This configuration note is a standalone publication that provides instructions for installing,
configuring, and maintaining the Versatile Interface Processor (VIP) in your Cisco 7000 series and
Cisco 7500 series routers.
The VIP operates with the CxBus in the Cisco 7000 series and CyBus in the Cisco 7500 series, and
requires that the host Cisco 7000 series and Cisco 7500 series router is running Cisco Internetwork
Operating System (Cisco IOS) Release 11.1(1) or later, or a Cisco-approved beta version of
Cisco IOS Release 11.1.
Note The entire VIPcard, with port adapters installed, is a field-replaceable unit (FRU).Individual
port adapters are not available as spare parts.
Included are steps for VIP hardware installation and basic VIP configuration steps and examples for
configuring the individual interfaces on a new VIP. Also included are maintenance procedures for
upgrading user-configurable VIP components.
• VIP Port Adapter Functions, page 29—this section contains subsections that discuss each port
adapter and its specific features, configuration and connection requirements, and functions
You need only refer to the information that is specific to your VIP port adapter configuration or that
applies to specific VIP functionality.A table of contents is included on page 2 so you can more easily
find what you need.
Note For complete descriptions of interface subcommands and the configuration options available
for VIP-related interfaces, and which support VIP functionality, refer to the section “If You Need
More Configuration Information.”
This configuration note includes the following sections:
• If You Need More Configuration Information
• Versatile Interface Processor Functions, page 3
Note The following section contains important information about the latest Cisco IOS release.
— What is the VIP?, page 3
— VIP Software Prerequisites, page 5
— VIP Hardware Prerequisites, page 5
— What is the Cisco 7000 Family?, page 5
— VIP Port Adapter Hardware Configuration Overview, page 10
— VIP Microcode Overview, page 11
— VIP Installation Prerequisites, page 11
— VIP Installation, page 16
— Checking the Installation and Verifying VIP Status, page 19
— Upgrading VIP Microcode, page 23
— Upgrading and Replacing DRAM SIMMs, page 26
• VIP Port Adapter Functions, page 29
— 4R Port Adapter, page 29
— 4T Port Adapter, page 45
• Cisco Information Online, page 74
If You Need More Configuration Information
The Cisco Internetwork Operating System (Cisco IOS) software running the router contains
extensivefeatures and functionality. The effectiveuse of many of many of these features is easier if
you have more information at hand.
To obtain general information about documentation, call Customer Service at 800 553-6387 or
408 526-7208. Customer Service hours are 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Pacific time, Monday through
Friday (excluding company holidays). You can also send e-mail to Youcan also
refer to the Cisco Information Packet that shipped with your router.
2 VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
For additional information on configuring the Cisco 7000 series or Cisco 7500 series router, the
following documentation resources are available to you:
• UniverCD
This publication and all other Cisco Systems publications are available on UniverCD, which is
Cisco’s online library of product information. UniverCD is updated and shipped monthly, so it
might be more up to date than printed documentation. Toorder UniverCD, contact a Cisco Sales
or Customer Service representative.
• For systems with Cisco IOS Release 11.1(1), a Cisco-approved 11.1 beta software version, or a
later Cisco IOS release, refer to the following modular configuration and modular command
reference publications, as appropriate for your configuration:
The following sections describe the Versatile Interface Processor (VIP) and discuss VIP-specific
features and functions, such as installing and removing the VIP, installing and removing port
adapters, using and configuring common VIP interface functions.
What is the VIP?
The VIP is a new interface processor for use with the Cisco 7000 series and Cisco 7500 series
routers, and it installs in the interface processor slots in your Cisco 7000 series or 7500 series router.
The VIP uses a single motherboard with up to two port adapters. The VIP port adapters provide the
individualLAN, WAN, or LAN/WAN interface ports. The VIP can be removed from a chassis while
power is on and the system is operating.
Caution The VIP supports online insertion and removal (OIR), which allows you to remove and
replacea VIP withoutfirst shutting down the system.Online insertion and removalmaximizesrouter
availability by letting you add or remove VIPs during system operation; however, the system may
indicate a hardware failure if you fail to follow proper procedures. Tohelp avoid problems with the
installation, review the functional description in the section “Online Insertion and Removal—An
Overview” on page 13, and follow the VIP installation steps carefully.
VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration 3
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
Note The VIP port adapters themselves do not support OIR, nor are they FRUs.
