Test report #20000282F FCC 15.231 for MI-4800B FCC ID: LDK102039
Tested February 2, 2000
A portion of the proposed Manual for the OEM customer is reproduced here.
This chapter contains information about the approvals, regulations, labeling requirements and configuration of the
MI4800 radio module for operation in various countries.
Approv als
The MI4800 is designed to meet the requirements of UL, CSA, VCCI and is compliant to the European Low Voltage
Directives. However, the OEM is responsible for the individual safety agency approval of the entire OEM product.
If necessary, Aironet will furnish any required information directly to the agency for the approval.
The MI4800 is compliant to ANSI C95.1 1991, FCC OET-65 and Industry Canada’s RSS-102 requirements for
Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radiated Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3kHz to 300GHz.
FCC Approvals (US and Territories)
The MI4800 has full modular approval from the FCC under 15.247 of the FCC rules with a 2.2dBi dipole antenna or
equivalent. This certification applies to operation in the United States and its territories (Guam, American Samoa,
Puerto Rico, and US Virgin Islands). The FCC ID for the MI4800 is LDK102039.
The OEM is responsible for the overall compliance of the OEM product to the FCC rules as stated in CFR 47 Part
15 (1998). The OEM is responsible for manufacturing, installing, and operating this equipment in compliance to
CFR 47 Parts 2 and 15. Aironet's FCC approval covers the radio and approved antennas only. The use of antennas
not approved by the FCC for use with the Aironet radio is in violation of the FCC rules.
Using FCC approved antennas
If the OEM is using an Aironet FCC approved antenna, the OEM will be required to test the entire OEM product to
Part 15 Subpart B for unintentional radiators. No additional FCC application or paperwork will be required
concerning the radio itself. The OEM is responsible for the product meeting all applicable FCC standards.
Using third-party antennas
If the OEM is using a third-party antenna, Aironet Engineering will review the antenna specifications to determine if
it will be covered under the family group of approved antennas. If the antenna falls under the family approval, then
Aironet Engineering will issue a letter stating that the antenna is covered under the family approval and then Aironet
will add the information to our files.
If the antenna does not fall under the family approval, a FCC Class II Permissive Change or a FCC re-certification
is required before it can be used with our radio. The Class II Permissive Change must be done through Aironet
Engineering or our authorized agent. Contact your sales agent for further information. The FCC re-certification
process is the responsibility of the OEM with the support of Aironet Engineering. Aironet will provide any
necessary non-confidential information to the test lab and any confidential information directly to the FCC.
AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, M I 49047, (616) 424- 7014 91442
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Test report #20000282F FCC 15.231 for MI-4800B FCC ID: LDK102039
Tested February 2, 2000
DOC Approvals (Canada)
The MI4800 is certified for use in accordance with RSS-210 and RSS-139-1. Spread spectrum systems in the
2.4GHz range operating completely indoors or outdoors above 2450MHz do not require licensing. Those systems
operating partially or completely outdoors below 2450MHz may require a license to operate. Additional
information can be found in the CPC-2-0-01 Guidelines for Submission of Applications and the IC 2365BB
Application for License to Install and Operate a Radio Transmitter. The Canadian Radio Approval number for the
MI4800 is still pending as of the publication date of this document.
If the OEM wishes to use an Aironet approved radio and antenna combination, the OEM will be required to have the
entire OEM product tested, but no formal application for approval is necessary except "multi-listing" of the radio
for use in the OEM product. If product qualification (EMC approval) is required, the OEM will submit his
application to the DOC and reference the appropriate Aironet file. Aironet will interface with the Canadian
authorities to update the files with the proper information for certification.
The OEM has the option of submitting his own application to the DOC in which case Aironet will provide
information on the radio and antenna to the DOC. Any future changes to the OEM product can be done without
contacting Aironet since the product registration will be in the OEM name.
If the OEM is using a third-party antenna, the OEM will be required to file the test report and application with the
DOC on the OEM product, and Aironet will send any necessary confidential information directly to the Canadian
ETSI Approvals (Europe)
General Information
Based on the recent changes in the interpretation of the certification of radio modules by the European Union, the
MI4800 will now have modular approval. The maximum power rating for ETSI is 100mW EIRP.
Depending on the product and antenna used, the installation of the radio may or may not require the OEM to obtain a
separate radio type approval certificate for the OEM product. It is the OEM's responsibility to contact the European
local authorities, Competent Body or Notified Body test lab to determine what applicable standards need to be
applied for the product. The OEM can obtain the appropriate approval numbers and copy of certifications of the
radio from their Aironet Sales agent.
The OEM will be required to test the OEM product with the radio installed to the requirements of EN 55022, EN
50082-1 and the Low Voltage Directive. The MI4800 is designed to meet EN 55022 Class B levels. However, any
additional shielding or filtering required to bring the overall product into compliance is the responsibility of the
If the customer must obtain a separate type approval number, the product will be required to be tested in a European
lab for both ETS 300.328 and ETS 300.826. The Low Voltage Directive testing does not need to be done in
Europe. Aironet will send the required confidential information directly to the authorities and reference the OEM's
type approval test file number.
300.328 Type Approval
This is the actual test of the radio and antenna system for approval to be used in the European Radio Spectrum. The
lab will do one complete test and then prepare the necessary number of reports that are required for submission in
each country to obtain approval. The test labs can provide the address and contacts for each country's regulatory
authority. Type approval can take from 5 weeks to 8 months or more depending on the country.
AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, M I 49047, (616) 424-7014 91442
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