Read and follow manufacturer instructions carefully. Follow all local electrical
codes during installation. All wiring must conform to local and national electrical
codes. Improper wiring or installation may damage thermostat.
Recognize safety information. This is the safety--alert symbol
this symbol on the equipment and in the instruction manual, be alert to the potential
for personal injury.
Understand the signal words DANGER, WARNING,andCAUTION.These
words are used with the safety --alert symbol. DANGER identifies the most serious
hazards which will result in severe personal injury or death. WARNING signifies a
hazard which could result in personal injury or death. CAUTION is used to identify
unsafe practices which may result in minor personal injury or product and property
damage. NOTE is used to highlight suggestions which will result in enhanced
installation, reliability, or operation.
. When you see
Carrier’s Comfortt Series programmable thermostats are wall--mounted,
low--voltage thermostats which maintain room temperature by controlling the
operation of a heating and/or air conditioning system. Both heat pump and air
conditioner models are available, each in programmable and non--programmable
versions. A variety of features are provided including battery operation, separate
heating and cooling setpoints, auto changeover, keypad lockout, backlighting, and
built--in installer test. Programming features include 7--day (all days the same) and
5/2 (Mon --Fri and Sat--Sun) with 2 or 4 periods per day.
This Installation Instruction covers installation, configuration, and start--up of all
four versions of the Comfort Series line of thermostats. For operational details,
consult the Owner’s Manual for the specific thermostat you are installing.
There are four models in the Comfort Series: programmable and non --programmable,
AC and HP. Models TC --PAC and TC -- NAC are designed for AC systems, controlling
one stage of cooling and one stage of heating. They will not operate a heat pump.
Models TC --PHP and TC--NHP are designed for HP systems, controlling two stages of
cooling and three stages of heating. They can be converted to AC operation. Select the
appropriate model for the intended application.
All Comfort Series models are dual powered. They can operate from batteries or
24VAC power. Operation from 24VAC is preferred if available. Battery operation is
used when there are not enough wires to support 24VAC operation or when
“armchair programming” is desired. For an AC system, up to six wires are needed
for 24VAC operation and one less wire for battery operation. For a HP system, up to
seven wires are needed for 24VAC operation and one less wire would be sufficient
for battery operation. For heat only operation with batteries, only two wires are
required. When battery operation is used, the C terminal does not need to be
Provision is also made for separate heating and cooling transformers via separable Rc
and Rh terminals which are connected via factory--installed jumper wir e.
Installation Note s:
SThe maximum wire size to be used in the installation is 22AWG
SNo part of the control should be installed directly outdoors or in a cabin-
SThe control assembly should be mounted before wires are attached
Step 1 — Thermostat Location
SApproximately 5 ft (1.5m) from floor.
SClose to or in a frequently used room, preferably on an inside partition-
SOn a section of wall without pipes or duct work.
Thermostat should NOT be mounted
SClose to a window, on an outside wall, or next to a door leading to the
SExposed to direct light or heat from the sun, a lamp, fireplace, or other
SClose to or in direct airflow from supply registers and return--air re -
SIn areas with poor air circulation, such as behind a door or in an alcove.
et outdoors
ing wall.
temperature--radiating objects which could cause a false reading.
)with 0.8mm insulation
Step 2 — Install Thermostat
Failure to follow this warning could result in personal injury or
Before installing thermostat, turn off all power to equipment. There
may be more than one power disconnect.
1. Turn OFF all power to unit.
2. If an existing thermostat is being replaced:
a. Remove existing thermostat from wall.
b. Disconnect wires from existing thermostat, one at a time. Be careful not
to allow wires to fall back into the wall.
c. As each wire is disconnected, record wire color and terminal marking.
d. Discard or recycle old thermostat.
Failure to follow this caution may result in environmental damage.
Mercury is a hazardous waste. Federal regulations require that
Mercury be disposed of properly.
3. Open thermostat (mounting base) to expose mounting holes. The base can
be removed to simplify mounting. Press the thumb release at the top of the
thermostat and snap apart carefully to separate mounting base from remainder of thermostat.
4. Route thermostat wires through large hole in mounting base. Level mounting
base against wall (for aesthetic value only—thermostat need not be level for
proper operation) and mark wall through four mounting holes. To avoid unintended bending of wall plate plastic, all four screws and anchors must be used.
See Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 -- Backplate Mounting
5. Drill four 3/16--in. mounting holes in wall where marked.
6. Secure mounting base to wall with four screws and anchors provided. To
avoid unintended bending of wall plate plastic, all four screws and anchors must
be used. Make sure all wires extend through hole in mounting base.
7. Adjust length and routing of each wire to reach proper terminal and connector block on mounting base with 1/4 --in. (6 mm) of extra wire. Strip only
1/4 in. of insulation from each wire to prevent adjacent wires from shorting
together when connected. See Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 -- Secure Wires to Terminal Strip
8. Match and connect equipment wir es to proper terminals of the connector blocks
(see Fig. 3). If there are separate 24VA C transfor mer s , one in the indoor unit
and one in the outdoor unit, connect the common of each to the C terminal.
Remove factory--installed jumper wire from Rc and Rh terminals. Connect the
R from the indoor unit to the Rh terminal. Connect the R from the outdoor unit
to the Rc terminal . Then the W signal is taken from the Rh power and the Y1,
Y/Y2, G and O signals are taken from the Rc power.
Rc - 24 VAC, from cooling equipment
Rh - 24 VAC, from heating equipment
W - Heating
C - Common 24 VAC
O/B - reversing valve
Y1 - Cooling
Low Stage
Fig. 3 -- Terminal Designations
Failure to follow this caution may result in equipment damage or
improper operation.
Improper wiring or installation may damage the thermostat. Check to
make sure wiring is correct before proceeding with installation or
turning on unit.
9. Push any excess wire into wall and against mounting base. Seal hole in wall
to prevent air leaks. Leaks can affect operation.
10. Snap case back together. Attach thermostat to backplate by inserting tab on
bottom edge and hinging up until top snap secures. See Fig. 4.
G - Fan
Y/Y2 - Cooling High or Single Stage
Fig. 4 -- Attach Comfort Series Programmable Thermostat
11. Close thermostat assembly making sure pins on back of circuit board align
with sockets in connector.
12. Turn ON power to unit.
When power is appl i ed, all display icons are lit for 2 seconds to test the display.
Followi ng this, the equipment type for which the thermostat is configur ed is displayed
for an additional 2 seconds. It will be one of HP, H2, AC, A2, H or C (see explanation
under Step 3, Option 01 below). A HP thermostat configured to operate an AC (see
Option 1 below) will display AC. An AC thermostat cannot display HP.
NOTE: If a common wire has not been connected, two AA batteries must be used
to power the thermostat.
Step 3 — Set Thermostat Configuration
Configuration options enable the installer to configure the thermostat for a particular
installa t i on. Most are not presented to the homeowner and therefore must be properly set
by the installer. (Only those marked wi t h an ast er i sk * below are available to the
homeowner.) Following is a list of the options available, an explanation of their function,
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