Carrier 24ACB7 Brochure

Air Conditioner
Two-Stage, Energy-Efficient Air Conditioner
with up to 18.0 SEER
Leaders in
Over 100 yea rs ago, a humble bu t determined engineer sol ved one of mankind’s most elusive challenges by controlling the in door environment. A
leading engi neer of his day, Dr. Willis Carrier would
ile more than 80 p atents
f over the cou rse of his
career. His genius would enable incredible advancements in health care, manuf acturing processes, food preservation, art and hist orical conservation , indoor comfor t and much more.
Carrier’s foresight changed t he world forever and paved the way for over a centur y of once-impossi ble innovations. Yet in add ition to being an a cc omplished inventor, he was also an avid o utdoors­man. Carrier recog nized the power and beauty of th e natural environment. This appreciation of ou r world and its resourc es continues to gui de Carrier Corporation today. We will never rest on our accompli shments, but instea d consistently look for ways to i mprove o ur products, our envi ronment and our world.
The Carrier air conditio ner offers pro of of this commitment b y delivering energy -saving comfor t in the environment that matters most – your home.
Perf ormance™ 17 t wo-stage
As an ENERGY STAR®part ner, Carrier Corpor ation has deter mined that the Pe rform ance 17 two-stage ai r conditioner meets ENERGY STAR guidel ines for energy efficiency.
Pro per s izing a nd in stall ation of e quipm en t is criti cal t o ach ie ve op timal perfor ma nce. Split syst em ai r condi tione rs and h eat p umps must be matc hed w ith a pprop riate coil comp onent s to me et EN ERGY STAR crit eria. Ask your deale r for d etail s or visit w ww.e ne rgyst
What Efficiency Means to You
Air conditio ners are powered by electricity. You can compare efficiencies of differe nt air conditioner models by checking th e SEER (Seasonal En ergy Efficiency Ratio) ratings, available th rough yo ur Carrier dealer o r manufacturer web sites. U sing these ratings is a lot like miles p er gallon for your car – the higher the n umber, the more efficient the product and the gre ater potential for savings. Act ual air conditioner perfor mance will vary depending on you r home, comfor t pref erence s and more.
The Performance 1 7 two-stage air con ditioner offers efficiencies up to 18.0 SEER to provide the com fort you deserve and energy savings you can appreciate.
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