Air Conditioners
Two-Stage, Extra-Efficient Air Conditioners
with up to 21.0 SEER

Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER)
Central Air Conditioner
21.016.0 -
What Efficiency
Extra-Efficient Air Conditioner
Means to You
Air cond itioners are powered by
electric ity. You can compare efficiencie s
of different air conditioner models by
checking the SEER (Seasonal Energy
Efficiency Ratio) ratings, available
through your Carrier dealer or
manufact urer web sites. The published
ratings provide a standardized method
for comp aring how much c
performance you get fo r the electricity
you use.
Using th ese ratings is a lot like miles
per gall on for your car – the higher the
number, the more efficient the product
and the greater potential for savings.
Actual a ir conditioner performance will
vary based on t he age and condition
of your home, personal comfort
preferences, weather patter ns in your
area and much more.
Designed with Your Comfort in Mind
So when you are comparing air
ditioner s, be sure to look at the SEER
ratings before you make your decision.
Greater Operational Efficiency
Infinity®series t wo-stage air conditioners offer plenty of potential for
annual s avings while providing extra-comfor table cooli ng. When compared
to a sta ndard efficiency air conditioner (13.0 SEER), you can save up to
$121 a y ear.
savings can be even more significant.
Values based on AHRI method for estimated operat ing c ost using U.S. average cooling hours in 2011.
And, if you are replacing an older, less efficient model, the
Infinity two-stage air conditioners offer a ran ge of efficiencies up to 21.0 SEER
to poten tially reduce your energy usage and env ironmental impact.