See“Updating t he software ver s ion and using
CNUT” in the PM P 450 Configurati on and User
1. On the radio G UI, navigate to Configuration,
Unit Settings and select Set to Factory
2. On the radio G UI, navigate to Configuration,
Unit Settings and enable and save option Set to
Factory Defaults Upon Default Plug
Detection. When the unit is powered on with a
default/override plug (see section “Acquiring the
Override Plug” in the PMP 450 Configuration
and User Guide) the radio will be returned to its
factory default settings.
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
License Agreements
High Risk Materials
While reasonable efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of this document, Cambium Networks assumes no
liability resulting from any inaccuracies or omissions in this document, or from use of the informatio n o btained herein.
Cambium reserves the right to make changes to any products described herein to improve reliab ility, function, or design,
and reserves the right to revi s e this document and to make cha nges from time to time in content hereof with no obligation
to notify any person of revisions or changes. Cambium does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use
of any product, software, or circuit described herein; neither does it convey license under its patent rights or the rights of
others. It is possible that this publication may contain references to, or information about Cambium products (machines
and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not
be construed to mean that Cambium intends to announce such Cambium products, programming, or services in your
This document, Cambium products, and 3rd Party Software products described in this document may include or describe
copyrighted Cambium and other 3rd Party supplied computer programs stored in semiconductor memories or other media.
Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Cambium, its licensors, and other 3rd Party supplied software
certain exclusive rights for copyrighted mate rial, including the exclusive right to copy, reproduce in any form, distribute
and make derivative works of the copyrighted material. Accordingly, any copyrighted material of Cambium, its licensors,
or the 3rd Party software supplied material contained in the Cambium products described in this document may not be
copied, reproduced, reverse engineered, distributed, merged or modified in any manner without the express written
permission of Cambium. Furthermore, the purchase of Cambium products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or
by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of Cambium or
other 3rd Party supplied software, except for the normal non-exclusive, royalty free license to use that arises by operation
of law in the sale of a product.
Software and documentation are copyrighted materials. Making unauthorized copies is prohibited by law. No part of the
software or documentation may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any
language or computer language, in any form or by any means, without prior written permission of Cambium.
The software described in this document is the property of Cambium and its licensors. It is furnished by express license
agreement onl y and may be used only in accorda nce with the terms of such an agreement.
Components, units, or 3rd Party products used in the product described herein are NOT fault-tolerant and are NOT
designed, manufactured, or intended for use as on-line control equipment in the following hazardous environment s
requiring fail-safe controls: the operation of Nuclear Facilities, Aircraft Navigation or Aircraft Communicatio n Systems,
Air Traffic Control, Life Support, or Weapons Systems (High Risk Activities). Cambium and its s upplier(s) specifically
disclaim any expressed or implied warranty of fitness for s uch High Risk Act ivities.
This section describes important safety and regulatory guidelines that must be observed by personnel installing or
operating PMP 450 equipment.
Important safety information
To prevent loss of life or physical injury, observe the safety guidelines in this section.
Power lines
Exercise extreme care when working near power lines.
Working at heights
Exercise extreme care when working at heights.
Grounding and protective earth
PMP 450 units must be properly grounded to protect against lightning. It is the user’s responsibility to install the
equipment in accordance with national re gu lations. In the USA, follow Section 810 of the Na tional Electric Code,
ANSI/NFPA No.70-1984 (USA). In Canada, follow Section 54 of the Canadian Electrical Code. These codes
describe correct installation procedures for grounding the outdoor unit, mast, lead-in wire and discharge unit, size of
grounding conductors and connection requirements for grounding electrodes. Other regulations may apply in
different countries and therefore it is recommended that installation of the outdoor unit be contracted to a
professional installer.
Powering down before servicing
Always power down and unplug the equipment before servicing.
Primary disconnect device
The AP or SM unit’s power supply is the primary disconnect device.
