Chrysler K6860631 User Manual

K6860631 – WI-FI ROUTER
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Aug 08, 2008 K6860631 Rev. 1
PROCEDURE STEPS: NOTE: Using a test light, verify the cigarette lighter outlet being used is ignition switched. Power must not be
supplied with the ignition in the OFF position. NOTE: If equipped with the mini console, proceed to step 4. If equipped with a full console, proceed to step 11.
1. Disconnect and isolate the battery negative cable.
2. UsingatrimstickC-4755or equivalent,disengage the retaining tabs and remove the lower bezel panel (2).
3. Remove the two lower screws (3) securing the cup holder or close out panel (2) to the instrument panel (IP).
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631 Rev. 1
4. Onvehicles withamini console, remove the 4WD gear shift boot, if equipped.
5. If equipped with a manual transmission, remove the transmission gear shift lever extension.
6. Remove the console inserts, if equipped.
7. Remove the bolts (2) that secure the rear console (1) to the oor panel.
8. Lift up the rear of the oor console to clear the gear shift lever, if equipped.
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631 Rev. 1
9. Remove the bolts (2) and separate the front console (3) from the oor.
10. Separate the front clips (1) and remove the mini con­sole.
11. On vehicles with a full center console, using a trim stick C-4755 or equivalent, separate the s even front console bezel clips (2), lift up the back of the bezel (1) and remove.
12. Remove the bolts (1) and lift the rear of the base up to release the front guide pins (5).
13. Remove the front base (2).
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631 Rev. 1
14. Remove the screws (2).
15. Using a trimstick C-4755 or equivalent, disengage the retainer clips that secure the instrument panel center bezel (1 ) to the instrument panel.
16. Disconnect the wire harness connectors and remove the center bezel from the vehicle.
17. Open the glove box (1).
18. Release the two glove box stops (2) and lower the glove box downward past the stops.
19. Disengage the glove box hinges from the instrument panel and remove the glove box.
20. Using a trim stick C-4755 or e retaining tabs of the cowl t tainer clip s (2) in the door
21. Pull the cowl trim panel r the vehicle.
sill (3).
earward and remove it from
quivalent,disengage the
rim panel (1) from the re-
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631 Rev. 1
22. Remove the three bolts (1) that secure the rear stor­agecompartment (2) to the oor panel (3) and remove the storage compartment from the rear cab trim panel (4).
23. Remove the cap (1) and then the bolt (2) that secures the seat belt (3) to the top of the B-pillar (4) and posi­tion the seat belt out of the way.
24. Using a trimstick C-4755 or equivalent, disengage the retaining tabs that secure the upper B-pillar trim panel (5) to the B-pillar and rem ove the trim panel.
25. Remove the bolt (2) that secures the seat belt (1) to the bottom of the B-pillar (4) and position the seat belt outoftheway.
26. Using a trimstick C-4755 or equivalent, disengage the retaining tabs that secure the lo wer B-pillar trim panel (3) to the B-pillar.
27. Remove the seat belt from the lower B-pillar trim panel through the slot provided and remove the trim panel.
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631 Rev. 1
28. Remove the utility hoo ks (3) from the rear cab trim panel (1) and remove the trim panel.
29. Install the Wi-Fi router to the rear cab trim panel with the provided materials.
30. Make a small cut in the rear cab trim panel and route the Wi-Fi router connector through
31. Place the rear cab trim panel into position in the cle.
32. Connect the wire harness to the Wi-Fi router conn tor.
33. Route the wire harness down the back of the re panel to the door sill.
34. Firmly seat the rear panel and install the ut to the rear panel.
35. Continue to route the wire harness along the ger side, under the glove box opening and be center stack.
ility hooks
passen­hind the
36. Locate the cigarette lighter outlet wiring harness.
37. Cut each wire and remove 13 mm (0.5 in.) of insula­tion from each wire that needs to be soldered/spliced.
38. Place a piece of supplied adhesive lined heat shrink tubing on one side of each cut wire. Insure the tubing will be long enough to cover and seal the entire sol­dered area.
CAUTION: Do not use acid core solder.
39. Solder the supplied fused pigtail to Wi-Fi power har­ness power wire.
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631 Rev. 1
40. Place the strandsofthepowersidewires overlappingeach other inside of the splice clip (1).
41. Using crimpingtool(1),Mopar® p/n 05019912AA or equiv­alent, crimp the splice clip and wires together.
42. Repeat the previous two steps for the ground side wires.
CAUTION: Do not use acid core solder.
43. Solder (3) the connection (2) together using rosin core sol­der (1).
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631 Rev. 1
44. Center the heat shrink tubing (2) over the solder joint and heat using a heat gun. Heat the joint until the tubing is tightly sealed and sealant (1) comes out of both ends of the tubing.
45. Place the lo w er B-pillar trim panel (3) into position and engage the retaining tabs that secure the trim panel to the B-pillar (4).
46. Route the seat belt through the slot provided in the B-pillar trim panel.
47. Install the bolt (2) that secures the seat belt (1) to the bottom of the B-pillar (4).
48. Place the upper B-pillar trim panel (5) into position and engage the retaining tabs that secure the trim panel to the B-pillar (4).
