CareFusion LE200 LC Original Instruction

original instruction for use
treadmill h/p/cosmos
150/50 LC
article number: cos105000-2016-00 en
run ahead of time
Carefusion LE200 LC
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cos105000-2016-00 en
These instructions for use are only valid for the original conguration of the rst delivery of the devices pictured below.
If the device has been changed, please refer to the latest version of this document, available at:
Product family: treadmill h/p/cosmos 150/50 LC
| Carefusion LE200 LC
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Dear customer,
Thank you for choosing this premium device.
Since its establishment in 1988, h/p/cosmos
has strongly inuenced sports, athletics, ergometry, rehabilitation, and science through the development and distribution of new products, software, system solutions, and application methodologies.
During this time the company, based in Traunstein, Germany, has developed into THE German specialist for manufacturing treadmill ergometers and systems for tness, sports, sports science, sports medicine, athletics, biomechanics, medicine, rehabilitation, therapy, ergometry, performance diagnostics, and scientic research.
Many developments and pioneering work from h/p/cosmos
have inuenced not only product
design and functionality but also their usage and methodologies.
Your success with our devices is the primary goal of h/p/cosmos.
This is why we offer individual devices as well as comprehensive system solutions.
You will nd a wide range of options and accessories in these instructions for use and at
At h/p/cosmos, the quality and safety of our products is our highest priority.
These instructions for use include all of the information needed to operate the device correctly and safely.
Please read them carefully before use and keep them available at all times.
We hope you will have a lot of fun and success as you work with your h/p/cosmos device.
Franz Harrer
President & CEO
h/p/cosmos sports & medical gmbh
Franz Harrer
President & CEO
h/p/cosmos sports & medical gmbh
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1 Symbols and Labels ........................................................................................................................................7
1.1 Symbols used (general) ............................................................................................................................7
1.2 Symbols used (transport) ..........................................................................................................................8
1.3 Labels on device .......................................................................................................................................9
2 Description .....................................................................................................................................................10
2.1 Illustration ................................................................................................................................................10
2.2 Function ...................................................................................................................................................10
3 Intended Use .................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.1 Intended use ............................................................................................................................................11
3.2 Intended operator ....................................................................................................................................11
3.3 Intended location .....................................................................................................................................11
3.4 Intended duration ....................................................................................................................................11
3.5 Contraindications .....................................................................................................................................12
4 Safety ..............................................................................................................................................................13
4.1 Safety information – Forbidden use ........................................................................................................13
4.2 Fall prevention devices ............................................................................................................................15
4.3 Emergency dismount ...............................................................................................................................17
4.4 Emergency off .........................................................................................................................................18
4.5 Emergency stop ......................................................................................................................................18
4.6 Unauthorized access ...............................................................................................................................19
4.7 Residual risk / Side effects ......................................................................................................................19
4.8 Fireghting ...............................................................................................................................................19
4.9 All-pole disconnection ..............................................................................................................................19
5 Preparation .....................................................................................................................................................20
6 UserTerminal ..................................................................................................................................................22
6.1 Keys and displays ...................................................................................................................................22
6.2 Standard vs. “lt” devices ..........................................................................................................................23
6.3 Connection of external devices / Interfaces ............................................................................................24
7 Position of Patient and Operator .................................................................................................................25
8 Operation .......................................................................................................................................................26
8.1 General application procedure ...............................................................................................................26
8.2 Overview of operation modes .................................................................................................................27
8.3 Manual mode ..........................................................................................................................................28
8.4 Prole mode ...........................................................................................................................................29
8.5 Cardio mode (optional) ...........................................................................................................................31
8.6 Test mode ...............................................................................................................................................33
