Fully-featured, intuitive
and compact A4 B&W
laser printers designed
for small corporate
These A4 B&W laser printers are
fast, straightforward and reliable.
With a great choice of cloud and
mobile device options, they’re
perfect for high quality printing for
workgroups and small businesses.
• Compact and robust A4 B&W laser printer with
NFC* ideal for small workgroups
• Produces high quality documents up to a
productive 33 ppm
• Easy operation using the intuitive colour
touch screen*
• Consistent reliability and quality via Canon
All-in-One toner cartridge
• Print direct from any compatible tablet or
smartphone via NFC Touch & Print*
* LBP2 53x only
** LBP252dw and LBP253x only
• Enjoy PC-less printing direct from a USB Flash
memory key*
• Print confidential documents securely with PIN
code protection**
• Mobile and cloud ready with AirPrint, Mopria and
Google Cloud Print support
• Free Canon app to get the most out of iOS and
Android devices
• Network and workflow support including Wi-Fi,
PCL5e/6, Adobe® PostScript®** and uniFLOW*
Technical Specifications
Print speed L BP251dw:
Single sided: N ormal: U p to 30 ppm (A4)
Doubl e sided: U p to 16 ipm (A4)
L BP252dw, LBP253x:
Single sided: Up to 33 ppm (A4)
Doubl e sided: U p to 16.8 ipm (A4)
Printing method Monoc hrome la ser beam p rinting
Print quality Up to 120 0 dpi x 1200 dpi
Print resolution Up to 600 d pi x 600 dp i
Warm-up time Approx . 16 secon ds or less f rom power on
First Page Out Ti me Approx. 6 seconds
Recom mended Monthl y
Print Volume
Duty cycle Max. 50,0 00 page s per mont h
L BP251dw:
750 - 2, 500 pag es per mon th
L BP252dw, LBP253x:
750 - 3,0 00 pag es per mon th
Print margins 5 mm-top, bottom, l eft and r ight
Advanced printing features L BP251dw, LBP252dw, LBP253x:
Googl e Cloud Pr int Ready
iOS: AirPrint, C anon PR INT Business app
Androi d; Mopri a certifi ed, Can on Print S ervice Plug-in ,
Canon PRINT Business app
L BP252dw, LBP253x:
Secure Print
L BP253x:
Print fr om USB me mory key (JPEG / TIFF / PDF)
Touch & Print ( NFC)
Paper input (Standard) 250-sheet cassette
50-sheet multi-purpose tray
Paper i nput (Op tion) 500-sheet cassette
Paper output 150-sheet fa ce down, 1 sheet face up
Media types P lain pap er, Recycle d Paper, Heav y Paper,
Media s izes Cassette (Standard and optional)
Media weights Casse tte (Stand ard and op tional): 60 to 120 g/m²
Label, Envelope, Post card
16K , Custom size s (Width : 105.0 mm to 215. 9 mm
Length : 148.0 mm to 355. 6 mm)
Multi- purpos e tray: A4, B 5, A5, A6 , LGL, LTR,
Envelop CO M-10, M onarch , DL, C5 , Index C ard,
Custom s izes (Widt h: 76.2 m m to 215. 9 mm
Length : 127.0 mm to 355 .6 mm )
Multi- purpos e tray: 60 to 163 g/m²
Double sided printing Automatic (Only A4 / LTR / LGL)
Power requirements 220 - 240 V (±10%) 50/60Hz (± 2Hz)
Power consumption Maxim um: Appr ox. 1150 W o r less
Active: Approx. 520 W o r less (LBP251dw),
550 W or le ss (LBP252dw, LBP253x)
Stand by: Approx . 12.1 W or le ss
Sleep : Approx.1 W o r less
Power switch o: 0.1 W o r less
Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC): 1.1 kWh/week
(LBP251dw), 1.2 kWh/we ek (LBP252dw, LBP253x)
Idle tim e required to enter sleep mode : 3 - 60 min
(default: 3 min)
Idle tim e required to enter Auti Shutdown: 4 hours (defa ult)
Noise level Sound powe r3:
Dimensions ( W x D x H) LBP251dw, LBP252dw: 400 mm x 37 7 mm x 298 mm
Active: 69.5 dB (LBP251dw),
70.6 dB (LBP252dw, LBP253x)
Standby: Inaudible
Sound pressure
Active: 5 3 dB
Standby: Inaudible
LBP253x: 403 mm x 377 mm x 3 17 mm
Weigh t Approx . 12.4 kg
Operating environment Temperature: 10 to 30°C (50 to 86°F)
Control panel LBP251dw, LBP252dw: 5 Line LCD
Humid ity 20 % to 80 % R H (no conden sation)
LBP253x: 8.9 cm LCD Colour Touch Screen
Processor Speed 525 MHz
Memory LBP251dw: 512 MB
Printer Languages L BP251dw, LBP252dw, LBP253x:
LBP252dw, LBP253x: 1 GB
UFRI I (Ultra Fast Rendering), PCL 5e, PCL 6
L BP252dw, LBP253x:
Adobe® PostScript
Fonts 93 PCL fo nts, 136 P S fonts (LBP252dw, LBP253x)
Interface and connectivity USB 2. 0 High-S peed, 1 0BASE-T/10 0 BASE-TX /100 0BASE-T,
Soft ware and P rinter
Operating Systems
Wireless 802.11b/g/n, Wireless Direct Connection
L BP251dw, LBP252dw, LBP253x:
Remote U ser Inter face (RU I), SSID Tool, Depar tment I D
Management, Toner Status Tool,
iW Management Console: Server-based software for
centralised man ageme nt of a fleet of d evices
eMaintenance: embedded RDS allows remote
eMain tenance s ervice s such as meter captur e, automa tic
consumables management and remote diagnostics.
L BP253x:
uniFLOW C ompatib ility with e mbedd ed uniFLOW Lo gin
Device Cl ient
Window s® 10 / Windows® 8.1 / W indows® 8 / Windows ® 7 /
Server® 2012R2 / Server® 2012 / Server® 2008R2 / Server®
2008 / S erver ® 2003 / Vista
Mac OS X ver sion 10.5.8 & up
/ Citrix
All-in-One cart ridges Standard: Cartri dge 719 (2,100 p ages
High yie ld: Car tridge 7 19 H (6,4 00 page s
Items PAPER FEEDER PF-44 (500-sheet cassette)
Duty c ycle is defi ned as the m aximum n umber of printed pag es for a single peak month.
Any usag e above the re commen ded duty cycle may de crease the life of the pro duct
Wirele ss: Approx. 1.5 W o r less
Decla red noise e missio n in accorda nce with IS O 9296
Web distribution o nly.
Based o n ISO/IEC 1 9752
Printer ships with C artrid ge 719
Canon Inc.
Canon Europe
English edition
© Canon Europa N.V.,2015