Display examples shown in this User’s Guide are intended for illustrative purposes only.
The actual text and values that appear on display may differ from the examples shown in this
User’s Guide.
ClassPad Manager 3.0 Version Types
ClassPad Manager
Version 3.0 Basic
ClassPad Manager
Version 3.0 Professional
• Unless noted otherwise, all instructions and information given in this manual apply to both the
Basic and Professional versions.
• Exchange Window functionality is the same in the Basic and Professional versions.
• Fixed size window
• Deluxe version
• Resizable window for easy text input and the ability to view long
math expressions without scrolling
• eActivity copy and paste into a word processor for editing
• Copy of window pane or math expression as MathML content
• Impor t of pictures as backgrounds or for use in the Picture
application, export of expressions to a MathML fi le
Getting Started
• You can use ClassPad Manager to develop programs and eActivities using the same commands
as those available on the ClassPad. You can store your programs and eActivities on your
computer, and use the ClassPad Manager’s data communication functions to transfer them to
your ClassPad when you need them.
• Once you establish a link with your computer over the USB cable that comes bundled with the
ClassPad, you can use easy-to-understand Microsoft Explorer-like operations to transfer data
(programs, variable data, and eActivities) between them.
• You can transfer data by putting the ClassPad into its communication standby state and then
performing all operations on your connected computer.
• ClassPad Manager provides the following capabilities.
ClassPad emulation, which lets you perform ClassPad operations on your computer
ClassPad emulation screen capture (to the clipboard) and screen printing
Copy and paste of data (text, values, expressions, images, etc.) between ClassPad
Manager and other Windows applications
Transfer of data between your ClassPad and computer
You can connect multiple ClassPads to a single PC. This makes it possible to easily copy
fi les from the PC to multiple ClassPads, and use your PC to copy fi les from one ClassPad to
ClassPad data storage
Installation of add-in applications to ClassPads
Update of the ClassPad Manager Version 2.0 or 2.2 (Single License or School License) to
Version 3.0
• Be sure to install the ClassPad Manager before you connect the ClassPad to your computer.
Connecting before you install the ClassPad Manager can result in improper operation.
• Use only the USB cable that comes with ClassPad whenever connecting your ClassPad to a
computer to exchange data between them. Data exchange with ClassPad Manager will not be
possible if you use a commercially available USB cable.
• See your ClassPad User’s Guide for details about operating the on-screen ClassPad unit
• Calculation results produced by ClassPad Manager may be different from those produced by
the ClassPad. This is due to the way that computers perform fl oating-point calculations. Also,
ClassPad Manager cannot handle values that exceed ±1E+309 in decimal mode or ±1E+611 in
standard mode.
User Registration
• Before using the ClassPad Manager, be sure to read the contents of the fi le named Readme.html,
which is on the bundled CD-ROM. There you will fi nd the URL for a Website where you can
register as an offi cial user.
System Requirements
Computer: Minimum required Intel® Pentium® II 200 with USB
Recommended Intel
CPU: Minimum required Intel
Operating Systems: Windows® 98SE/Me or Windows® 2000/XP
Disk Space: 25 MB available for installation
Memory: Recommended 64 MB (Minimum 32 MB)
Does not include memory required for Operating System.
Video Display: Video adaptor and monitor must support resolution of 800 × 600 or higher.
Pentium® II 300 with USB
Pentium® II or AMD Duron
Required Applications: Microsoft
® Internet Explorer 4.01 or later, Adobe Acrobat Reader
• Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in
the United States and/or other countries.
• Intel and Pentium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries
in the United States and other countries.
• AMD Duron is either registered trademark or trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. in the
United States and/or other countries.
• Company and product names used herein are trademarks of their respective owners.
Chapter 1 Installing or Updating the Software .......................................... E-5
Accessing the User’s Guides ......................................................................... E-14
The following procedures apply to the installation of both the Professional and Basic versions of
ClassPad Manager. They also apply if you have an earlier version of ClassPad Manager already on
your computer.
