Casio Panorama Editor User Manual

Panorama Editor
Version 1.0
Panorama image editing software Windows version
Instruction manual
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The contents of this document are subject to change without notice.
The document has been prepared with our utmost effort. However, please
contact us if there are any queries or errors. Panorama Editor is published by CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. and CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. retains all copyrights and other related rights except for those described above. This document may not be copied in part or in entirety without permission. We assume no responsibility for any damage or loss or claims from third parties resulting from the use of Panorama Editor.


This document describes the Panorama Editor image editing software (hereafter called Panorama Editor in this document). Panorama Editor is a software application that runs on Windows. This document does not describe how to use Windows. This document assumes that Panorama Editor users are familiar with the following basic operations.
Mouse operations such as clicking, dragging, dragging and dropping
Menu operation using the mouse
Character entry using the keyboard
Window operation using Windows
Read the instruction manual of your PC and Windows for these basic operations. All operations on this manual are described for Windows 98.

To first-time users of Panorama Editor

Read the “Read me” file in the CD-ROM provided. This describes how to check the system requirements for Panorama Editor and how to install it on your PC. Check your operating environment and Windows version to be used before installing Panorama Editor.

Features of Panorama Editor

Editing a panorama image

You can create a panorama image by joining images horizontally.
Image data taken using a CASIO LCD digital camera loaded into
Panorama Editor will be automatically edited as a panorama image with
the stitch width used for recording.
Panorama image

Useful editing functions

• Scroll playback
You can scroll and play back edited panorama images. You can also play back endlessly by joining the ends of panorama images together in ring form.
• Image size selection during editing
You can select large (vertical 480 dots) or small (vertical 240 dots) image sizes while editing to suit your monitor size.
• Enlarged display of the stitch editing portion
You can enlarge the stitch editing portion to up to 8 times for fine-adjustment.


Clicking buttons on the toolbar works in the same way as when the corresponding command is selected from the menu. (This document mainly describes how to select commands from the menu.)
12 34567 89 0q w
1 [New] button 2 [Open] button 3 [Undo] button 4 [Redo] button 5 [Add image] button 6 [Insert image] button 7 [Delete image] button 8 [Display cropping line] button 9 [Display enlarged window] button 0 [Playback left] button q [Playback right] button w [Help] button

File saving formats

Edited panorama images can be saved in the following file formats.
CPI format panorama edit file
JPEG format image data file
QuickTime VR format movie file
CPI format (.cpi extension) is CASIO’s own panorama image editing file.
As the information being edited is saved, it is recommended that you save
images in this format if you intend to re-edit the image.
However, save images in JPEG or QuickTime VR formats to use
panorama images in other applications.
QuickTime must be installed in order to save in QuickTime VR format.

How to read this instruction manual

Operation conventions

All operations on this manual are described for Windows 98. The description assumes that a mouse is used.
In this document, the operation for selecting [File(F)] and then [New(
N)...] is described as selecting [File(F)] → [New(N)...].

Display screens

The display screens in this document are from Windows 98 and may differ
slightly from other versions of Windows.
Note that the display screens used in this document may differ slightly
from the actual screens, but this does not mean that the contents will be

Table of contents

Introduction ................................................................... 2
To first-time users of Panorama Editor .................................. 2
Features of Panorama Editor .................................................. 3
Editing a panorama image ......................................................... 3
Useful editing functions .............................................................. 3
Toolbar ....................................................................................... 4
File saving formats ..................................................................... 4
How to read this instruction manual ...................................... 5
Operation conventions ............................................................... 5
Display screens .......................................................................... 5
Starting Panorama Editor ............................................. 8
Using Panorama Editor ................................................ 9
Calling up an image ................................................................. 9
Creating a new panorama image ............................................... 9
Modifying a panorama image ................................................... 13
Editing a panorama image .................................................... 16
Fine-adjusting a panorama image ........................................... 16
Editing a stitch....................................................................... 17
Cropping ............................................................................... 21
Other editing ............................................................................ 23
Adding an image to a panorama image ................................ 23
Inserting an image into a panorama image........................... 24
Deleting an image from a panorama image .......................... 25
Joining panorama images in ring form .................................. 26
Playing back a panorama image .......................................... 26
Playing back by scrolling .......................................................... 27
Adjusting playback speed ........................................................ 28
Saving a panorama image ..................................................... 28
Saving in CPI format ................................................................ 28
Saving in JPEG format ............................................................. 29
Saving in QuickTime VR format ............................................... 31
Changing Panorama Editor preferences .................. 32
Enlarging/reducing display size during editing ......................... 32
Setting stitch width ................................................................... 32
Viewing help ................................................................ 33
Exiting from Panorama Editor ................................... 34

Starting Panorama Editor

You need to install Panorama Editor on your PC before starting. If you have not installed it, read the attached “Bundled Software User’s Manual” and install Panorama Editor on your PC.
1. Switch on your PC to start Windows.
2. Select [Programs(P)] [Casio] [Panorama Editor]
[Panorama Editor1.0E].
If you have installed Panorama Editor in a folder other than “Casio”, select that folder.
Panorama Editor starts and the window is displayed.

Using Panorama Editor

This section describes how to create a panorama image using Panorama Editor.

Calling up an image

This section describes how to call up an image file to Panorama Editor. Call up an image file using one of the following two methods.
Create a new panorama image
Call up an image saved in JPEG format to create a new panorama image.
Modify a panorama image
Call up an existing panorama image and modify it.

Creating a new panorama image

Call up an image saved in JPEG format to create a new panorama image.
1. Select [File(F)] [New(N)...].
Folders below the folder currently selected will be displayed in the file display box.
2. Select the folder in which the image to be edited as a
panorama image is saved.
Click the [To next folder above] button to select a folder a level above the current one. The upper level folder will be displayed in the file display box. Continue clicking the [To next folder above] button until the level where the folder with the image exists is reached.
Select the target folder from the [Look folder at the same level as the current one. The selected folder will be displayed in the file display box.
Click the target folder in the file display box to select a folder at a lower level than the current one.
You can change the display in the file display box using the [List] and [Detail] buttons.
[To next folder above] button
in] menu to select a
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