Cabling and Configuring the
25 Mbps Port Adaptor Modules
This chapter describes cabling and configuration procedures for the LightStream 1010
ATM switch 12-port,25-Mbps PAMs. When yourswitch leavesthe factory, itis configured
as specified inyour order and is ready for installation and startup. As your communication
requirements change, you might want to upgrade your system, add components, or change
the initial configuration.
Software and upgrades require specific document part numbers and other frequently
updated information; therefore, only basic software configuration guidelines are included
in this publication. Detailed, up-to-date instructions are included in the LightStream 1010
ATM Switch Software Configuration Guide and command-line interface (CLI) command
descriptions are provided in the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference.
This chapter contains the following information:
• Overview of the 25-Mbps Port Adapter Module
• Connecting the Interface Cables and Checking the LEDs
• Configuring the Interfaces
Overview of the 25-Mbps Port Adapter Module
The 25-Mbps Port Adapter Module has twelve 25.6 Mbps ATM ports. Each port is
compliant with the ATM Forum PHY standard for 25.6 Mbps over twisted pair cable and
is ideal for workgroup links (see Figure 9-1). Any of the twelve ports on the PAM can be
configured as redundant links using the switch's routing protocols. The PAM has a 96-pin
Molex connector and a multi-leg 12 RJ-45 cable assembly.
Cabling and Configuring the 25 Mbps Port Adaptor Modules 9-1

Overview of the 25-Mbps Port Adapter Module
Figure 9-1 25-Mbps PAM
Each port on the PAM supports single, local clocking only.
Traffic-pacing allows the aggregate output traffic rate on port group 0 to 5 or 6 to 11 to be
set to a rate below the line rate; this is useful when communicating with a slow receiver.
Pacing cannot be done on any individual port but on a group of six ports.
The plug-and-play mechanisms of the LightStream 1010 allow the switch to come up
automatically. All configuration information for port adapter modules can be saved
between hot swaps and switch reboots, while interface types are automatically discovered
by the switch. This eliminates mandatory manual configuration.
The LightStream 1010 supports any combination of port adapter modules. Customers can
configure their switches with only the number and type of interfaces required, with up to
96 25-Mbps ports.
This section describes the following:
• 25 Mbps PAM Features
• 25 Mbps PAM Applications
9-2 LightStream 1010 ATM Switch PAM Installation Guide

25 Mbps PAM Features
The 25 Mbps PAMs provide the following features:
• Support for 12 ATM UNI ports at standard throughput rate of 25.6 Mbps full duplex.
• Compatible with ATM Forum 25.6 Mbps PHY specification for UTP-3, UTP-5, or
STP-5 except that the RJ-45 connector is replaced with a Molex 96-pin female
connector. (A cable assembly with 12 RJ-45 standard connectors is provided with the
• A CPU bus interface for control and monitoring of the board ID EEPROM and LEDs.
• Priority queueing (4 levels) at each transmit (TX) output port.
• Buffermemory for transmit andreceive (RX) cells and for each group ofsixports; 128K
by 16-bit local external SRAM for flexible queueing of 4,092 cells in transmit data path.
The minimum queue allocations are selectable for each transmit queue priority from 4
to 60 cells, in multiples of 4, via software control.
• Support for multicasting to any combination of 12 transmit ports.
• Provides individual enabling for TX and RX of each port separately.
• Provides individual loopback control in each PMD device on board, via software
Overview of the 25-Mbps Port Adapter Module
• Three 24-bit statistics counters per port for receive discarded cells, plus received and
transmitted cells.
• Can generate per-port and per-condition maskable interrupt to the CPU in case of
physical or line error conditions.
25 Mbps PAM Applications
The 25-Mbps port adapter module has 12 ports and is ideal for workgroup links. Figure 9-2
is an example of the 25-Mbps PAM application.
The various 25-Mbps PAMs provide 12 UTP-5 interface connections from the desktop to
the wiring closet.
Cabling and Configuring the 25 Mbps Port Adaptor Modules 9-3