Comtech EF Data CDM-600 LDPC User Manual

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Part #: AN/LDPC Installation.DOC
Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) eliminates the need for users to analyze the many choices of codes, modulation formats and code rates available in the market. LDPC provides a single modem platform for selecting a modulation/code/code rate combination that will simultaneously optimize power and bandwidth for any given transponder. This new technology will allow users to maximize operations.
The basic performance of the uncoded 8-QAM is better than the uncoded 8-PSK, but has a slightly higher peak-to-average power ratio than 8-PSK. Futher testing has shown that combining 8-QAM with LDPC results in highly robust performance.
1. Remove unit cover.
2. Install PL/10341-1 Card as shown, retaining clips will ‘snap’ into place securing card to connector (J3).
3. Loosen indicated flat head screw(s), then perform the following: a. Connect RED wire to RED wire. b. Connect BLACK wire BLACK wire
Install smaller wire on TOP of LARGER wire.
4. Secure wires in place by tightening screws until wires are held in place so that a gentle tug on the wires will not pull them out of
the GREEN connector.
5. Carefully replace unit cover and proceed to: a. Locate: Downloads / Flash Upgrades / Flash Firmware Data Files b. Download and install: F1422AJ_V160_111904 (or newer data file)
Copyright © 2004 Comtech EF Data Corp. –1– (AN/LDPC Installation.DOC) 12/15/2004
Comtech EF Data
2114 West 7th Street
Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA
Tel: 1 480 333 2200 Fax:1 480 333 2540
Copyright © 2004 Comtech EF Data Corp. 2– (Part Number AN/LDPC Installation.DOC) 12/15/2004
Comtech EF Data reserves the right to make changes to specifications of products described herein at any time without notice and without obligation to notify any person of such changes.