External cables
Safety may be compromised if outdoor rated cables are not used for connections that will be exposed to the outdoor
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
RF exposure near the antenna
Radio frequency (RF) fields will be present close to the antenna when the transmitter is on. Always turn off the
power to the PMP 450 uni t before undertaking maintenance activities in front of the a ntenna.
Minimum separation distances
Install the AP/SM so as to provide and maintain the minimum separation distances from all persons.
The minimum separation distances for each frequency variant are specified in Calculated distances and power
compliance margins on page 3-14.
Important regulatory information
The PMP 450 product is certified as an unlicensed device in frequency bands where it is not allowed to cause
interference to licensed services (called primary users of the bands).
Radar avoidance
In countries where radar systems are the primary band users, the regulators have mandated special requirements to
protect these systems from interference caused by unlicensed devices. Unlicensed devices must detect and avoid
co-channel operation with radar systems.
Installers and users must meet all local regulatory requirements for radar detection. To meet these requirements,
users must set the correct Country Code during commissioning of the PMP 450. If this is not done, installers and
users may be liable to civil and criminal penalties.
Contact the Cambium helpdesk if more guidance is required.
USA and Canada specific information
The USA Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has asked manufacturers to implement special features to
prevent interference to radar systems that operate in the 5250-5350 and 5470-5725 MHz bands. These features must
be implemented in all products able to operate outdoors in the UNII band. The use of the 5600 – 5650 MHz band is
prohibited, even with detect-and-avoid functionality implemented.
Manufacturers must ensure that such radio products cannot be configured to operate outside of FCC rules;
specifically it must not be possible to disable or modify the radar protection functions that have b e e n d emonstrated
to the FCC.
In order to comply with these FCC requirements, Cambium supplies variants of the PMP 450 for operation in the
USA or Canada. These variants are only allowed to operate with Country Codes that comply with FCC/IC rule.
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
Contents PMP 450 Planning Guide
PMP 450 module essential information ...............................................................................................................................ii
Safety and regulatory information .................................................................................. iv
Important safety information ....................................................................................................................................... iv
Important regulatory information ................................................................................................................................. v
About This Planning Guide ........................................................................................... 1-4
General information ......................................................................................................................................................... 1-5
Version information .................................................................................................................................................. 1-5
Problems and warranty ..................................................................................................................................................... 1-7
Key features ............................................................................................................................................................ 1-11
System components ................................................................................................................................................ 1-13
Access P oint (AP) .......................................................................................................................................................... 1-15
AP power supply .................................................................................................................................................... 1-19
Radio tab of the AP ................................................................................................................................................ 1-20
Further read ing on the AP ...................................................................................................................................... 1-25
Mounting bra ckets .................................................................................................................................................. 1-26
SM power supply .................................................................................................................................................... 1-26
Further read ing on the SM ...................................................................................................................................... 1-27
Radio tab of the SM ................................................................................................................................................ 1-31
Cabling and lightning protection .................................................................................................................................... 1-36
PMP and lightning protection ................................................................................................................................. 1-36
Time division d uplexing ......................................................................................................................................... 1-37
OFDM and channel bandwidth ............................................................................................................................... 1-37
Link operatio n – Dynamic Rate Adapt ................................................................................................................... 1-38
MIMO ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1-46
Further reading on wireless operation .....................................................................................................................1-46
System management .......................................................................................................................................................1-47
Management a gent ..................................................................................................................................................1-47
Web server ...............................................................................................................................................................1-47
Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) ........................................................................................1-50
Network Time Protocol (NTP) ................................................................................................................................1-51
Further read ing on system mana gement ..................................................................................................................1-53
Conforming to the limits .........................................................................................................................................1-55
Site planning ...................................................................................................................................................................1-65
AP or SM site selection ...........................................................................................................................................1-65