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8.7 Interfere with automatic program ............................................................................................................35
8.8 Pause function .........................................................................................................................................36
8.9 Acceleration levels ...................................................................................................................................37
8.10 User Options .........................................................................................................................................38
9 Accessories / compatible devices ...............................................................................................................40
9.1 Creating Systems ....................................................................................................................................40
9.2 Overview of accessories .........................................................................................................................40
9.3 Compatible devices .................................................................................................................................41
10 Disinfection / Cleaning ................................................................................................................................42
11 Maintenance .................................................................................................................................................43
11.1 Intervals and competences ....................................................................................................................43
11.2 Daily inspection .....................................................................................................................................43
11.3 Lubrication .............................................................................................................................................44
11.4 Adjustment of running belt .....................................................................................................................45
11.5 Issues for qualied service personnel ...................................................................................................46
11.6 Safety inspection ...................................................................................................................................46
11.7 Spare parts and consumables ...............................................................................................................46
12 Troubleshooting ..........................................................................................................................................47
12.1 General troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................47
12.2 RS232 troubleshooting ..........................................................................................................................48
12.3 Error messages .....................................................................................................................................48
13 Technical data ..............................................................................................................................................49
13.1 UserTerminal .........................................................................................................................................49
13.2 Dimensions ............................................................................................................................................49
13.3 Loads .....................................................................................................................................................49
13.4 Emissions ..............................................................................................................................................49
13.5 Essential performance characteristics ...................................................................................................49
13.6 Environmental conditions ......................................................................................................................50
13.7 Technical and legal requirements ..........................................................................................................50
13.8 EMC tests ..............................................................................................................................................50
13.9 Classication .........................................................................................................................................51
13.10 Certicates ..........................................................................................................................................51
13.11 Interfaces (RS232, D-SUB, 9-pole) .....................................................................................................51
13.12 Voltage, Current, Performance ............................................................................................................52
13.13 All-pole disconnection ..........................................................................................................................52
14 Liability and Warranty .................................................................................................................................53
15 Expected Lifetime ........................................................................................................................................53
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16 Disposal ........................................................................................................................................................53
17 Annex I ..........................................................................................................................................................54
17.1 Installation .............................................................................................................................................54
17.2 Instruction protocol ................................................................................................................................54
17.3 Instruction protocol, signatures .............................................................................................................55
17.4 User Options (details) ............................................................................................................................56
18 Annex II (Pre- & self-dened tests) ............................................................................................................61
18.1 UKK walk test ........................................................................................................................................61
18.2 Graded test ............................................................................................................................................62
18.3 Conconi test ..........................................................................................................................................62
18.4 Bruce protocol .......................................................................................................................................63
18.5 Naughton protocol .................................................................................................................................63
