Comtech EF Data CDM-550T User Manual

Satellite Modem
Installation and Operation Manual
(For Firmware V1.19 or higher)
IMPORTANT NOTE: The information contained in this document supersedes all previously published information regarding this product. Product specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
Part Number MN/CDM550T.IOM Revision 3
Satellite Modem
Installation and Operation Manual
(For Firmware V1.19 or higher)
Part Number MN/CDM550T.IOM
Revision 3
June 9, 2008
Comtech EF Data, 2114 West 7th Street, Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA, 480.333.2200, FAX: 480.333.2161
Copyright © 2008 Comtech EF Data. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
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CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Table of Contents MN/CDM550T.IOM

Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. III
TABLES .......................................................................................................................... X
FIGURES ....................................................................................................................... XI
PREFACE .................................................................................................................... XIII
Customer Support ...................................................................................................................... xiii
About this Manual ..................................................................................................................... xiv
Reporting Comments or Suggestions Concerning this Manual ............................................... xiv
Conventions and References ..................................................................................................... xiv
Metric Conversion ................................................................................................................... xiv
Cautions and Warnings ............................................................................................................ xiv
Recommended Standard Designations .................................................................................... xiv
Electrical Safety .......................................................................................................................... xv
Fuses ......................................................................................................................................... xv
Environmental ........................................................................................................................... xv
Installation................................................................................................................................. xv
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive ............................................................. xvi
EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) .................................................................................... xvi
Warranty Policy ........................................................................................................................ xvii
Limitations of Warranty .......................................................................................................... xvii
Exclusive Remedies ............................................................................................................... xviii
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 1–1
1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 1–1
1.2 Standard Features ......................................................................................................... 1–1
1.2.1AUPC .......................................................................................................................... 1–2
1.2.2Software ...................................................................................................................... 1–2
1.2.3Verification ................................................................................................................. 1–2
1.2.4Data Interfaces ............................................................................................................ 1–2
1.3 Options ........................................................................................................................... 1–3
CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Table of Contents MN/CDM550T.IOM
1.4 Compatibility ................................................................................................................. 1–3
1.5 Manual Release Notes ................................................................................................... 1–3
CHAPTER 2. INSTALLATION ................................................................................. 2–1
2.1 Unpacking and Inspection ............................................................................................ 2–1
2.2 Mounting ........................................................................................................................ 2–1
2.2.1Leading Particulars ..................................................................................................... 2–1
2.3 Configuration ................................................................................................................ 2–2
2.4 Select Internal IF Loop ................................................................................................. 2–2
2.5 Connect External Cables .............................................................................................. 2–2
CHAPTER 3. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION .......................................................... 3–1
CHAPTER 4. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................ 4–1
4.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 4–1
4.2 Front Panel .................................................................................................................... 4–2
4.3 Rear Panel...................................................................................................................... 4–3
CHAPTER 5. REAR PANEL CONNECTOR PINOUTS ........................................... 5–1
5.1 Connector Overview ..................................................................................................... 5–1
5.2 Data Interface Connector, DB-25F ............................................................................. 5–2
5.3 Alarms Connector, DB-15M ........................................................................................ 5–3
5.4 Remote Control Connector, DB-9M ........................................................................... 5–3
5.5 Auxiliary Serial Connector, HE1402 3-Pin Header ................................................... 5–4
5.5.1Pin Numbering ............................................................................................................ 5–4
CHAPTER 6. FRONT PANEL OPERATION ........................................................... 6–1
6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 6–1
6.1.1Front Panel Keypad..................................................................................................... 6–2
6.2 Menu Trees .................................................................................................................... 6–3
6.2.1Opening Screen ........................................................................................................... 6–4
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6.2.2SELECT: (Top level) Menu ........................................................................................ 6–4
6.2.3SELECT: CONFIG ..................................................................................................... 6–5 (CONFIG:) TX (Transmit) ................................................................................. 6–6 TX) MOD (Modulation) ............................................................. 6–6 TX) FREQ (Frequency) ............................................................. 6–6 TX) DATA (Data Rate) .............................................................. 6–7 TX) FEC TYPE (Forward Error Correction): ............................. 6–7
(CONFIG: TX, FEC) .................................................................................................. 6–7
(CONFIG: TX, FEC) .................................................................................................. 6–7
(CONFIG: TX, FEC, RATE) FEC Rate (Any FEC Type Except Turbo) ............. 6–8
(CONFIG: TX, FEC, RATE) FEC Rate (Turbo Only) ............................................... 6–8 TX) ON/OFF ............................................................................... 6–9
(CONFIG: TX Æ PWR) MODE ................................................................................ 6–9
(CONFIG: TX Æ PWR Æ MODE) MANUAL ....................................................... 6–10
(CONFIG: TX Æ PWR Æ MODE) AUPC .............................................................. 6–10
(CONFIG: TX Æ PWR Æ MODE) AUPC .............................................................. 6–10
(CONFIG: TX Æ PWR Æ MODE Æ AUPC) TARGET EbNo .............................. 6–11
(CONFIG: TX Æ PWR Æ MODE Æ AUPC) MAX RANGE................................ 6–11
(CONFIG: TX Æ PWR Æ MODE Æ AUPC) ALARM ......................................... 6–11