To install ClassPad Manager Version 3.0
1. Place the bundled CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.
2. On the menu that appears, click “ClassPad Manager ver. 3.0”, and then click “INSTALL”.
3. Choose the language you want for the ClassPad and ClassPad Manager manuals installed with
ClassPad Manager.
4. Click [OK].
5. Carefully read the terms and conditions of the license agreement. If you agree to be bound by
the terms and conditions of the license agreement, choose “I accept the terms in the license
agreement” and then click the [Next] button.
• If you do not agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the license agreement click
“I do not accept the terms in the license agreement” and then click the [Cancel] button to exit
the install procedure.
6. Choose one of these options to specify the drive and folder where you want to install ClassPad
• To use the default setting, simply click the [Next] button.
• To choose a different folder, click the [Change] button. Specify the folder you want and then
click the [Next] button.
7. Click the [Install] button to start installation.
8. On the screen that appears after installation is complete, click the [Finish] button.
• This fi nalizes the installation of the software on your computer.
Perform the following steps if you ever need to remove ClassPad Manager (PROGRAM-LINKTM)
from your computer.
To uninstall
1. Display the Windows Control Panel.
2. Click [Add/Remove Programs].
3. In the list of applications on the dialog box that appears, select “ClassPad Manager v3 Basic” or
“ClassPad Manager v3 Professional,” depending on which version you currently have installed.
4. Click the [Add/Remove] button to start a program maintenance wizard.
5. Click the [Yes] button.
• This completes the uninstall procedure.
Connecting your ClassPad to a computer
To connect your ClassPad to a computer
• Be sure to install the ClassPad Manager before you connect the ClassPad to your computer.
Connecting before you install the ClassPad Manager can result in improper operation.
1. Turn off your ClassPad.
2. Connect the USB cable that comes with your ClassPad to the computer.
3. Connect the USB cable to your ClassPad.
• This will automatically cause your ClassPad to turn on and enter data communication standby.
• If your ClassPad does not enter communication standby at this time, perform the steps under
“Troubleshooting a Connection” on page E-68.
Attention Windows XP Users (After installing the ClassPad Manager Limited
• See page E-11 after performing the above three steps.
Windows XP Users
After installing the ClassPad Manager Limited Version, perform the following steps to install the
USB driver on your computer.
1. Connecting ClassPad to a computer running Windows XP causes the screen shown below to
appear on your computer display.
Select “No, not this
(Windows XP SP2 only)
2. Select “Install the software automatically (Recommended)” and then click [Next].
3. Though a message appears to let you know that the software has not passed the “Windows
Logo Test”, there is no need for concern. Simply click [Continue Anyway] and proceed with
4. Click [Finish].
To disconnect your ClassPad from a computer
1. Disconnect the USB cable from your ClassPad.
Starting Up and Quitting ClassPad Manager
To start up and quit ClassPad Manager
1. On your computer’s desktop, double-click “ClassPad Manager”.
• This star ts up ClassPad Manager.
• The fi rst time you double-click the “ClassPad Manager” icon you will be asked to input the
install key provided with your software.
2. On ClassPad Manager, perform the data exchange and management tasks you want.
To quit ClassPad Manager, move the cursor to the ClassPad Manager window, right-click your
mouse, and then select [Exit] on the shortcut menu that appears. You can also click
quit ClassPad Manager.
• This quits ClassPad Manager.
• The Resizable Mode option is available only with the Professional version.
The dialog box shown below appears when you start up ClassPad Manager for the fi rst time.
Clicking [OK] will confi gure My Documents\CASIO\ClassPad Manager as the ClassPad Manager
home folder. You could also click [Browse] and select a different folder as the home folder. For
details about confi guring the home folder, see “Home Folder” on page E-28.
Viewing “About ClassPad Manager” Information
“About ClassPad Manager” is a dialog box that shows version information about ClassPad Manager,
and your serial number.
