These A4 B&W laser printers are fast, straightforward and reliable. With a great choice of cloud and mobile device options, they’re perfect for high quality printing for workgroups and small businesses.
Compact and robust A4 B&W laser printer with
NFC* ideal for small workgroups
Produces high quality documents up to a
productive 33 ppm
Easy operation using the intuitive colour
touch screen*
Consistent reliability and quality via Canon
All-in-One toner cartridge
Print direct from any compatible tablet or
smartphone via NFC Touch & Print*
* LBP2 53x only ** LBP252dw and LBP253x only
Enjoy PC-less printing direct from a USB Flash
memory key*
Print confidential documents securely with PIN
code protection**
Mobile and cloud ready with AirPrint, Mopria and
Google Cloud Print support
Free Canon app to get the most out of iOS and
Android devices
Network and workflow support including Wi-Fi,
PCL5e/6, Adobe® PostScript®** and uniFLOW*
Technical Specifications
Print speed L BP251dw:
Single sided: N ormal: U p to 30 ppm (A4) Doubl e sided: U p to 16 ipm (A4)
L BP252dw, LBP253x:
Single sided: Up to 33 ppm (A4) Doubl e sided: U p to 16.8 ipm (A4)
Printing method Monoc hrome la ser beam p rinting
Print quality Up to 120 0 dpi x 1200 dpi
Print resolution Up to 600 d pi x 600 dp i
Warm-up time Approx . 16 secon ds or less f rom power on
First Page Out Ti me Approx. 6 seconds
Recom mended Monthl y Print Volume
Duty cycle Max. 50,0 00 page s per mont h
L BP251dw:
750 - 2, 500 pag es per mon th
L BP252dw, LBP253x:
750 - 3,0 00 pag es per mon th
Print margins 5 mm-top, bottom, l eft and r ight
Advanced printing features L BP251dw, LBP252dw, LBP253x:
Googl e Cloud Pr int Ready iOS: AirPrint, C anon PR INT Business app Androi d; Mopri a certifi ed, Can on Print S ervice Plug-in , Canon PRINT Business app
L BP252dw, LBP253x:
Secure Print
L BP253x:
Print fr om USB me mory key (JPEG / TIFF / PDF) Touch & Print ( NFC)
Paper input (Standard) 250-sheet cassette
50-sheet multi-purpose tray
Paper i nput (Op tion) 500-sheet cassette
Paper output 150-sheet fa ce down, 1 sheet face up
Media types P lain pap er, Recycle d Paper, Heav y Paper,
Media s izes Cassette (Standard and optional)
Media weights Casse tte (Stand ard and op tional): 60 to 120 g/m²
Label, Envelope, Post card
A5, A6 , LGL, LTR, EX ECUTIV E, STATEMENT, FOO LSCAP, 16K , Custom size s (Width : 105.0 mm to 215. 9 mm Length : 148.0 mm to 355. 6 mm)
Multi- purpos e tray: A4, B 5, A5, A6 , LGL, LTR, EXECUTIVE, STATEMENT, FOOLSCAP, 16K, Envelop CO M-10, M onarch , DL, C5 , Index C ard, Custom s izes (Widt h: 76.2 m m to 215. 9 mm Length : 127.0 mm to 355 .6 mm )
Multi- purpos e tray: 60 to 163 g/m²
Double sided printing Automatic (Only A4 / LTR / LGL)
Power requirements 220 - 240 V (±10%) 50/60Hz (± 2Hz)
Power consumption Maxim um: Appr ox. 1150 W o r less
Active: Approx. 520 W o r less (LBP251dw), 550 W or le ss (LBP252dw, LBP253x) Stand by: Approx . 12.1 W or le ss Sleep : Approx.1 W o r less Power switch o: 0.1 W o r less Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC): 1.1 kWh/week (LBP251dw), 1.2 kWh/we ek (LBP252dw, LBP253x) Idle tim e required to enter sleep mode : 3 - 60 min (default: 3 min) Idle tim e required to enter Auti Shutdown: 4 hours (defa ult)
Noise level Sound powe r3:
Dimensions ( W x D x H) LBP251dw, LBP252dw: 400 mm x 37 7 mm x 298 mm
Active: 69.5 dB (LBP251dw),
70.6 dB (LBP252dw, LBP253x) Standby: Inaudible
Sound pressure Active: 5 3 dB Standby: Inaudible
LBP253x: 403 mm x 377 mm x 3 17 mm
Weigh t Approx . 12.4 kg
Operating environment Temperature: 10 to 30°C (50 to 86°F)
Control panel LBP251dw, LBP252dw: 5 Line LCD
Humid ity 20 % to 80 % R H (no conden sation)
LBP253x: 8.9 cm LCD Colour Touch Screen
Processor Speed 525 MHz
Memory LBP251dw: 512 MB
Printer Languages L BP251dw, LBP252dw, LBP253x:
LBP252dw, LBP253x: 1 GB
UFRI I (Ultra Fast Rendering), PCL 5e, PCL 6
L BP252dw, LBP253x:
Adobe® PostScript
Fonts 93 PCL fo nts, 136 P S fonts (LBP252dw, LBP253x)
Interface and connectivity USB 2. 0 High-S peed, 1 0BASE-T/10 0 BASE-TX /100 0BASE-T,
Soft ware and P rinter Management
Operating Systems Compatibility
Wireless 802.11b/g/n, Wireless Direct Connection
L BP251dw, LBP252dw, LBP253x:
Remote U ser Inter face (RU I), SSID Tool, Depar tment I D Management, Toner Status Tool, iW Management Console: Server-based software for centralised man ageme nt of a fleet of d evices eMaintenance: embedded RDS allows remote eMain tenance s ervice s such as meter captur e, automa tic consumables management and remote diagnostics.
L BP253x:
uniFLOW C ompatib ility with e mbedd ed uniFLOW Lo gin Device Cl ient
Window s® 10 / Windows® 8.1 / W indows® 8 / Windows ® 7 / Server® 2012R2 / Server® 2012 / Server® 2008R2 / Server® 2008 / S erver ® 2003 / Vista Mac OS X ver sion 10.5.8 & up
/ Citrix
All-in-One cart ridges Standard: Cartri dge 719 (2,100 p ages
High yie ld: Car tridge 7 19 H (6,4 00 page s
Items PAPER FEEDER PF-44 (500-sheet cassette)
Duty c ycle is defi ned as the m aximum n umber of printed pag es for a single peak month.
Any usag e above the re commen ded duty cycle may de crease the life of the pro duct
Wirele ss: Approx. 1.5 W o r less
Decla red noise e missio n in accorda nce with IS O 9296
Web distribution o nly.
Based o n ISO/IEC 1 9752
Printer ships with C artrid ge 719
Canon Inc.
Canon Europe
English edition
© Canon Europa N.V.,2015