(CONFIG: TX Æ PWR Æ MODE Æ AUPC) DEMOD-UNLOCK ....................... 6–11 TX) SCRAM (Scrambling) ....................................................... 6–12 TX) CLK (Clocking)................................................................. 6–12 TX) TSI (Transmit Spectral Invert) .......................................... 6–12 (CONFIG:) RX (Receive) ................................................................................. 6–13 RX) MOD (Modulation) ........................................................... 6–13 RX) FRQ (Frequency) .............................................................. 6–13 RX) DATA (Data Rate) ............................................................ 6–13 RX) FEC TYPE (Forward Error Correction): ......................... 6–14
(CONFIG: RX Æ FEC Æ RATE) FEC RATE ........................................................ 6–15
(CONFIG: RX Æ FEC Æ RATE) FEC RATE (TURBO ONLY) ........................... 6–15 RX) ACQ (Acquisition sweep range) ....................................... 6–15 RX) DESCRAM (Descrambler) ............................................... 6–16
(CONFIG: RX) CLK (Clocking) .............................................................................. 6–16
(CONFIG: RX) BUF (Buffer size) ........................................................................... 6–17 RX) RSI (Receive spectral inversion)....................................... 6–17 RX) Eb/No (Eb/No Alarm) ....................................................... 6–17 FRAME (Framing Mode) ........................................................ 6–18 FRAME) TRANSPARENT .................................................... 6–18 FRAME) FRAMED ................................................................ 6–18 FRAME Æ FRAMED) EDMAC-ON .................................... 6–19
(CONFIG: FRAMEÆ FRAMEDÆ ON) EDMAC MASTER ................................ 6–19
(CONFIG: FRAMEÆ FRAMED Æ ON) EDMAC SLAVE .................................. 6–19 (CONFIG:) INTFC (Interface) ......................................................................... 6–20 (CONFIG:) REMCONT (Remote control) ....................................................... 6–20 LOCAL) .................................................................................... 6–20 REMOTE) ................................................................................. 6–20
CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Table of Contents MN/CDM550T.IOM REMOTE Æ BAUD) ............................................................... 6–21 REMOTE Æ INTFC) ............................................................... 6–21
(CONFIG: REM Æ INTFC Æ ADDR) RS232 BUS ADDRESS ............................ 6–21
(CONFIG: REM Æ INTFC Æ ADDR) RS485 BUS ADDRESS: .......................... 6–22 (CONFIG:) MASK (Alarm mask) .................................................................... 6–22 MASK) AGC ............................................................................ 6–22 Eb/No ........................................................................... 6–23 MASK) RX-AIS ....................................................................... 6–23 MASK) BUF-SLIP (Buffer slip) .............................................. 6–23, MASK) TX-AIS ....................................................................... 6–24 (CONFIG:) IMPED (IF impedance) ................................................................. 6–24
6.2.4SELECT: TEST ........................................................................................................ 6–25
6.2.5SELECT: INFO (Information) .................................................................................. 6–27 (INFO) ID (Circuit ID) ..................................................................................... 6–27 (INFO) TX (Transmit information) .................................................................. 6–27 (INFO) RX (Receive information).................................................................... 6–28 (INFO) BUFF (Buffer information).................................................................. 6–28 (INFO) EDMAC (Framing and EDMAC information) .................................... 6–28 (INFO) REMCONT (Remote Control information) ......................................... 6–29 (INFO) MASK (Alarm mask information) ....................................................... 6–29 (INFO) MISC (Miscellaneous information) ..................................................... 6–29
6.2.6SELECT: MONIT (Monitor) .................................................................................... 6–30 (MONIT:) ALARMS ........................................................................................ 6–30 ALARMS) UNIT (Unit alarms) ................................................. 6–30 ALARMS) RECEIVE (Receive alarms) .................................... 6–30 ALARMS) TRANSMIT (Transmit alarms) ............................... 6–31 (MONIT:) RX-PARAMS (Receive Parameters) ............................................. 6–31 (MONIT:) STORED EVENTS ......................................................................... 6–32 EVENTS) VIEW ........................................................................ 6–32 STATS (Link Statisics) ............................................................. 6–33
(MONIT: STATS) VIEW ......................................................................................... 6–33
(MONIT: STATS)CONFIGURE .......................................................................... 6–34 (MONITOR) AUPC.......................................................................................... 6–35
6.2.7SELECT: STORE/LD (Store/Load) ......................................................................... 6–35 (STORE/LD) STORE ....................................................................................... 6–35 (STORE/LD) LOAD ......................................................................................... 6–36
6.2.8SELECT: UTIL (Utility) ........................................................................................... 6–37 SET-RTC (Set real-time clock) ..................................................... 6–37 (UTIL:) DISPLAY (Display brightness) .......................................................... 6–37 (UTIL:) MAN-1:1 (Manual 1:1 switchover) .................................................... 6–38 (UTIL:) RECENTER-BUF (Re-center buffer) ................................................. 6–38 (UTIL:) ID (Circuit ID) .................................................................................... 6–38
CHAPTER 7. FORWARD ERROR CORRECTION OPTIONS ............................... 7–1
7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 7–1
CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Table of Contents MN/CDM550T.IOM
7.2 Viterbi ............................................................................................................................ 7–1
7.3 Sequential....................................................................................................................... 7–2
7.4 Reed-Solomon Outer Codec (Option) ......................................................................... 7–3
7.5 Turbo Product Codec (Option).................................................................................... 7–4
7.5.1End-to-End Processing Delay ..................................................................................... 7–5
7.6 Uncoded Operation (No FEC) ..................................................................................... 7–6
CHAPTER 8. OFFSET QPSK OPERATION ............................................................ 8–1
9.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 9–1
9.2 ASYNC EIA-232 Specifications ................................................................................... 9–1
9.3 Setup ............................................................................................................................... 9–1
9.4 Other Considerations.................................................................................................... 9–2
9.4.1Baud Rate Accuracy ................................................................................................... 9–2
9.4.2Async Character Formats Using 1.5 Stop Bits ........................................................... 9–2
CHAPTER 10.CLOCKING MODES ...................................................................... 10–1
10.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................... 10–1
10.2 Transmit Clocking ...................................................................................................... 10–1
10.2.1 Internal Clock........................................................................................................ 10–1
10.2.2 External Clock ...................................................................................................... 10–1
10.2.3 Loop-Timed, RX=TX ........................................................................................... 10–1
10.2.4 Loop-Timed, RX<>TX (Asymmetric Loop Timing) ........................................... 10–2
10.3 Receive Clocking ......................................................................................................... 10–2
10.3.1 Buffer Disabled ..................................................................................................... 10–2
10.3.2 Buffer Enabled, RX=TX ....................................................................................... 10–2
10.3.3 Buffer Enabled, RX<>TX ..................................................................................... 10–2
10.4 X.21 Notes .................................................................................................................... 10–2
