Technical Specifications
Image Sensor 1/3 typ e CMOS (primar y colour filter)
Numbe r of Eective
Scanning Method Progressive
Lens 2.4x opti cal zoom (4x digital zoom) le ns (elec tric drive)
Focal Length 2.55 ( W) – 6.12 mm (T)
F-number F1. 2 (W) – F1.8 ( T)
Viewing Angle For 16:9 a spect ratios :
ay / Night Sw itch Auto / Day Mod e / Night Mode
Min. Subject
cus Auto / One- shot AF / Manual / Fi xed at infinity
Shooting Distance
(from fron t of lens)
Shutter Speed 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/100, 1/120, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000, 1/4000, 1/8000,
Exposure Auto / Auto (Fli ckerless) / Auto (Shutt er-priority AE) / A uto (Aperture- priority AE) /
White Balance Auto / Lig ht Source / Manual
etering Mode Center-Weighted / Average / Spot
Smart Shade Control Auto / Manual / Disable
aze Compensation Auto / Manual / Disable
C Limit 6 levels
Image Stabilizer 2 leve ls (digital)
Motion-Adaptive NR
IR Illumination Range 20 m (65.6 f t.)
Pan Angle Range 360° (±180°)
Tilt Angle Range 90° (-15° – +75°)
otation Angle Range 350° (+220°/-130°)
oving Speed – (Limited to m anual movement)
Video Co mpression
Video Size
Video Quality
Frame Rate
I-Frame Inte rval
Simultaneous Client
Bit Rate Control
Area-specific Data Size
Audio Compression
Approx. 2 .1 million pixels
Horizont al: 122.1° (W ) – 50.1° (T)
Vertical : 65.9° (W) – 2 8.1° (T)
or 4:3 as pect ratios
Horizont al: 89.2° (W ) – 37.5° (T)
Vertical : 65.9° (W) – 2 8.1° (T)
Day Mode (colo ur): 0.035 lux
(F1. 2, shutter spe ed 1/30 sec., S SC o, 50IRE)
Night Mo de (monochrome): 0 lux / 0 .002 lux
(F1. 2, shutter spe ed 1/30 sec., S SC o, 50IRE with I R light on / o)
Smoked D ome fitted (sold sepa rately)
Day Mode (colo ur): 0.07 lux
(F1. 2, shutter spe ed 1/30 sec., S SC o, 50IRE)
Night Mo de (monochrome): 0. 004 lux
(F1. 2, shutter spe ed 1/30 sec., S SC o, 50IRE)
ay Mode: 0. 3 m (12 in.) – infini ty
Night Mo de: 0.3 m (12 in.) – i nfinity
1/10000, 1/16000 sec.
Manual (Shutter Speed, Aperture, Gain)
Light So urce: Daylight Fluo rescent / White Fluo rescent / Warm Fluor escent / Mercur y
amp / Sodi um Lamp / Haloge n Lamp
Manual : One-shot WB/ R Gain/B Gain
9 levels
Auto: 3 levels
Manual : 7 levels
– Brighte ns shaded areas of a v ideo
Auto: 3 levels
Manual : 7 levels
– Camer a is at 0° when attac hed to the ceiling an d facing straigh t down
+: Clockwise
JPEG, H.264
JPEG, H .264: 1 920 x 1080, 96 0 x 540, 480 x 270
JPEG, H .264: 10 leve ls
JPEG: 0. 1 – 30 fps
H.2 64: 1/2/3/5 /6/10/15/3 0 fps
– Values rep resent streamin g performanc e from the camera .
The f rame rate may be redu ced due to Viewer com puter’s specs , the number of clie nts
accessi ng at the same time, n etwork loads, v ideo quality se tting, type or move ment of
the subje ct or other reaso ns.
Maximu m frame rate when us ed in the following co mbinations:
When stre aming H.26 4(1) (1920 x 1 080) and H.2 64(2) (all sizes) simulta neously: 15 fp s
When stre aming H.26 4(1) (all sizes) and H. 264(2) (192 0 x 1080) simulta neously: 15 fp s
When stre aming H.26 4(1) (1280 x 9 60) and H.26 4(2) (1280 x 96 0) simultaneou sly: 15 fps
When stre aming H.26 4(1) (1280 x 7 20) and H.264 (2) (1280 x 720) sim ultaneously : 15 fps
0.5/1/1 .5/2/3/4/5 sec.
Max. 30 Cl ients + 1 Admin Clie nt
– H.26 4: Max. 10 Clien ts
Target Bit Rate: 64/ 128/256/38 4/512/768/ 1024/2048/3072 /409 6/6144/8192/ 10240/1228
8/14336/16384 kbps
Numbe r of Specified Are as: Max. 8 areas
Data Size Re duction Level: 3 leve ls
Camer a Control: Admini strator, Authorized us er, Guest user (leve l of control varies
depending on user)
Access Co ntrol: User autho rity (user name and p assword), Host Ac cess Restrictio ns (IPv4,
Encryp ted Communica tions: SSL/ TLS, IPsec
IPv4, I Pv6, TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP, FT P, SNM Pv1/v2c/v3 (MIB2), D HCP, DNS, AutoIP, mD NS,
(Canon proprietary)
G.71 1 -law (64 kbps)
1280 x 72 0, 640 x 360, 320 x 1 80
1280 x 96 0, 640 x 480, 32 0 x 240
Audio File Playback
Analog v ideo output
Privacy Mask
ntelligent Function
(V ideo)
Intelligent Function
(Au dio)
Event Trigger Type
Image Upload
Event Notification
Log Notification
Image Cropping
On-Screen Display
Daylight Saving Time
Network Terminal
Audio Input Terminal
(common for L INE IN
& M
Audio Output Terminal
External Device I/O
Memor y Card
Installation Method
Power Supply
Power Consumption
Dimensions ( x H) 180 x 145 m m (7.09 x 5.71 i n.)