The VIP uses a Reduced Instructions Set Computing (RISC), Mips 4600 processor for high
performance, and has an internal operating frequency of 100 megahertz (MHz) and a 50-MHz
system bus interface. The VIP has 8 megabytes (MB) of dynamic random access memory (DRAM)
as the default DRAM configuration.
Figure 1 shows a VIP-4R/4T.The VIP firmware(microcode), which contains card-specific software
instructions, resides in a Flash memory device in socket location U17. Single in-line memory
modules contain the DRAM. For connector pinouts, refer to the section “4R Port Adapter
Receptacles, Cables, and Pinouts” on page 34, or to the section “4T Port Adapter Receptacles,
Cables, and Pinouts” on page 51. You can install VIPs in any available interface processor slots.
Figure 1VIP with One 4R and One 4T Port Adapter (Horizontal Orientation Shown)
Bus connector
ROM U1 7
Port adapter
handles not shown
4T in port
slot 1
4R in port
slot 0
Note In the Cisco 7000, Cisco 7507 and Cisco 7513 chassis, the VIP is installed vertically. In the
Cisco 7010 and Cisco 7505 chassis, the VIP is installed horizontally. Port adapters have a handle
attached, but this handle is not shown to allow a full view of detail on each port adapter’s faceplate.
4 VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration
VIP Software Prerequisites
The VIP requires that the host Cisco 7000 series and Cisco 7500 series router is running Cisco
Internetwork Operating System (Cisco IOS) Release 11.1(1) or later, or a Cisco-approved beta
version of Cisco IOS Release 11.1.
Note The latest Cisco IOS release is available via anonymous File Transfer Protocol (FTP) from
ftp/ Detailed information about the latest Cisco IOS release can be
found in the ASCII file vip1-readme, which is also available via FTP from in the
directory /ftp/beta111_dir. This ASCII file includes information and instructions on how to get
the current Cisco IOS software images and VIP microcode. To access information located in Cisco
Information Online (CIO), refer to the section “Cisco Information Online” at the end of this
VIP Hardware Prerequisites
The VIP operates with the CxBus in the Cisco 7000 series and CyBus in the Cisco 7500 series, and
operates with the optional RSP7000 and RSP7000CI RSP-based processor modules in the Cisco
7000 series routers: Cisco 7000 and Cisco 7010. The VIP will also operate with the Route Processor
(RP) and Switch Processor (SP) in the Cisco 7000 series routers. The VIP operates with all
RSP-based processor modules currently shipping in the Cisco 7000 series and Cisco 7500 series
routers: Cisco 7505, Cisco 7507, and Cisco 7513.
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
What is the Cisco 7000 Family?
For the Cisco 7000 family of routers, which includes the Cisco 7000 series and Cisco 7500 series
routers, network interfaces reside on modular interface processors, including the VIP,whichprovide
a direct connection between external networks and the high-speed CxBus in the Cisco 7000 series
and the high-speed CyBus in the Cisco 7500 series.
In all systems, the remaining slots support any combination of network interface types: Ethernet
attachment unit interface (AUI), Ethernet 10BASE-T, Fast Ethernet 100BASE-TX, Asynchronous
Transfer Mode (ATM), Token Ring, multichannel applications, Fiber Distributed Data Interface
(FDDI), channel attachment, serial, or High-Speed Serial Interface (HSSI), and all VIP–based
VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration 5
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
Cisco 7000 Series
Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the rear of the Cisco 7000 series routers: the seven-slot Cisco 7000 and
the five-slot Cisco 7010, respectively. In the Cisco 7000 series, two slots are reserved for the SP (or
SSP) and RP, or for the 7000 Series Route Switch Processor (RSP7000) and the 7000 Series Chassis
Interface (RSP7000CI). The remaining slots are for interface processors: slots 0 through 4 in the
Cisco 7000, and slots 0 through 2 in the Cisco 7010.
Figure 4, Figure 5, and Figure 6 show the rear of the Cisco 7500 series routers: the five-slot
Cisco 7505, the seven-slot Cisco 7507, and the thirteen-slot Cisco 7513, respectively.
