Model EAH / EC Dishwasher
Installation & Operati on
Rev 1.02A
SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................................. 3
EAH / EC Dishmachine ......................................................................................................................................... 3
GETTING STARTED .............................................................................................................................. 4
Introduction to EAH and EC ................................................................................................................................. 4
Receiving and Installation ..................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Packaging .................................................................................................................................................. 4
2. Electrical .................................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Plumbing.................................................................................................................................................... 5
4. Scrap Trap Accumulator ............................................................................................................................ 5
5. Chemical Feeder ........................................................................................................................................ 6
6. Activating Machine ................................................................................................................................... 6
OPERATION ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Starting Instructions ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Operating Instructions ........................................................................................................................................... 8
1. Scraping a nd Pre-rinse ............................................................................................................................... 8
2. Sorting and R acking .................................................................................................................................. 8
3. Racking dishes ........................................................................................................................................... 8
4. Racking glasses ......................................................................................................................................... 9
5. Racking flatware ........................................................................................................................................ 9
6. Stacking & Storage .................................................................................................................................... 9
Cleaning and Maintenance .................................................................................................................................. 11
1. Cleaning the drain screen......................................................................................................................... 11
2. Cleaning the washer arms ........................................................................................................................ 11
3. Check Oper ations .................................................................................................................................... 12
4. Cleanup .................................................................................................................................................... 12
5. Empty the Scrap Tray .............................................................................................................................. 12
Quick servi ce guide ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Troubleshooting t he EAH & EC ......................................................................................................................... 14
Will Not Start .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Out of Chemical....................................................................................................................................... 14
Dishes/Glasses are N ot Clean .................................................................................................................. 14
Machine Will Not Hold Water ................................................................................................................ 14
Water Running o n the Floor .................................................................................................................... 14
Water Will Not Drain From the Machine ................................................................................................ 14
Water Coming Out of the Door ............................................................................................................... 14
Machine Will Not Shut Off ..................................................................................................................... 14
Machine Will Not Fill .............................................................................................................................. 15
EAH/EC Options ................................................................................................................................................. 16
Door Handle Conversion EAH To EC #00617.30 .......................................................................................... 16
Door Handle Conversion EC to EAH #00617.20 ............................................................................................ 17
ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM .................................................................................................................... 19
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*Warning: Electrical and plumbing connections need to be made by a qualified
Electrical, Plumbing and Safety codes.
E (Approximate)
E-EXT (Approximate)
Model EAH / EC Dishwasher
EAH / EC Dishm achine
Installation & Operati on
Rev 1.02A
service person who will co mply with all available Federal, State a nd Lo c al Health,
Note: The required flowing water pressure to the dishwasher is 15-65 PSIG. If pressures higher than 65 PSIG are
present, a pressure regulating valve must be installed in the water line to the dishwasher (by others). If flowing
pressure is lower than 15 psi, improper machine operation may result.
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Model EAH / EC Dishwasher
Installation & Operati on
Rev 1.02A
Introduction to EAH and EC
CMA dishwashers have been used world -wide for many years. This manual has been written to help you, the
operator, in your job. Your job is one of the “most important” in this restaurant. Why? Your product, the dishes
and glasses, is the first thing the customer notices when he sits down.. Clean, sparkling dishes and silverware will
set the mood for the customer when he observes the table setting.
Receiving and Installation
The dishwasher is shipped from the factory bubble packed on a pallet. The guidelines are listed in a step-by-step
procedure for your reference.
1. Packaging
Unwrap the machine and check for the following component par t s :
Scrap accumulator complete with lid and scrap tray. This is normally an integral part of the
Tube stiffeners. Tube stiffeners must be used to prevent the feed tubes from curling inside the
chemical pail and sucking air. These are pre-installed to the chemical pump and attached to the
back of the dishmachine. The ends of the chemical tubing have been flared so that the tubing will
not pull out of the stiffener. Red is for detergent, white for sanitizer, and blue for rinse aid.
2. Electrical
Prior to installation make sure the electrical supply is compatible with the specifications on the machines data
CMA standard dishwashers operate on 110 volts. Other voltage requirements are available on request.
WARNING: Electrical and grounding connections must comply with the applicable portions of the National
Electrical Code and/or other local electrical codes.
Note: For supply connections, use copper wire only rated at 90 degree C minimum.
WARNING: Electrical and plumbing connections need to be made by a qualified serv i c e person who will
comply with all available Federal, State, and local Health, Electrical, Plumbing Safety Codes.
