Humidifiers | Steam Humidifiers
HCHH Shown G-1
Humidifiers | Steam Humidifiers
untreated tap water and convert it to mineral free steam for humidity control in commercial, industrial, institutional and residential applications.
Disposable Cylinders Eliminate Periodic Maintenance for Reduced Maintenance Costs Fast and Easy Installation Reliable Electronic Components for Long Life
Circuit Board Utilizes Microprocessor to Maximize Energy Conservation Exclusive Circuit Board Design with Attached True Touchscreen Control Display
Digital Output on a True Touchscreen Control Display Providing Status and Help Buttons For Operational Details and Troubleshooting Capacities up to 200 Pounds of Steam Per Hour Per Single Unit
Utilize any On-Off Humidistat, Carnes Proportional Humidistat or External Signal from DDC Controls
Flexible steam hose
distribution pipe.
Hinged and removable
door provides easy
access for service.
Door lock
connects to
HBGH Shown
Easy access “On-Off-Drain” Switch.
True Touchscreen control display.
20 gauge metal partition covers line voltage wiring for added safety.
Optional internal circuit breaker available. Please
note: certain units require circuit breakers per NEC 48 amp guidelines.
Disposable plastic cylinder eliminates periodic maintenance.
Cut-away used steam cylinder
The simplicity and unique advantages of humidity from
showing mineral deposits.
directly boiling water in disposable cylinders has been well known since Carnes pioneered the concept in North America in 1969. Pan type humidifiers require messy, time consuming cleaning that may require the use of acids. Electric heating elements in pan type units may also require replacement. Easily changeable steam cylinders containing electrodes can be replaced in less than five minutes.
Humidifiers | Displays & Internal Controls
The display on the front panel of the humidifier cabi­net contains the “On-Off-Drain” switch, the LCD True Touchscreen display and the “Fill”, “Drain” and “High Water” LED’s.
The DRAIN LED is a red light illuminated when the Drain Valve is activated. An activated Drain Valve allows water to drain from the humidifier. An analogous indicator, and a description of its operation, is offered in the “Component Activity” menu.
The HIGH WATER LED is an orange light illuminated when the High Water Sensor is activated. An activated High Water Sensor indicates that the water has risen to the maximum allowable level in the cylinder. This can be a normal situation, particularly if the cylinder is being filled with mostly unconditioned water. An activated High Water Sensor can also be a sign that the cylinder is close to end-of-life and needs replacing, or, in rarer cases, the cylinder is not conductive enough for the fresh water entering the humidifier. An analogous indicator, and a description of its operation, is offered in the “Component Activity” menu. More information on troubleshooting High Water situations can also be found through the “Help” menu on the home screen.
The humidifier True Touchscreen user interface uses color conventions to help the user navigate the controls. The colors of different buttons indicate the following.
1. Gray —
Figure P
In the “On” position the humidifier will operate if all con­trols are calling for humidity. The “Off” position is used for seasonal shut down if desired. The “Drain” position is used to drain water from the steam cylinder for main­tenance. The fill solenoid valve will be on whenever the drain is activated to reduce the drain water temperature.
This LCD True Touchscreen display offers the neces­sary interface to control and monitor many aspects of the humidifier. On the home screen is the current steam output in Lbs./Hr. (or Kg/Hr). To select either is available in the settings menu. A “Service Required” indicator and button outlining current service issues, indicators for the four basic controls necessary for operation (control humidistat, high limit humidistat, air flow switch and door interlock), and various buttons which navigate to other menu pages when pressed are also available on the home page screen. The menu pages and their capabilities are detailed further in “True Touchscreen Menu Pages” section of this document.
The FILL LED is a blue light illuminated when the Fill Valve is activated. An activated Fill Valve allows water to flow into the cylinder of the humidifier. An analogous indicator, and a description of its operation, is offered in the “Component Activity” menu.
Dim LCD is the only gray button. More information is
available in the “home” page description.
2. Orange
Orange buttons represent the object or subject
described across the button. Most orange buttons have an indicator next to them, which can change in color, e.g. green, yellow or gray. Pressing orange buttons will bring you to a page which describes the object or subject in question.
3. Yellow
Yellow buttons navigate a user to a new page
dedicated to a set of functions. For example, the “Humidistat Demand” button brings the user to a page that shows what percentage demands both the Control and High Limit Humidistats are currently requesting, and details their functions. The bottom of each page, other than the home screen, has a square “Back” or “Home” button dedicated to directing the user back to their previous page.