In the Cisco 7505, one slot (4) is reserved for the Route Switch Processor (RSP1), which contains
the system processor and performs packet switching functions. Slots 0 through 3 are for interface
Figure 5 shows the rear of the seven-slotCisco 7507 router.In the Cisco 7507, up to two slots (2 and
3) are reserved for the Route Switch Processor (RSP2), which contains the system processor and
performs packet switching functions. Slots 0 and 1 and 4 through 6 are for interface processors.
Figure 5Cisco 7507, Interface Processor End
stallation screw
wer supply
stallation screw
wer supply
Slot 0
34 5 6
RSP slots
8 VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
Figure 6 shows the rear of the Cisco 7513 with two AC-input power supplies installed. Two slots (6
and 7) are reserved for the second generation Route Switch Processor (RSP2), which contains the
system processor and performs packet switching functions. Slots 0 through 5 and 8 through 12 are
for interface processors.
Figure 6Cisco 7513, Interface Processor End
Blower module
Card cage and
processor modules
Air intake vent
Power supplies
Chassis grounding
VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration 9
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
VIP Port Adapter Hardware Configuration Overview
The port adapters attach to the VIP motherboard. (See Figure 7.) Each port adapter contains the
physical connections for the VIP interface types to connect to your network.
Figure 7VIP with One 4R and One 4T Port Adapter (Product Number VIP-4R/4T[=])
Bus connector
ROM U1 7
4R in port
slot 0
Following are the VIP port adapters by interface type:
• Ethernet 10BASE-T—4E
• Fast Ethernet 100BASE-TX—FE-TX
Port adapter
handles not shown
4T in port
slot 1
• Synchronous serial—4T
• Token Ring—4R
Following are the supported electrical interfaces:
• 4E port adapter—10BASE-T Ethernet, using RJ-45
• FE-TX port adapter—IEEE 802.3u Fast Ethernet 100BASE-TX, using Media Independent
Interface (MII) or RJ-45
• 4T port adapter—synchronous serial (EIA/TIA-232, EIA-TIA-449, EIA-530, V.35, and X.21;
determined by the cable), using DB-60, 60-pin mini-D-sub connectors
• 4R port adapter—IEEE 802.5 Token Ring, using DB-9, 9-pin D-sub connectors
Note The VIP-4R/4T is a fixed configuration. The entire VIP-4R/4T assembly is a FRU. Port
adapters have a handle attached, but this handle is not shown to allow a full view of detail on each
port adapter’s faceplate.
10 VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration
Caution To prevent system problems, do not remove port adapters from the VIP motherboard or
attempt to install other port adapters on the VIP motherboard.
VIP Microcode Overview
The VIP microcode (firmware)is an image that provides card-specific softwareinstructions. A Flash
memory device in socket U17 of the VIP contains the default microcode boot image. The router
supports downloadable microcode, which enables you to upgrade microcode versions by
downloading new microcode images, storing them in system Flash memory, and instructing the
system to load its image from Flash instead of the default VIP image. (The RP in the Cisco 7000 and
7010 loads softwarefrom ROM or Flash memory; the RSP loads software from Flash only.)Youcan
store multiple images for an interface type and, with a configuration command, instruct the system
to load any one of them or the default ROMimage. All interfaces of the same type (VIP, and so on)
will load the same microcode image, either from the default ROM image or from a single image
stored in system Flash. Although multiple microcode versions for a specific interface type can be
stored concurrently in Flash, only one image can load at startup. The show controllers cbus
command displays the currently loaded and running microcode version for the SP or SSP (in the
Cisco 7000 series routers), each interface processor, and VIP. The show startup-config EXEC
command shows the current system instructions for loading microcode at startup.
Software and interface processor microcode images are carefully optimized and bundled to work
together.Overriding the bundle can result in system incompatibilities. We recommend that you use
the microcode included in the software bundle. For a complete description of microcode and
downloading procedures, refer to the section “Upgrading VIP Microcode” on page 23.
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
VIP Installation Prerequisites
This section provides a list of parts and tools you will need to perform the VIP installation, and it
also includes safety and ESD-prevention guidelines to help you avoid injury and damage to the
equipment. This section also provides adetailed description of the OIRfunction to help you perform
online installation successfully and avoid error message and system restarts. If you are installing a
new VIP, be sure to review the equipment descriptions and distance limitations in the port adapter
sections “Serial Distance Limitations” and “Token Ring Distance Limitations” when preparing your
site and planning network connections.
