Cabling and Configuring the
CES Port Adapter Modules
This chapter describes cabling and configuration procedures for the LightStream 1010
asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) switch circuit emulation service (CES) T1 and E1 port
adapter modules (PAMs). When your switch leaves the factory, it is configured as specified
inyourorder and is readyforinstallation and startup.Asyour communication requirements
change, you might want to upgrade your system, add components, or change the initial
The following CES T1 and E1 PAMs are described in this chapter:
• CES T1 Twisted-pair Port Adapter Module
• CES E1 Twisted-pair Port Adapter Module
• CES E1 BNC Port Adapter Module
Software and upgrades require specific document part numbers and other frequently
updated information; therefore, only basic software configuration guidelines are included
in this publication. Detailed, up-to-date instructions are included in the LightStream 1010
ATM Switch Software Configuration Guide and command line interface (CLI) command
descriptions are provided in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference.
This chapter contains the following information:
• Overview of the CES Port Adapter Modules
• Connecting the Interface Cables and Checking the LEDs
• Configuring the Interfaces
Cabling and Configuring the CES Port Adapter Modules 8-1
FCC Part 68 Notice
FCC Part 68 Notice
Theportadapter, ModelWAI-T1C-4RJ48used in theATM/LANswitchcomplies withPart
68 of the FCC rules. On the bottom of this equipment is a label that contains, among other
information, the FCC registration number. If requested, this information must be provided
to the telephone company.
This equipment cannot be used on telephone company-provided coin services. Connection
to the Party Line Service is subject to State Tariffs.
If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify
you inadvance thattemporarydiscontinuance of service mayberequired. If advancenotice
isn’t practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. Also,
you will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or
procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens, the telephone
company will provide advance notice in order for you to make the necessary modifications
in order to maintain uninterrupted service.
If trouble is experienced with this equipment, please contact us for repair and warranty
information. If the trouble is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone
company may request you remove the equipment from the network until the problem is
It is recommended that the customer install an AC surge arrestor in the ACoutlet to which
this deviceisconnected. This is to avoiddamagingthe equipment caused by local lightning
strikes and other electrical surges.
The circuit emulation service (CES) T1 and E1 Port Adapter Modules (see Figure 8-1) are
ideal for links that require constant bit rate (CBR) services such as interconnecting PBXs,
time-division multiplexers, and video conference equipment over campus, public, or
privatenetworks. The four portsonthePAMcan be configured as redundant linksusingthe
switch's routing protocols. The T1 PAMs support UTP connectors and the E1 PAMs
support either twisted-pair, STP, or 75-ohm BNC connectors. Status and carrier detect
LEDs on each port give quick, visual indications of port status and operation. For detailed
network management support, comprehensive statistics gathering and alarm monitoring
capabilities are provided.
Cabling and Configuring the CES Port Adapter Modules 8-3
Overview of the CES Port Adapter Modules
Figure 8-1Typical CES T1 or E1 Port Adapter Module (UTP Port Shown)
CES E1 120Ω
Each of the ports on the PAM can be configured to support the following clocking options:
• self-timing based on a Stratum 4 level clock
• loop timing from the received data stream—ideal for public network connections
• timing synchronized to a selected master clock port, required in order to distribute a
single clock across a network
The plug-and-play mechanisms of the LightStream 1010 allows the switch to come up
automatically. All configuration information for port adapter modules can be saved
between hot swaps and switch reboots, while interface types are automatically discovered
by the switch. This eliminates mandatory manual configuration.
The LightStream 1010 supports any combination of port adapter modules. Customers can
configure their switches with only the number and type of interfaces required, with up to
32 CES T1 or CES E1 interface ports.