Power supply site selection .....................................................................................................................................1-65
Maximum cable lengths ..........................................................................................................................................1-65
Link planning ..................................................................................................................................................................1-69
Range and obstacles ................................................................................................................................................1-69
Path loss considerations ...........................................................................................................................................1-92
Calculating maximum power level for connectorized AP units ..............................................................................1-92
Understandin g Attenuation ......................................................................................................................................1-92
Calculating Link Lo s s .............................................................................................................................................1-93
Calculating Rx Sig na l Le ve l ....................................................................................................................................1-93
Analyzing the RF Environment ......................................................................................................................................1-94
Analyzing the spectrum ...........................................................................................................................................1-95
Anticipating Reflection of Radio Wa ves .................................................................................................................1-96
Noting Possible Obstructions in the Fresnel Zone ..................................................................................................1-96
Multiple OFDM Access Point Clusters ...................................................................................................................1-97
Planning for c o-location and using the OFDM Frame Calculator Tool ..................................................................1-99
Selecting Sites for Network Elements ........................................................................................................................... 1-102
Clearing the Radio Horizon ................................................................................................................................... 1-103
Calculating the Aim Angles .................................................................................................................................. 1-104
Diagramming Network Layou t s .................................................................................................................................... 1-105
Avoiding Othe r Interference ................................................................................................................................. 1-106
Grounding and lightning protection ............................................................................................................................. 1-107
The need for power surge protection .................................................................................................................... 1-107
Lightning protection zones ................................................................................................................................... 1-108
General protection requirements .......................................................................................................................... 1-109
Protection requirements for a mast or to wer installation ...................................................................................... 1-110
Protection requirements for a wall installation ..................................................................................................... 1-111
Protection requirements on a high rise building ................................................................................................... 1-112
Configuration options for TDD synchroniza t ion ......................................................................................................... 1-115
Dynamic or static addressing ................................................................................................................................ 1-119
DNS Client ........................................................................................................................................................... 1-120
Developing an IP addressing scheme ................................................................................................................... 1-121
Isolating APs from the Internet ............................................................................................................................ 1-127
Managing module access by passwords ............................................................................................................... 1-127
Filtering protocols and ports ................................................................................................................................. 1-131
Port Lockdown ..................................................................................................................................................... 1-134
Filtering management through Ethernet ............................................................................................................... 1-135
Allowing management from only specified IP addresses ..................................................................................... 1-135
Configuring management IP by DHCP ................................................................................................................ 1-135
Planning for a irlink security ................................................................................................................................. 1-136
Planning for RF Telnet Access Control ................................................................................................................ 1-136
PMP 450 component part numbers....................................................................................................................... 1-138
Chapter 2: Legal information ..................................................................................... 2-1
Cambium Networks end user license agreement ............................................................................................................. 2-2
Acceptance of this agreement ................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Grant of license .........................................................................................................................................................2-2
Conditions of use .......................................................................................................................................................2-2
Title and restrictions ..................................................................................................................................................2-3
Right to use Cambium’s name ..................................................................................................................................2-4
Transfer .....................................................................................................................................................................2-4
Limitation of liability ................................................................................................................................................2-5