10.5 Loop Timing with Sync RS-232 ................................................................................. 10–2
CHAPTER 11.EDMAC CHANNEL ........................................................................ 11–1
11.1 Theory of Operation ................................................................................................... 11–1
CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Table of Contents MN/CDM550T.IOM
11.2 M&C Connection ........................................................................................................ 11–2
11.3 Setup Summary ........................................................................................................... 11–3
CHAPTER 12.AUTOMATIC UPLINK POWER CONTROL .................................. 12–1
12.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 12–1
12.2 Setting AUPC Parameters .......................................................................................... 12–1
12.2.1 Target Eb/No ......................................................................................................... 12–2
12.2.2 Max Range ............................................................................................................ 12–2
12.2.3 Alarm .................................................................................................................... 12–2
12.2.4 Demod Unlock ...................................................................................................... 12–3
12.3 Compensation Rate ..................................................................................................... 12–3
12.4 Monitoring ................................................................................................................... 12–3
CHAPTER 13.FLASH UPGRADING ..................................................................... 13–1
CHAPTER 14.SUMMARY OF SPECIFICATIONS ............................................... 14–1
14.1 MODULATOR ............................................................................................................ 14–1
14.2 Demodulator ................................................................................................................ 14–3
14.3 Automatic Uplink Power Control.............................................................................. 14–4
14.4 Data Interfaces ............................................................................................................ 14–4
14.5 Miscellaneous............................................................................................................... 14–5
14.6 Async Overhead .......................................................................................................... 14–5
14.7 Approvals ..................................................................................................................... 14–5
CHAPTER 15.REMOTE CONTROL ...................................................................... 15–1
15.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 15–1
15.2 RS-485 .......................................................................................................................... 15–1
15.3 RS-232 .......................................................................................................................... 15–2
15.4 Basic Protocol .............................................................................................................. 15–2
15.5 Packet Structure .......................................................................................................... 15–2
CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Table of Contents MN/CDM550T.IOM
15.5.1 Start Of Packet ...................................................................................................... 15–3
15.5.2 Address ................................................................................................................. 15–3
15.5.3 Instruction Code .................................................................................................... 15–3
15.5.4 Instruction Code Qualifier .................................................................................... 15–4
15.5.5 Message Arguments .............................................................................................. 15–4
15.5.6 End Of Packet ....................................................................................................... 15–5
15.6 Remote Commands and Queries ............................................................................... 15–5
15.6.1 Transmit (Tx) Commands and Queries................................................................. 15–7
15.6.2 Receive (Rx) Commands and Queries ................................................................ 15–10
15.6.3 Unit Remote Commands and Queries................................................................. 15–13
15.6.4 Remote Queries ................................................................................................... 15–20
15.6.5 Bulk Commands.................................................................................................. 15–23
APPENDIX A.CABLE DRAWINGS ......................................................................... A-1
A.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ A-1
A.1.1 RS-530 to RS-422/449 Data Cable ......................................................................... A-2
A.1.2 RS-530 to V.35 Data Cable .................................................................................... A-3
A.1.3 RS-232 Remote Control Cable ............................................................................... A-4
APPENDIX B. EB/NO MEASUREMENT .................................................................. B–1
APPENDIX C.ASYNC OVERHEAD OPTION ......................................................... C–1
C.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. C–1
C.2 Electrical Interface ....................................................................................................... C–2
C.3 Pin Numbering ............................................................................................................. C–2
C.4 Baud Rates .................................................................................................................... C–2
C.5 Selecting Async Mode .................................................................................................. C–2
APPENDIX D.KST-2000A FSK (ODU) REMOTE OPERATION ........................... D–1
D.1 ODU Operation via a CDM-550T Modem Front Panel Comprising Firmware
1.20 D–1
D.2 Menu Trees ................................................................................................................... D–2
D.2.1 SELECT: (Top level) Menu ................................................................................... D–2
D.2.2 SELECT: ODU ...................................................................................................... D–3
D.2.2.1(ODU:) ENABLE Selections ............................................................................. D–3
D. ENABLE Æ CONFIG (Configuration) ......................................... D–3
D. ENABLE Æ CONFIG Æ TRANSMITTER .......................... D–3
CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Table of Contents MN/CDM550T.IOM
(ODU:) ENABLE Æ CONFIG Æ TRANSMITTER ÆFREQUENCY ............................... D–4
(ODU:) ENABLE Æ CONFIG Æ TRANSMITTER Æ ATTEN (Attenuation) .............................. D–4
(ODU:) ENABLE Æ CONFIG Æ TRANSMITTER Æ OUTPUT ...................................... D–4
(ODU:) ENABLE Æ CONFIG Æ TRANSMITTER Æ HPA .................................................... D–4
(ODU:) ENABLE Æ CONFIG Æ TRANSMITTER Æ HPA Æ STATE .................................. D–5
(ODU:) ENABLE Æ CONFIG Æ TRANSMITTER Æ HPA ÆFA U L T - L O G I C .......................... D–5
D. ENABLE ÆCONFIG Æ RECEIVER ................................... D–5
(ODU:) ENABLE ÆCONFIG Æ RECEIVER Æ FREQUENCY ............................... D–5
(ODU:) ENABLE ÆCONFIG Æ RECEIVER Æ ATTEN (Attenuation) .................................... D–6
(ODU:) ENABLE ÆCONFIG Æ RECEIVER Æ LNA ............................................................. D–6
(ODU:) ENABLE ÆCONFIG Æ RECEIVER Æ LNA Æ STATE .......................................... D–6
(ODU:) ENABLE ÆCONFIG Æ RECEIVER Æ LNA Æ CAL (Calibrate) ............................ D–6
(ODU:) ENABLE ÆCONFIG Æ RECEIVER Æ LNA Æ FAULT- LOGIC ........................... D–7
D. ENABLE Æ CONFIG Æ MISC (Miscellaneous) ................. D–7
(ODU:) ENABLE Æ CONFIG Æ MISC Æ AGC (Auto Gain Control) .............................. D–7
(ODU:) ENABLE Æ CONFIG Æ MISC Æ REF-ADJUST ................................................ D–7
D. ) ENABLE Æ INFO (Information) ................................................. D–8
(ODU: ) ENABLE Æ INFO Æ TRANSMITTER ................................................................ D–8
(ODU: ) ENABLE Æ INFO Æ RECEIVER ......................................................................... D–8
(ODU: ) ENABLE Æ INFO Æ HPA .................................................................................... D–8
(ODU: ) ENABLE Æ INFO Æ LNA .................................................................................... D–8
(ODU: ) ENABLE Æ INFO Æ EQUIP (Equipment) ........................................................... D–9
(ODU: ) ENABLE Æ INFO Æ EQUIP Æ ASSEMBLY+SN .............................................. D–9
(ODU: ) ENABLE Æ INFO Æ FW (Firmware) ................................................................... D–9
D. ) ENABLE Æ STATUS ................................................................ D–10