4. White —
White buttons are used for confirming or entering
data into the touchscreen. For example, they are used to confirm a change to the “Max Output” parameter, or entering a password to access the “Settings” menu. G-3
Humidifiers | Displays & Internal Controls
5. Maize —
Help buttons are used exclusively in the “Help”
page. These help buttons answer frequently asked questions about the operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of the humidifier. It is also a convenient place to look at humidifier electrical data when an IOM is not available.
The home page is the main screen through which most other pages can be accessed. The large blue square to the left shows the steam output. The orange and yellow buttons on the home page are considered “Operational & Status” indicators. Touching any of these displays will show dialog explaining the subject or status of that button. The orange buttons also have indicator boxes to the left showing actual status. Green shows ready to operate.
1. Dim LCD (gray) - As a power saving feature, press-
2. Humidistat Demand (yellow) - Brings the user to
3. Component Activity (yellow) - Button lists the
4. Setpoints (yellow) - The three setpoints of the unit
5. Settings (yellow) - Any settings of the humidifier,
6. Help (yellow) - Frequently asked questions about
7. Service Required (orange) - Invokes a page that
ing the Dim LCD button will shut the backlight of the LCD off. Once off, pressing anywhere on the True Touchscreen will turn the backlight on. The humidifi­er can also automatically turn off the backlight after 15 minutes. See the “Settings” page for more infor­mation on enabling/disabling the Auto-Dim feature.
a page that shows what percentage demands both the Control and High Limit Humidistats are current­ly requesting, and further details their functions.
internal components used in the humidifier. Their respective indicators showing whether the components are activated or not. From this page, the user can view more information on the components and their functions.
are listed on this page. The setpoint is the target Lb./Hr. output of the humidifier.
e.g. Max Output, Timers or Fan Speed, can be accessed through this page. This page is pass­word protected. For more information, refer to the “Settings” page section.
the humidifier can be answered through the Help page. It is a convenient resource to resolve many issues quickly and effectively.
describes what service is needed by the humidifier, if any. Indicator light to the left of the button turns red when service is needed, and will otherwise remain green. Refer to the separate “Service
Required” page for more information.
8. Steam (orange) - Explains the status of the “Steam” indicator light. The humidifier will only produce steam if the “Steam” indicator light is green. The indicator will be brown when the On/Off/Drain switch is in the “Off” position. It will turn yellow if the switch is in the “On” position, but one or more of the four basic controls are not satisfied (Control Humidistat, High Limit, Air Flow, Door Interlock). The light will turn green if all of the above switches and controls are satisfied.
9. Control Humidistat (orange) - Explains the status of the Control Humidistat indicator light, and also shows the current demand of the Control Humidistat.
10. High Limit Humidistat (orange) - Explains the status of the High Limit Humidistat indicator light, and also shows the current demand of the High Limit Humidistat.
11. Air Flow (orange) - Explains the status of the Air Flow switch.
12. Door Interlock (orange) - Explains the status of the Door Interlock switch.
The “Service Required” page outlines any service issues that are in need of being resolved. Many issues can be traced back to variability in water parameters, and often the solution can be dealt with through the changing of cylinders or modifying timer values within the “Settings” page. This page is used to alert the user and direct them on the right path towards resolution.
The Humidistat Demand page lists both the Control Demand and the High Limit Demand of the humidifier. Each demand signal is represented by an orange button, and next to each button is a numerical box specifying the percentage of demand each humidistat is currently calling for.
Humidifiers | Displays & Internal Controls
The Control humidistat, which provides the Control Demand, is normally the humidistat in the room being humidified. It is either installed in the room itself or the return air duct. The High-Limit humidistat, which provides the Hi-Limit Demand, is a safe-guard humidistat installed in the supply duct roughly 10-15 feet past the distribution tube. This humidistat is usually set to a high level (80­90%), and will shut down the humidifier if the humidity gets too high in the supply duct. Without a High-Limit humidistat properly installed, the supply duct could reach a humidity level where any steam entering the duct would readily condense.
Both Control humidistats and High-Limit humidistats are wired in the same way, only Control humidistats are wired to port J16 of the circuit board and High-Limit humidistats are wired to port J17. Both ports have the same number of pins and connection layout.
When using an on/off humidistat, the percentage should be either 100% or below 20%. In this case the control is either calling for full output or no output. On-Off humidistats are dry-contact switches. They will have two wires; each connected to pins 2 and 4 (in no particular order/polarity).
