imagePROGRAF iPF830
Large Format Print Solutions for CAD/GIS, Poster & Production printing
The imagePROGRAF iPF830 is a 44” printer delivering class leading productivity, exceptional quality, accuracy and an advanced set of features to ensure an excellent return on investment.
Key features:
Continuous productivity with high capacity 330 ml and 700 ml
“hot swap” ink tanks – replaceable during production
Clear drawings and more vibrant posters with latest magenta ink
Highly accurate with 0.02 mm minimum line width and +/-0.1 % line
Improved device management and security for large workgroups
with eMaintenance connectivity, locking control panel and SNMPv3 protocol
Easily print PDF, TIFF, JPEG and HP-GL/2 files, from general
graphics to CAD and GIS drawings, with bundled Direct Print & Share Utility
Create powerful large format posters with ease using the bundled
PosterArtist Lite software and Print Plug-in for Microsoft Oce
Easy printing from an iPad of PDF, JPEG and PNG data with
Canon’s especially designed free application – imagePROGRAF Print Utility for iPad
Intuitively create, print and manage jobs with Océ Publisher Select
(autumn 2015) – productive, Windows based, large format printer job submission software
HP-GL/2 and HP-RTL compatible
2,40 0 X 1, 200 DPI
15,360 NOZZLES
320 GB HDD
imagePROGRAF iPF830
Printer Type 5 Colou r - 44"/1117.6 m m
Print Technology Canon B ubblejet on De mand 6 col ours in tegrated t ype
Numb er of Nozz les Total: 15, 360 MBK: 5, 120 nozzle s
Print Resolution 2,40 0 x 1,2 00 dpi
Nozzle Pitch 1,2 00 dpi x 2 in cludes N on-firing nozzl e detecti on and co mpens ation
Guaranteed Minimum Line Wi dth
Line Accuracy ±0.1 % or le ss
Ink Droplet Size 4 Picoliter p er colou r
Ink Capacity Bundle d Starte r Ink: 3 30 ml
In k Type Dye/Pigment Reactive Ink
OS Compatability Windows 3 2 bit – XP, Vista , 7, 8, 8.1 , Serve r 2003/2 003R 2,
Printer Languages GARO (Gra phic Ar ts lang uage with R aster Op erations),
Standard Interfaces USB 2. 0 High-S peed Ful l Speed ( 12 Mbit/sec),
Standard Memory 32 GB ( 512 Mbyte )
Hard Drive 320 GB
Software Included Canon Prin ter Drive r, Status Mon itor / Prin t Monitor, E xtraK it – Free
A0 Size, Pl ain Pap er 0:42 min (Fast Econo my Mode)
A0 Size, Co ated Pap er 1:12 min (Fa st Mode)
Media Fe ed and Outpu t Roll: On e Roll, f ront loa ding, f ront outp ut
Paper p ath swit ch (roll/ cut sheet)
Delivery direction Face-up, fron t side
Media Take -up Unit Option
Media Width Roll Paper: 2 54 - 1118 mm
Media Thickness Roll Uni t: 0.07 - 0. 8 mm
Maximum Printable Length
(6 chips pe r print he ad x 1 print h ead)
C, M, Y, BK : 2,56 0 nozzles each colo ur
0.02 mm
Sales i nk: 330 m l or 700 ml
Dye: Cyan , Magen ta, Yellow, Bl ack Pigmen t: Matte B lack
Server 2008 Windows 6 4 bit – Vista, 7, 8, 8. 1,Se rver 2003/20 03R2, Server 2008/2008R2, Server 2012/2012R2 Mac: OSX – 1 0.6.8 - 10.10.x
High Sp eed (480 Mb it/sec), Bul k transf er IEEE 80 2.3 1 0base -T IEEE 802.3u 100base-TX/Auto-Negotiation IEEE 802.3ab 1000base-T/Auto-Negotiation IEEE 80 2.3x Ful l Duplex IEEE 802.3az EEE
Layout an d iR enla rgeme nt Copy, Prin ter Driver O ptimization Mod ule for AutoC AD, Med ia Confi guratio n Tool, Poste rArtist Lit e (PC only), Print Pl ug-in fo r Microso ft® Word / E xcel / PowerPoint (P C only) Direct Print & Sh are utili ty, Custom I nstall er Creat ion Tool
0:45 min (Fa st Mode) 1:12 min (Standard Mode)
2:19 min (Standard Mode) 3:37 min ( High Qu ality M ode)
Cut She et: Front-lo ading , Front Outp ut (Manual fee d using me dia locking lever)
Manua lly switch able by us er
Manua l Feed Cut S heet: 203 - 1118 m m