List of Parts and Tools
You need the following tools and parts to install or upgrade a VIP. If you need additional equipment,
contact a service representative for ordering information.
• Cables appropriate for the port adapter interfaces on your VIP
• Number 1 Phillips and a 3/16-inch, flat-blade screwdriver
• Your own ESD-prevention equipment or the disposable grounding wrist strap included with all
upgrade kits, FRUs, and spares
VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration 11
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
Safety Guidelines
Following are safety guidelines that you should follow when working with any equipment that
connects to electrical power or telephone wiring.
Electrical Equipment Guidelines
Follow these basic guidelines when working with any electrical equipment:
• Before beginning any procedures requiring access to the chassis interior, locate the emergency
power-off switch for the room in which you are working.
• Disconnect all power and external cables before moving a chassis.
• Do not work alone when potentially hazardous conditions exist.
• Never assume that power has been disconnected from a circuit; always check.
• Do not perform any action that creates a potential hazard to people or makes the equipment
• Carefully examine your work area for possible hazards such as moist floors, ungrounded power
extension cables, and missing safety grounds; correct all hazardous conditions.
Telephone Wiring Guidelines
Use the following guidelines when working with any equipment that is connected to telephone
wiring or to other network cabling:
• Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.
• Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet
• Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has been
disconnected at the network interface.
• Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.
Preventing Electrostatic Discharge Damage
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage, which can occur when electronic cards or components are
improperly handled, results in complete or intermittent failures. A processor module comprises a
printed circuit board that is fixed in a metal carrier. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding,
connectors, and a handle are integral components of the carrier. Although the metal carrier helps to
protect the board from ESD, use a preventiveantistatic strap wheneverhandlinga processor module.
Following are guidelines for preventing ESD damage:
• Always use an ESD wrist or ankle strap and ensure that it makes good skin contact.
• Connect the equipment end of the strap to a captive installation screw on an installed power
• When installing a processor module, use the ejector levers to properly seat the bus connectors in
the backplane, then tighten both captive installation screws.(SeeFigure 8.) These screwsprevent
accidental removal, provide proper grounding for the system, and help to ensure that the bus
connectors are seated in the backplane.
• When removing a processor module, use the ejector leversto release the bus connectors from the
backplane. Use the handleto pull theprocessor module outslowlywhile keeping your other hand
underneath the carrier to guide it straight out of the slot.
12 VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration
• Handle carriers by the handles and carrier edges only; avoid touching the board or connectors.
• Place a removed processor module board-side-up on an antistatic surface or in a static shielding
bag. If you plan to return the component to the factory, immediately place it in a static shielding
• Avoid contact between the processormodule and clothing. Thewriststrap only protects theboard
from ESD voltages on the body; ESD voltages on clothing can still cause damage.
• Never attempt to remove the printed circuit board from the metal interface processor carrier.
Caution For safety, periodically check the resistance value of the antistatic strap. The
measurement should be between 1 and 10 megohms.
Online Insertion and Removal—An Overview
The OIR feature allows you to remove and replace a VIP board while the system is operating; you
do not need to notify the software or shut down the system power.
Note The VIP port adapters themselves do not support OIR, nor are they FRUs.
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
This section describes mechanical functions of system components, emphasizes the importance of
following correct procedures to avoid unnecessary board failures, and is for background only;
specific VIP procedures follow in the section “VIP Installation” on page 16.
Each interface processor contains a receptacle with which it connects to the system backplane. Each
backplane connector comprises a set of tiered pins, in three lengths. The pins send specific signals
to the system as they make contact with the card. The system assesses the signals it receives and the
order in which it receives them to determine what event is occurring and what task it needs to
perform, such as reinitializing new interfaces or shutting down removed ones.
For example, when inserting an interface processor, the longest pins make contact with the
backplane first, and the shortest pins make contact last. The system recognizes the signals and the
sequence in which it receives them. The system expects to receive signals from the individual pins
in this logical sequence, and the ejector levers help to ensure that the pins mate in this sequence.
When you remove or insert an interface processor, the backplane pins send signals to notify the
system, which then performs as follows:
1 Rapidly scans the backplane for configuration changes and does not reset any interfaces.
2 Initializes all newly inserted interface processors, noting any removed interfaces and placing
them in the administratively shut down state.