18.6 Balke protocol ........................................................................................................................................63
18.7 Cooper protocol .....................................................................................................................................64
18.8 Ellestad A protocol .................................................................................................................................64
18.9 Ellestad B protocol ................................................................................................................................64
18.10 Ramp prole ........................................................................................................................................65
18.11 Gardner test protocol ...........................................................................................................................65
18.12 Self-dened tests .................................................................................................................................66
19 Annex III (Accessories) ...............................................................................................................................68
19.1 Arm support, adjustable [cos12013] ......................................................................................................68
19.2 Arm support, optional stop button [cos10107, cos10108] .....................................................................69
19.3 Crossbar front rail [cos102426] .............................................................................................................70
19.4 Elevation 0% to +25% [cos102927] ......................................................................................................71
19.5 Emergency stop retrotting [cos15933, cos100548, cos15294] ............................................................72
19.6 Handrail, long 1358mm [cos102918] .....................................................................................................73
19.7 Handrail, pediatric [cos102400] .............................................................................................................74
19.8 Heart rate measurement POLAR non-coded [cos102818] ....................................................................75
19.9 Heart rate measurement POLAR W.I.N.D. coded [cos100106] ............................................................76
19.10 PC-software para control [cos10071-v4.1.0] .......................................................................................77
19.11 robowalk expander [cos30022, cos30023] ..........................................................................................78
19.12 Safety arch for treadmill families 150/50 LC and 150/50 [cos10079] ..................................................79
19.13 Wheelchair ramp [cos102931] .............................................................................................................80
20 Contact .........................................................................................................................................................81
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1 Symbols and Labels
1.1 Symbols used (general)
Illustraion Description Reference
CE sign, proof that the essential requirements (here with number of notied body) were met
(according to medical device directive 93/42/EEC)
General warning (danger, warning or caution statements) (acc. to DIN EN ISO 7010 W001)
Warning of obstacles (stumbling) (acc. to DIN EN ISO 7010 W007)
Warning of electrical voltage (acc. to DIN EN ISO 7010 W012)
Warning of counter rotating rollers (trapping zones) (acc. to DIN EN ISO 7010 W025)
Follow instructions for use (acc. to DIN EN ISO 7010 M002)
Potential equalization (acc. to IEC 60445)
Protection ground ( IEC 60417-5019)
Alternating current (AC) (acc. to IEC 60417-5032)
Applied part of type B (acc. to IEC 60417-5840)
Connection point for Neutral line (acc. to IEC 60445)
Manufacturer (acc. to ISO 15223-1)
Manufacturing date (acc. to ISO 15223-1)
Separate collection for electrical and electronic equipment (acc. to 2012/19/EU)
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Illustraion Description Reference
Fragile, Handle with care (acc. to ISO7000-0621)
This way up (acc. to ISO7000-0623)
Keep dry (acc. to ISO7000-0626)
Centre of gravity (acc. to ISO7000-0627)
Temperature limitations (acc. to ISO7000-0632)
Do not stack (acc. to ISO7000-2402)
1.2 Symbols used (transport)
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Illustraion Description Reference
name plate -
UDI name plate -
label "caution danger zones" cos10508-03
label "before opening disconnect mains" cos11880
label "follow instructions" cos101380
label "potential equalization" cos101594
label “inspection 20xx” + base label cos14543-20xx + cos11787
label "adjust running belt" cos10512
label "limit running belt shaft cover" cos102466-01
operation & safety instructions cos100578-01-xx
label "interface backplate 150/50 LC" cos102788
label "rear panel UserTerminal 5B outs." cos11933-01
label "h/p/cosmos address" cos10144-01
Adjust running belt
Anleitung lesen
Read manual
Farbprofil: Generisches CMYK-Druckerprofil Komposit Standardbildschirm
1.3 Labels on device
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No. Description Illustration
1. UserTerminal
Pull cord safety stop
(ripcord / safety lanyard)
3. Emergency off
4. Crossbar-frontrail
5. Side handrail
6. Motor cover
7. Foot rail
8. Non slip surface
9. Running deck
10. Running belt
11. Rear roller
12. Rear roller protective cover
13. Marking of running surface
14. Safety arch
15. Safety harness
2.1 Illustration
2 Description
2.2 Function
The treadmill has two essential performance characteristics: Speed and elevation.
The rotation of the running belt represents the speed.
The raising of the whole treadmill frame incl. running deck enables the elevation.
Both parameters are manually adjustable on the UserTerminal.
Furthermore, operation is possible via pre- and self-dened modes.
Operation is also possible via external devices (PC, ECG, etc.).
The chapter “operation” gives a detailed description of all functions.
The chapter “technical data” shows technical details.
The treadmill is driven by powerful motors.
For that reason it is very important to follow the safety information, in order to avoid injury or death.
As previously described, the treadmill contains a number of standardized protocols.
Nevertheless, the treadmill does not provide recommendations for treatment.
The decision regarding the correct load is the responsibility of the medical doctor.
Depending on the application, the load includes speed, elevation, distance, heart rate, body weight or motion support, etc..
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3 Intended Use
3.1 Intended use
h/p/cosmos medical treadmills are intended for walking or running in place for
Recreational tness training
Gait training (with or without body weight support)
h/p/cosmos medical treadmills can be used in combination with external devices for walking or running in place as
Loading devices for neuromuscular and biomechanical measurements (e.g. EEG, EMG, motion analysis)
Loading devices for cardiovascular measurements (e.g. ECG)
Loading devices for cardiopulmonary measurements (e.g. ergospirometry)
For any medical treadmill application, a fall prevention system is prescribed and absolutely obligatory.
h/p/cosmos medical treadmills may be operated with healthy subjects for non-medical uses in non-medical environments as well.