Front Load ing Man ual Fee d: 0.07 - 0. 8 mm
Roll: 18 m (va ries acc ording to th e OS and ap plicat ion) Cut She et: 1.6 m
Maxim um Medi a Roll Diameter
Media Core Size In ternal d iameter o f roll core: 2 " / 3"
Margins Recommended area
Margins Printable area Roll Pap er: Top: 3 mm, B ottom: 3 mm, Side : 3 mm
Borderless Printing Width ( Roll On ly)
Physical Dimensions, Weigh t (Net ) W x D x H (mm), (Kg)
Physical Dimensions, Weight (Packaged) W x D x H (mm), (Kg)
Power Supply AC 100 -240V (50- 60Hz)
Power Consumption Opera tion: 19 0 W or less
Operating Environment 15 - 30°C, 10 - 8 0 % (Conde nsatio n free)
Accoustic Noise (Power/ Press ure LWA d)
Regulations Europe: C E mark, Germa ny: TUV, Rus sia: EAC ,
Enviroment Certificates ENERGY S TAR, RoH S direct ive
What 's in the Bo x? 1 print head , 1 set of sta rter ink t anks , 3 inch core a dapter s, Set up
Optional Items Roll Hol der Set (fo r both 2-inch and 3 -inch co re roll med ia): RH2-4 4
User Replaceable Items Ink Tanks:
150.0 m m
Roll Pap er: Top: 20 mm , Bottom : 5 mm, Sid e: 5 mm Cut She et: Top: 20 mm, B ottom: 23 mm, Sid e: 5 mm
Roll Pap er (Bord erless Printin g): Top: 0 mm, Bo ttom: 0 mm , Side: 0 mm Cut She et: Top: 3 mm, Bo ttom: 23 m m, Side : 3 mm
1,030 m m (JIS B0), 84 1 mm (ISO A0), 59 4 mm (ISO A1), 515 mm (JI S B2), 42", 3 6", 24", 17", 14", 1 0"
Main un it and Pri nter Stan d (with basket o pen) 1893 ( W) x 975 (D) x 114 4 (H) mm 138 kg App roximate ly (roll hold er inclu ded, no inks, n o print he ads)
Main un it (with a printe r stand , and pal ette and p ackagi ng inclu ded) 2080 ( W) x 1060 (D) x 1220 ( H) mm 174 kg Approxim ately
Standby power consumption (At the low powe r mode): 5W o r less Defau lt settin g for the tim e to enter th e Sleep m ode: Approx. 5 M inutes Power O St andby: 0 .5 W or le ss (Corres ponds to LOT6)
Opera tion: 52 dB (A) o r less Standby : 35 dB (A) or less Measu red in the a bove condi tions, b ased on I SO 7779 Opera tion: 6. 8 Bels or less Measurement Conditions : Plain paper, standard mode (1pa ss/25i ps) / Normal te mperature and n ormal h umidit y
Other Countries: CB Certification
guide , User sof tware CD-RO M (Mac & Wi n), A2 cali bration s heet, PosterAr tist Lite so ftwar e CD-R OM, An nouce ment of LF P Survey Progra m, EAC le aflet, Q uick gui de, PRI NTER STAND, Produc t security /environmental regulation manual, Printer Stand Setup Guide . EU/UK Powe r cord
Stand / B asket: po rtabl e basket B U-03 Media Take- up Unit: TU- 06 (TU -06 cannot b e used with B asket BU-03 at the same time)
PFI-307 B K / MBK / C / M / Y (330 ml) PFI-707 BK / MB K / C / M / Y (700 ml) Print He ad: PF- 04 Mainte nance C artrid ge: MC-1 0
Some im ages are s imulate d for clari ty of repro ductio n. All data is base d on Can on’s stan dard testi ng method s. This l eaflet a nd the spe cifications of th e product have bee n develop ed prior to the date of produc t launc h. Final s pecif ication s are subj ect to chan ge witho ut notice .™ and ®: All company and/ or produ ct name s are trad emark s and/or regi stered tr adema rks of the ir respe ctive man ufact urers in their markets and/or countries.
Cano n recomm ends you u se Cano n Media f or the bes t result s. Plea se check m edia (pa per) compati bility l ist to see wh ich varie ty of pap er/media is re commen ded.
Canon Inc.
Canon Europe
English edition © Canon Europa N.V.,2015
Canon (UK) Ltd Woodhatch Reigate Surrey RH2 8BF Telephone no 01737 2 20000 Facsimile 01737 220022
Canon Ireland 3006 Lake Drive Citywest, Saggart Co.Dublin, Ireland Telephone No: 01 2052400 Facsimile No: 01 2052525