3 Brings all previously configured interfaces on the interface processor back to the state they were
in when they were removed. Any newly inserted interfaces are put in the administratively shut
downstate,as if they were present(butunconfigured) at boot time.If a similar interface processor
type has been reinserted into a slot, then its ports are configured and brought on line up to the
port count of the original interface processor.
VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration 13
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
The system brings on line only interfaces that match the current configuration and were previously
configured as up; all others require that you configure them with the configure command. OIR
functionality enables you to add, remove, or replace interface processors with the system online,
which provides a method that is seamless to end users on the network, maintains all routing
information, and ensures session preservation.
The function of the ejector levers (see Figure 8) is to align and seat the card connectors in the
backplane. Failure to use the ejectorleversand insert the interface processor properly can disrupt the
order in which the pins make contactwith the cardor interface processor. Followthe VIP installation
and removal instructions carefully, and review the following examples of incorrect insertion
practices and their results:
• Using the handle to force the interface processor all the way into the slot can pop the ejector
levers out of their springs. If you then try to use the ejector levers to seat the interface processor,
the first layer of pins (which are already mated to the card or interface processor) can disconnect
and then remate with the backplane, which the system interprets as a board failure.
• Using the handle to force or slam the interface processor all the way into the slot can damage the
pins on the board connectors if they are not aligned properly with the backplane.
• When using the handle (rather than the ejector levers) to seat the interface processor in the
backplane, you might need to pull the interface processor back out and push it in again to align
it properly. Even if the backplane pins are not damaged, the pins mating with and disconnecting
from the card or interface processor will cause the system to interpret a board failure. Using the
ejector levers ensures that the board connector mates with the backplane in one continuous
• Using the handle to insert or remove an interface processor, or failing to push the ejector levers
fully against the interface processor, can leave some (not all) of the connector pins mated to the
card or interface processor, a state which will hang the system. Using the ejector levers and
making sure that they are pushed fully into position ensures that all three layers of pins are mated
with (or free from) the backplane.
It is also important to use the ejector levers when removing an interface processor to ensure that the
backplane connector pins disconnect from the card or interface processor in the logical sequence
expectedby the system.Any interface processor thatis only partiallyconnected to thebackplane can
hang the bus. Detailed steps for correctly performing OIR are included with the following
procedures for installing and removing the VIP.
14 VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
Figure 8Ejector Levers and Captive Installation Screws on the VIP (Horizontal Orientation Shown)
Interface processor
card slot
Interface processor card
carrier guide (black)
Note The VIP is oriented horizontally in the Cisco 7010 and Cisco 7505 and vertically in the
Cisco 7000, Cisco 7507, and Cisco 7513.
VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration 15
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
VIP Installation
The following sections describe the procedures for removing or installing a VIP in the Cisco 7000
series and Cisco 7500 series routers. The functionality is the same for each router model; therefore,
the term the chassis will be used except where specific model issues arise. The OIR function allows
you to install and remove a VIP without first shutting down the system; however, you must follow
the instructions carefully. Failure to insert the VIP properly can cause system error messages
indicating a board failure. For a complete description of OIR, refer to the section “Online Insertion
and Removal—An Overview” on page 13.
Each unused interface processor slot contains an interface processor filler (which is an interface
processor carrier without an interface board) to keep dust out of the chassis and to maintain proper
air flow through the interface processor compartment. If you are installing a new VIP that is not a
replacement, you must first remove the interface processor filler from an unused slot; proceed to the
next section “Removing an Interface Processor Filler.” If you are replacing a VIP or upgrading the
microcode Flash EPROM on a VIP, proceed to the section “Removing a VIP.”
Note If you suspect that a port adapter has failed, you must replace the entire VIP processor
module. Port adapters are not available as FRUs.
Caution If you use the VIP with a single port adapter, the port adapter must be in slot 0 for the VIP
to function properly. A single port adapter in slot 1 will not be recognized by the system.
Removing an Interface Processor Filler
Select an unused interface processor slot for the new VIP and remove the interface processor filler
as follows:
Step 1 Choose an available slot for the VIP and make a note of it.
Step 1 Use a screwdriver to loosen the captive installation screws on the interface processor filler.
(See Figure 8.)
Step 2 Place your thumbs on both ejector levers and simultaneously pull them both outward to
release the VIP from the backplane connector (in the opposite direction from that shown in
Figure 8c).