You can use either of the following two procedures to display “About ClassPad Manager”
• Right-click the ClassPad Manager window. On the menu that appears, select “About ClassPad
• On the Resizable Mode Window (see page E-31) or the Exchange Window (see page E-61), click
[Help], and then select “About ClassPad Manager”.
Accessing the User’s Guides
You can use the operations shown below to access the User’s Guides from ClassPad Manager.
Right-click the ClassPad Manager window. Then on the
menu that appears, select this menu item:
Chapter 2
ClassPad Manager Overview
This chapter covers the following points.
• Operation of the two ClassPad Manager windows (ClassPad Window and Exchange Window),
and the contents of each
• ClassPad Manager data
ClassPad Window and Exchange Window
ClassPad Manager has two windows named the ClassPad Window and the Exchange Window,
each of which performs specifi c roles.
When you want to do this: Use this window:
• Operate the ClassPad application the same way as your ClassPad
• Create or edit an eActivity
• Automatically transfer data from a connected ClassPad and show it for
• Copy a screen to the Windows clipboard
• Copy an eActivity or MathML data to the Windows clipboard
• Import bitmap data stored on your computer as ClassPad data
• Print a ClassPad application screen
• Transfer data between your ClassPad and ClassPad Manager
• Back up ClassPad data to your computer or restore backed up data to
your ClassPad
• Manage ClassPad Manager data
• Convert a fi le created using a previous version to Version 3.0 data
• Install add-in applications
• Attach fi les and other data to an email
• Use the Handheld Assistant to perform the following operations on
multiple ClassPads
- Copy data
- Restore backed-up data
- Install add-in applications
ClassPad Window
Exchange Window
Displaying the ClassPad Window
The ClassPad Window appears fi rst whenever you start up ClassPad Manager.
ClassPad Window (Fixed-size Mode)
• The display mode (Fixed-size Mode or Resizable Mode) of the ClassPad Window that appears
when you start up ClassPad Manager is the same mode that was in effect when you last exited
ClassPad Manager. For information about display modes, see page E-19.
• If the Exchange Window is on the display, you can switch to the ClassPad Window by clicking
[File] - [Close].
For details about the ClassPad Window, see Chapter 3.
Displaying the Exchange Window
To display the Exchange Window, right-click anywhere within the ClassPad Window and then click
[Exchange Window] on the shortcut menu that appears.
For details about the Exchange Window, see Chapter 4.
ClassPad Manager Data
Your ClassPad stores eActivity data in one memory area, and all other data (programs,
presentations, variables, etc.) in a different memory area. eActivity data is stored in “Flash memory”,
while other data is stored in “MCS memory”.
ClassPad Manager 3.0 stores both types of data on your computer’s hard drive in “virtual ClassPad”
(.vcp) format fi les. Under initial default settings, a fi le named “default.vcp” is created automatically
for use as the ClassPad Manager’s “Active Document”.
Previous versions of ClassPad Manager stored different types of data in separate fi les (fl s fi le and
mcs fi le). fl s and mcs fi les can be converted to vcp format to make them compatible with ClassPad
Manager 3.0.
You can convert an older fi le to a vcp fi le by double-clicking it, or by right-clicking and selecting [File]
and then [Open] from the shortcut menu.
Chapter 3
Using the ClassPad Window
This chapter covers the following points.
• ClassPad Window display mode (Fixed-size Mode and Resizable Mode)
• Operations supported by each display mode
• Using the Picture application
For details about ClassPad applications and operations, see the ClassPad User’s Guide.
ClassPad Window Overview
The ClassPad Window puts a virtual ClassPad on your computer screen, which you can use to
perform almost all of the operations that are available on your ClassPad. This section explains the
differences between ClassPad Window operations and the ClassPad unit, and between the two
ClassPad Window modes.