Weigh t
Impact Resistance
Full-du plex (two-way) – Echo ca ncellation fun ction compliant RTP, Sound Transfer
Protocol by C anon
Availabl e (audio fi les can be played ba ck when an event is trig gered by the intellig ent
functi on or external devi ce input)
– A third-party amplifier speaker is necessary
(Only for ch ecking the came ra angle)
Numbe r of registration: M ax. 8 places, Nu mber of mask colo urs: 1 (select from 9 co lours)
Numbe r of registers: Max . 20 positions (+Home P osition)
Numbe r of Preset Tour Route: Max . 1
Moving Object Detection, Abandoned Object Detection, Removed Object Detection,
Camer a Tamper ing Detection, P assing Detecti on, and Intrusio n Detection
Detecti on Settings: Max . 15
Non-d etection Area Set tings: Availabl e
Volume Dete ction, Scream D etection
External Device Input, Intelligent Function (Video), Intelligent Function (Audio), Timer,
Day/N ight Swi tch
Numbe r of Linked Events: 2
Linked Even t Conditions: OR , AND (whether or no t there is a sequenc e to events)
FTP/HTTP/SMTP (e-mail)
HTTP/SMTP (e-mail)
SM TP (e- mail)
Digital P TZ
Croppin g sizes:
English / Chinese (Simplified) / Japanese
LAN x 1 (RJ 45, 100Bas e-TX (auto / full-dup lex / half-duplex))
3.5 mm (0.14 in.) mini-jack connector (monaural)
LINE IN (con nect to an amplifi er microphone) or M IC IN (connect to a micr ophone w/o
– Switch LIN E IN/MIC IN in the s etting page.
3.5 mm (0.14 in.) mini-jack connector (monaural)
LINE OU T (conne ct to an amplifie r speaker)
Input x 2, O utput x 2
Analog V ideo Output x 1
microSD M emory Card , microSDHC Me mory Card, m icroSDXC Memor y Card Compatib le.
Recorde d Content: Log, V ideo (Event, Man ual, ONVIF, Time r, Upload)
Frame Rate: Max. 1 fps (JPEG)
– To insu re reliability in t he recording sp eed, it is recomm ended to use CL ASS 10 rated
When the h eater unit (sold sepa rately) is installe d
Operating Temperature Range:
AC, PoE+: - 40°C – +55°C (-40° F – +131°F)
Start-up Temperature Range:
AC, PoE+: -3 0°C – +55°C (-22°F – +13 1°F)
– Su nshade cover (sold sep arately) necessa ry when under di rect sun exposure
When the h eater unit (sold sepa rately) is not instal led
AC, DC, P oE+, PoE: -10°C – +5 5°C (+14°F – +13 1°F)
– Sun shade cover (sold sep arately) necessa ry when under di rect sun exposure
5% – 85% (witho ut condensatio n)
Ceiling m ount / Surface m ount
PoE: PoE p ower supply via LA N connector (IE EE802.3at Type1 /Type2 compliant)
AC Adapter: PA-V 18 (100 – 240 V AC) (sol d separately)
Extern al power source: 24 V AC/ 12 V DC
PoE+: Max. a pprox. 12.4 W* 1
PoE: Max . approx. 12.4 W *3
AC Adapter PA-V1 8: Max. ap prox. 15.2 W ( 100 V AC)
DC: Max . approx. 13.8 W
AC: M ax. approx. 12.7 W
*1 Class 4 p ower sourcing equ ipment (request s 30.0 W)
*2 When th e heater unit (sold sep arately) is install ed
*3 Class 0 po wer sourcing equi pment (requests 1 5.4 W)
– Camer a only (excluding Ceili ng Plate)
Approx. 1 850 g (4.08 lb.)
IK10 (20J)
IP66 ra ted
EN5503 2 Class A, FCC par t15 subpart B Cl ass A, ICES-3/ NMB-3 Class A , VCCI
Class A , C-tick AS/NZS EN5 5032 Class A, CN S13438 Clas s A, KN32 Class A ,
EN5502 4, KN35, EN50 581, EN62471
IEC/U L/EN 60950 -1, IEC/UL/ EN 60950-1/-22, E N50130-4 , IEC/UL/EN 6 0529
IP66 , IEC/UL/EN 6 2262 IK10, NE MA 250 Type 4X
64 0 x 360 / 512 x 288 / 38 4 x 216 / 256 x 144 / 12 8 x 72
640 x 48 0 / 512 x 384 / 384 x 2 88 / 256 x 192 / 128 x 9 6
Max. 30 f ps (H.264)
products. Even when using CLASS 10 products, reliability cannot be guaranteed during
heavy ac cess loads (e.g., wh en recording an d deleting data a t the same time).
Max. ap prox. 23.1 W*1 *2
Max. ap prox. 24.1 W*4
Max. ap prox. 15.2W (24 0 V AC)