Casio fx-CG500 User Manual

For fx-CG500
fx-CG500 Manager Subscription
(for Windows®, for Macintosh)
Users Guide
Manuals are available in multi languages at

Getting Started

• You can use fx-CG500 Manager to develop programs and eActivities using the same commands as those available on the fx-CG500. You can store your programs and eActivities on your computer.
• fx-CG500 Manager provides the following capabilities.
fx-CG500 emulation, which lets you perform fx-CG500 operations on your computer
fx-CG500 emulation screen capture (to the clipboard) and screen printing
Copy and paste of data (text, values, expressions, etc.) between fx-CG500 Manager and
other applications
• See your fx-CG500 User’s Guide for details about operating the on-screen fx-CG500 unit emulator.
• The explanations in this manual cover both Windows and Mac OS. Most of the screen shots are from Windows 8.1, but operational procedures are virtually identical for both Windows and Mac OS.
• Mac OS: Where instructed to “right-click” in the text of this manual, Mac OS users should control+click”.
Display examples shown in this User’s Guide are intended for illustrative purposes only.
The actual text and values that appear on display may differ from the examples shown in this User’s
• Some operations may differ from those described in the manual depending on the OS or language installed on your PC.
System Requirements
Operating Systems: Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit), Windows 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit) (Desktop UI), Windows
10 (32-bit/64-bit) Your hardware configuration needs higher than functionalities that operating system recommends.
Computer: Computer with one of the Windows operating systems pre-installed (Excluding
computers with an upgraded operating system and self-built computers.)
Disk Space: 200MB for installation and uninstall
Note: Actual requirements and product functionality may vary based on your system
configuration and operating system.
Other: Video adapter and display must support resolution of XGA (1024×768) or
higher (up to FHD (1920×1080)), 16 bit or higher system color.
Mac OS
Operating Systems: OS X 10.8, OS X 10.9, OS X 10.10, OS X 10.11, macOS 10.12
Your hardware configuration needs higher than functionalities that operating system recommends.
Reader® 8.0 or later.
Computer: Computer with one of the Macintosh operating systems pre-installed
(Excluding computers with an upgraded operating system.)
Disk Space: 200MB for installation and uninstall
Note: Actual requirements and product functionality may vary based on your system
configuration and operating system.
Other: Video adapter and display must support resolution of XGA (1024×768) or
higher. For Retina display, use of the Low Resolution mode is recommended. Safari 5.1 or later. Adobe Reader 8.1 or later.
• For the latest information about system requirements, visit the website at the URL below:
• Windows is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
• Mac, Mac OS, OS X, macOS, Macintosh, Safari and Retina are registered trademarks or trademarks of Apple Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
• Adobe and Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
• Company and product names used herein are trademarks of their respective owners.
• Note that trademark ™ and registered trademark
are not used within the text of this user’s guide.


