Casio DT-930 Series Quick Start Manual

DT-930 Series
Quick Start Guide
(Version 1.00)
Copyright ©2006. All rights reserved.
April 2006
Table of Contents
Preface ................................................................................................................. 4
1. Prerequisites ................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Skills Required ............................................................................................ 5
1.2 Software Development Tools .................................................................... 5
1.3 General Flow of Application Development ............................................... 6
2. Setting Up The Development Environment .............................................. 7
2.1 Installing the C Compiler ........................................................................... 7
2.2 Setting Path and Environment Variables ................................................. 7
2.3 Installing the CASIO Software Development Kit ...................................... 8
2.4 Editing Source Code .................................................................................. 9
2.5 Compiling ...................................................................................................10
2.6 Linking ........................................................................................................10
2.6.1 Preparation of Linking ...........................................................................11
2.6.2 Adjusting Tool ( SUBMK.EXE ) for Start Address ................................11
2.6.3 Example of Linking .................................................................................12
2.7 Converting Load Module ( *.ABS ) to Download File ..............................13
2.7.1 CNVS.EXE ...............................................................................................13
2.7.2 APCNVY.COM .........................................................................................14
2.8 Checking Application Program Size ........................................................15
2.9 Downloading Programs ............................................................................16
2.9.1 Using Multi-drop Method .......................................................................16
2.9.2 Using LMWIN Method .............................................................................21
2.10 Installing Application to Drive B ............................................................24
2.10.1 Using LMWIN Method ...........................................................................24
2.10.2 Using Multi-drop Method .....................................................................24
No part of this document may be produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of CASIO Computer Co., Ltd. in Tokyo Japan. Information in this document is subject to change without advance notice. CASIO Computer Co., Ltd. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents or use of this manual and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
© 2006 CASIO Computer Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Editorial Record
Manual Ve r si o n
Date edited Page Content
1.00 April 2006 Original version
This guide clearly and concisely sets out the information developers need to know to get started with the CASIO 930 Series development. The purpose of this guide is to get you to the point where you can start development; you should refer to the software manual and Library manual for detailed information on the specific APIs.
In this document, although the words "HT" and “the terminal” are often used, they denote the "DT-930 handheld terminal".
1. Prerequisites
1.1 Skills Required
The following skills are required by developers aiming to develop application software for the DT-930 series.
MS-DOS command prompt
C language
1.2 Software Development Tools
The following software are required to develop the application program.
Hitachi SH-C Compiler.
This compiler is used to compile and link your application program.
CASIO HT software development kit
In order to develop an application program for CASIO handheld terminals, it is necessary to install the CASIO handheld terminal SDK. It can be obtained by downloading.
File communication program
You need proper communication software by the cradle type. If you use DT-960IOE Basic Cradle, you need the Multi-drop utility. Or, if you use DT-964IOE Satellite Cradle or HA-E60IO Bridge Basic Cradle, you need the LMWIN utility.
1.3 General Flow of Application Development
The general flow of application program development is shown below.
Fig. 1.1
2. Setting Up The Development Environment
The development tools (i.e. compiler, linker, etc.) are MS-DOS based program. The following explanations are supposed to use DOS prompt of MS-Windows.
2.1 Installing the C Compiler
Firstly, make the required directory as follows:
C:\> mkdir C:\SHC <ENTER> C:\> cd C:\SHC <ENTER>
1. Insert the SHC Compiler disk no. 1/3 into your Drive A:
C:\SHC> XCOPY /S A:\*.* C: <ENTER>
2. Insert the SHC Compiler disk no. 2/3 into your Drive A:
C:\SHC> XCOPY /S A:\*.* C: <ENTER>
3. Insert the SHC Compiler disk no. 3/3 into your Drive A:
C:\SHC> XCOPY /S A:\*.* C: <ENTER>
4. Insert the SHC Linker disk no. 1/1 into your Drive A:
2.2 Setting Path and Environment Variables
It is necessary to set proper path and environment variables for compiling. Create a batch file like
setenv.bat and execute it before compiling. An example of contents of the file according to the
environment used in this guide is as follows:
SHC_LIB is used to specify where the compiler is, not for the libraries.
2.3 Installing the CASIO Software Development Kit
The model specific SDKs are provided at the CASIO web site. The following example is the layout recommended for the terminal.
Table 2.1
APCNVY.COM Download file converter SUBMK.EXE Application loading address adjusting utility
KJ_CNVRT.EXE Kanji code converter ITRON.H ITRON library CMNDEF.H BIOS common definition BIOS1DEF.H BIOS jump table structure definition BIOS1MAC.H BIOS macro definition BIOS5DEF.H Bluetooth I/F jump table definition BIOS5MAC.H Bluetooth I/F macro definition CU_MULTI.H Header file for Multi-drop protocol programming CU_DT500.H Header file for DT-500 protocol programming (This file
is used only for the Japanese domestic models)
COM_APLM.H Header for the Pseudo full duplex communication
PRN_BT.H Header for Bluetooth Printer Access Function AP_START.OBJ Startup object for DT-800/DT-900/DT-930 series AP_STARTA.OBJ Startup object for the DT-700 compatible A mode. AP_STARTB.OBJ Startup object for the DT-700 compatible B mode. AP_INIT.OBJ Initialize module for the application COM_APLM.OBJ Pseudo full duplex communication library
PRN_BT.OBJ Bluetooth Printer Access Function
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