Step 3 Grasp the handle with one hand and pull the filler straight out of the slot, keepingyour other
hand under the carrier to guide it. (See Figure 9.) Keep the carrier parallel to the backplane.
Step 4 Store the interface processor filler for future use.
To help preventdustand contaminants from entering the chassis, do not leavethe interface processor
slot open. Immediately proceed to the section “Installing a VIP” on page 18.
Removing a VIP
Remember, the VIP supports OIR; therefore, you need not shut down the interface or the system
power when removing a VIP. If you are replacing a failed VIP, remove the existing board first, then
replace the new VIP in the same slot.
16 VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
Figure 9 shows proper handling of an interface processor during installation.
Figure 9Handling Processor Modules for Installation and Removal (Horizontal Orientation Shown)
Captive installation
To remove a VIP, follow these steps:
Step 1 If you are replacing a failed VIP, disconnect all cables from the VIP ports; however, if you
are only moving a VIP to another slot, this step is not necessary.
Step 2 Use a screwdriver to loosen the captive installation screws at both ends of the VIP.
(See Figure 8.)
Caution Always use the ejector levers to remove or install the VIP. Failure to do so can cause
erroneous system error messages indicating a board failure.
Step 3 Place your thumbs on the ejector levers and simultaneously pull both of the ejectors
outward (in the opposite direction from that show in Figure 8c) to release the VIP from the
backplane connector.
Step 4 Usethe VIP handle tocarefully pull the VIP straightout of the slot,keepingyour other hand
under the carrier to guide it. (See Figure 9.) Keep the VIP parallel to the backplane.
Step 5 Place the removed VIP on an antistatic mat or foam pad, or place it in an antistatic bag if
you plan to return it to the factory.
Step 6 If the interface processor slot is to remain empty, install a filler (MAS7K-BLANK) to keep
dust out of the chassis and to maintain proper air flow inside the chassis. Do not leave the
interface processor slot open. Immediately proceed to the section “Installing a VIP.”
VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration 17
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
Installing a VIP
The VIP slides into the open interface processor slot and connects directly to the backplane. The
interface processors are keyed to guide pins on the backplane, so the VIP can be installed only in an
interface processor slot. Figure 8 showsthe functional details of inserting an interface processor and
usingthe ejector levers. Figure 9 showsproperhandling of an interfaceprocessorduring installation.
Caution Remove or insert only one interface processor at a time. Allow at least 15 seconds for the
system to complete its discovery and initialization before removing or inserting another interface
processor. Disrupting the sequence before the system has completed verification can cause the
system to interpret hardware failures.
Follow these steps to install a VIP:
Step 1 Ensure that a console terminal is connected to the console port (on the RP or RSP) and that
your console is turned ON.
Step 2 Hold the VIP handle with one hand and place your other hand under the carrier to support
the VIP and guide it into the slot. (See Figure 9.) Avoid touching the card or any connector
Caution To prevent ESD damage, handle interface processors by the handles and carrier edges
Note The processor modules are oriented horizontally in the Cisco 7010 and Cisco 7505, and
vertically in the Cisco 7000, the Cisco 7507, and the Cisco 7513.
Step 3 Place the back of the VIP in the slot and align the notch on the carrier with the groove in
the slot. (See Figure 8.)
Step 4 Whilekeeping the VIP parallelto the backplane, carefullyslide it into the slot until theback
of the faceplate makes contact with the ejector levers, then stop. (See Figure 8b.)
Caution Always use the ejector levers when installing or removing processor modules. A module
that is partially seated in the backplane will cause the system to hang and subsequently crash, and
shoving or slamming the interface processor into the slot can damage the backplane pins and board.
Step 5 Using your thumbs, simultaneously push both ejector levers inward until the VIP is pushed
entirely into its slot. (See Figure 8c.)
Step 6 Tighten both of the captive installation screws.
18 VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration
Checking the Installation and Verifying VIP Status
You can use the configure command to configure a VIP interface. To use the configure command,
enter the privileged levelof the EXEC command interpreter with the enable command. The system
will prompt you for a password if one has been set.
The system prompt for the privileged level ends with a pound sign (#) instead of an angle bracket
(>). At the console terminal, enter the privileged level as follows:
Step 1 At the user-level EXEC prompt, enter the enable command. The EXEC prompts you for a
privileged-level password, as follows:
Router> enable
Step 2 Enter the password (the password is case sensitive).For security purposes, the password is
not displayed on your console.
