Wireless Speaker Station
The WS200 Speaker Station can be used with a DX100 or DX200 system, together with Beltpacs and WH200
All-in-one Headsets. It provides wireless communication through its built-in microphone and speaker or a plug-in
headset. A remote speaker can also be connected to the unit. The Speaker Station can be used on a table top or
mounted on the wall. It can be operated with standard AC power, 12-14VDC or with six AA batteries or an optional
rechargeable battery. A power supply with cord and a battery sled are provided.
Wall Mounting
If you choose to mount the WS200 on the wall and if AC operation is required, it must be mounted close enough to an
electrical outlet to be reached with the power supply and cord.
• Hold the unit against the wall where you will mount it and
mark the wall through the four holes in the flanges on its left
and right sides.
• Drill holes in the wall at the four marked spots, and mount
the WS200 over the holes with your
selected hardware (not provided).
HM ELECTRONICS, INC. 14110 Stowe Drive, Poway, CA 92064 USA • Phone: 1-800-848-4468 Fax: (858) 552-0172
HME# 400G612
Rev B 7/3/08

Power Setup
AC Power Operation
If using the WS200 with AC power ⎯
• Plug the connector at the end of the power supply cord into the 12-14 VDC power connector on right side
of the unit. Turn the sleeve on the connector clockwise to secure it to the unit.
• Plug the large female connector at one end of the AC power cord into the power supply. Plug the other end
of the AC power cord into an electrical outlet.
Power supply cor
Having a fully charged (or new) battery in its battery compartment when operating the WS200 with AC or
external DC power can prevent interruption of communication during a power outage. The WS200 will
automatically switch to battery power.
Power supply
AC power cord
Battery Operation
If using the WS200 with battery power ⎯
• Press down and pull out on the two battery cover
release latches and lift the cover to open the
battery compartment.
• Insert six AA batteries into the battery sled, in the
positions shown inside the sled, and install the sled in
the battery compartment.
NOTE: An HME BAT850 Rechargeable
NiMH Battery can be used instead.
• Close the battery compartment by pressing
down on its cover next to both of the latches
at the same time until they snap in place.
Battery sled
with batteries
Battery cover
release latches

WS200 Registration
The first time you operate the WS200, you must register it for use with a specific DX100 or DX200 Base Station.
The base station will then recognize the WS200 when its power is on, and will be able to tell the difference between
it and other electronic equipment operating on similar frequencies, or DX family Beltpacs or All-in-one Headsets.
NOTE: The WS200 must be within 6 feet (1.83 meters) of the base station while being registered.
Registration Procedure:
• Be sure the WS200 is turned off and the base station power is on.
• On the base station, press and release the REG/REGISTER BELTPAC but ton.
⎯ The REGISTRATION STATUS display will show a small “o” for open.
• On the WS200, press and hold the ISO button while you press and release the PWR/POWER button to turn the
unit on, and then release the ISO button. This will cause the WS200 to enter the registration mode.
⎯ The REGISTRATION STATUS display on the base station will continue t o show a small “o.”
⎯ The ISO and IC lights on the WS200 will be blinking red then will change to a steady green IC light.
Registration buttons and indicators on MB100 and BS200 Base Stations
When registration is successfully completed:
• If you have a headset plugged into the WS200 or if the speaker is on, you will hear a voice message in the
headset or speaker saying “Power on, Speaker, Version #, Begin registration, Registration complete…”
• The REGISTRATION STATUS display on the base station will show the ID number assigned to the
WS200, for about 10 seconds.
NOTE: ID numbers are assigned sequentially to registered Beltpacs, All-in-one Headsets and Speaker
Stations as 0 thru 9, A, b, C, d and E (up to 15 total).
• The IC light on the WS200 will remain on steady green.