• Charge pump driver output generates
negative power supply.
• Ground-referenced Bipolar Inputs
The CS5451A is a highly integrated delta-sigma ( analog-to-digital converter (ADC) developed for the power
measurement industry. The CS5451A combines six
ADCs, decimation filters, and a serial interface on a single chip. The CS5451A interfaces d irectly to a current
transformer or shunt to m eas ure curre nt, and to a resis tive divider or transformer to measure voltage. The
product features a serial interface for communication
with a microcontroller or DSP. The product is initialized
and fully functional upon reset, and includes a voltage
Differential Current Input 1
Differential Current Input 1
Master Clock
Differential Volta g e Input 1
Differential Volta g e Input 2
Charge Pump Drive
Digital Ground
Differential Volta g e Input 1
Digital Supply
Output Word Rate Select
Differential Current Input 3
Differential Voltage Input 3
Differential Current Input 3
Current Input Gain
Positive Analog Supply
Negative Analog Supply
Serial Port Enable
Reference Output
Differential Voltage Input 3
Frame Sync
Serial Data Output
Reference Input
Serial Clock Output
Analog Ground
Clock Generator
Master Clock Input25
Control Pins and Serial Data I/O
Serial Clock Output
Serial Data Output2
Frame Sync3
Serial Port Enable4
Current Input Gain
Output Word Rate Select
Analog Inputs/Outputs
Voltage Reference Input7
Voltage Referenc e Outp ut
Differential V ol tage Inputs1 1 ,12
Differential Current Inputs13,14
Power Supply Connections
Analog Ground6
Positive Analog Supply9
Negative Analog Supply10
Charge Pump Drive
Digital Ground27
Positive Digital Supply28
XIN - External clock signal or oscillator input.
SCLK - Serial port clock signal that determines the output data rate for SDO pin. Rate of SCLK is
dependent on the XIN frequency and state of OWRS pin.
SDO -Serial port data output pin. Data will be output at a rate defined by SCLK.
FSO - Framing signal indicates when data samples are about to be transmitted on the SDO pin.
SE - When SE is low, the output pins of the serial port are tri-stated.
GAIN - A logic high sets current channel gain to 1, a logic low sets the gain to 20. If no connection
is made to this pin, it will default to logic low level (through internal 200 k resistor to DGND).
OWRS - A logic low sets the output word rate (OWR) to XIN/2048 (Hz). A logic high sets the
OWR to XIN/1024 (Hz). If no connection is made to this pin, then OWRS will default to logic low
level (through internal 200 k resistor to DGND).
RESET - Low activates Reset, all internal registers are set to their default states.
VREFIN - The input to this pin establishes the voltage reference for the on-chip modulator.
VREFOUT - The on-chip voltage reference output. The voltage reference has a nominal magni-
tude of 1.2 V and is referenced to the AGND pin on the converter.
VIN3+, VIN3- - Differential analog input pins for the voltage channel 3.
VIN2+, VIN2- - Differential analog input pins for the voltage channel 2.
VIN1+, VIN1- - Differential analog input pins for the voltage channel 1.
IIN3+, IIN3- - Differential analog input pins for the current channel 3.
IIN2+, IIN2- - Differential analog input pins for the current channel 2.
IIN1+, IIN1- - Differential analog input pins for the current channel 1.
AGND - Analog ground.
VA+ - The positive analog supply. Typical +3 V ±10% relative to AGND.
VA- - The negative analog supply. Typical -2 V ±10% relative to AGND.
CPD - Designed to drive external charge pump circuitry that will produce a negative analog sup-
ply (VA-)voltage.
DGND - Digital Ground.
VD+ - The positive digital supply. Typical +3 V ±10% relative to AGND.
ParameterSymbol Min TypMax Unit
DC Power SuppliesPositive Digital
Positive Analog
Negative Analog
Voltage Reference InputVREF+-1.2-V
•Min/Max characteristics and specifications are guaranteed over all Operating Conditions.
•Typical characteristics and specifications are measured at nominal supply voltages and TA = 25 °C.
•VA+ = VD+ = 3 V ±10%; VA- = -2 V ±10%; AGND = DGND = 0 V; VREFIN = +1.2 V. All voltages with respect to 0 V.
•XIN = 4.096 MHz.
ParameterSymbol Min TypMaxUnit
Accuracy (All Channels)
Total Harmonic DistortionTHD74--dB
Common Mode Rejection(DC, 50, 60 Hz)CMRR80--dB
Common Mode + Signal on InputVA--VA+V
Input Sampling Rate-XIN/8-Hz
Analog Inputs (Note 1)
Differential Input Voltage RangeGain=20
Output VoltageREFOUT1.151.21.25V
Temperature Coefficient-2550ppm/°C
Load Regulation(Output Current 1 A Source or Sink)V
Power Supply RejectionPSRR60--dB
Reference Input
Input Voltage RangeVREF+
Input Capacitance--10pF
Input CVF Current--1µA
1. Specifications for Gain = 20 apply only to Current Channels. Voltage Channels are fixed to Gain = 1
2. All outputs unloaded. All inputs CMOS level.
3. Definition for PSRR: VREFIN tied to VREFOUT, VA+ = VD+ = 3 V, AGND = DGND = 0 V, VA- = -2 V (using chargepump circuit with CPD). In addition, a 106.07 mV rms (60 Hz) sinewave is imposed onto the VA+ and VD+ pins.
The “+” and “-” input pins of both input channels are shorted to VA-. 2048 instantaneous digital output data words
are collected for the channel under test. The rms value of the digital sinusoidal output signal is calculated, and this
rms value is converted into the rms value of the sinusoidal voltage (measured in mV) that would need to be applied
at the channel’s inputs, in order to cause the same digital sinusoidal output. This voltage is then defined as Veq.
PSRR is then (in dB):
•Min/Max characteristics and specifications are guaranteed over all Operating Conditions.
•Typical characteristics and specifications are measured at nominal supply voltages and TA = 25 °C.
•VA+ = VD+ = 3V ±10%; VA- = -2 V ±10%; AGND = DGND = 0 V. All voltages with respect to 0 V.