U.S. government ........................................................................................................................................................2-6
Term of license ..........................................................................................................................................................2-6
Governing law ...........................................................................................................................................................2-6
Survival of provisions ...............................................................................................................................................2-6
Third party software ..................................................................................................................................................2-7
Limit of liability ..............................................................................................................................................................2-11
Chapter 3: Reference information .............................................................................. 3-1
AP specifications .......................................................................................................................................................3-2
SM specifications ......................................................................................................................................................3-7
General wireless specifications ...............................................................................................................................3-10
Data network specifications ............................................................................................................................................3-11
Compliance with safety standards ...................................................................................................................................3-12
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) c ompliance .................................................................................................3-12
Human exposure to radio frequency energy ............................................................................................................3-13
Compliance with radio regulations .................................................................................................................................3-17
Type approvals ........................................................................................................................................................3-17
DFS for 5.4 GHz Radios .........................................................................................................................................3-18
Country Codes and available spectrum ...................................................................................................................3-20
FCC and ICC IDs and certification numbers ...........................................................................................................3-36
Appendix A: Glossary ..................................................................................................... I
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
List of Figures PMP 450 Planning Guide
List of Figures
Figure 1 Line Of Sight Diagram .......................................................................................................................................... 1-12
Figure 2 AP, Radio unit ....................................................................................................................................................... 1-15
Figure 5 AP interfaces - 5 GHz original layout .................................................................................................................... 1-17
Figure 6 AP ground and equilibrium membrane vent ........................................................................................................... 1-18
Figure 7 AP dia gnostic LEDs, viewed from front of the unit ............................................................................................... 1-18
Figure 8 Radio tab of the AP ................................................................................................................................................ 1-20
Figure 9 PMP 450 Series SM................................................................................................................................................ 1-26
Figure 10 SM interfaces ........................................................................................................................................................ 1-27
Figure 11 Connectorized SM ................................................................................................................................................ 1-28
Figure 12 SM diagnostic LEDs, viewed from front of the unit ............................................................................................ 1-29
Figure 13 Radio tab of the SM ............................................................................................................................................. 1-31
Figure 14 Custom Frequency tab of the SM ........................................................................................................................ 1-32
Figure 16 AP web-based management screenshot ................................................................................................................ 1-48
Figure 17 Determinants in Rx signal level ............................................................................................................................ 1-93
Figure 18 Example layout of 16 Access Point sectors (ABCD), 90 degree sectors .............................................................. 1-97
Figure 19 Example layout of 16 Access Point sectors (ABC), 60 degree sectors ................................................................. 1-98
Figure 21 Variables for calculating angle of elevation (and depression) ............................................................................ 1-104
Figure 22 Rolling sphere method to determine the lightning protection zones................................................................... 1-108
Figure 23 Grounding cable minimum bend radius and angle ............................................................................................. 1-109
Figure 24 Grounding and lightning protection on mast or tower ........................................................................................ 1-110
Figure 25 Grounding and lightning protection on wall ....................................................................................................... 1-111
Figure 26 Grounding and lightning protection on building ................................................................................................ 1-114
Figure 27 Grounding and lightning protection inside high building ................................................................................... 1-114
Figure 28 One unsynchronized AP in cluster re s ulting in self-interference ....................................................................... 1-117
Figure 29 GPS timing throughout the network ................................................................................................................... 1-117
Figure 31 Example of IP address in Class B subnet ........................................................................................................... 1-122
Figure 33 AP DFS Status ...................................................................................................................................................... 3-18
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
PMP 450 Planning Guide List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 1 PMP 450 frequency variants .....................................................................................................................................1-14