Differences between the ClassPad Window and the Functions of ClassPad
The following are the differences between the ClassPad Window and the functions of the ClassPad
• The ClassPad Window includes a Picture application, which is not available on your ClassPad. For
more information, see “Using the Picture Application” on page E-44.
• Certain ClassPad settings and functions that are not required when running on a computer
(such as touch panel calibration) are disabled on the ClassPad Window. Attempting to access a
disabled setting or function will cause the message “Unavailable” to appear on the display.
ClassPad Window Display Mode (Fixed-size Mode and Resizable Mode)
The ClassPad Window has two display modes: a Fixed-size Mode and a Resizable Mode.
• The Fixed-Size Mode displays a virtual ClassPad that looks almost the same as your ClassPad
• The Resizable Mode provides functionality that is virtually identical to that as the ClassPad, but
in a typical Windows operating environment. The Resizable Mode also provides a number of
special extended functions that are not available on the Fixed-size Mode. For details, see “Using
ClassPad Window in the Resizable Mode” on page E-31.
Fixed-size Mode Resizable Mode
The Resizable Mode is supported by “ClassPad Manager Professional” only. It is not supported by
“ClassPad Manager Basic”.
To select the display mode (ClassPad Manager Professional Only)
Right-click anywhere within the ClassPad Window and then click [Resizable Mode] or [Fixed-size
Mode] on the shortcut menu that appears.
• Note that [Resizable Mode] is displayed on the shortcut menu when the current mode is Fixedsize Mode, while [Fixed-size Mode] is displayed when the current mode is [Resizable Mode].
• You can also switch from the Resizable Mode to the Fixed-size Mode by clicking [Fixed-size
Mode] on the [Window] menu.
ClassPad Window Operations
This section explains the operations you can perform on the Fixed-size Mode and Resizable Mode
screens of the ClassPad Window.
Computer Keyboard Operations
The following are the operations you can perform on your computer keyboard to control the
ClassPad application that is currently running in the ClassPad Window.
• Alphanumeric input
• Cursor key operations (The cursor keys of your computer correspond to the ClassPad cursor
• Input of special characters (like π) and commands using shortcut key operations
For information about shortcut keys, see “ClassPad Window Shortcut Keys” in the Appendix on
page E-110.
Mouse Scroll Wheel Operations
You can use the scroll wheel of your mouse to perform the following operations on the ClassPad
On this window:
Main application, Stat Editor, spreadsheet, or other window with a
scroll bar on the right side
Any graph window except for the 3D Graph application 3D graph
3D graph window
Presentation application window while manual play is being
Rotating the scroll wheel
performs this operation:
Scrolls the window
Scrolls the window
Rotate the graph upwards
and downwards
Scrolls between pages.
Copy and Paste
To copy a screen image to the Windows clipboard
1. Display the image you want to copy.
2. Right-click anywhere within the ClassPad Window and then click [Capture Screen] on the
shortcut menu that appears.
• The above procedure copies an image of the screen you displayed in step 1 to the Windows
• After that, you can then paste the image into another Windows application.
• In Fixed-size Mode you can tap h on the Icon Panel to copy the screen image.
• If Resizable Mode is selected as the display mode, select [Capture Screen] on the [Edit] menu in
step 2 instead of using the shortcut menu.
• If you have two application windows on the display in the Resizable Mode, the above [Capture
Screen] command will copy both windows as they appear on your computer screen. If you want
to copy a specifi c application window, click the window to make it active and then click [Capture
Current Panel] on the [Edit] menu in step 2 of the above procedure.
To copy alphanumeric text from the screen to the Windows clipboard
1. On the ClassPad Window, drag your mouse pointer across the range of text you want to select,
so it becomes highlighted.
2. On your computer keyboard, press [Ctrl] + [C] to copy the selected text.
• This copies the text you selected in step 1 to the Windows clipboard (as Unicode text).
