s Link Optimizer incorporating DoubleTalk™ Carrier-in-Carrier® technology. The CLO-10 allows transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) carriers in a full-duplex link to use the same transponder segment via advanced signal processing techniques. The result is a reductio n in bandwidth required for the duplex link by as much as 50%.
The CLO-10 operates on the 70/140 MHz IF band, which facilitates retrofitting into existing systems. The unit is installed in the IF path between the modem and the up/down converters. The CLO-10 does not require prior knowledge of the signals to be processed (i.e., modulation type, FEC, etc) other than the bandwidth and center frequency of the desired signal.
Figure 1-1 shows the CLO-10 Link Optimizer. The Link Optimizer can be configured for two versions – the standard CLO-10-1 (shown), and the CLO-10-2, which features the optional redundancy hardware upgrade.


Figure 1-1. CLO-10 Link Optimizer
For the purpose of brevity, the Link Optimizer is referred to throughout this manual as the CLO-10. With the exception of redundancy operations, all content in this manual is applicable to both the CLO­10-1 and CLO-10-2 models; the CLO-10-2’s added functionality is explained in detail in
CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Introduction MN/CLO-10.IOM

1.2 Features

The CLO-10 includes the following features:
DoubleTalk™ Carrier-in-Carrier® allowing Tx and Rx carriers of a full-duplex link to use the same transponder segment
50- 90 and 100-180 MHz frequency range
Signal Bandwidth up to 10MHz (bandwidth typically refers to usable bandwidth of signal
of interest)
10/100 BaseT Ethernet (Telnet), RS-232 or RS-485 for M&C remote control
Fully Accessible System Topology (FAST)
Optional User-configurable Redundancy — 1:1 up to 1:12 (CLO-10-2 unit only)
Future / planned upgrade: HTTP, SNMP Remote Management

1.2.1 DoubleTalk™ Carrier-in-Carrier®

Designed for bandwidth compression, DoubleTalk™ Carrier-in-Carrier® (CnC) uses a patented technology that allows full duplex satellite links to transmit concurrently in the same segment of transponder bandwidth.
CnC is complementary to all advances in modem technology, including advanced FEC and modulations techniques. As these technologies approach theoretical limits of power and bandwidth efficiencies, CnC utilizes advanced signal processing techniques to achieve a new dimension in bandwidth efficiency.
CnC can be successfully deployed in bandwidth-limited as well as power-limited scenarios. Combining CnC with advanced FEC techniques such as Turbo Product Codes (TPC) or Low Density Parity Check Codes (LDPC) [also used by DVB-S2] can recover enough power that can then be traded for bandwidth.
Refer to in-Carrier
Chapter 1.6 Functional Description for detailed information on DoubleTalk™ Carrier-

1.2.2 Software – Flash U pgrading

The internal software is both powerful and flexible, permitting storage and retrieval of up to 10 different unit configurations. The CLO-10 uses ‘flash memory’ technology internally, and new firmware can be uploaded to the unit from an external PC. This simplifies software upgrading, and updates can now be sent via the Internet, e-mail, or on disk. The upgrade can be performed without opening the unit by simply connecting the modem to the Ethernet port of a computer.

1.2.3 Verification

The CLO-10 includes test modes for rapid verification of the correct functioning of the unit. Test modes that exercises various signal paths within the CLO-10, as well as carrier test modes, allow an operator to quickly perform simple diagnostics without having to remove/connect cables from the unit.
CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Introduction MN/CLO-10.IOM

1.2.4 Remote Control

The operator may configure and monitor the modem from the front panel, or through the remote M&C port. M&C is via RS-232, RS-485 (2/4 wire) or 10/100 BaseT Ethernet.

1.3 Description of CLO-10 Features

1.3.1 Front Panel

The CLO-10 is constructed as a 1RU-high, rack-mounting chassis that can be freestanding if desired. It is provided with rack handles at the front for easy removal from and placement into a rack.
Figure 1-2 sho ws t he C L O-1 0 f ro nt p an el . The front panel features a Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD), six-button keypad, and eight LED indicators. The user enters data via the keypad, and messages are displayed on the VFD. The LEDs indicate, in a summary fashion, the status of the unit. See
Chapter 6. Front Panel Operation for detailed information pertaining to this functionality.
Figure 1-2. CLO-10 Front Panel

1.3.2 Rear Panel

Figure 1-3 shows the rear panel of the standard CLO-10-1 chassis configuration. Refer to
Chapter 3. REAR PANEL CONNECTORS for detailed information about these connectors and
their functionality.
Figure 1-3. CLO-10 Rear Panel (CLO-10-1 shown)

1.4 Major Assemblies

Unit Part No. Description
CLO-10-1 PL/12833-1 Input Output Module (IOM)
CLO-10-2 PL/12834-1 Input Output Switch Module (IOSM) – 1:N
CLO-10 Link Optimizer Revision 1 Introduction MN/CLO-10.IOM

1.5 F A ST Options and Hardware Options

The CLO-10 incorporates several optional features. These include redundancy and cancellation bandwidth. In order to permit a lower initial cost, the unit may be purchased with only the desired features enabled. The base configuration is 1.024 MHz of bandwidth, and standalone (no redundancy) operation.
1.024 MHz Capable of suppressing signals with 1.024MHz bandwidth Base Unit
2.046 MHz Capable of suppressing signals with 2.048 MHz of bandwidth FAST
4.096 MHz Capable of suppressing signals with 4.096 MHz of bandwidth FAST
8.192 MHz Capable of suppressing signals with 8.192 MHz of bandwidth FAST
10 MHz Capable of suppressing signals with up to 10 MHz of bandwidth FAST
Each traffic unit requires installation of IOSM
Description and Comments

1.5.1 F A ST Sy stem

Comtech EF Data provides FAST (Fully Accessible System Topology) as an enhancement feature available in CEFD products, enabling on-location upgrade of the most operating feature sets - in the rack - without removing a unit from the setup.
When service requirements change, the operator can upgrade the topology of the product to meet those requirements within minutes after confirmation by Comtech EF Data. This accelerated upgrade can be accomplished only because of FAST’s extensive use of programmable devices incorporating Comtech EF Data-proprietary signal processing techniques. These techniques allow the use of a unique access code to enable configuration of the available hardware. The access code can be purchased at any time from Comtech EF Data. Once obtained, the access co de is loaded into the unit via the front panel user interface keypad or the rear remote port.
With the exclusive FAST technology, operators have maximum flexibility for enabling functions as they are required. FAST allows an operator to order a modem precisely tailored for the initial application. FAST Options
FAST permits the purchase and installation of options through special authorization codes entered remotely, or via the front panel user interface keypad where immediate implementation of the different options is facilitated. All FAST options are available through the basic platform unit. FA ST Implementation
FAST is factory-implemented in the modem at the time of order. Options for basic modems can be ordered and installed either at the factory or in the field. The operator can select Bandwidth options that can be activated easily in the field.
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