Step 3 When you enter the correct password and press Return, the system displays the
privileged-mode system prompt (#) as follows:
Checking the VIP Installation
After you install the VIP and connect cables (using connection procedures in the respective port
adapter subsections), verify the installation by observing the LED states and the console display.
When the system has reinitialized all interfaces, the enabled LED on the VIP and on all interface
processors should go on. One or the other of the MII and RJ-45 LEDs should be on, depending on
your connection, and the link LED should be on if the VIP is receiving a carrier signal from the
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
The console screen will also display a message as the system discovers each interface during its
When you remove and replace interface processors, the system provides status messages on the
console screen. The messages are for information only.
The following sample display shows the events logged by the system as a serial-equipped VIP was
removed from slot 2; the system then reinitialized the remaining interface processors and marked as
down the serial interfaces on the VIP that was removed from slot 2. When the VIP is reinserted, the
system automatically brings up the interfaces that were up when the VIP was removed.
%OIR-6-REMCARD: Card removed from slot 2, interfaces disabled
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial2/1/0, changed state to administratively down
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial2/1/1, changed state to administratively down
%OIR-6-INSCARD: Card inserted in slot 2, interfaces administratively shut down
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial2/1/0, changed state to up
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial2/1/1, changed state to up
Note When a new VIP is inserted or when a VIP is moved to a new slot, the system recognizes the
new interfaces, but leaves them in a shutdown state until you configure them and change their state
to up with the configure command.
VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration 19
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
The following example display shows the events logged by the system as a new VIP is inserted in
slot 3. (Serial interfaces are used in the following examples.)
%OIR-6-INSCARD: Card inserted in slot 3, interfaces administratively shut down
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial3/1/0, changed state to administratively down
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial3/1/1, changed state to administratively down
Verify that the VIP is installed correctly as follows:
Step 1 While the system reinitializes each interface, observe the console display messages and
verify that the system discovers the VIP as follows:
• Ifyou installed a newVIP,thesystem should recognize allnewinterfacesbutleavethem
configured as down.
• If you replaced a VIP, the system should recognize each interface and place it in the
same state (up or down) each was in when you removed the VIP.
Step 2 When the reinitialization is complete, verify that the enabled LED on each port adapter
goes on and remains on. If it does, proceed to step 5. If it does not, proceed to the next step.
Step 3 If the enabled LED on a port adapter fails to go on, suspect that the VIP board connector is
not fully seated in the backplane. Loosen the captive installation screws, then firmly push
bothejector leversinto place until theyare approximately in the same orientation as the VIP
faceplate. Tighten the captive installation screws. After the system reinitializes the
interfaces, the enabled LED on the port adapter should go on. If it does, proceed to Step 5.
If it does not, proceed to Step 4.
Step 4 If the enabled LED still fails to go on, remove the VIP and try installing it in another
available interface processor slot.
• If the enabled LED goes on when the VIP is installed in the new slot, suspect a failed
backplane port in the original interface processor slot.
• If the enabled LED still fails to go on, but other LEDs on the VIP go on to indicate
activity, proceed to Step 5 to resume the installation checkout and suspect that the
enabled LED on the port adapter has failed.
• If no LEDs on the VIP go on, suspect that the VIP is faulty.
• If the enabled LED still does not go on, do not proceed with the installation. Contact a
service representative to report the problem and obtain further instructions.
Step 5 If the VIP is new and not a replacement, you have to configure the newinterfaces. Proceed
to the appropriate configuration section for your port adapter. (This does not have to be
done immediately, but new interfaces will not be available until you configure them.)
Step 6 If the VIP is a replacement, use the show interfaces type slot/port adapter/port or show
controllers cbus command to verify the status of the interfaces. (Refer to the section
“Verifying VIP Status Using show Commands” on page 21.)
If you replaced a VIP with a new VIP with a greater number of ports (for example, if you
replaced a one-port VIP with a two-port VIP), the system will recognize the first interface,
but will not recognize the additional interface. The new interface will remain in the
shutdown state until you configure it.
Step 7 When the interfaces are up, check the activity of each interface by observing the status
LEDs, which are described in the appropriate LED section for your port adapter type.
Step 8 In general, if an interface’s LED fails to go on and a cable is connected to the port, check
the cable connection and make certain it is properly seated in the connector.
