Casio TM-100, QW-661 Service Manual & Parts List

a PARTS L~ST(without price)
REF. NO.S/M-242
APRIL 1887
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(Time/calendar setting mode]
[Stopwiltch mode][Daily alarm model
(Reversion to regular timekE'eping) The watch reverts to regular timekeeping modt" when ©button is pressed after operation, re~ardless of mode. (Auto-retrieve function) Daily alarm and Time/calendar setting modes will automatically return 10 regular timekeeping mode if no button is pressed for 1 10 2 minutes.
Time-signal-ON mark
Alann-ON mark
I M~ator
_r--;::;:,,J:1l press~ .• ~,.r:,-j'''.~:lPress© .11n .•..q:;:~,1
LP':G~ . ~~!.."U!..I$ L!/-".ryU:4iJHour / Mode indicator Minute r J /10 second Hour I Second
Minute Second Minute
® Press@. [Calendar} ® •••••••••.•••..,
"''''' ••• J
Momh Date Day
Reading the display
[Regular timekeeping mode]
(Time) [Countdownalarm}
Countdown period indicator
Hour Minute Second
Countdown period
Countdown alarm operation
Countdown COl" bl" set from 1 minut€' to 30 minutes. To set countdo\-\'n period. press@as many times as required.
(Setting countdown period I
Each press of@shifts countdown period.
Countdown starts when@is released. When countdown reaches zero, beeper sounds for 10 second. Press any
bulton to stop beeper.
Transmitter on/off
Using Transmitter
1) Switch on Fi\.tradio and set to a frequency (88 MHz to 108 MHz) where a broddcast is not received. At this time noise is heard.
For radio "'fen stereo/mono swiech. set to "mono".
2) Switch on transmitter <lnd pull out antenna.
Sh'itch of! eransmiuer when noe in use.
Tuning knob )\:5
Microphone (~)J:~ff
3) Slowly turn tuning knob to position where noise on radio stops.
"If 88MHz· ••
High !'olum~ setting may cause hOh'ling sound.
4) Speak mto microphone on transmitter and adjust
radio luning.
Daily alarm operation
Beeper sounds for 20 seconds at preset time every day until cleared when daily alarm is Sl?'1.Press any button to stop beeper. Signal sounds every hour on the hour
if time signal
is set.
(Sound demonstration) Press and hold @in alarm mode to sound beeper,
[Selling daily .Iarm]
1) Press@in daily alarm mode to set hour, Pressing@incrementsdigit. Keep pressed for high speed change.
2) Press@to set minute digits, Pressing@incrementsdigit. keep pressed for high speed change,
(Auto-retrievc function) Display automatically returns to initial daily alarm mode display if no button is pressed
for 1 to
1. minutes.
3) Press© to complete.
{Transmitter precautions]
o This product is not intendt'd to hE' used to invade the privacy of olhers,
Q Never attempt to incre'lse the power of the transmitter by altering the internal circuitry
or extendin~ the antenna, Doing so m.lY be violation of loccll laws ~overnin~ the use of radio transmitters,
Avoid frequencies used by commercial radio station.
The efficiency of the transmitter is rpduced in low tE'mperature<;.
The maximum communication distance is 60 meters under optimum conditions. The a(1:ual distance, however, is determined by surroundings and the condition of the
Orient the antenna to find the best position for communi<..ltion.
Stable reception may b(' difficult to obtain whpn usin~ radios which utilize hc.-tdphone
· and earphone cords as antennas. For best results, use J high-sensitivity FM radio.
[Transmitter applications!
Sending a voin' to a remote radio unit.
Recording of converSiltion on a radio cassette recorder.
Using a radio as a wireless PA device.
Intercommunication b('lween molor vehidl's O\'£'r the FM radio.
-..Transmitrer banery should be replaced periodically el'ery 2 years. Do not leal'e dead battery in unie to al'oid malfunction caused by battery leakage.
-..Rem01'e battery K'hen transmirter is noe used for extended periods.
(Transmitter IMttery mainten<lnct'j
Transmitter signal \\.'eakens when battery power decrcast's, Batt<.>r}should then be replaced
1) Usmg a
COlO. remove rear battl;"r\ cover te12) ~~~J~~ b~~~e~y~••a) rtng, r0-5~
Ensure that plus Side of batrer) IS facmg up. e
3) PI.lCe rrog on top of battery and screw on cowr +.
Rmg prorec(fJ una from dwt and humlday.
®---~®-- .•®
(Re-stclrt) (Stop) (Reset)
Stopwatch operation
A signal confirms start/stop operation.
(Working range) Total elapsed time display is limited to 59 minutes 59.9 seconds. For longer times reset and start again.
(On ~r~:s~.oiIY alarm an~r~s':'~~ress@.~~- -~-~
Daily alarm Daily alarm Daily alarm Time signal and time and time signal only sounds. only sounds. signal sound. do not sound. Press @.
Glenn Sim HC
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Bottom view of P.C.B.
LCD drive terminals
P.C.B. with LSI
Top view of P.C.B.
Chip capacitor
Detail ItemDetail
NO.365/SRll16W (28mAH, 1.55Vdc)
±30 sec. /month
Approx. 2 years
Accuracy setting system
Pad selection (G1~G3)
1.55MA maximum Accuracy checkingSee page 5
Piezo plate on back cover
Accuracy setting
+0.9 ~ -0.7 sec./day
Glenn Sim HC
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1 (70004101)
6 (7020 0236)
4 (71032167)
10 (7201 8877)
15 (72119649)
13 (7222 0404)
9 (7010 1343)
2 (71002128)
7 (7225 1024)
11 (72118103)
14 (7222 0421)
12 (7212 5821)
Q~ 16_[N_O_._36_5_]
~ 8_(_7_2_12_3_1_7_4)
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+ 7 hidden pages