Job/Fax Forwarding
Are you worried about leaving
confidential documents sitting
unattended on the fax tray?
Do you maintain confidentiality
of incoming faxes by locking the
fax machine in the closet?
Are you looking to comply with the privacy
regulations associated with the GrammLeach-Bliley (G-L-B) and HIPAA Acts?*
Have your faxes ever been misrouted
to the wrong fax number?
Do you want digital copies of your faxes?
imageRUNNER®Job/Fax Forwarding Function
Enabling the Job/Fax Forwarding function on the imageRUNNER device will allow users to protect
the confidential information on incoming faxes by routing it automatically to the desired location.
Efficiency is improved, too, since documents will end up in their desired location—e-mail address,
file server, or document management system—with no intervention.
Database File Server
Confidential Mail Box
on imag
File Server
How Do You Do It?
Job/Fax Forwarding—
Registering a New Job/Fax Condition:
1. Press [Additional Functions] from the Keypad.
2. Press [System Settings].
3. Press [Forwarding Settings].
4. Press [Register].
5. Press [Condition Name]; enter alphanumeric characters.
6. Press [OK].
7. Press [Forwarding Conditions]. Select type(s) of condition(s).
8. Press [Done].
9. Press [Forwarding Destination]. Select Address Book
or Confidential Fax Inbox.
10. Press [Done].
11. Press [OK].
12. Press [Done] three times.
Job/Fax Forwarding—
Forwarding Without Conditions:
1. Press [Additional Functions] from the Keypad.
2. Press [System Settings].
3. Press [Forwarding Settings].
4. Press [Forward w/o Conditions].
5. Press [Forwarding Destination].
6. Choose [Address Book].
7. Choose an e-mail address.
8. Press [OK] twice.
9. Press [Done] three times.