C. Crane CC Vector Quick Start Setup Manual

Quick Start Setup Guide
NOTE: Please follow the Assembly Guide and Mounting Instructions for
your Supplied USB Antenna.
Rev 14_4/2018
Leave this one unplugged
Connect other end of the USB cable to the USB Antenna.
Attach Repeaters Antenna
CC Vector
WiFi Repeater
Plug USB into the CC Vector
Connect Power
Plug AC Power into Wall
NOTE: Please do not skip any steps.
1. From your computer, tablet, smartphone or WiFi device, go to the WiFi Settings/Connections and connect to the WiFi Name listed on the sticker underneath the CC Vector.
2. Enter the WiFi Password when prompted.
WiFi Name
WiFi Password
To Configure with a Ethernet Cable:
Although the CC Vector can be set up from a tablet or a smartphone, it may be
easier to use a computer using the included 18” Ethernet cable.
Connect the Ethernet cable to your computer’s Ethernet port and to either of the CC Vector’s Ethernet ports on the back of the device.
After confirming you have completed Step “B”, open the Internet Browser screen on your
device and enter into the Address Bar. Press “Enter” on your keyboard.
NOTE: At this point you are connected to the CC Vector but your browser will likely
tell you that you are not connected to the internet. This is normal because the CC Vector is not yet setup. Continue with the setup.
Click the dot next to the WiFi network that you want to repeat..
..then click
NOTE: For best performance, your signal should be higher than 50%. For a better signal,
try adjusting the orientation and placement of the USB antenna - then click “Rescan” to see if the signal is higher.
Enter Wireless
Password for
in Step “D”
NOTE: If wireless password includes special characters please see #2 in the
“Troubleshooting and Tips” section on Page 3.
NOTE: If network in Step “D” does not require a password, then you will not get this
screen. Proceed to Step “F”.
..then click
and go to
Step “F”
For advanced users only
+ 2 hidden pages