1 Overall hydraulic system
Overall circuit diagram
3007-2bService brake hydraulic cylinder
3008Parking brake hydraulic cylinder
3009Floating axle lock hy dr au lic cylind e r
3010Cab raise/lo we r hy dr a ulic cylin de r
3011Unlock cab hydraulic cylinder
3012Rear power lift hydraulic cylinder
3013Front power lift hydraul ic cylinder
3014Swing lower link hy dr aulic cylin de r
-406Orifice plate F (Ø 0. 8 mm)
414Orifice plate F (Ø 3. 5 mm)
-515Pressure accumula to r
516Service brake pressur e ac cu m ulato r
519Parking brake pr essure accumulator
-609Orbitrol steering system rotary valve
641Shut-off valve
642Service brake valve
644Steering sense valve
772-1bVolume flow controller (red B)
772-2aVolume flow controller (EHR A)
772-2bVolume flow controller (EHR B)
772-3aVolume flow controller (white A)
772-3bVolume flow controller (white B)
772-4aVolume flow controller (yellow A)
772-4bVolume flow controller (yellow B)
772-5aVolume flow controller (green A)
772-5bVolume flow controller (green B)
772-6aVolume flow controller (swing lower link A)
772-6bVolume flow controller (swing lower link B)
773Pressure controller
-801-1Quick-release coupling (P power beyond)
801-2aQuick-release coupling (T power beyond rear)
801-2bQuic k- re le as e co up lin g (T fro n t)
801-3Quick-release coupling (LS power beyond)
801-4Quick- rel e as e co up lin g (r ed A rea r)
801-5Quick- rel e as e co up lin g (r ed A fro nt )
801-6Quick- rel e as e co up lin g (r ed B rea r)
801-7Quick- rel e as e co up lin g (r ed B fro nt )
801-8Quick-re le as e coup lin g (white A front)
801-9Quick-re le as e coup lin g (white A rear)
801-10Quic k- rele ase coupling (white B rear)
801-11Quick- re le as e co up lin g (y ello w A fro nt)
801-12Quick- re le as e co up lin g (y ello w A rear )
801-13Quick- re le as e co up lin g (y ello w B rear )
801-14Quick- re le as e co up lin g (y ello w B fro nt)
801-15Quick-release coupling (green A front)
000 293 646 0 - SYS-H XERION 3300 - 04/05 9
1 Overall hydraulic system
Overall circuit diagram
801-16Quick-release coupli ng (green A rear)
801-17Quick-release coupli ng (green B rear)
801-18Quick-release coupli ng (green B front)
Y189-6Steering logics definition valve solenoid v alve
Y189-7Steering logics definition valve solenoid v alve
Y189-8Steering logics definition valve solenoid v alve
Y189-9Steering logics definition valve solenoid v alve
Y189-10Steering logics definition valve solenoid valve
Y190-1aAutomatic steering solenoid valve
Y190-1bAutomatic steering solenoid valve
Y190-2aAutomatic steering solenoid valve
Y190-2bAutomatic steering solenoid valve
Y191Constant-pressure s ystem solenoid valve
Y192Floating axle locking sole no id valve
Y193Floating axle unlock ing sole n oid valv e
Y194-1Cab rotation solenoid valve ?
Y194-2Cab rotation solenoid valve ?