Table 2 AP interface descriptions and cabling – 2.4 GHz, 3.5 GHz, 5 GHz .........................................................................1-16
Table 3 AP interface descriptions and cabling – 5 GHz original layout ................................................................................1-17
Table 4 AP interface descriptions and cabling – ground lug .................................................................................................1-18
Table 5 AP LED descriptions ................................................................................................................................................1-19
Table 6 AP Radio attributes ..................................................................................................................................................1-21
Table 7 SM Interfaces ............................................................................................................................................................1-28
Table 8 SM diagnostic LED descriptions ..............................................................................................................................1-30
Table 9 SM Radio attributes .................................................................................................................................................1-33
Table 27 Lateral force - metric ..............................................................................................................................................1-66
Table 28 Lateral force - US ...................................................................................................................................................1-67
Table 54 Special case VLAN IDs ....................................................................................................................................... 1-124
Table 55 VLAN filters in point-to-multipoint modules ...................................................................................................... 1-125
Table 57 Identity-based user account permissions - AP ..................................................................................................... 1-128
Table 58 Identity-based user account permissions - SM..................................................................................................... 1-130
Table 59 Ports filtered per protocol selec tions .................................................................................................................... 1-134
Table 60 Device default port numbers ................................................................................................................................ 1-134
Table 68 Power Compliance Margins ................................................................................................................................... 3-15
Table 69 Radio certifications ................................................................................................................................................ 3-17
Table 70 OFDM DFS operation based on Country Code setting.......................................................................................... 3-19
Table 71 Center channel details based on Country Code, 2.4 GHz ...................................................................................... 3-21
Table 72 AP Default combined transmits power per Country Code and Lower/Upper Band Edge Path Max TX Detail, 2.4
Table 73 Center channel details based on Country Code, 3.5 GHz ..................................................................................... 3-23
Table 74 AP default combined transmit power per Country Code – 3.5 GHz band. ............................................................ 3-25
Table 75 Center channel details based on Country Code, 3.6 GHz ..................................................................................... 3-26
Table 76 AP default combined transmit power per Country Code – 3.6 GHz band ............................................................. 3-28
Table 77 Center channel details based on Country Code, 5.4 GHz ...................................................................................... 3-29
Table 78 Center channel details based on Country Code, 5.8 GHz ...................................................................................... 3-30
Table 79 Default combined transmit power per Country Code – 5.4 GHz band .................................................................. 3-31
Table 80 Default combined transmit power per Country Code – 5.8 GHz band .................................................................. 3-34
Table 81 US FCC IDs and Industry Canada Certification Numbers and Covered Configurations ...................................... 3-36
Table 82 Industry Canada approved antenna list .................................................................................................................. 3-43
Table 83 Glossary ....................................................................................................................................................................... I
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
PMP 450 Planning Guide
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
PMP 450 Planning Guide
About This Planning Guide
This guide describes the planning of the Cambium PMP 450 Series of point-to-multipoint wireless equipment
deployment. It i s intended for us e by the system d esigner.
The guide consists of the following chapters:
• 0Product description on page 1-6
• Chapter 1: Planning considerations on page 1-54
• Chapter 2: Legal information on page 2-1
• Chapter 3: Reference information on page 3-1
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
PMP 450 Planning Guide
General information
Version information
The following s hows the issue status of this do cument since it was first released:
Issue Date of issue Remarks
001v000 September 2012 System Release 12.0
002v000 October 2012 Includes additional co-location information
003v000 November 2012 Updated for System Release 12.0 .1
004v000 January 2013 Updated for System Release 12.0.2
008v000 September 2013 Updated for System Release 12.1.2
009v000 December 2013 Updated for System Release 12.2
010v000 February 2014 Updated for System Release 13.0
011v000 March 2014 Updated for System Release 13.1
March 2013 Updated for System Release 12.0.3/
Includes additional performance details (SNR)
June 2013 Updated for System Release 12.1
Contacting Cambium Networks
PMP support website:
Cambium main website:
For full list of Cambium support telephone numbers, see:
Cambium Networks
3800 Golf Road, Suite 360
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
PMP 450 Planning Guide
Product description
This chapter provides a high level description of the PMP 450 product. It describes in general terms the function of
the product, the main product variants and typical deployment. It also describes the main hardware components.
The chapter consists of the following top ic s:
• Overview of PMP 450 on page 1-11: Introduces the key features, typical uses, product variants and
components of the PMP 450.
• Access Poi nt (AP) on page 1-15:Describes the AP and its interfaces
• Subscriber Module (SM) on page 1-26:Describes the SM and its interfaces
• Cabling and lightning protection on page 1-36: Describes the cabling and lightning protection components of a
PMP 450 installation.
• Wireless operation on page 1-37: Descr ibes how the PMP 450 wireless link is operated, including modulation
modes, power control and security.
• System management on page 1-47: Introduces the PMP 450 management system, including the web interface,
installation, configuration, alerts and upgra des.
Cambium Networks Point-To-Multipoint (PMP) documents are intended to instruct and assist personnel in the
operation, installation and maintenance of the Cambium PMP equipment and ancillary devices. It is recommended
that all personnel engaged in such activities be properly trained.
