Cisco Configuration Professional
Quick Start Guide
April 29, 2011
This document explains how to start using Cisco Configuration Professional Express
(Cisco CP Express) and Cisco Configuration Professional (Cisco CP).
Cisco Configuration Professional (Cisco CP) is a GUI based device management tool for Cisco access
routers. This tool simplifies routing, firewall, IPS, VPN, unified communications, WAN and LAN
configuration through GUI based easy-to-use wizards.
Cisco CP is a valuable productivity enhancing tool for network administrators and channel partners for
deploying routers with increased confidence and ease. It offers a one-click router lockdown and an
innovative voice and security auditing capability to check and recommend changes to router
configuration. Cisco CP also monitors router status and troubleshoots WAN and VPN connectivity
Cisco CP Express is a light weight version of Cisco CP. You can use Cisco CP Express to configure basic
security features on the router’s LAN and WAN interfaces. Cisco CP Express is available on the router
Flash memory.
This document shows you how to set up a PC to connect to the router, give the router an initial network
configuration using Cisco CP Express, and then begin using Cisco CP.
This document is intended for users with one of the ordering options (SKU) listed in Table 1, and for
users who download these configuration tools from Refer to the Release Notes for Cisco Configuration Professional for information about supported routers, web browsers, and plug-ins.
Cisco CP ordering options are provided to suit a variety of deployments. Tab le 1 describes the Cisco CP
ordering options, the deployment each supports, and how this document can be used.
Americas Headquarters:
Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA
ORDERING OPTION (SKU)CD and Configuration FileWhich Task Sections You Can Use
This option lets you use
Cisco CP Express to set up
an individual router when
you receive it, and to install
Cisco CP from the CD and
begin using it.
This option gives you the
flexibility of loading a
configuration on the router
by using a TFTP server or
by other means, and allows
for batch configuration. If
you start a console session,
the Setup Command Facility
starts automatically.
This option lets you use
Cisco CP Express to set up
an individual router when
you receive it. If you want
Cisco CP, you can
download it from
Cisco CP CD?
Yes. The Cisco CP CD is provided.
Default Configuration File in NVRAM?
Yes. A default configuration file is in
NVRAM, so the router will have a basic
configuration with an IP address on
Default Configuration File in Flash?
Yes. The router can be set to factory
defaults using the Factory Defaults
feature in Cisco CP Express.
Cisco CP CD?
Yes. The Cisco CP CD is provided.
Default Configuration File in NVRAM?
No. If a console session is established
with the router, the Setup Command
Facility starts automatically
Default Configuration File in Flash?
Yes. The router can be set to factory
defaults using the Factory Defaults
feature in Cisco CP Express.
Cisco CP CD?
No. The Cisco CP CD is not provided. If
you want to use Cisco CP, you can
download it from the following page:
Default Configuration File in NVRAM?
Yes. A default configuration file is in
NVRAM, so the router will have a basic
configuration with an IP address on
Default Configuration File in Flash?
Yes. The router can be set to factory
defaults using the Factory Defaults
feature in Cisco CP Express.
You can use the following task sections of this
• Task 3: Configure the IP Address on the PC
• Task 4: Connect the PC to the Router
• Task 5: Run the Cisco CP Express Wizard
• Task 6: Verify the Initial Configuration
• Task 7: Install Cisco CP
• Task 8: Start Using Cisco CP
You can use the following task sections of this
• Task 2: Configure the Router for Cisco CP
• Task 7: Install Cisco CP
• Task 8: Start Using Cisco CP
You can use the following task sections of this
• Task 1: Download the Cisco CP Files
• Task 3: Configure the IP Address on the PC
• Task 4: Connect the PC to the Router
• Task 5: Run the Cisco CP Express Wizard
• Task 6: Verify the Initial Configuration
• Task 7: Install Cisco CP
• Task 8: Start Using Cisco CP
Cisco Configuration Professional Quick Start Guide
Task 1: Download the Cisco CP Files
Table 1Cisco CP Ordering Options (continued)
ORDERING OPTION (SKU)CD and Configuration FileWhich Task Sections You Can Use
This option gives you the
flexibility of loading a
configuration on the router
by using a TFTP server or
by other means, and allows
for batch configuration. If
you start a console session,
the Setup Command Facility
starts automatically.