Y195-1Unlock cab solenoid valve
Y195-2Unlock cab solenoid valve (not used)
Y196Cab raise solenoid valve
Y197Cab lower solenoid valve
Y198-1aPilot valve solenoid valve (red A)
Y198-1bPilot valve solenoid valve (red B)
Y198-2aPilot valve solenoid valve (EHR A)
Y198-2bPilot valve solenoid valve (EHR B)
Y198-3aPilot valve solenoid valve (white A)
Y198-3bPilot valve solenoid valve (white B)
10000 293 646 0 - SYS-H XERION 3300 - 04/05
Y198-4aPilot valve solenoid valve (yello w A)
Y198-4bPilot valve solenoid valve (yello w B)
Y198-5aPilot valve solenoid valve (g ree n A)
Y198-5bPilot valve solenoid valve (g ree n B)
Y198-6aPilot valve solenoid valve (swi ng low er link A)
Y198-6bPilot valve solenoid valve (swi ng low er link B)
-Z12Parking brake actual value switch
Z19Hydraulic oil level (min.) actual value switch
Z81Service brake pressure actual value switch
Z102-1Working hydraulics filter bypass actual value switch (bypass open)
Z102-2Steering hydraulics filter bypass actual value switch (bypass open)
1 Overall hydraulic system
Overall circuit diagram
Z102-3Return line filter bypass actual value switch (bypass open)
Z103Pump function actual value switch
Z104Brake accumulator pressure actual value switch
Z105-1Floating axle lock 55 bar pressure
Z105-2Floating axle lock 115 bar pressure
Z12Parking brake actual value switch
Z19Hydraulic oil level (min.) actual value switch
Z81Service brake pressure actual value switch
Z102-1Working hydraulics filter bypass actual value switch (bypass open)
Z102-2Steering hydraulics filter bypass actual value switch (bypass open)
Z102-3Return line filter bypass actual value switch (bypass open)
Z103Pump function actual value switch (emergency steering pump)
000 293 646 0 - SYS-H XERION 3300 - 04/05 11
1 Overall hydraulic system
PFC pump
PFC pump
Compensating valve
6Compensating valve
7Input (load pressure from signal network)
10Working hydraulics pump port
11Port of control piston of working hydraulics pump
12Tank port
772Volume flow controller
773Pressure controller
Description of functionThe PFC pump (2) is an axial piston pump.
PFC means:
– P (Pressure)
– F (Flow)
– C (Controlled)
PFC pumpThe compression spring of the volume flow controller (772) is designed so that
the pump pressure acting on the face end is always 20 bar above the load
pressure acting via port (7). This pressure of 20 bar is ref erred to as "Margin
pressure". The pressure controller (773) limit s the pressure in the working
hydraulics circuit to 200±5 bar (Pressure relief valve function).
000 293 646 0 - SYS-H XERION 3300 - 04/05 13
1 Overall hydraulic system
PFC pump
Initial position (engine OFF)
2(PFC) Pump
6Compensating valve
7Input (load pressure from signal network)
14Control piston
15Control spring
16Pump drive
17Swash plate
19Pump inlet
20Pump outlet
21Compression spring (margin pressure)
377Hydraulic cylinder variable-displacement pump
772Volume flow controller
14000 293 646 0 - SYS-H XERION 3300 - 04/05
1 Overall hydraulic system
PFC pump
Initial positionSince the engine has been shut down, there is no pressure in the hydraulic
system. The compression spring (21) has pushed the vol u me flow controller
(772) to the right. In this po sition , the top side of the varia ble-di splaceme nt pump
hydraulic cylinder (37 7) i s conn ec te d wit h th e tank via the volume flow contr oll er
(772). The control spri ng (15) has swi vell ed the swash plat e (17) to its maximum
000 293 646 0 - SYS-H XERION 3300 - 04/05 15
1 Overall hydraulic system
PFC pump
Low-pressure standby
2(PFC) Pump
6Compensating valve
7Input (load pressure from signal network)
14Control piston
15Control spring
17Swash plate
20Pump outlet
21Compression spring (margin pressure)
25Control edge
377Hydraulic cylinder variable-displacement pump
772Volume flow controller
Description of functionAll control units are i n their neutral posi tion. At t he beginnin g of this exa mple, the
swash plate (17) is in its maximum end position (see also Engine OFF).
When the engine is started, the pump feeds the maximum volume flow via the
pump output (20) up to the spools of all control units.
Since the spools block the flow completely, the pr essure rises and is applied to
the right face end of the volume flow controller (772) which is moved to the left
against the compression spring (margin pressure) (21). In this process, the
control edge (25) is opened so that the pressure gains ac cess to the top side of
the variable-displacement pump hydraulic cylinder (377). Now the swash plate
(17) is moved to the "Minimum vo lume flow" position against the control spring
(15). This process takes only 10 milliseconds.
In this pump position, the following happens: Volume flow is generated only to
such an extent that lea kage losses are compensated. The pressure required for
initial actuation of a consum er is ma in tained.