Chapter 1 Installing, Uninstalling or Updating the Software .................EN-4
fx-CG500 Manager Data ................................................................................EN-5
Chapter 2 Using the fx-CG500 Manager ..................................................EN-6
fx-CG500 Manager Overview .........................................................................EN-6
fx-CG500 Manager Operations ......................................................................EN-9
Using fx-CG500 Manager in the Resizable Mode/Landscape Mode ............EN-13
Resizable Mode/Landscape Mode Menu Commands ..................................EN-20
Using fx-CG500 Manager in the Fixed-size Mode ........................................EN-23
Fixed-size Mode Menu Commands ..............................................................EN-24
Appendix ...................................................................................................EN-25
fx-CG500 Manager Shortcut Keys ................................................................EN-25
Chapter 1
Installing, Uninstalling or Updating the Software
The installation procedure is slightly different for Windows and Mac OS. Perform installation in accordance with the instructions that appear on your computer screen.
k To install fx-CG500 Manager
1. On your computer, double-click the fx-CG500 Manager application EXE file.
2. Perform operations as instructed by the text that appears on the screen.
Use Windows Control Panel to uninstall the software.
Mac OS
1. Move fx-CG500 Manager Subscription(.app) to the Trash folder.
2. From the menu, select [Finder] and then [Empty Trash].
Auto Notification of Update
If your computer is connected to the Internet, the application will connect to the CASIO server whenever you start it up. When there is an update file for fx-CG500 Manager on the CASIO server, a dialog box will appear to let you know. Clicking this link will start up your browser and go to the CASIO website.
Clicking [OK] will close the dialog box.
You can disable further auto-notification of updates by selecting the check box next to “Disable Auto Notification of Update” before clicking [OK]. To re-enable auto-notification of updates, select “Auto Notification of Update” on the fx-CG500 Manager Help menu.
Starting Up and Quitting fx-CG500 Manager
k To start up and quit fx-CG500 Manager
1. Windows: On your computer’s desktop, double-click “fx-CG500 Manager”.
Mac OS: In the “Applications” - “CASIO” - “fx-CG500 Manager Subscription” folder, double-click “fx-CG500ManagerSubscription”.
• This starts up fx-CG500 Manager.
2. On fx-CG500 Manager, perform the management tasks you want.
3. To quit fx-CG500 Manager, move the cursor to the fx-CG500 Manager window, right-click
anywhere within the fx-CG500 Manager, and then select [Exit] on the shortcut menu that appears. You can also click f - c to quit fx-CG500 Manager.
The dialog box shown below appears when you start up fx-CG500 Manager for the first time.
Clicking [OK] will configure Documents\CASIO\fx-CG500 Manager as the fx-CG500 Manager home folder. You could also click [Browse] and select a different folder as the home folder. For details about configuring the home folder, see “Home Folder” on page EN-12.

fx-CG500 Manager Data

Your fx-CG500 stores eActivity data in one memory area, and all other data (application data and variables) in a different memory area. eActivity data is stored in “eActivity area”, while other data is stored in “Main memory”. For details, see the fx-CG500 User’s Guide.
fx-CG500 Manager stores both types of data on your computer’s hard drive in “Virtual File” (.vcp) format files. Under initial default settings, a file named “default.vcp” is created automatically for use as the fx-CG500 Manager’s “Active Document”.
Chapter 2
Using the fx-CG500 Manager
For details about fx-CG500 applications and operations, see the fx-CG500 User’s Guide.

fx-CG500 Manager Overview

The fx-CG500 Manager puts a virtual fx-CG500 on your computer screen, which you can use to perform almost all of the operations that are available on your fx-CG500. This section explains the differences between fx-CG500 Manager operations and the fx-CG500 unit, and among the three fx-CG500 Manager modes.
Differences between the fx-CG500 Manager and the Functions of fx- CG500 Applications
The following are the differences between the fx-CG500 Manager and the functions of the fx- CG500 applications.
• Certain fx-CG500 settings and functions that are not required when running on a computer (such as touch panel calibration) are disabled on the fx-CG500 Manager. Attempting to access a disabled setting or function will cause the message “Unavailable” to appear on the display.
• Use the procedure below to install an Add-In application.
1. Use Explorer to open the Home Folder.
2. Copy to the Home Folder the C2A file of the Add-in application you want to install.
3. On your fx-CG500 Manager, display the Application Menu.
The icon of the Add-In application you installed should be displayed on the Application Menu.
fx-CG500 Manager Display Mode
The fx-CG500 Manager has three display modes: a Resizable Mode, a Landscape Mode and a Fixed-size Mode.
• You can use the Landscape Mode while any one of the following is displayed: Application Menu, or the Main, Graph & Table, Conics, or Physium application.
• The Resizable Mode/Landscape Mode provides functionality that is virtually identical to that as the fx-CG500, but in a typical Windows/Mac OS operating environment. The Resizable Mode/ Landscape Mode also provides a number of special extended functions that are not available on the Fixed-size Mode. For details, see “Using fx-CG500 Manager in the Resizable Mode/ Landscape Mode” on page EN-13.
• The Fixed-size Mode displays a virtual fx-CG500 that looks almost the same as your fx-CG500 unit.
Resizable Mode Landscape Mode Fixed-size Mode
Mac OS
Resizable Mode Landscape Mode Fixed-size Mode
Q To select the display mode
Right-click anywhere within the fx-CG500 Manager, and then click [Resizable Mode], [Landscape Mode] or [Fixed-size Mode] on the shortcut menu that appears.

