Titan™ Media Cart
InstallatIon and operatIon Manual

tAble of contents
SERVICE AND SUPPORT ......................................................................................... 1
PRODUCT RETURNS ............................................................................................... 1
UNPACKING .............................................................................................................. 1
TITAN SINGLE MEDIA CART .................................................................................... 2
TITAN DUAL MEDIA CART ........................................................................................ 2
BEFORE YOU BEGIN ................................................................................................ 3
TITAN SINGLE MEDIA CART .................................................................................... 4
Assembling the hArdwAre ......................................................................4
mounting the screen..............................................................................6
TITAN DUAL MEDIA CART ........................................................................................ 7
Assembling the hArdwAre ......................................................................7
mounting the screens ...........................................................................9
ATTACHING A PTZ CAMERA.................................................................................. 10
ATTACHING THE CODEC SHELF .......................................................................... 11
SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................... 12
CLEARONE PART NO. 800-300-101 JANUARY 2012 (REV. 4.1)
© 2012 ClearOne Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission from
ClearOne Communications. Printed in the United States of America. ClearOne
reserves specific privileges. Information in this document is subject to change
without notice

The Titan™ Media Carts provide superior strength, mobility and storage
space. They are a perfect blend of heavy duty construction and professional
styling. Our durable metal carts are an attractive, highly functional addition
to any conferencing environment. The ability to hold one screen (single cart)
or two screens (dual cart) makes Titan perfect for large conference rooms
or distance learning facilities. See the Specifications section on page 12 for
maximum screen sizes.
service And support
If you need additional information on how to install, set up or operate your
Titan Media Cart, please contact us. We welcome your comments so that we
can continue to improve our products and better meet your needs.
Tel: 1.800.283.5936
Fax: 1.801.974.3669
Email: tech.support@clearone.com
product returns
All product returns require a return materials authorization (RMA) number.
Please contact ClearOne Technical Support before attempting to return your
product. Make sure you return all the items that shipped with your product.
Carefully remove all items that ship with the Titan Media Cart. Ensure you
have received all items shown on the following page. If you are missing any
items, please contact our Service Department at 1-800-283-5936.
NOTE: ClearOne is not responsible for product damage incurred
during shipment. You must make claims directly with the carrier.
Inspect your shipment carefully for obvious signs of damage. If
the shipment appears damaged, retain the original boxes and
packing material for inspection by the carrier. Contact your carrier
Introduction 1

titAn single mediA cArt
8-32 Pan Head Screws
Qty: 2
5/16 Nuts
Qty: 12
Vertical Support
Universal Base with Support Top
Codec Shelf 1/4-20 Screw
Qty: 1
5/16 Bolts
Qty: 20
5/16 Washers
Qty: 12
NOTE: Depending on your options, not all included hardware will
be used when assembling the Titan Single Media Cart.
titAn duAl mediA cArt
Universal Base with Support Top
Rail Track
Vertical SupportHorizontal SupportCodec Shelf
1/4-20 Screw
Qty: 1
8-32 Pan Head Screw
Qty: 2
5/16 Bolts
Qty: 20
2 Technical Support: 800.283.5936
5/16 Washers
Qty: 12
5/16 Nuts
Qty: 12

before You begin
Before you begin assembling your Titan Media Cart, be sure to have the
• OmniMount 1N1-L screen mount (single screen configuration)
OmniMount VB150F (X2) screen mounts (dual screen configuration)
• 1/2” wrench
• Socket wrench with 1/2” socket
• Phillips screw driver
The Titan Media Carts require one mount for each screen that is to be
secured to the unit. Both the OmniMount 1N1-L and the OmniMount VB150F
include a wall mount that connects to the cart and vertical rails that attach
to the back of the monitor. The OmniMount 1N1-L and VB150F are not sold
by ClearOne and are not included with the Titan Cart systems, but must be
purchased separately. Contact the Service Department at 1-800-283-5936
for more information.
Introduction 3