When all control units are set to their neutral positions, the load pres sure input
(7) is pressureless. To move the volume flow controller (772), the pum p pressure
must overcome the compres sion spring (margin pressu re) (21) and the LS
residual pressure. The pressure required for this is 20 + X bar and is referred to
as "Low-pressure standby". The "Low-pressure standby" is slightly higher than
the "Margin pressure" of 20 bar. As a function of the setting of the volume flow
controller (772) and of the pump leakage, "Low-pressure standby" and "Margin
pressure" may be almost i dentical. However, the "Margin pr essure" c an never be
higher. The low-pressure standby cannot be adjusted and may therefore vary
from machine to machine. It changes as the leakage rate i n the pump or in the
system rises. The pump remains in the "Low-pressure standby" position until a
control unit is actuated. In this operating position, the pump only requires little
drive energy.
000 293 646 0 - SYS-H XERION 3300 - 04/05 17
1 Overall hydraulic system
PFC pump
Pump starts pu mping
2(PFC) pump
6Compensating valve
7Input (load pressure from signal network)
14Control piston
15Control spring
17Swash plate
20Pump outlet
21Compression spring (margin pressure)
25Control edge
377Variable-displacement pump hydraulic cylinder
772Volume flow controller
Description of functionWhen a control unit is actuated, a load pressure builds up in the LS line. In this
process, the following conditions result at the volume flow controller (772):
– the pump pressure acts on the right face end
– the load pressure and the spring force of the compression spring (margin
pressure) (21) act in the spring space.
– Since the load pressure + the spring force of the compression spring
(margin pressure) (21) is higher than the pump pressure on the right face
end, the volume flow controller is moved to the right .
This :
– shuts off the passage of the pump pressure to the variable-displacement
pump hydraulic cylinder (377);
– connects the variable-displacement pump h ydraulic cylinder (377) wi th the
tank (no pressure on top side of ram)
– makes the control spring (15) swing out the swash plate (17).
The pump now feeds a higher volume flow. This process is referred to as
"Upstroking". The volume flow of the pump is determined by the restrictor effect
of the open spool cross-section or by the setting of a control unit.
Lower volume flow requirement: When the spool cross-section is reduced (the volume flow is to be reduced), the
load pressure at the input (7) drops. This changes the force ratio at the volume
flow controller (772), actuating the volume flow controller to the left according to
the pressure drop, against the compression spring. The variable-displ acement
pump hydraulic cylinder (377) is subject to pressure and the swash plate (17) is
set to a flatter position, and the pump performs a downstroke until the volume
flow requirement is met.
Higher volume flow requirement.
An example: A control unit h as been ac t uat ed. Th e l oa d pr essu re i s 140 ba r, the
pump pressure now goes to (160 bar).(Load pressure 140 bar + 20 bar margin
pressure). When another co nt ro l uni t wi th a l oa d pr ess ure of 100 ba r is actu at ed
now, the pump pressure drops slightly.
This also decreases the pressure on the top face of th e variable-displacement
pump hydraulic cylinder (377) accordingly, the swash plate (17) is moved to a
steeper position, increasing the volume flow until the additional volume flow
requirement of the second circuit has been met and the pump pressure of 160
bar has been re-established. The load pressure on the controller remai ns stable
at 140 bar.
000 293 646 0 - SYS-H XERION 3300 - 04/05 19
1 Overall hydraulic system
PFC pump
Constant volume flow
2(PFC) Pump
6Compensating valve
7Input (load pressure from signal network)
14Control piston
15Control spring
17Swash plate
20Pump outlet
21Compression spring (margin pressure)
25Control edge
377Variable-displacement pump hydraulic cylinder
772Volume flow controller
Description of functionWhen operating a consumer with a constant load (e.g. a hydraulic motor), the
volume flow controller (772) is actuated to a stable position. This keeps both the
pressure on the top face of the variable-displacement pump hydraulic cylinder
(377) and the posit ion of the swash plat e (17) co nstant. As long as the positi on of
the swash plate (17) remains unchanged, the pump pumps a constant volume
The following pressure s now result on the volume flow controller (772):
– Load pressure (signal) + s pring force of the compression spring (margin
pressure) (21) on the left side.
– ·Pump pressure on the right side.
The differential pressure is the margin pressure corresponding to the spring
force of the compression sp ring (21). The margin pressur e is to be 20 bar and
may be adjusted using set screw (22).
000 293 646 0 - SYS-H XERION 3300 - 04/05 21
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