For a proportional humidistat, any percentage value is possible between 0% and 100%. In this case the humid­ifier can be modified to output any fraction of its max output. If the proportional control falls to 20% or below, the humidifier is shut off. The input signal of a proportional humidistat must be of the 0-10V DC variety. Proportional humidistats will have three wires, with ‘power’ going to pin 1, ‘signal’ to pin 3, and ‘ground’ to pin 4.
In lieu of a humidistat, a DDC signal from a building management system may also be used. Here, the ‘signal’ should be connected to pin 3, and ‘ground’ to pin 4. In this case, ‘power’ can be ignored. A DDC signal must be of a 0-10V DC variety, though a 4-20 mA control signal can be converted to a 0-10V signal by adding a 470 Ohm resistor between the ‘signal’ (pin 3) and ‘ground’ (pin 4).
The Component Activity page lists all internal compo­nents that can switch on and off during operation. This includes the Fill Valve, Drain Valve, Contactor, and High Water Sensor. Each orange button in the component list is accompanied by a colored indicator representing whether or not the component is currently ‘on’. Green indicates that the component is ‘on’, whereas gray indicates the component is ‘off’. The Fill Valve is on when the unit is either filling or draining the cylinder. The Drain Valve is on when the humidifier is draining the cylinder. The Contactor is on when the humidifier is producing steam. The High Water Sensor is on when the humidifier has identified a high water situation. When
in a high water situation, the fill valve is disabled for 5 minutes. At the end of 5 minutes the high water sensor light will go out, the fill valve will open, if there is a call for more humidity, and unit will continue normal operation. High water sensors can be cumulative depending on the condition of the water.
The other item present on this screen is the Communication button. The Communication button has a rotating indicator that represents whether the True Touchscreen controller on the circuit board is properly communicating with the microcontroller. If this icon is not rotating and has a red ‘X’ through it, the information on the screen is invalid and you should contact the factory.
The Setpoints page displays the setpoints (the target steam output of the humidifier) associated with the unit. There are three different setpoints, but only one setpoint is active at any given time. Each setpoint is accompanied by the current value of the setpoint to the right, and an indicator that represents its status. For all setpoints, the following colors represent the status of the setpoints:
Gray – The setpoint is inactive because it is not currently necessary.
Green – The setpoint is active, and the humidifier is producing steam at or above the setpoint value.
Yellow – The setpoint is active, but the humidifier is producing steam below the setpoint value.
Yellow/Black X – The setpoint is inactive because it is being overridden by a setpoint with a higher priority.
The three different types of setpoint are as follows: The Max Setpoint is the user-specified setpoint active when no external controls or internal reduction is taking place. The Max Setpoint is always modifiable via the “Max Output Adjust” within the settings menu. The Controlled Setpoint is the setpoint when a humidistat (Control or High Limit), reduces the target output of the humidifier due to changing room requirements. The Reduced Setpoint is active when the unit requires a reduction in output due to a high water situation.
The setpoints have the following priorities: The Reduced Setpoint has the highest priority and always overrides the Controlled Setpoint and the Max Setpoint when active. The Controlled Setpoint has the next highest priority, and always overrides the Max Setpoint. It should be noted that the Reduced Setpoint is always lower than or equal to the Max Setpoint (or Controlled Setpoint, if active), and the Controlled Setpoint is always lower or equal to the Max Setpoint.
Humidifiers G-5
Humidifiers | Displays & Internal Controls
The Settings menu is the page where all operational values can be set. It is password protected by default, with a default password of ‘1212’.
The password can be disabled under the ‘Settings Password’ on the second Settings page. See ‘Settings Password’ section for more details.
of the humidifier. The Maximum Output value, when changed, also changes the Max Setpoint value on the Setpoints page.
Cylinder Life Counter
This page consists of a counter where the user can monitor the life, in hours, of the cylinder. When changing a cylinder, press the ‘Reset’ button on this page to reset the timer. The Cylinder Life Counter only counts the amount of actual runtime of the cylinder (the time when the contactor is pulled in). The counter value is saved even when the humidifier is powered down. The national average cylinder life is about 1150 hours, but this can vary greatly depending on individual water conditions.
Any adjustment made to any setting can be done ‘on-the­fly’. Which means when a change occurs, the humidifier will react accordingly without the need of shutting off the unit or even stopping steam output. In general, any page within the True Touchscreen system can be accessed, monitored, or changed ‘on-the-fly’.