• After that, you can paste the text you copied into another Windows application (as Unicode
To paste text from the Windows clipboard into the ClassPad Window
1. In a Windows application, copy the text you want to the Windows clipboard.
2. On the ClassPad Window, open the ClassPad application into which you want to paste the
clipboard text.
3. Right-click anywhere within the ClassPad Window and then click [Paste Special] on the shortcut
menu that appears.
• This pastes the text on the Windows clipboard into the ClassPad Window.
“Paste Special” detects what is on the Windows clipboard and then pastes it as bitmap, Windows
text, or MathML data.
Picture application: You can use “Paste Special” to paste bitmap data created with a Windows
application, such as Paint, directly into the Picture application.
eActivity and other applications: You can use “Paste Special” to paste text or MathML data
created by other Windows applications.
Important Warning
When the ClassPad detects MathML data on the clipboard, the ClassPad will attempt to paste it
in a 2D math form (natural input form) without warning you. There is no guarantee that the pasted
form will be identical to what was copied from other applications.
Printing the ClassPad Window
You can use the procedures in this section to print the contents of the ClassPad application that is
displayed on the ClassPad Window or a screen capture.
• When you open an eActivity, Main or Program by itself, selecting Print will print the contents of
the application. If you have a sub-window open within eActivity or Main, selecting Print will print a
screen capture instead of all the contents.
Printing Example (eActivity)
Original ScreenPrintout
• When you open an application other than eActivity, Main or Program, selecting Print will print a
screen capture.
To print the ClassPad Window
1. On the ClassPad Window, display the screen you want to print.
2. Right-click anywhere within the ClassPad Window and then click [Print] on the shortcut menu
that appears.
• This displays a Windows Print dialog box.
3. After confi guring the required settings on the Print dialog box, click [OK].
• This prints the current contents (or screen capture) of the ClassPad Window.
vcp File Operations (New, Open, Save, Save As)
This section explains how to perform the following vcp fi le operations on the ClassPad Window:
New, Open, Save, and Save As.
To create a new vcp fi le
1. Right-click anywhere within the ClassPad Window and then click [File] - [New] on the shortcut
menu that appears.
• This displays the Create New Document dialog box.
2. Type the name of the new fi le into the “File Name” box.
3. Click [Save].
• This creates a new vcp fi le and makes it the active document.
• You can check the name of the current active document by opening the “Active Document”
folder on the “Exchange Window”. For information about Exchange Window operations, see
Chapter 4.
• When the display mode is Resizable Mode, the active document name is displayed in the
ClassPad Window title bar.
To open an existing vcp fi le using drag and drop
Drop the vcp fi le into the ClassPad Window.
To open an existing vcp fi le using the menu command
1. Right-click anywhere within the ClassPad Window and then click [File] - [Open] on the shortcut
menu that appears.
• This displays the Open dialog box.
2. On the dialog box, select the fi le you want to open and then click [Open].
• This opens the fi le you selected and makes it the active document.
You can also use the above procedures to open an mcs or fl s fi le created using a previous
ClassPad Manager version. Doing so, however, will convert the fi le to vcp format automatically. See
“To open an old version mcs or fl s fi le” below.
To open an old version mcs or fl s fi le using drag and drop
Drag the fl s or mcs fi le to the ClassPad Window.
• This converts the fi le to a vcp fi le and makes it the active document. A dialog box like the one
shown below will appear.
To open an old version mcs or fl s fi le using the menu command
1. Right-click anywhere within the ClassPad Window and then click [File] - [Open] on the shortcut
menu that appears.
• This displays the Open dialog box.
2. On the Open dialog box, click the [File Type] box down arrow button and select the fi le format (*.fl s
or *.mcs) from the list that appears.
3. Select the fi le you want to open and then click [Open].
• This converts the selected fl s or mcs fi le to a vcp fi le and makes it the active document. This
displays a dialog box like the one shown below.
4. Click [OK].
To save the currently open vcp fi le
Right-click anywhere within the ClassPad Window and then click [File] - [Save] on the shortcut
menu that appears.