Cisco CP CD?
No. The Cisco CP CD is not provided. If
you want to use Cisco CP, you can
download it from the following page:
Default Configuration File in NVRAM?
No. If a console session is established
with the router, the Setup Command
Facility starts automatically
Default Configuration File in Flash?
Yes. The router can be set to factory
defaults using the Factory Defaults
feature in Cisco CP Express. Cisco CP
is not shipped with the router.
You can use the following task sections of this
• Task 1: Download the Cisco CP Files
• Task 2: Configure the Router for Cisco CP
• Task 7: Install Cisco CP
• Task 8: Start Using Cisco CP
Task 1: Download the Cisco CP Files
This task section explains how to download the Cisco CP files. See the following table to determine if
you need to use this section.
Who Should Use this Section
Who Can Skip this Section
To download Cisco CP, complete the following tasks:
Step 1Open a web browser and go to the following link:
Step 2In the Support box, click Download Software.
Step 3If a web page is displayed that asks for your credentials, enter them in this page, and click
LogIn. If you need to obtain credentials, click Register at the top of the page, and then return
to this page.
Step 4In the Download page that allows you to select a release, choose the release that you want to download.
If you did not receive the CD, but you want to install and use Cisco CP,
use this section.
If you received the CD, skip this section, and go to Task 2: Configure the
Router for Cisco CP.
Cisco Configuration Professional Quick Start Guide
Task 2: Configure the Router for Cisco CP
Step 5In the Download page for the release that you chose, click the link
to download Cisco CP. In this filename, N_N represents the version number and ln represents the
language. If you wanted English-language Cisco CP 1.1, you would click on the link
Step 6Save the downloaded file to the PC.
This package will be used in Task 7: Install Cisco CP, page 20.
Task 2: Configure the Router for Cisco CP
This task section explains how to configure the router to support Cisco CP Express and Cisco CP.
NoteThe tasks that follow can also be accomplished using the Application > Setup New Device option in
Cisco CP by connecting the PC to the console port of the device. See the topic Device Wizard in the
Cisco Configuration Professional User Guide 2.5 at for more details.
Who Should Use this Section
If your ordering option does not include a configuration file in NVRAM,
and you want to use Cisco CP Express or Cisco CP, use this section.
Who Can Skip this Section
If your ordering option includes a configuration file in NVRAM, you can
skip this section. The router is configured to support Cisco CP Express and
Cisco CP.
NoteMake sure that the PC on which Cisco CP Express and Cisco CP is installed can connect to the router
using its IP address.
Cisco CP Express and Cisco CP require the following basic configuration in order to connect to the
router and manage it.
• An http or https server must be enabled with local authentication.
• A local user account with privilege level 15 and accompanying password must be configured.
• Vty line with protocol ssh/telnet must be enabled with local authentication. This is needed for
interactive commands.
• An http timeout policy must be configured with the parameters shown in the following procedure to
avoid a known launch issue with Cisco CP.
• The PC on which Cisco CP is to run and the interface through which Cisco CP will be launched must
be configured with IP addresses from the same subnet.
There are two ways that you can ensure that the router configuration meets these requirements:
• You can copy the default configuration file from router Flash memory to router NVRAM. Each
ordering option provides the default configuration file in router Flash memory. To use this method,
see Copying the Default Configuration File to Router NVRAM.
Cisco Configuration Professional Quick Start Guide
• You can use the Cisco IOS CLI to enter the necessary configuration commands. To use this method,
see Entering the Configuration Commands Manually.
Copying the Default Configuration File to Router NVRAM
If you want to start with a factory default configuration that is designed to support Cisco CP, you can
use the procedure in this section. The factory default configuration includes all the commands necessary
to support Cisco CP and configures an Ethernet interface with the IP address
To copy the default configuration file from router Flash memory to NVRAM, complete the following
Step 1Log on to the router through the Console port or through an Ethernet port.
Step 2If you use the Console port, and no running configuration is present in the router, the Setup command
Facility starts automatically, and displays the following text:
--- System Configuration Dialog ---
Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]:
Task 2: Configure the Router for Cisco CP
Enter no so that you can enter Cisco IOS CLI commands directly.
If the Setup Command Facility does not start automatically, a running configuration is present, and you
should go to the next step.