Max Output Adjust
This page adjusts the Maximum Output of the humidifier. The Maximum Output can be adjusted lower from the nominal output value of the unit (set at the factory). The unit cannot be set lower than 20% of the nominal value
Fan Speed Adjust
This page consists of a slider bar that can change the speed of the fans when the humidifier is connected to an optional blower box. This slider bar will not affect the operation of the humidifier if no blower box is attached. The bar can change the speeds of the fans from 0 to 100% of the max fan speed. Also displayed on this page is an estimate of the current fan air output, in Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM). This adjustment is particularly useful if the humidifier is of a smaller capacity, and less noise from the fans is appreciated.
Humidifiers | Displays & Internal Controls
Setpoint Timeout
This page is where the Setpoint Timeout value is set. The maximum amount of time allowed for the unit to reach setpoint during a fill sequence is designated by the Setpoint Timeout. Its default value is 30 minutes, but can be set as high as 255 minutes. After the timer expires during a fill sequence, the humidifier assumes the drain valve is stuck open (due to sediment buildup), and begins pulsing the drain valve to attempt to unclog it. After the pulsing routine, the humidifier will attempt to reach setpoint for a second and third time. After the third attempt without reaching setpoint, the unit will shut down.
Boil Down Timer
This page is where the Boil Down Timer is set. The Boil Down Timer is variable between 0 and 255 seconds, with a default value of 25 seconds. Setting the Boil Down Timer higher will result in an increased water level, and less-conditioned water. This may be helpful in reducing low water level induced arcing and corrosion of cylinders. More water is consumed by the humidifier when the Boil Down Timer value is increased.
Settings Password –
High Water Timeout –
This page is where the High Water Timeout value is set. This is the maximum amount of time allowed for the unit to run in a ‘Reduced Setpoint’ mode (See Setpoints page). The timeout has a range from 0 to 168 hours, with the default being 24 hours. If the humidifier setpoint is artificially reduced due to a high water situa­tion, the humidifier will continue to run. If the humidifier cannot work it’s way back up the normal max/controlled setpoint, the humidifier will shut down after the High Water Timeout value elapses.
This page is where the password for the settings menu can be changed or disabled.
If the password for the Settings menu is forgotten, it can be reset. To do this, remove power to the humidifier, move the jumper on W4 from pins ‘1 and 2’ to ‘2 and 3’, and power the unit back on.
Return the jumper to pins ‘1 and 2’ afterward. Pins ‘1 and 2’ are to the left, and pins ‘2 and 3’ are to the right.
The different yellow buttons on both setting pages allow for the changing of different values. Below is a brief summary of each, and more information can be accessed within the page itself. G-7
Humidifiers | Displays & Internal Controls
Calibration Password
This page is where the Humidifier Unit Code, the four digit number identifying the humidifier, is programmed into the unit. This page is password protected, and number should not be modified by the end user. Contact the factory if further information is needed.
Corrective Drain Length
The help pages consist of maize color buttons labeled with questions. When a button is pressed, information will be given answering and/or giving information about the subject in question. A basic help page consists of text and/or diagrams to help the user through basic problems.
For example, in the picture above the question of how to install a high limit humidistat is answered with a diagram and corresponding text. Some pages consist of more buttons to help guide a user through different processes. These buttons can be used and referenced as needed.
This page is where the Corrective Drain Length is set. This value represents how much water should be drained from the cylinder when the humidifier senses a correc­tive drain is needed. As water boils from the humidifier, minerals increase in the cylinder causing the water to get more conductive. Increasing the length of the drain flushes more conductive material from the humidifier, decreasing the water conductivity.
The input here is a percentage value. To set the Corrective Drain Length to drain 20% of the cylinder during a corrective drain, input 020. To drain all of the tank, input 100. 30 is the default value, and only multiples of 10 between 20 and 100 can be entered.
There are a few operational options that do not need separate pages, and therefore are only enabled/dis­abled via checkboxes on the main Settings Page. Their functionality is described as follows:
The Drain Valve Pulse option is enabled by default. This option allows the drain valve to pulse when the humidi­fier executes a corrective drain. This actuates the water within the drain piping, allowing for minerals buildup to be discharged more easily. Enabling this option will make the unit noisier whenever a corrective drain is executed.
The 72-Hour Drain is disabled by default. This option, when enabled, allows the humidifier to drain the cylinder completely after 72 hours of idle operation.
