What you see
is what you get
Perfect proofing solution for production printing
Looking to save time and money on your proofing process? To eliminate
a lot of manual steps? To secure a soft-proofing software that is flexible
when you want flexibility – and 100% precise when you want precision?
Then take a close look at Océ TrueProof®, the industry-unique, softproofing system. You’ll accelerate your job turnarounds, increase your
cost-effectiveness, accommodate a diverse range of incoming data, and
open up your printing options.
For precise soft-proofing.
To accelerate your
Océ TrueProof is a WYSIWYG, on-screen
proofing system that works like a virtual
printer, enhancing and streamlining your
prepress process. You can preview your
applications before your jobs enter production. Down to the individual pixel if
you like. To maximize your performance
– and more.
With unique capabilities.
To work more cost-effectively
An industry-unique highlight of
Océ TrueProof is that you can view Océ
CustomTone® highlight color on screen –
for up to 3/3 printing – as well as full-color
and B/W applications using the Océ
GraphicArts option. To work faster and save
more money in the process. Plus you can view
your pages with Océ TrueProof’s semi-trans
parent, soft-proofing capabilities, enabling
you to check the registration accuracy of
recto/verso images. A smart
printing proofs on a production
eliminate your test print costs. Furthermore
with Océ TrueProof you have the possibility
to ensure the integrity of your data and
application resources. Again to eliminate
your test print costs.
alternative to
printer. To
A flexible solution designed
for your printing needs
Combined with the Océ
PRISMAproduction® output management
system, Océ TrueProof accommodates a
wide range of industry-standard data. And
this software works seamlessly with a variety
of printing systems too. Océ TrueProof
connects to any print server which creates
IPDS output – and can drive printing
systems via TCP/IP. As this software
emulates an Océ IPDS or PCL production
printer, this enables application designers
and programmers to work with confidence,
even without having a printing system.
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Océ TrueProof –
overview of key features
Océ TrueProof is a virtual printer based on
the original software of the Océ printing
system controller. This ensures reliability
and accuracy – enabling 100% pixelprecision on screen.
With this software, you can:
• Print these files on Océ VarioPrint® and
Océ VarioStream® high performance
systems – with complete assurance
• Check the registration accuracy of recto/
verso printing with Océ TrueProof ’s
industry-unique, semi-transparent viewing
capabilities, before entering production
• Ensure the integrity of your data and
application resources
Check the position of your pages precisely
– with this software’s crosshair settings
Océ TrueProof.
Additional features for
document preparation
This unique software solution makes
it easy to prepare your documents for
production. You can:
• Print pages that are displayed in this
professional software’s viewer on a nonIPDS printing system
• Check the position of print data on
preprinted forms, incl. those in color
• Display pages in Océ CustomTone
highlight color, up to 3/3 printing
• Full-color support, suitable for the Océ
VarioStream 9240
• Use fast keys that enable you to make
adjustments in Océ TrueProof – and these
changes can be sent back to your Océ
Professional Document Composer files
• Work easily via the operator panel to
select input trays, to assign paper size/
type, to specify forms or tabs, etc.
• Enable viewing on up to three work
stations via the client/server architecture
Océ TrueProof. Additional
features for incoming data
This soft-proofing system flexibly accepts
a variety of incoming data. Océ TrueProof
• Work with all major data formats
(PDF, Adobe PostScript Level 2 and 3,
TIFF, PCL5 and PCL6) as this software
uses the RIP-first technology of Océ’s
PRISMAproduction POD module
• Work with other standard data (AFP,
LCDS, line data) used in a production
environment, by processing the data via
Océ PRISMAproduction modules (for
• Enable you to access PS/PDF files
embedded in AFP datastreams, and
print these files directly – by adding an
optional input module
Océ TrueProof. Additonal
features for printing
This soft-proofing system also enables
you to accelerate your printing production
with confidence. This software will:
Emulate IPDS and PCL printing system
• Convert files of small jobs to PS/PDF
and PCL, for production on non-IPDS
systems (or for sending files by e-mail or
• Integrate seamlessly with the new
Océ VarioStream 9000 family
• Work with other IPDS and PCL
spooling systems via a TCP/IP protocol
More power.
More productivity gains.
Océ TrueProof seamlessly integrates into
Océ PRISMA solution sets for PoD and
Transaction, which are powered by the Océ
PRISMAproduction output management
Océ TrueProof Server
Min. requirements
Intel Pentium IV, 3.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM
Operating System
Windows XP
Océ TrueProof Client
Min. requirements
Intel Pentium IV, 1.8 GHz, 1 GB RAM
Operating System
• Windows XP
• Windows 2003
Printing for
For information and services, visit us at www.oce.com
© 2008 Océ. Illustrations and specifications do not necessarily apply to products and services offered in each local market.
Technical specifications are subject to change without prior notice. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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