For use with healthy subjects, please apply the instructions for use for sports devices, available at
3.2 Intended operator
Medical staff only
that has been carefully trained according to these instructions for use
that is working according to the prescription of the medical doctor, where applicable and necessary
The patient is not the intended operator.
But the intended operator is authorized to allow the patient to control the device according to the instructions of the intended operator and under the permanent observation of the intended operator.
This means the operation of the device remains the responsibility of the intended operator at all times, taking the physical and mental condition of the patient into account.
The intended operator has to be within reach of at least one emergency stop / off at all times.
3.3 Intended location
Medical facilities only
No use at home or in home healthcare environments (acc. to IEC 60601-1-11)
No outdoor use
No direct sunlight
Sufciently lighted for proper readability of warning, labels, displays and operation elements
Proper environmental conditions (see “Technical Data”)
Stationary training equipment: Not moved during use
3.4 Intended duration
Depending on the prescription of the medical doctor
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3.5 Contraindications
Absolute contraindications
(have to be excluded before the treadmill is used)
Acute myocardial infarction (within 2 days)
Instable angina pectoris
Cardiac arrhythmia pathology and/or limited hemodynamics
Symptomatic massive aortic stenosis
Uncompensated / uncontrolled heart insufciency
Acute pulmonary embolism or pulmonary infarction
Acute endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis
Acute aortic dissection
Acute coronary syndrome
Acute phlebothrombosis of the lower extremities
Febrile infections
Acute thrombosis
Fresh wounds e.g. after surgery
Acute fracture
Damaged disc or traumatic disease of the spine
Acute migraine
Relative contraindications
(The application may be started if the possible benets exceed the risks.
The decision has to be made by the medical doctor before the treadmill is used)
Left main coronary stenosis
Main artery disease
Cardiac valve disease of moderate severity
Known electrolyte imbalance
Arterial hypertonia (RR > 200 mm Hg syst. > 110 mm Hg diast.)
Tachyarrhythmia or bradyarrhythmia
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and other forms of outow tract obstruction
Higher degree atrioventricular AV-blocking
Physical and/or mental disabilities leading to inability to exercise adequately
Partially invasive medical devices (probes, infusions, catheters, external xators, etc.)
Cardiac pacemaker
Visual impairment (vision < 30% acc. to WHO)
Further contraindications may occur. This has to be evaluated by the medical doctor.
A second person has to be present during maintenance.
Sources: (German Cardiac Society) (American College of Cardiology Foundation) (American Heart Association)
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4 Safety
h/p/cosmos medical treadmills may be operated with healthy subjects as well.
For applications with healthy subjects, please apply the instructions for use for sports devices, available at
4.1 Safety information – Forbidden use
Obey the following danger, warning and caution statements stricktly in order to prevent serious injury or death!
For any medical treadmill application, a fall prevention device is prescribed and absolutely obligatory.
Do not use the safety harness on bare skin.
WARNING! Heart rate monitoring systems may be inaccurate.
Incorrect or over exercising may result in serious injury or death.
Advice the patient: If you feel faint or dizzy stop exercising immediately and consult a medical doctor.
Exclude overloading or overstressing of the patient.
Only carefully trained medical staff is allowed to use the device.
The patient has to be checked by a medical doctor before using the device.
A debrillator must be present at any time.
The intended operator has to be in reach of at least one emergency stop/off at any time.
Obey all information given in these instructions for use.
Do not use the device against the intended use.
Do not use the device in case one or more of the listed contraindications prevail.
In case of relative contraindications permanent observation of the patient by medical staff is obligatory.
Neither patient nor operator must be under the inuence of alcohol, drugs or anesthetics.
Start the use of the treadmill with slow walking, especially for beginners.
Make sure the space under the treadmill is free from persons, body parts or objects, especially when switching on (treadmill will lower during initialization) and when changing the elevation.
Do not enter the device when running belt is rotating.
Do not step on rear roller.
Do not stand on or enter the running deck when device is in elevation (running belt might slip through due to gravity).