The LCD Auto-Dim is disabled by default. This option, when enabled, will automatically turn off the backlight of the LCD after 15 minutes of idleness. This feature can save on energy consumed.
The Kg./Hr Readout is disabled by default. This option, when enabled, will turn the steam readout on home page, and in the upper right hand corner of other pages, into Kg/Hr instead of Lb/Hr.
Humidifiers | Steam Humidifiers
Temperature and relative humidity affect the comfort and well being of all living things. High temperatures require low humidity to maintain comfort conditions, while low temperatures can more easily be tolerated at high relative humidity. Humidification occurs when air is moisturized by a humidification unit or when hygroscopic materials (materials containing moisture) lose moisture to drier air. Proper humidification is widely accepted as healthy, minimizing employee illness and lost work time.
Paper, fabrics, wood, plastic, chemicals and most other materials are hygroscopic. Their water content depends on the humidity of the air around them. If air is too dry, these substances lose moisture until an equilibrium is reached between hygroscopic materials and the air.
Process operations, such as data processing areas, are affected by two major humidity factors: hygroscopic material and generation of static electricity.
Hygroscopic material used in the process influences material weights, dimensions and workability.
Static Electricity can totally disrupt high speed process
operations as found in a data processing center, paper or film handling business. Created by friction between two substances, static electricity can be prevented by proper humidification of the process environment.
APPLICATION TEMP F° RH % Computer Rooms 72+2 50+5
Office Buildings 70-74 20-30 Libraries & Museums 68-72 40-55 Archival Libraries & Museums 55-65 35 Art Storage 60-72 50+2 Stuffed Animals 40-50 50 Bowling Centers 70-74 20-30 Health Facilities Full Term Nursery 75 30min.-60max. Special Care Nursery 75-80 30min.-60max. Patient Rooms 75 30 Intensive Care 75-80 30min.-60max. Operating Rooms 68-76 50min.-60max. Recovery Rooms 75 50min.-60max. Lasik Eye Centers Electrical Instrument Mfg. 70 50-55 Fur Storage 40-50 55-65 Photo Film Darkroom 70-72 45-55 Photo Print Darkroom 70-72 45-55 Photo Drying Room 90-100 35-45 Photo Finishing Room 72-75 40-55 Cellophane Wrapping 75-80 45-65 Animal Laboratories Mouse, Rat 64-79 40-70 Cat 65-85 30-70 Dog 65-85 30-70 Primate 65-84 30-70 Clean Rooms 67-77 40-55 Printing Plants Lithography 76-80 43-47+2 Rotogravure 45-50+2 Collotype 80+2 85+2 Platemaking 75-80+2 45+2 Telephone Terminal Rooms 72-78 30-40 Radio and TV Studios 74-78 30-40
Reprinted with permission of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc., Atlanta, GA 30329.
+ = plus or minus
Upon a signal from external controls the circuit board opens a fill solenoid valve, allowing water to flow across an air gap into a standpipe. The standpipe provides a column of water to be fed into the cylinder using gravity. The air gap prevents back flow into the water supply and prevents the cylinder from becoming a pressure vessel. The steam cylinder operates at a pressure of approximately 1/2 psi.
The circuit board also closes a power contactor allowing current to flow to vertical electrodes sealed inside the cylinder. Current flows between the electrodes using minerals in the water as a conductor. The water is heated to boiling and converted to steam which leaves the cylinder through the flexible steam hose which is connected to the steam distributor pipe.
The circuit board reacts to current flow between the electrodes and automatically opens the fill solenoid valve when more water is required to maintain the desired output rate, and closes when the desired rate is reached. The operation of the drain solenoid valve is automatically controlled by the circuit board which responds to any changes in water conditions and drains the required quantity of water to provide stable operation and long cylinder life.
As mineral deposits build up within the cylinder the water level will slowly rise to contact clean electrode surfaces to maintain the desired steam output rate. When mineral deposits have covered all available electrode surface areas, current flow will be reduced to a level where the desired steam output cannot be reached and the service light will signal the need for maintenance. When the cylinder is filled with minerals it is easily changed in less than five minutes.
Figure A
Steam Distributor
Pipe Fill Solenoid Valve
Air Gap
Stand Pipe
Non Contact High Water Sensor
Overflow Tube
Steam Hose
From Power Contactor
Vertical Electrodes
Drain Solenoid Valve
To Drain
Humidifiers G-9
+ 18 hidden pages