Table 4-1. Front Panel LED Indicators ....................................................................................... 4–2
Table 5-1. Data Connector, 25-pin Type ‘D’ Female ................................................................ 5–2
Table 5-2. Alarms Connector, 15-pin Type ‘D’ Male ............................................................... 5–3
Table 5-3. Remote Control Connector, 9-pin Type ‘D’ Male ................................................... 5–3
Table 5-4 Auxiliary Serial Connector, HE1402 3-Pin Header ................................................. 5–4
Table 7-1 Viterbi Decoding Summary ....................................................................................... 7–2
Table 7-2 Sequential Decoding Summary ................................................................................. 7–2
Table 7-3 Concatenated RS Coding Summary .......................................................................... 7–4
CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Table of Contents MN/CDM550T.IOM


Figure 1-1. CDM-550T ............................................................................................................... 1–1
Figure 4-1 CDM-550T Front and Rear Panels .......................................................................... 4–1
Figure 5-1. CDM-550T Rear Panel Connectors ......................................................................... 5–1
Figure 6-1. CDM-550T Front Panel ........................................................................................... 6–1
Figure 6-2. Keypad .................................................................................................................... 6–2
Figure 6-3. Principle Menu Trees .............................................................................................. 6–3
Figure 6-4. Loopback Modes ................................................................................................... 6–26
Figure 7-1 Viterbi Decoding ...................................................................................................... 7–8
Figure 7-2 Sequential Decoding 64 kbps ................................................................................. 7–9
Figure 7-3 Sequential Decoding 1024 kbps ............................................................................ 7–10
Figure 7-4 Sequential Decoding 2048 kbps ............................................................................. 7–11
Figure 7-5 Viterbi with concatenated RS 2200,200 Outer Code ............................................. 7–12
Figure 7-6 Viterbi with concatenated RS 2200,200 Outer Code 512 kbps ............................. 7–13
Figure 7-7 Comtech EF Data Turbo Product Codec Rate 3/4 {O}QPSK, Rate 1/2 QPSK, Rate
21/44 BPSK, Rate 5/16 BPSK .......................................................................................... 7–14
Figure 7-8 Differential Encoding - No FEC ........................................................................... 7–15
Figure 10-1. Tx Clock Modes ................................................................................................... 10–4
Figure 10-2 . RX Clock Modes ................................................................................................. 10–5
Figure 13-1. Flash Update via Internet ..................................................................................... 13–1
Figure A-1. DCE Conversion Cable – RS-530 to RS-422/449 (CA/WR0049) .......................... A-2
Figure A-2. DCE Conversion Cable – RS-530 to V.35 .............................................................. A-3
Figure A-3. CDM-550T RS-232 Remote Control Port to PC 9-Pin Serial Port ......................... A-4
CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Table of Contents MN/CDM550T.IOM
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Customer Support