Make sure no towels, jewellery, cell phones, containers with liquid etc. can fall into the device or onto the running surface.
Do not enter the device without appropriate shoes without high heels, spikes or studs.
Do not use the device with wheels (bikes, wheelchairs, inline skates, etc.).
Do not turn around, walk sideways or backwards; do not jump on or off the running belt while it is in motion.
Do not touch the running belt while it is in motion (besides contact with feet).
Do not lean on the UserTerminal - do not apply pressure to the displays - press keys softly.
Ensure assist mean, accessories, cables etc. do not extend into the running area.
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Do not insert metal objects such as a pin or a wire into any gap or any outlet on the device.
Do not touch the patient and external electrical devices at the same time.
Always the latest command will be executed, regardless of whether it came via interface or from the UserTerminal during one of the four modes. Only stop command has higher priority and cannot be overwritten.
WARNING: To avoid the risk of electric shock, this equipment must only be connected to a supply mains with protective earth.
WARNING: Do not use portable high frequency communication devices in the patient environment (see “position of patient and user”). Disregard can cause loss of performance.
Free standing equipment has to be installed on a stable and levelled base.
Choose proper oor, clothing and humidity, in order to prevent electrostatic discharge (also see technical data).
Do not use the device without instruction by authorized personnel acc. to the instruction protocol.
Regard safety area behind device of 2.0 m x width of treadmill.
Do not use the device with children <12 months.
Exclude access of unsupervised children (< 14 years) onto or near any parts of the device (incl. accessories, packaging, lubrication and service material).
In case of application with children (> 1, < 14 years) permanent observation of the patient by medical staff is obligatory.
Animals must not be in the same room with the device.
The automatic modes must only be performed on the prescription of the medical doctor.
Operator and patient have to be aware of automatic load changes during prole, cardio and test mode.
During stress tests a medical doctor has to be available at any time.
Unmeant trapping hazards: Take off ties, scarfs or other clothes that may be trapped. Secure long hair and ribbons during maintenance and training in order to prevent being captured in trapping zones.
Perform a daily visual inspection (see chapter “maintenance”).
Obey the maintenance intervals claimed in chapter “maintenance”.
Obey the competences claimed in chapter “maintenance”.
A second person has to be present during maintenance.
In case of any visible or assumed defects or malfunctions (of the device, accessories, software, etc.), unplug device, exclude reconnection, mark clearly and inform h/p/cosmos service personnel via telephone and writing.
In case of any visible or assumed wear and tear (of the device, accessories, labels, etc.), unplug device, exclude reconnection, mark clearly and inform h/p/cosmos service personnel via telephone and writing.
In case of any uid entering into the device, unplug device, exclude reconnection, mark clearly and inform h/p/cosmos service personnel via telephone and writing.
Do not modify the device, congurations, accessories or software in any way.
Do not connect any devices, accessories or software, not listed in “accessories / compatible devices”.
Disinfect the device before and after every treatment.
Disconnect the device and all accessories from mains power supply before cleaning or disinfection.
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4.2 Fall prevention devices
A fall prevention device is the only effective way to protect the patient from falling.
For any medical treadmill application, a fall prevention device is prescribed and absolutely obligatory.
h/p/cosmos provides fall prevention devices in the form of a safety arch or a body weight support device (airwalk).
It is up to the operator to use any other device that prevents the patient from falling and complies with IEC60601-1.
The pull-cord safety stop is not a fall prevention.
Treadmill with safety arch Body weight support device airwalk
Further information see “annex II (accessories)”
Description Ilustration
Put on the safety harness so that the h/p/cosmos logo is at the front.
The h/p/cosmos logo has to be visible in the back as well.
Close buckles.
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Description Ilustration
Tighten shoulder and chest straps.
Use carabiner to connect safety harness with rope.
Explain function to subject.
Adjust the length of the rope in a way the patient has to maintain the correct position (see “position of patient and operator”).
Secure rope with rope arrest.
In order to re-open the buckle, press the fastener with thumb and index nger.
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4.3 Emergency dismount
Patient is conscious and aware of danger.