Step 3When the router displays the user EXEC mode prompt, enter the enable command, and the enable
password, if one is configured, as shown below:
Router> enable
password password
Step 4To identify the default configuration file, enter the show flash command. The filename is of the form
cpconfig-modelnumber.cfg, where modelnumber represents the router series. For example the
configuration file name for the Cisco 860 and 880 series routers is cpconfig-8xx.cfg.
Step 5To copy the default configuration file to router NVRAM, enter the copy flash:nvram: command, as
shown in the following example:
Router# copyflash:cpconfig-8xx.cfgnvram:
When the default configuration file is in NVRAM, it becomes the router startup configuration.
Step 6To make the new startup configuration the running configuration, so that the router can support Cisco
CP, enter the copy startup-config running-config command, as shown in the following example:
Router# copystartup-configrunning-config
Cisco Configuration Professional Quick Start Guide
Task 2: Configure the Router for Cisco CP
Entering the Configuration Commands Manually
If you don’t want to use the factory default configuration because the router already has a configuration,
or for any other reason, you can use the procedure in this section to add each required command to the
To enter the Cisco IOS commands manually, complete the following steps:
Step 1Log on to the router through the Console port or through an Ethernet port.
Step 2If you use the Console port, and no running configuration is present in the router, the Setup command
Facility starts automatically, and displays the following text:
--- System Configuration Dialog ---
Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]:
Enter no so that you can enter Cisco IOS CLI commands directly.
If the Setup Command Facility does not start automatically, a running configuration is present, and you
should go to the next step.
Step 3When the router displays the user EXEC mode prompt, enter the enable command, and the enable
password, if one is configured, as shown in the following example:
Router> enable
password password
Step 4Enter config mode by entering the config terminal command, as shown in the following example.
Router> configterminal
Step 5Using the command syntax shown, create a user account with privilege level 15.
Router(config)# username name privilege 15 secret 0 password
Step 6If no router interface is configured with an IP address, configure one so that you can access the router
over the network. The following example shows the interface Fast Ethernet 0 configured.
If you are going to connect the PC directly to the router, the PC must be on the same subnet as this
Step 7Configure the router as an http server for nonsecure communication, or as an https server for secure
To configure the router as an http server, enter the ip http server command shown in the example:
Router(config)# ip http server
To configure the router as an https server, enter the ip http secure-server command shown in the
Router(config)# ip http secure-server
Step 8Configure the router for local authentication, by entering the ip http authentication local command, as
shown in the example:
Router(config)# ip http authentication local
Cisco Configuration Professional Quick Start Guide
Configure the Switch for Cisco CP
Step 9Configure the http timeout policy as shown in the example:
Router(config)# ip http timeout-policy idle 60 life 86400 requests 10000
Step 10Configure the vty lines for privilege level 15. For nonsecure access, enter the transport inputtelnet
command. For secure access, enter the transport input telnet ssh command. An example of these
commands follows:
Router(config)# line vty 0 4
Router(config-line)# privilege level 15
Router(config-line)# login local
Router(config-line)# transport input telnet
Router(config-line)# transport output telnet
Router(config-line)# transport input telnet ssh
Router(config-line)# transport output telnet ssh
Router(config-line)# exit
Router(config)# line vty 5 15
Router(config-line)# privilege level 15
Router(config-line)# login local
Router(config-line)# transport input telnet
Router(config-line)# transport output telnet
Router(config-line)# transport input telnet ssh
Router(config-line)# transport output telnet ssh
Router(config-line)# end
Configure the Switch for Cisco CP
This task section explains how to configure the switch to support Cisco CP.
NoteThe tasks that follow can also be accomplished using the Application > Setup New Device option in
Cisco CP by connecting the PC to the console port of the device. See the topic Device Wizard in the
Cisco Configuration Professional User Guide 2.5 at for more details.
NoteMake sure that the PC on which Cisco CP is installed can connect to the switch using its IP address.
Cisco CP require the following basic configuration in order to connect to the switch and manage it.
• An http or https server must be enabled with local authentication.
• A local user account with privilege level 15 and accompanying password must be configured.
• Vty line with protocol ssh/telnet must be enabled with local authentication. This is needed for
interactive commands.