49. Install the bolt (2) that secures the seat belt (3) to the top of the B-pillar (4) and Install the cap (1).
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631 Rev. 1
50. Install thestorage compartment (2)to the rearcab and installthe three fasteners (1) that secure the rear stor­age compartment to the oor panel (3).
51. Place the cowl trim panel (1) into position and engage the retaining tabs to the door sill (3).
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631 Rev. 1
52. Engage the glove box (1) hinges to the instrument panel.
53. Press the two glove box stops (2) and raise the glove box upward.
54. Close the glove box.
55. Position theinstrumentpanel center bezel(1) near the IP and connect the wire harness connectors.
56. Install the instrument panel center bezel onto the IP and fully engage the retainer clips.
57. Install the two lower screws (2).
58. If necessary, install the cl cupholder and install the s
crews (3).
ose out panel (2) or
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631 Rev. 1
59. Install the lower bezel panel (2) ensuring the retaining tabs engage.
60. If equipped with a mini console, position the console and seat the front clips (1) fully.
61. Install the bolts (2).
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631 Rev. 1
62. Install the bolts (2) that secure the rear console (1) to the oor panel.
63. Install the inserts.
64. Install the gear shift lever extension.
65. Install the 4WD gear shift boot, if equipped.
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631 Rev. 1
66. If equipped with a full console, Install the front base (2).
67. Seat the rear of the base to engage the front guide pins (5) and Install the bolts (1).
68. Install the console bezel (1) and engage the seven front console bezel clips (2).
69. Connect the battery negative cable.
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631 Rev. 1
PROCEDURE STEPS: NOTE: Using a test light, verify the cigarette lighter outlet being used is ignition switched. Power must not be
supplied with the ignition in the OFF position. NOTE: If equipped with the mini console, proceed to step 4. If equipped with a full console, proceed to step 11.
1. Disconnect and isolate the battery negative cable.
2. Usinga trim stick C-4755or equivalent,disengage the retaining tabs and remove the lower bezel panel (2).
3. Remove the two lower screws (3) securing the cup holder or close out panel (2) to the instrument panel (IP).
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631Rev. 1
4. Onvehicles withamini console, remove the 4WD gear shift boot, if equipped.
5. If equipped with a manual transmission, remove the transmission gear shift lever extension.
6. Remove the console inserts, if equipped.
7. Remove the bolts (2) that secure the rear console (1) to the oor panel.
8. Lift up the rear of the oor console to clear the gear shift lever, if equipped.
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631Rev. 1
9. Remove the bolts (2) and separate the front console (3) from the oor.
10. Separate the front clips (1) and remove the mini con­sole.
11. On vehicles with a full center console, using a trim stick C-4755 or equivalent, separate the s even front console bezel clips (2), lift up the back of the bezel (1) and remove.
12. Remove the bolts (1) and lift the rear of the base up to release the front guide pins (5).
13. Remove the front base (2).
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631Rev. 1
14. Remove the screws (2).
15. Using a trimstick C-4755 or equivalent, disengage the retainer clips that secure the instrument panel center bezel (1 ) to the instrument panel.
16. Disconnect the wire harness connectors and remove the center bezel from the vehicle.
17. Open the glove box (1).
18. Release the two glove box stops (2) and lower the glove box downward past the stops.
19. Disengage the glove box hinges from the instrument panel and remove the glove box.
20. Using a trim stick C-4755 or e retaining tabs of the cowl t tainer clip s (2) in the door
21. Pull the cowl trim panel r the vehicle.
sill (3).
earward and remove it from
quivalent,disengage the
rim panel (1) from the re-
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631Rev. 1
22. Using a small at-bladed tool, carefully open the two fastener covers (2) located on the grab handle (1).
23. Remove the two bolts (3) that secure the grab handle to the B-pillar and remove the grab handle.
24. Remove the cap (1) and the bolt (2) that secures the seat belt (3 ) to the top of the B-pillar (4) and position the seat belt out of the way.
25. Using a trimstick C-4755 or equivalent, disengage the retaining tabs that secure the upper B-pillar trim panel (5) to the B-pillar and rem ove the trim panel.
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631Rev. 1
26. Using a trimstick C-4755 or equivalent, disengage the retaining tabs that secure the lo wer B-pillar trim panel (1) to the B-pillar (2).
27. Remove the seat belt (3) from the lower B-pillar trim panel through the slot provided and remove the trim panel.
28. Remove the cap (1) and then the bolt (2) that secures the seat belt (3) to the top of the C-pillar (4) and posi­tion the seat belt out of the way.
29. Using a trim stick C-4755 orequivalent, disengage the retaining tabs that secure the upper C-pillar trim panel (5) to the C-pillar and remove the trim panel.
30. Remove the bolt (3) that secures the seat belt (2) to the bottom of the C-pillar (4) and position the seat belt outoftheway.
31. Using a trim stick C-4755 orequivalent, disengage the retaining tabs that secure the lower C-pilla r trim panel (1) to the C-pillar.