20 VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration
If an error message is displayed on the console terminal, refer to the System Error Messages
publication for error message definitions. If you experience other problems that you are unable to
solve, contact a service representative for assistance.
This completes the VIP installation. If you installed a new VIP or if you installed a replacement VIP
with an additional port, you must now configure the new interface as described in the following
Verifying VIP Status Using show Commands
The following procedure describes how to use the show commands to verify that the new interfaces
are configured correctly:
Step 1 Use the show version or show hardware commands to display the system hardware
configuration. Ensure that the list includes the new interfaces.
Step 2 Display all of the current interface processors and their interfaces with the show
controllers cbus command. Verify that the new VIP appears in the correct slot.
Step 3 Specify one of the new VIP interfaces with the show interfaces type slot/port adapter/port
command and verify that the first line of the display specifies the interface with the correct
slot number. Also verify that the interface and line protocol are in the correct state: up or
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
Step 4 Display the protocols configured for the entire system and specific interfaces with the
command show protocols. If necessary, return to Configuration mode to add or remove
protocol routing on the system or specific interfaces.
Step 5 Display the running configuration file with the write terminal (or show running-config)
command. Display the configuration stored in NVRAM using the show config (or show
startup-config) command. Verifythat the configuration isaccurate for the system and each
If the interface is down and you configured it as up, or if the displays indicate that the hardware is
not functioning properly, ensure that the network interface is properly connected and terminated. If
you still have problems bringing the interface up, contact a service representative for assistance.
VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration 21
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
The show controllers cbus command displays the internal status of each interface processor,
including the slot location, the card hardware version, and the currently-running microcode version.
It also lists each interface (port) on each interface processor including the logical interface number,
interface type, physical (slot/port adapter/port) address, and hardware (station address) of each
interface. The followingexample shows a VIP, with serial interfaces, installed in interface processor
slot 3:
Router# show controller cbus
(display text omitted)
slot3: VIP, hw 2.1, sw 200.09, ccb 5800FF70, cmdq 480000A0, vps 8192
software loaded from system
FLASH ROM version 255.255, VPLD version 20.0
The show startup-config command displays the contents of the system configuration file stored in
NVRAM. This file should reflect all new configuration changes you made and wrote to memory
with the show running-config command. (A serial interface is used in this example.)
Router# show startup-config
Using 1652 out of 130048 bytes
version 11.1(1)
hostname Router
enable-password hello
microcode VIP flash VIP11-0
microcode reload
(display text omitted)
interface serial 3/1/0
ip address
ip route-cache cbus
(display text omitted)
The show protocols command displaysthe global (system-wide)and interface-specific status of any
configured Level 3 protocol.
Router# show protocols
Global values:
Internet Protocol routing is enabled
Serial3/1/0 is up, line protocol is up
22 VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration
Upgrading VIP Microcode
The Cisco 7000 series and the Cisco 7500 series support downloadable microcode, which enables
you to upgrade microcode versions without having to physically replace the microcode Flash
memory device on the board.You can downloadnewmicrocodeversions and store multipleversions
in Flash memory, and you can boot from them just as you can with the system software images.
System software upgrades may also contain upgraded microcode images, which will load
automatically when the new software image is loaded (unless the configuration states otherwise).
Note Software and interface processor microcode images are carefully optimized and bundled to
worktogether.Overridingthe bundle can result in system incompatibilities. We recommend that you
use the microcode included in the software bundle.
You can download microcode to Flash memory by copying the TFTP image of a microcode version
to Flash memory. When the microcode image is stored in Flash memory you can use the
microcode reloadcommand to manually load the new microcode file, and the configure command
to instruct the system to load the new image automatically at each system boot.
To compare the size of the microcode image and the amount of Flash memory available, you must
know the size of the new microcode image. The image size is specified in the README file that is
included on the floppy disk with the new image.
Versatile Interface Processor Functions
Note Note the size of the new image before proceeding to ensure that you havesufficient available
Flash memory for the new image.
Caution Before you copy a file to system Flash memory, be sure there is ample space available in
Flash memory. Compare the size of the file you want to copy to the amount of available Flash
memory shown. If the space available is less than the space required by the file you want to copy,
the copy process will continue, but the entire file will not be copied into Flash memory.
VIP-4R/4T Installation and Configuration 23
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