Contact the Comtech EF Data Customer Support Department for:
Product support or training
Reporting comments or suggestions concerning manuals
A Customer Support representative may be reached at:
To return a Comtech EF Data product (in-warranty and out-of-warranty) for repair or replaceme nt:
For Online Customer Support:
An RMA number request can be requested electronically by contacting the Customer Support Department through the online support page at
For information regarding this product’s warranty policy, refer to the Warranty Policy, p. xvii.
Information on upgrading or returning a product
Comtech EF Data Attention: Customer Support Department 2114 West 7th Street Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA
480.333.2200 (Main Comtech EF Data number)
480.333.4357 (Customer Support Desk)
480.333.2161 FAX
Contact the Comtech EF Data Customer Support Department. Be prepared to supply
the Customer Support representative with the model number, serial number, and a description of the problem.
Request a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number from the Comtech EF Data
Customer Support representative.
Pack the product in its original shipping carton/packaging to ensure that the product is
not damaged during shipping.
Ship the product back to Comtech EF Data. (Shipping charges should be prepaid.)
Click on “Return Material Authorization” for detailed instructions on our return
Click on the “RMA Request Form” hyperlink, then fill out the form completely before
Send e-mail to the Customer Support Department at

CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Preface MN/CDM550T.IOM

About this Manual

This manual provides installation and operation information for the Comtech EF Data CDM-550T Satellite Modem. This is a technical document intended for earth station engineers, techn ician s, and operators responsible for the operation and maintenance of the CDM-550T.

Reporting Comments or Suggestions Concerning this Manual

Comments and suggestions regarding the content and design of this manual will be appreciated. To submit comments, please contact the Comtech EF Data Technical Publications Department:

Conventions and References

Metric Conversion

Metric conversion information is located on the inside back cover of this manual. This information is provided to assist the operator in cross-referencing non-metric to metric conversions.

Cautions and Warnings

CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. CAUTION may also be used to
indicate other unsafe practices or risks of property damage.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates information critical for proper equipment function.

Recommended Standard Designations

Recommended Standard (RS) Designations have been superseded by the new designation of the Electronic Industries Association (EIA). References to the old designations are shown only when depicting actual text displayed on the screen of the unit (RS-232, RS-485, etc.). All other references in the manual will be shown with the EIA designations.
CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Preface MN/CDM550T.IOM

Electrical Safety

The CDM-550T has been shown to comply with the EN 60950 Safety of Information Technology Equipment (including electrical business machines) safety standard.
The equipment is rated for operation over the range 100 - 240 volts AC. It has a maximum power consumption of 25 watts, and draws a maximum of 250 mA.
The user should observe the following instructions:


The CDM-550T is fitted with two fuses – one each for line and neutral connections. These are contained within the body of the IEC power inlet connector, behind a small plastic flap.
For 230 volt AC operation, use T0.5A, 20mm fuses.
For 115 volt DC operation, use T1A, 20mm fuses.


The CDM-550T must not be operated in an environment where the unit is exposed to extremes of temperature outside the ambient range 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F), precipitation, condensation, or humid atmospheres above 95% RH, altitudes (un-pressurised) greater than 2000 metres, excessive dust or vibration, flammable gases, corrosive or explosive atmospheres.
Operation in vehicles or other transportable installations which are equipped to provide a stable environment is permitted. If such vehicles do not provide a stable environment, safety of the equipment to EN60950 may not be guaranteed.


The installation and connection to the line supply must be made in compliance to local or national wiring codes and regulations.
The CDM-550T is designed for connection to a power system that has separate ground, line and neutral conductors. The equipment is not designed for connection to power system which has no direct connection to ground.
The CDM-550T is shipped with a line inlet cable suitable for use in the country of operation. If it is necessary to replace this cable, ensure the replacement has an equivalent specification.
CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Preface MN/CDM550T.IOM
Examples of acceptable ratings for the cable include HAR, BASEC and HOXXX-X. Examples of acceptable connector ratings include VDE, NF-USE, UL, CSA, OVE, CEBEC, NEMKO, DEMKO, BS1636A, BSI, SETI, IMQ, KEMA-KEUR and SEV.
International Symbols
Symbol Definition Symbol Definition
Alternating Current

Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive

In accordance with the Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive 91/263/EEC, this equipment should not be directly connected to the Public Telecommunications Network.

EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility)

In accordance with European Directive 89/336/EEC, the CDM-625 Modem has been shown, by independent testing, to comply with the following standards:
Emissions: EN 55022 Class B - Limits and methods of measurement of radio
interference characteristics of Information Technology Equipment.
(Also tested to FCC Part 15 Class B)
Immunity: EN 50082 Part 1 - Generic immunity standard, Part 1: Domestic,
commercial and light industrial environment.
Protective Earth
Chassis Ground
To ensure that the Modem continues to comply with these standards,
observe the following instructions:
Connections to the transmit and receive IF ports (BNC female connectors) should be
made using a good quality coaxial cable - for example RG58/U (50Ω or RG59/U (75Ω).
All 'D' type connectors attached to the rear panel must have back-shells that provide
continuous metallic shielding. Cable with a continuous outer shield (either foil or braid, or both) must be used, and the shield must be bonded to the back-shell.
The equipment must be operated with its cover on at all times. If it becomes necessary to
remove the cover, the user should ensure that the cover is correctly re-fitted before normal operation commences.
CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Preface MN/CDM550T.IOM

Warrant y Policy

Comtech EF Data products are warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of two years from the date of shipment. During the warranty period, Comtech EF Data will, at its option, repair or replace products that prove to be defective.
For equipment under warranty, the owner is responsible for freight to Comtech EF Data and all related customs, taxes, tariffs, insurance, etc. Comtech EF Data is responsible for the freight charges only for return of the equipment from the factory to the owner. Comtech EF Data will return the equipment by the same method (i.e., Air, Express, Surface) as the equipment was sent to Comtech EF Data.
All equipment returned for warranty repair must have a valid RMA number issued prior to return and be marked clearly on the return packaging. Comtech EF Data strongly recommends all equipment be returned in its original packaging.
Comtech EF Data Corporation’s obligations under this warranty are limited to repair or replacement of failed parts, and the return shipment to the buyer of the repaired or replaced parts.