fx-CG500 Manager Operations

This section explains the operations you can perform on the Resizable Mode, Landscape Mode and Fixed-size Mode screens of the fx-CG500 Manager.
Computer Keyboard Operations
The following are the operations you can perform on your computer keyboard to control the fx­CG500 application that is currently running in the fx-CG500 Manager.
• Alphanumeric input
• Cursor key operations (The cursor keys of your computer correspond to the fx-CG500 cursor keys.)
• Input of special characters (like π) and commands using shortcut key operations
For information about shortcut keys, see “fx-CG500 Manager Shortcut Keys” in the Appendix on page EN-25.
Copy and Paste
Q To copy a screen image to the clipboard
1. Display the image you want to copy.
2. Right-click anywhere within the fx-CG500 Manager, and then click [Capture Screen] on the
shortcut menu that appears.
The above procedure copies an image of the screen you displayed in step 1 to the clipboard.
After that, you can then paste the image into another application.
• If Resizable Mode/Landscape Mode is selected as the display mode, select [Capture Screen] on the [Edit] menu in step 2 instead of using the shortcut menu.
• If you have two application windows on the display in the Resizable Mode/Landscape Mode, the above [Capture Screen] command will copy both windows as they appear on your computer screen. If you want to copy a specific application window, click the window to make it active and then click [Capture Current Panel] on the [Edit] menu in step 2 of the above procedure.
Q To copy alphanumeric text from the screen to the clipboard
1. On the fx-CG500 Manager, drag your mouse pointer across the range of text you want to
select, so it becomes highlighted.
2. On your computer keyboard, press [Ctrl] + [C]* to copy the selected text.
* Mac OS: [command] + [c]
• This copies the text you selected in step 1 to the clipboard (as Unicode text).
• After that, you can paste the text you copied into another application (as Unicode text).
Q To paste text from the clipboard into the fx-CG500 Manager
1. In other applications, copy the text you want to the clipboard.
2. On the fx-CG500 Manager, open the fx-CG500 application into which you want to paste the
clipboard text.
3. Right-click anywhere within the fx-CG500 Manager, and then click [Paste Special] on the
shortcut menu that appears.
This pastes the text on the clipboard into the fx-CG500 Manager.
“Paste Special” detects what is on the clipboard and then pastes it as text, or MathML data.
You can use “Paste Special” to paste text or MathML data created by other applications.
Important Warning
When the fx-CG500 detects MathML data on the clipboard, the fx-CG500 will attempt to paste it in a 2D math form (natural input form) without warning you. There is no guarantee that the pasted form will be identical to what was copied from other applications.
vcp File Operations (New, Open, Save, Save As)
This section explains how to perform the following vcp file operations on the fx-CG500 Manager: New, Open, Save, and Save As.
Q To create a new vcp file
1. Right-click anywhere within the fx-CG500 Manager, and then click [File] - [New] on the shortcut
menu that appears.
This displays the Create New Document dialog box.
2. Type the name of the new file into the “File Name” box.
3. Click [Save].
This creates a new vcp file and makes it the active document.
Q To open an existing vcp file using drag and drop
Drop the vcp file into the fx-CG500 Manager.
Q To open an existing vcp file using the menu command
1. Right-click anywhere within the fx-CG500 Manager, and then click [File] - [Open] on the
shortcut menu that appears.
• This displays the Open dialog box.
2. On the dialog box, select the file you want to open and then click [Open].
This opens the file you selected and makes it the active document.
Q To save the currently open vcp file
Right-click anywhere within the fx-CG500 Manager, and then click [File] - [Save] on the shortcut menu that appears.
The current active document is saved automatically whenever you quit fx-CG500 Manager. When you start up fx-CG500 Manager the next time, the active document that was open during your last session opens automatically.
Q To save the currently open vcp file under a different name
1. Right-click anywhere within the fx-CG500 Manager, and then click [File] - [Save As] on the
shortcut menu that appears.
This displays the Save As dialog box.
2. Type the new name into the “File Name” box.
3. Click [Save].
This saves the currently open vcp file under the new name and makes the new file the active document.
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