Patient grabs the handrails
Patient jumps off the running belt onto the foot rails
Operator / patient hits the emergency off
Patient is conscious but not aware of danger.
Patient stumbles and falls into fall prevention device.
Treadmill stops
Operator / patient hits the emergency off
Operator helps patient stand up again.
Operator helps patient exit the device.
Patient lost consciousness and is hanging in the fall prevention device.
Hit the emergency off.
Call a medical doctor.
Call one or more persons, strong enough to carry the patient.
Inform the third person that you will open the buckle of the safety harness
Open the buckle of the safety harness.
Patient will slide into the other person’s arms.
Render rst aid.
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4.4 Emergency off
Do only use in case of emergency.
Do not use as normal stop button.
Do not stand on or enter the running deck when device is in elevation (running belt might slip through due to gravity).
The operator has to be in reach of the emergency off at any time.
If the operator is not able to reach the emergency off button at the UserTerminal (body height, obstacles, etc.), the operator must install an additional emergency stop within reach (see accessories).
4.5 Emergency stop
Do only use in case of emergency.
Do not use as normal stop button.
Do not stand on or enter the running deck when device is in elevation (running belt might slip through due to gravity).
Operation Result Release Restart
Power supply to load generating components
Running belt spins out (until 0 km/h) with undened deceleration
Movement of elevation system stops
UserTerminal off
Interface communication
Push button
Pull button Switch the device on.
Pull cord safety stop
Pull rope
Reconnect rope And restart application.
Operation Result Release Restart
Safety arch
Running belt stops with predened deceleration
Movement of elevation system stops
UserTerminal displays “pull stop”
Mains connection and
Interface communication
not interrupted
Pull rope
Release rope Restart application
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4.6 Unauthorized access
See OP 40 … 44 in the User Options to lock the whole device or individual modes.
4.7 Residual risk / Side effects
After risk reduction only 13 of more than 230 causes are in the "widely acceptable" region.
In case fall prevention is not applied or not applied correctly, there are residual risks, such as falling of a person resulting in skin abrasions, bruises, fractures or in worst case even death.
Furthermore there is residual risk such as unintended overload of the patient caused by wrong operation, wrong assessment, or wrong application of the operator and also incorrect data transfer (e.g. electromagnetic interferences, software failure, etc.). Even the best software and hardware safety concepts can never completely rule out a failure of software or hardware and thereby a theoretically possible overloading of the patient.
Since the treadmill is an electrically operated device, an electric shock, which might result in death can never be ruled out, although the design and verication is according to the relevant standards for electrical safety of medical devices, an electric shock, which can result in death, can never be ruled out completely.
The residual risk of strangulation can not be excluded as well. The risk is reduced by safety information within the IFU.
It cannot be excluded that unintended or forbidden use might cause further not yet regarded risks and that already regarded risks might have been estimated incorrectly. It can also not be excluded that the daily use of the medical product might show further risks.
In ergometry, diagnostics and therapy there are alternatives to treadmill application such as bicycle ergometry (without natural gait movement) or overground gait therapy (secured only by the therapist), etc. the benet of treadmill training in contrast to these alternatives is clearly outweighing the residual risk of falling or overload with the known consequences.
In this risk analysis the "present state" of the device has been evaluated.
Having carried out the evaluation and validation of the product, the risk of appearance of a not acceptable risk is very low.
The device (it´s construction, it´s function as well as the intended application) does - under normal conditions - not represent any unjustiable risk for the patient, the user, the operator or third persons.
4.8 Fireghting
Do not use liquid reghting resources.
Use CO2.
4.9 All-pole disconnection
The following options are available for all-pole disconnection:
Unplug device from power socket.
Unplug cable from device.
Switch off device protection switch
Maintain enough free space to ensure access to cables and the circuit breaker (see “position of patient and operator”).
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5 Preparation
Description Ilustration
Perform daily inspection as described in “daily inspection”.
Explain device and application to patient.
Explain and apply fall prevention as described in “fall prevention”.
Guide patient onto treadmill.