32. Remove theseat belt from the lower C-pillar trim panel through the slot provided and remove the trim panel.
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631Rev. 1
33. Using a trim stick C-4755 orequivalent, disengage the retaining tabs of the sill trim panel (1) from the re tainer clipsin therear door sill (2) and remove the trim panel.
34. Install and secure the wi-router to the oor.
35. Route the wi-power harness from the router along the sill securing where necessary. and cut to the proper length.
36. Locate the cigarette lighter outlet wiring harness.
37. Cut each wire and remove 13 mm (0.5 in.) of insula­tion from each wire that needs to be soldered/spliced.
38. Place a piece of supplied adhesive lined heat shrink tubing on one side of each cut wire. Insure the tubing will be long enough to cover and seal the entire sol­dered area.
CAUTION: Do not use acid core solder.
39. Solder the supplied fused pigtail to Wi-Fi power har­ness power wire.
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631Rev. 1
40. Place the strandsofthepowersidewires overlappingeach other inside of the splice clip (1).
41. Using crimpingtool(1),Mopar® p/n 05019912AA or equiv­alent, crimp the splice clip and wires together.
42. Repeat the previous two steps for the ground side wires.
43. Solder (3) the connection (2) together using rosin core sol­der (1).
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631Rev. 1
44. Center the heat shrink tubing (2) over the solder joint and heat using a heat gun. Heat the joint until the tubing is tightly sealed and sealant (1) comes out of both ends of the tubing.
45. Engage the retaining tabs of the sill trim panel (1) re­tainer clips in the rear door sill (2) and install the sill trim panel.
46. Route the seat belt (2) throug C-pillar trim panel (1) and p the C-pillar (4).
47. Engage the retaining tabs th lar trim panel to the C-pill
48. Install the bolt (3) that s tom of the C-pillar. Tight lbs.).
osition the trim panel to
at secure the lower C-pil-
ecures the seat belt to the bot-
h the slot in the lower
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631Rev. 1
49. Position the upper C-pillar trim panel (5) to the C-pillar (4).
50. Engage the retaining tabs that secure the upper C-pil­lar trim panel to the C-pillar.
51. Install the bolt (2) that secures the seat belt (3) to the top of the C-pillar. Tighten the bolt to 40 N·m (30 ft. lbs.).
52. Install the cap (1) onto the seat belt.
53. Route the seat belt (3) through the slot in the l B-pillar trim panel (1) and position the trim B-pillar (2).
54. Engage the retaining tabs that secure the low lar trim panel to the B-pillar.
55. Position the upper B-pillar trim panel (5) to the B-pillar (4).
56. Engage the retaining tabs that secure the upper B-pil­lar trim panel to the B-pillar.
57. Install the bolt (2) that secures the seat belt (3) to the top of the B-pillar. Tighten the bolt to 40 N·m (30 ft. lbs.).
58. Install the cap (1) onto the seat belt.
panel to the
er B-pil-
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631Rev. 1
59. Install the grab handle (1) onto the B-pillar and install thetwobolts(3). Tightentheboltsto6N·m(55in. lbs.).
60. Close the two fastener covers (2) located on the grab handle.
61. Position the cowl trim panel (1) onto the door sill (3).
62. Push the cowl trim panel forward and then engage the retaining tabs that secure the sill trim panel to the rear door sill.
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631Rev. 1
63. Engage the glove box (1) hinges to the instrument panel.
64. Press the two glove box stops (2) and raise the glove box upward.
65. Close the glove box.
66. Position theinstrumentpanel center bezel(1) near the IP and connect the wire harness connectors.
67. Install the instrument panel center bezel onto the IP and fully engage the retainer clips.
68. Install the two lower screws (2).
69. If necessary, install the cl cupholder and install the s
crews (3).
ose out panel (2) or
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631Rev. 1
70. Install the lower bezel panel (2) ensuring the retaining tabs engage.
71. If equipped with a mini console, position the console and seat the front clips (1) fully.
72. Install the bolts (2).
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631Rev. 1
73. Install the bolts (2) that secure the rear console (1) to the oor panel.
74. Install the inserts.
75. Install the gear shift lever extension.
76. Install the 4WD gear shift boot, if equipped.
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631Rev. 1
77. If equipped with a full console, Install the front base (2).
78. Seat the rear of the base to engage the front guide pins (5) and Install the bolts (1).
79. Install the console bezel (1) and engage the seven front console bezel clips (2).
80. Connect the battery negative cable.
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631Rev. 1
PROCEDURE STEPS: NOTE: Using a test light, verify the cigarette lighter outlet being used is ignition switched. Power must not be
supplied with the ignition in the OFF position. NOTE: If equipped with the mini console, proceed to step 4. If equipped with a full console, proceed to step 11.
1. Disconnect and isolate the battery negative cable.
2. Usinga trim stick C-4755or equivalent,disengage the retaining tabs and remove the lower bezel panel (2).
3. Remove the two lower screws (3) securing the cup holder or close out panel (2) to the instrument panel (IP).
Aug 08, 2008 K6860631 Rev. 1
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