Limitations of Warranty

The warranty does not apply to any part of a product that has been installed, altered, repaired, or misused in any way that, in the opinion of Comtech EF Data Corporation, would affect the reliability or detracts from the performance of any part of the product, or is damaged as the result of use in a way or with equipment that had not been previously approved by Comtech EF Data Corporation.
The warranty does not apply to any produ ct or pa rts thereof where th e serial number or the serial number of any of its parts has been altered, defaced, or removed.
The warranty does not cover damage or loss incurred in transportation of the product.
The warranty does not cover replacement or repair necessitated by loss or damage from any cause beyond the control of Comtech EF Data Corporation, such as lightning or other natural and weather related events or wartime environments.
The warranty does not cover any labor involved in the removal and or reinstallation of warranted equipment or parts on site, or any labor required to diagnose the necessity for repair or replacement.
The warranty excludes any responsibility by Comtech EF Data Corporation for incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of the equipment or products, or for any inability to use them either separate from or in combination with any other equipment or products.
CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Preface MN/CDM550T.IOM
A fixed charge established for each product will be imposed for all equipment returned for warranty repair where Comtech EF Data Corporation cannot identify the cause of the reported failure.

Exclusive Remedies

Comtech EF Data Corporation’s warranty, as stated is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed, implied, or statutory, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The buyer shall pass on to any purchaser, lessee, or other user of Comtech EF Data Corporation’s products, the aforementioned warranty, and shall indemnify and hold harmless Comtech EF Data Corporation from any claims or liability of such purchaser, lessee, or user based upon allegations that the buyer, its agents, or employees have made additional warranties or representations as to product preference or use.
The remedies provided herein are the buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies. Comtech EF Data shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory.

1.1 Overview

The CDM-550T Satellite Modem, shown here in Figure 1-1, is a very low-cost Closed Network Satellite Modem, intended for both Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) and hub applications. It offers variable data rates from 2.4 to 2048kbps, in BPSK, QPSK and Offset QPSK modes. Both Viterbi and Sequential Forward Error Correction (FEC) are provided as standard.
The modem is compact, 1RU high and 12 inches deep, and consumes only 18 watts. It has a front panel Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD) display and keypad for local configuration and control, although it can be fully remote-controlled.


Figure 1-1. CDM-550T

1.2 Standar d Fe atures

IF port impedance is selectable from the front panel. Users may choose between the universal standard of 50Ω or the less frequently used 75Ω. The CDM-550T offers both impedances in the same unit as a standard feature.
To facilitate network management, the CDM-550T incorporates EDMAC, an acronym for Embedded Distant-end Monitor And Control (EDMAC). In this mode, an additional 5% overhead is combined with the traffic data, (1.5% in Turbo BPSK modes) which permits M&C information to be added (transparently to the user), allowing access to the distant-end modem. This mode does not require any additional cabling at either the local or distant-end Modems ­access to EDMAC is via the standard M&C control port. Full monitor and control is possible, and importantly, the on/off status of the carrier at the distant-end carrier can be controlled.
CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Introduction MN/CDM550T.IOM

1.2.1 AUPC

An important innovation in the CDM-550T is the addition of Automatic Uplink Power Control (AUPC). This feature enables the modem to automatically adjust its output power to maintain the Eb/No of the remote end of the satellite link constant. This provides protection against rain fading, a particularly severe problem with Ku-band links.
To accomplish this, the framed (EDMAC) mode of operation must be used, and the distant end modem constantly sends back information about the demodulator Eb/No using reserved bytes in the overhead structure. Using the Eb/No, the local modem then adjusts its output power, and hence, a closed-loop feedback system is created over the satellite link.
A benefit of this feature is that whenever framed operation is selected, the remote demodulator’s Eb/No can be viewed from the front panel display of the local modem. Note that both EDMAC and AUPC can be used simultaneously.

1.2.2 Software

The internal software is both powerful and flexible, permitting storage and retrieval of up to 10 different modem configurations. The modem uses ‘flash memory’ technology internally, and new firmware can be uploaded to the unit from an external PC. This simplifies software upgrading, and updates can now be sent via the Internet, E-mail, or on disk. The upgrade can be performed without opening the unit, by simply connecting the modem to the serial port of a computer.

1.2.3 Verification

The unit includes many test modes and loopbacks for rapid verification of the correct functioning of the unit. Of particular note is the IF loopback, which permits the user to perform a quick diagnostic test without having to disturb external cabling. During the loopback, all of the receive configuration parameters are temporarily changed to match those of the transmit side. When normal operation is again selected, all of the previous values are restored.

1.2.4 Data Interfaces

The CDM-550T includes, as standard, a universal data interface which eliminates the need to exchange interface cards for different applications. The interfaces offered include:
RS-422 (RS-530) DCE
V.35 DCE
Synchronous RS-232 DCE
Asynchronous RS-232 (at data rates up to 56 kbaud)
X.21 DTE and DCE
CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Introduction MN/CDM550T.IOM

1.3 Options

As an external option, a G.703 interface (Comtech EF Data Model Number CIC-50), operating at T1 (1544 kbps) and E1 (2048 kbps) is available.
Two optional Forward Error Correction (FEC) Codecs can be supplied.
The first, a Reed-Solomon (R-S) Codec (a plug-in daughter card, field upgradeable),
significantly enhances the bit error performance of the modem.
The second is the Comtech EF Data Turbo Product Codec (TPC), representing a very
significant development in the area of FEC. Like the R-S Codec, it is a plug-in daughter card, field upgradeable. It provides the best level of BER improvement currently available, and in Rate 3/4 QPSK mode, simultaneously conserves bandwidth.