The current active document is saved automatically whenever you quit ClassPad Manager. When
you start up ClassPad Manager the next time, the active document that was open during your last
session opens automatically.
To save the currently open vcp fi le under a different name
1. Right-click anywhere within the ClassPad Window and then click [File] - [Save As] on the
shortcut menu that appears.
• This displays the Save As dialog box.
2. Type the new name into the “File Name” box.
3. Click [Save].
• This saves the currently open vcp fi le under the new name and makes the new fi le the active
Using Transfer and Show
With Transfer and Show, simply connecting your ClassPad to your computer causes all the data
in your ClassPad to be stored in a vcp fi le on your computer, which is then opened as the active
document automatically. This function makes it possible to use ClassPad Manager to instantly
display eActivity or other data you create on your ClassPad.
Disconnect any connected ClassPads before beginning Transfer and Show.
To execute Transfer and Show
Example: To display an eActivity you created on a ClassPad with ClassPad Manager
1. Create an eActivity on a ClassPad.
2. On the ClassPad application menu, click A to start up the eActivity application.
3. Right-click anywhere within the ClassPad Window and then click [Transfer and Show] on the
shortcut menu that appears.
• This displays the fi rst Transfer and Show Assistant dialog box.
4. Click [OK].
• This displays the second Transfer and Show Assistant dialog box, which describes the steps
for using Transfer and Show.
5. While the dialog box is displayed, use the ClassPad’s bundled USB cable to connect it to your
• The ClassPad will establish a connection with ClassPad Manager automatically, and then
transfer all of the data in ClassPad memory to ClassPad Manager. A dialog box remains on
your computer screen while data transfer is in progress.
• After data transfer is complete, the connection is closed automatically. At this time, the
eActivity application starts up automatically in the ClassPad Window and displays the last
eActivity you created on the ClassPad.
You can repeat this with as many ClassPads as you wish. When you are fi nished, close the
Transfer and Show Assistant dialog box by clicking the
window will now display the fi le that was open before you started Transfer and Show.
• A vcp fi le created using Transfer and Show is stored in a folder named “Transfer and Show” with a
name based on the name of the attached ClassPad, which is located inside the home folder. See
“Home Folder” on page E-28 for more information.
• Under initial default settings, the current vcp fi le for a particular named ClassPad in the Transfer
and Show folder is overwritten each time you execute Transfer and Show with that ClassPad.
• You can use any one of the following procedures to open the original vcp fi le (active document
before executing Transfer and Show).
• “To open an existing vcp fi le” (page E-23)
• “To change the active document” (page E-64)
• “To make a particular vcp fi le in the home folder the active document” (page E-65)
in the upper right corner. The eActivity
Home Folder
The home folder is where ClassPad Manager creates your default document. It also is the folder
displayed in the Exchange Window so you can easily manage fi les and data.
By default, the home folder is located in My Documents\CASIO\ClassPad Manager.
To change the home folder
1. Right-click anywhere within the ClassPad Window and then click [File] - [Change Home Folder]
on the shortcut menu that appears.
• This will display a Home Folder dialog box like the one shown below.
2. Click [Browse].
• This displays the Browse Folder dialog box.
3. Select the folder you want to use as the home folder and then click [OK].
• This returns to the Home Folder dialog box.
4. Click [OK].
• This registers the folder you selected in step 3 as your home folder.
Clearing MCS Memory (Reset)
Except for eActivity fi les, MCS memory is the location where all ClassPad data is stored. See
“ClassPad Manager Data” on page E-17 for more information.
To clear all data, except for eActivity fi les
1. Right-click anywhere within the ClassPad Window and then click [File] - [Reset] on the shortcut
menu that appears.
• This will display a confi rmation dialog box with the message “Reset Memory? Are you sure?”.
2. To clear memory, click [Yes]. To cancel the operation without clearing anything, click [No].
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