IInnssttaallll BBUUCC PPoowweerr SSuuppppllyy
GGrroouunndd CCaabbllee
AApppplliiccaattiioonn NNoottee
The CDM-570 Satellite Modem BUC Power Supply has been determine to exhibiting spiking during testing. To eliminate this anomaly,
a grounding wire is installed. Additional testing has revealed a satisfactory solution.
1. Remove the modem top cover and set the screws aside for later installation.
2. Peel back the black BUC Power Supply cover to expose the attached interface.
3. Remove the one screw securing the interface.
4. Open the CEFD provided kit. A grounding cable (CA/WR12610-1) and a #6 screw
(HW/SEM632x1/4PH) shall be provided.
5. Attach one end of the grounding cable to the interface and secure with existing
6. Attach remaining end of grounding cable to the box of the BUC Power Supply and
secure with provided screw.
7. Position and press down on BUC Power Supply cover.
8. Position and secure the top cover to the modem.
Grounding Cable Provided #6 Screw
AAddddiittiioonnaall NNootteess
For further help on this, or any other Comtech satellite communications-related topic, please contact Comtech EF Data’s Customer
Support department (Int + 480 859-2338).
The information contained in this document supercedes all previously published information
regarding this product. Product specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
2114 West 7th Street
Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA
Tel : 1 480 333 2200 Fax: 1 480 333 2161
Comtech EF Data reserves the right to make changes to specifications of products described herein at any time without notice and without obligation to notify any person of such changes.
Copyright ©2006 Comtech EF Data Corp. –1– APN/GROUND CABLE.DOC 9/8/06