1.4 Compatibility

For 1:1 applications the CDM-550T is supported by a low-cost external switch, the CRS-100. For Hub applications, the CDM-550T is supported by a low-cost 1:N switch, the CRS-
200. Its fast acquisition time makes it attractive for both demand-assigned and fixed-assigned SCPC applications.
The CDM-550T is a companion product for the Comtech EF Data line of Radio Frequncy (RF) Transceivers. The Modem incorporates an Frequency Shift Keyong (FSK) serial link that can be activated on the Receive Intermediate Frequency (IF) port for the purpose of communicating with a Transceiver, if connected. In this manner, a user may monitor, configure, and control the Transceiver, using the front panel display and keypad of the Modem. The EDMAC channel may also be used to convey Monitor & Control (M&C) data to a Transceiver at the distant end of a satellite link, if it is connected to a CDM-550T.
The CDM-550T is fully backwards-compatible with the Comtech EF Data CDM-500 and CDM-550 modems.

1.5 Manual Release Notes

Revision 3 incorporates the following MN/CDM550T.IOM updates:
Update Customer Service and Warranty information (see Preface)
Update FEC End-to-End Processing Delay specifications table (see Sect. 7.5.1)
Update FEC Turbo Product CODEC Figure 7-7
Update Demodulator Specification table, Turbo Product CODEC BER (see Sect. 14.2)
CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Introduction MN/CDM550T.IOM
Firmware update notes:
Version 1.33 has added a new timed Diversity Switch operating mode.
(Note: Please contact CEFD Customer Service for further infomation on the operation and use of this mode.)
Version 1.24 has added new Turbo Code Rate – Rate 1/2 QPSK
Version 1.20 firmware has added KST-2000 ODU capability
Version 1.19 firmware has added new Turbo Code Rate – Rate 3/4 OQPSK
Version 1.15 firmware has added two new Turbo Code Rates - Rate 21/44 and Rate 5/16
- both operating in BPSK only. (Note: If you do not have Version 1.15 or higher installed in your CDM-550T, contact
the factory for a free upgrade)
Version 1.10 firmware incorporates the following features:
1. Link performance statistics logging. A second log has been added (independent of the
stored events log), where the user can choose to record link performance statistics at regular intervals. Parameters which are recorded include minimum and average values of Eb/No, and maximum and average values of Transmit power level increase, if AUPC is being used.
2. Receive/Transmit Inhibit (RTI) which permits the user to stop a remote site from
bringing up its transmit carrier until its demodulator is correctly locked.


2.1 Unpacking and Inspection

Inspect shipping containers for damage. If shipping containers are damaged, keep them until the contents of the shipment have been carefully inspected and checked for normal operation.
Remove the packing list from the outside of the shipping carton. Open the carton and remove the contents, checking the contents against the packing list. Verify completeness of the shipment and that the unit functions correctly. If damage is evident, contact the carrier and Comtech EF Data immediately and submit a damage report. Keep all shipping materials for the carrier's inspection.
If the unit needs to be returned to Comtech EF Data, please use the original shipping container.

2.2 Mounting

If the CDM-550T is to be mounted in a rack, ensure that there is adequate clearance for ventilation. The CDM-550T does not include a cooling fan, so care must be taken that too many units are not mounted on top of each other. The limit is four units, and then a blank 1U panel must be inserted to allow sufficient airflow around the units. In rack systems where there is high heat dissipation, forced air cooling must be provided by top or bottom mounted fans or blowers. Under no circumstance should the highest internal rack temperature be allowed to exceed 50°C (122°F).

2.2.1 Leading Particulars

Parameter Requirement
Dimensions 1U, 12 inches (30.5 cm) Deep Weight 7 lbs (3.2 kg) maximum
The unit is not designed to have rack slides mounted to the side of the chassis. However, some method of support within the rack should be employed, such as rack shelves. If there is any question, consult the Comtech EF Data, Customer Support department.
CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Installation MN/CDM550T.IOM

2.3 Configuration

There are no internal jumpers to configure, no interface cards to install, and no other options to install. All configuration is carried out entirely in software. The unit should first be configured locally, using the front panel keypad and display. The unit will ship with a default 64 kbps, QPSK, Rate 1/2 configuration. Refer to the ‘FRONT PANEL OPERATION’ section for details on how to fully configure the unit for the desired operating parameters.
The auto-sensing AC power supply does not require any adjustments. Simply plug in the supplied line cord, and turn on the switch on the rear panel.