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Model EAH / EC Dishwasher
Installation & Operati on
3. Plumbing
The machine needs the following:
2” pipe for the drain outlet
½” pipe for the incoming water
A flex hose or quick disconnect union. The water inlet is at the top left corner of the dishwasher
Notice to Plumber: The plumber connecting this machine is responsible for making certain that the water
lines are THOROUGHLY FLUSHED OUT BEFORE connecting to the dishwasher
Ask your municipal water supplier for details about your local water conditions prior to installation.
Recommended water hardness is 3 grains per gallon or less.
Note: high iron levels in the water supply can cause staining and may require an iron filter. High chlorine
levels in the water supply can cause pitting and may require a chloride removal system.
If an inspection of the dishwasher or booster heater reveals lime buildup after the equipment has been in
service, water treatment is recommended. If water softener is already in place, ensure there is a sufficient
level of salt
4. Scrap Trap Accumulator
The scrap trap accumulator is designed to perform two basic functions:
It allows a method to discharge all the heavy solids out of the machine with each wash and rinse
It provides capacity to drain the contents of one cycle regardless of the ability of the existing drain
to accept the discharge rate.
There is a drain connection sleeve (2”) on the bottom of the scrap accumulator (See drain connection
Rev 1.02A
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Model EAH / EC Dishwasher
Installation & Operati on
Rev 1.02A
5. Chemical Feeder
The peristaltic pumps are assembled and included within the machine.
Note: Use only commercial-grade detergents and rinse aids recommended by your chemical
professional. Do not use detergents and rinse aids formulated for residential dishwashers.
Low Temperatures chemical-sanitizing dishmachines must not exceed 6% sodium hypochlorite solution
(bleach) as the sanitizing agent. Higher levels may damage stainless or components.
Follow the directions precisely that are on the litmus paper vial and test the water on the surface of the
bottom of the glasses. Concentration should be 50 p.p.m. minimum to 100 p.p.m. maximum. If
concentration is incorrect contact your chemical supplier.
6. Activating Machine
The machine is equipped with a prime switch to activate the peristaltic pump at any time the master
switch is “ON”.
Following the completion of the installation, always fill the machine with water befo re the machine is
Hold the fill button until the water level is approxima te ly ½” to ¾” below the overflow hole in the
PVC standpipe. This water level should be approximately even with the bottom edge splash guard
in sump area of machine.
Activate the prime switches for the three chemical pumps until the product is discharging into the
To start the machine, close the doors and the machine will cycle automatically.
The amount of product delivered by each cam is controlled by changing the opening in each cam. When
the micro switch rides down into the cam, the peristaltic pump motor begins to rotate. It will continue to
rotate until it rides up out of the groove. Therefore, to extend the amount of product delivered to the
machine, open the groove. To reduce the amount of product delivered to the machine, close the groove.
Cams are slip fit. A cam adjustment wrench is provided, but the cam can be adjusted with a small
screwdriver or the edge of a table knife.
Technical personnel are available during normal business hours should you, as an installer, have any
questions. We are available to serve you at 800-854-6417.
CMA expressly disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, relating to the installation of any and all CMA equipment that is installed by chemical dealers, contracted servicers or third party servicers t o C MA equ ipment.
If the installation instructions are not followed exactly (to the letter), or, if any person or company conducting the installation of the CMA equipment, revise the installation procedures or alter the i nstructions in any manner, the
CMA warranty becomes void. If, due to the improper installation of CMA equipment, thi s equ i pment ceases to opera te properly or affect s ot her parts of the C MA di shwashing equipm en t, in that the other p ar ts become defective,
the CMA warranty becomes void. CMA will not be liable or responsible or warrant CMA equipment, due to im proper installation of any CMA model dishwasher.
CMA does NOT e ndorse “T ankles s On-Demand” water heaters for use on CMA Dishmachine products. On most applications, the volume of hot water
required for commercial dishmachines exceeds the capacity of these types of heating sources. You will find that most, if not all, commercial dishmachines
have been programme d with auto-filling features that require quick filling, with a designated limited time.
CMA DOES e ndorse, a nd hig hly r ec omme nds, t he s tanda r d “tank” s tyle wate r heaters, sized properly to handle each particular facility with their water
heating requirements. A “tank” style water heater stores and supplies a large capacity of preheated water before providing hot water t o the di shma chine .
To meet required health codes, there must be a reliable and consistent flow of adequate hot water supplied to the dishmachine. If the facilities’ “tank”
style water heater is marginal in size, CMA recommends installing a proper size Hatco Boos ter Heater, a CMA’s E-Temp 40 or 70-degree-rise Booster
Heater (that can be installed on CMA Conveyors), or a CMA Temp-Sure Booster Heater (for door and undercounter dishmachines). All are designed to
adequately achieve results.
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