• An http timeout policy must be configured with the parameters shown in the following procedure to
avoid a known launch issue with Cisco CP.
• The PC on which Cisco CP is to run and the interface through which Cisco CP will be launched must
be configured with IP addresses from the same subnet.
You can use the Cisco IOS CLI to enter the necessary configuration commands. To use this method, see
Entering the Configuration Commands Manually.
Cisco Configuration Professional Quick Start Guide
Configure the Switch for Cisco CP
Entering the Configuration Commands Manually
To enter the Cisco IOS commands manually, complete the following steps:
Step 1Log on to the switch through the Console port or through an Ethernet port.
Step 2If you use the Console port, and no running configuration is present in the switch, the Setup command
Facility starts automatically, and displays the following text:
---System Configuration Dialog---
Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]:
Enter no so that you can enter Cisco IOS CLI commands directly.
If the Setup Command Facility does not start automatically, a running configuration is present, and you
should go to the next step.
Step 3When the switch displays the user EXEC mode prompt, enter the enable command, and the enable
password, if one is configured, as shown in the following example:
Switch> enable
password password
Step 4Enter config mode by entering the config terminal command, as shown in the following example.
Switch> config terminal
Step 5Using the command syntax shown, create a user account with privilege level 15.
Step 6If IP Address is not configured, configure one so that you can access the switch over the network. The
following example shows the IP Address configured on interface Vlan1.
Switch(config)# interface Vlan1
Switch(config-if)# ip address
Switch(config-if)# no shutdown
Switch(config-if)# exit
If you are going to connect the PC directly to the switch, the PC must be on the same subnet as this
Step 7Configure the switch as an http server for nonsecure communication, or as an https server for secure
To configure the switch as an http server, enter the ip http server command shown in the example:
Switch(config)# ip http server
To configure the switch as an https server, enter the ip http secure-server command shown in the
Switch(config)# ip http secure-server
Step 8Configure the switch for local authentication, by entering the ip http authentication local command, as
shown in the example:
Switch(config)# ip http authentication local
Step 9Configure the http timeout policy as shown in the example:
Switch(config)# ip http timeout-policy idle 60 life 86400 requests 10000
Cisco Configuration Professional Quick Start Guide
Task 3: Configure the IP Address on the PC
Step 10Configure the vty lines for privilege level 15. For nonsecure access, enter the transport input telnet
command. For secure access, enter the transport input telnet ssh command. An example of these
commands follows:
Switch(config)# line vty 0 4
Switch(config-line)# privilege level 15
Switch(config-line)# login local
Switch(config-line)# transport input telnet
Switch(config-line)# transport output telnet
Switch(config-line)# transport input telnet ssh
Switch(config-line)# transport output telnet ssh
Switch(config-line)# exit
Switch(config)# line vty 5 15
Switch(config-line)# privilege level 15
Switch(config-line)# login local
Switch(config-line)# transport input telnet
Switch(config-line)# transport output telnet
Switch(config-line)# transport input telnet ssh
Switch(config-line)# transport output telnet ssh
Switch(config-line)# end
Task 3: Configure the IP Address on the PC
This task section explains how to configure an IP address on the PC so that you can connect to
Cisco CP Express and begin configuring the router.
Who Should Use this Section
Who Can Skip this Section
The default configuration file assigns an IP address to a LAN interface on the router, and you must
configure the PC to be on the same subnet as the router LAN interface. If the router is a fixed-interface
model, it is configured as a DHCP server, and the PC must be configured to accept an IP address
automatically. If the router can accept modular interfaces, it is not configured as a DHCP server, and you
must configure the PC with a static IP address on the same subnet as the router.
To configure the IP address on the PC, complete the following steps:
Step 1Find your router model number in Tab l e 2. Note the required IP address configuration for the PC.
NoteIf the router model you want to configure does not appear in Table 2, see the Release Notes for
Cisco Configuration Professional for updated information.
If you are setting up a new router, and want to use Cisco CP Express to
give the router a basic configuration, use this section.
If you don’t want to use Cisco CP Express to give the router a basic
configuration, you can skip this section.
Cisco Configuration Professional Quick Start Guide
Task 3: Configure the IP Address on the PC
Table 2Required PC IP Address Configurations
Router ModelDHCP ServerRequired PC IP Address Configuration