2.4 Select Internal IF Loop

Correct operation of the unit may be verified rapidly, without the need for externally connected equipment. From the top level menu, select TEST, then IF LOOP (refer to the ‘FRONT
PANEL OPERATION’ section). The demod should synchronize, and the GREEN RECEIVE TRAFFIC LED should illuminate. If the unit does not pass this test, call the factory for

2.5 Connect External Cables

Having verified correct operation in IF loop, enter the desired configuration, and proceed to connect all external cables. If difficulties occur, please call the factory for assistance.
Please note that the modulator gives an output power level in the range 0 to -20 dBm, and the demodulator expects to see a signal in the range -30 to -60 dBm.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION - Optimum input level:
Adjust the input level to the demodulator so that the AGC value displayed on the RX PARAMETERS screen reads between 90 and 95.
The CDM-550T has two fundamentally different types of interface – Data and Intermediate Frequency (IF):
The data interface is a bi-directional path which connects with the customer’s equipment
(assumed to be the Digital Test Equipment [DTE]) and the modem (assumed to be the Digital Circuit Equipment [DCE]).
The IF interface provides a bi-directional link with the satellite via the uplink and
downlink equipment.
Transmit Data
1. Tx data is received by the terrestrial interface where line receivers convert the clock and
data signals to Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) levels for processing.
2. A small First In – First Out (FIFO) follows the terrestrial interface to facilitate the various
clocking and framing options.
3. If framing is enabled, the Tx clock and data output from the FIFO pass through the
framer, where the EDMAC data is added to the main data.
4. Otherwise, the clock and data are passed directly to the FEC encoder.
5. In the FEC encoder, the data is differentially encoded, scrambled, and then
convolutionally encoded.
6. Following the encoder, the data is fed to the Tx digital filters, which perform spectral
shaping on the data signals.
7. The resultant I and Q signals are then fed to the QPSK/BPSK modulator.
8. The carrier is generated by a frequency synthesizer, and the I and Q signals directly
modulate this carrier to produce an IF output signal.
CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Functional Description MN/CDM550T.IOM
Receive Data
1. Rx IF signal is first translated to a fixed IF frequency, using a frequency synthesizer.
2. An Automatic Gain Control (AGC) circuit maintains the composite level within the IF
bandwidth constant over a limited range.
3. Following this, the signal is sampled by a high-speed (flash) Analog-to-Digital (A/D)
4. All processing beyond this conversion is purely digital.
5. The signal is translated down to near zero frequency by a complex mix, and then is
processed by a digital Costas Loop, which performs the functions of Nyquist filtering, carrier recovery, and bit-timing recovery.
6. The resultant demodulated signal is fed, in soft decision form, to the FEC decoder
(Viterbi, Sequential or Turbo, and Reed-Solomon, if installed).
7. After decoding, the recovered clock and data pass to the de-framer (if EDMAC is
enabled) where the overhead information is removed.
8. Following this, the data passes to the Plesiochronous/Doppler buffer, which has a
programmable size, or may be bypassed.
9. From here, the Rx clock and data signals are routed to the terrestrial interface, and are
passed to the externally connected DTE equipment.

4.1 Overview

The CDM-550T is constructed as a 1RU high rack-mounting chassis, which can be free-standing, if desired. Rack handles at the front facilitate removal from and placement into a rack. Figure 4-1 shows the front and rear panels of the modem.
Chapter 4. PHYSICAL
On/Off Switch
dicatorsLED In
25 Pin ‘D’ Ty pe Femal e
Figure 4-1 CDM-550T Front and Rear Panels
LED Indicators
CDM-550T Front Panel
15 Pin ‘D’ Type Male
BNC Female
CDM-550T Rear Panel
Vacuum Fluorescent Display
9 Pin ‘D’ Typ e Male
BNC Female
CDM-550T Satellite Modem Revision 3 Physical Description MN/CDM550T.IOM

4.2 Front Panel

On the front panel of the unit is the Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD), keypad, and eight Light Emitting Diode (LED) indicators. The user enters data via the keypad, and messages are
displayed on the VFD. The LEDs indicate, in a summary fashion, the status of the unit.
The VFD is an active display showing two lines, each of 24 characters. It produces a blue light, the brightness of which can be controlled by the user. It has greatly superior viewing characteristics compared to a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), and does not suffer problems of viewing angle or contrast.
The keypad comprises six individual keyswitches, mounted directly behind a fully sealed membrane overlay. They have a positive ‘click’ action, which provides the user with tactile feedback. These six switches are identified as [] [] [] [], ENT (Enter) and CLR (Clear).
The functions of these keys are described in Chapter 6. FRONT PANEL OPERATION.
There are eight LED indicators. The functions of these indicators are shown in Table 4-1:
Table 4-1. Front Panel LED Indicators
LED Color Condition
Unit Status
Transmit Traffic
Receive Traffic
On line
Stored Event
Remote EDMAC
Mode Test Mode
Red A Unit Fault exists (Example: PSU fault) Orange No Unit Faults, but a Traffic Fault exists Green No Unit Faults, or Traffic Faults Green No Tx Traffic Faults Off Green No Rx Traffic Faults (demod and Viterbi decoder are locked, everything is OK) Off An Rx Traffic fault exists (the demod may still be OK) Green The Unit is On Line, and carrying traffic
Orange Off There are no Stored Events
Orange The Unit is in Remote Mode - local monitoring is possible, but no local control Off The Unit is in Local Mode - remote monitoring is possible, but no remote control Orange Framing on, EDMAC on, and unit defined as Slave Off Either no EDMAC, EDMAC Master, or Transparent mode is selected Orange A Test Mode is selected (Example: IF Loopback) Off There is no Test Mode currently selected
A Tx Traffic fault exists OR the Tx Carrier is in OFF state
The Unit is Off Line (standby) - forced by externally connected 1:1 or 1:N redundancy system
There is a Stored Event in the log, which can be viewed from the front panel, or retrieved via the remote control interface
In general, the Alarm relay state will reflect the state of the Front Panel LEDs. For instance, if the Unit Status LED is RED, the Unit Alarm relay will be active,
etc. The one exception is the Transmit Traffic relay. This will only be activated if a Transmit Traffic Fault exists – it does not reflect the state of the TX carrier.
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