Do not enter the device when running belt is rotating.
Do not step on rear roller.
Do not stand on or enter the running deck when device is in elevation (running belt might slip through due to gravity).
If possible, the patient should hold both handrails for stability when entering the treadmill.
Holding handrails during use affects exercise results.
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Description Ilustration
Apply pull-cord safety stop.
(Attach clip to patients’ clothing.)
Adjust the length of the rope so that the patient has to maintain the correct position (see “position of patient and operator”).
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6 UserTerminal
6.1 Keys and displays
Primary function
Secondary functions
Displays currently activated mode -
Displays current speed in m/min, km/h, m/s or mph (see LED)* Displays max. speed when selecting modes
Displays covered distance in m, km or miles (see LED)* -
Displays elapsed time in minmin:ss or hh:minmin Displays duration when selecting proles
Displays current elevation in % or degrees (see LED)*
Displays current prole step / number (see
Displays MET, energy and power in MET, kJ or Watt (see LED) -
Displays measured heart rate
Displays parameter when setting cardio mode or UKK walk test
The displays may show service information and error messages as well (see “trouble shooting”). *adjust units and decimals with OP 12-14
Primary function
Secondary functions
Decrease / increase current speed Navigate through settings, adjust parameters
Decrease / increase current elevation See “interfere with automatic program”
Start the operation Conrm setting (“enter”)
Stop the operation
Not an emergency stop / off!
Abort setting (“cancel”) Exit user options (“cancel”)
See “emergency off”
In case of emergency, press the emergency off button!
Depending on the operation mode, the keys have additional functions (see “operation”). Press the keys softly. As conrmation, you will hear a beep. Always the latest command will be executed, regardless of whether it came via interface or from the UserTerminal during one of the four modes. Only stop command has higher priority and cannot be overwritten.
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6.2 Standard vs. “lt” devices
Most h/p/cosmos treadmills are available as standard or “lt” (light) devices.
“lt” devices have no UserTerminal (no display, no keyboard).
Standard device “lt” device
Control via
- UserTerminal
- Software (see “accessories”)
- additional keyboard (see “accessories”)
- ECG, spirometry, etc. (see “compatible devices”)
Control via
- Software (see “accessories”)
- additional keyboard (see “accessories”)
- ECG, spirometry, etc. (see “compatible devices”)
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6.3 Connection of external devices / Interfaces
The back of the UserTerminal has RS232 interfaces.
For USB-RS232 converter, see “accessories”.
The person combining a medical device with any other device for the rst time is creating a Medical Electrical System.
Requirements for ME-Systems, see “creating systems”.
Unused RS232 interfaces must be covered with dust caps [cos102973] for isolation purposes.
Description Ilustration
RS232 / COM1
Possible connection of external devices.
RS232 / COM2
Possible connection of external devices.
RS232 / COM3
Possible connection for service
RS232 / COM4
Possible connection of external devices.
Additional interfaces are located at the front of the device below the motor cover.
Description Ilustration
Additional Stop 1
Possible connection for emergency stop devices.
Additional keyboard
Possible connection for remote
Additional Stop 2
Possible connection for emergency stop devices.
page 25
cos105000-2016-00 en
7 Position of Patient and Operator
1) Position of patient (initial contact)
1a) Optimal position 40%, front
1b) Tolerated position 30%, middle running area
1c) Not tolerated position / buffer zone 30%, rear
2) Intended position of operator
The operator must be within reach of the emergency off at all times. If the operator is not able to reach the emergency off button at the UserTerminal (body height, obstacles, etc.), the operator must install an additional emergency stop within reach (see accessories).
3) Training area acc. to ISO 20957-1 patient + device
4) Free area acc. to ISO 20957-1 training area + 0.6 m must be free at all times
(except operator)
5) Safety area acc. to DIN EN 957-6 2.0 m behind device must be free at all times (except operator)
6) Patient environment acc. to IEC 60601-1 device + 1.5 m
There must be no electrical devices within this area, which are not part of an ME-System with the device.
Do not touch the patient and external electrical devices at the same time.
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