Cambium disclaims all liability whatsoever, implied or express, for any risk of damage, loss or reduction in system
performance arising directly or indirectly out of the failure of the customer, or anyone acting on the customer's
behalf, to abide by the instructions, system parameters, or recommendations made in this document.
Cross references
References to external publications are shown in italics. Other cross references, emphasized in blue text in
electronic versions, are active links to the references.
This document is divided into numbered chapters that are divided into sections. Sections are not numbered, but are
individually named at the top of each page, and are listed in the table of contents.
We appreciate feedback from the users of our documents. This includes feedback on the st ructure, content,
accuracy, or completeness of our documents. Send feedback to email support (see ‘Contacting Cambium
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
PMP 450 Planning Guide
Problems and warranty
Reporting problems
If any problems are encounter e d when installing or operating this equipment, follow this procedure to investigate
and report:
Search this document and the software release notes of supported releases.
Visit the support website.
Ask for assistance from the Cambium product supplier.
Gather information from affected units such as:
• The IP addresses and MAC addresses.
• The software releases.
• The configuration of software features.
• Any available diagnostic downloads.
• CNUT Support Capture Tool information
Escalate the problem by emailing or telephoning support.
See ‘Contacting Cambium Networks’ for URLs, email addresses and telephone numbers.
Repair and service
If unit failure is suspected, obtain details of the Return Material Authorization (RMA) process from the support
Cambium’s standard hardware warranty is for one (1) year from date of shipment from Cambium or a Cambium
distributor. Cambium warrants that hardware will conform to the relevant published specifications and will be free
from material defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service. Cambium shall within this time,
at its own option, either repair or replac e the defective product within thirty (30) days of receipt of the defective
product. Repaired or replaced product will be subject to the original warranty period but not less than thirty (30)
To register PMP products or activate warranties, visit the support website.
Extended warranties are available for PMP products. For warranty assistance, contact the reseller or distributor.
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
PMP 450 Planning Guide
Using non-Cambium parts for repair could damage the equipment and void the warranty. Contact Cambium for
service and repair instructions.
Portions of Cambium equipment may be damaged from exposure to electrostatic discharge. Use precautions to
prevent damage.
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
PMP 450 Planning Guide
Security advice
Cambium Networks systems and equipment provide security parameters that can be configured by the operator
based on their particular operating environment. Cambium recommends setting and using these parameters
following industry recognized security practices. Security aspects to be considered are protecting the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and assets. Assets include the ability to communicate,
information about the nature of the communications, and information about the parties involved.
In certain instances Cambium makes specific recommendations regarding security practices, however the
implementation of these recommendations and final responsibility for the security of t he system lies with the
operator of the system.
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
PMP 450 Planning Guide
Warnings, cautions, and notes
The following d escribes how wa rnings and cautions are used in this document and in all documents of the
Cambium Networks document set.
Warnings precede instructions that contain potentially hazardous situations. Warnings are used to alert the reader to
possible hazards that could cause loss of life or physical injury. A warning has the followin g format:
Warning text and consequence for not following the instructions in the warning.
Cautions precede instructions and are used when there is a possibility of damage to systems, software, or individual
items of equipment within a system. However, this damage presents no danger to personnel. A caution has the
following format:
Caution text and consequence for not followi ng the instructions in the caution.
A note means that there is a possibility of an undesirable situation or provides additional information to help the
reader understand a topic or concept. A note has the following format:
Note text.
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
PMP 450 Planning Guide
Overview of PMP 450
This section introduces the key features, typical uses, product variants and components of the PMP 450.
Cambium PMP 450 Series networks are designed for wireless point-to-multipoint links i n the unlicensed 2.4 GHz,
3.5GHz, 5.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands. Users must ensure that the PMP 450 Series complies with local operating
The PMP 450 Series adds dramatically increased network throughput and capacity. The PMP 450 Series enables
network operators to grow their business by offering more capacity for data, voice and video applications.
Key features
The Cambium PMP 450 Series offers the following benefits:
• Cambium’s highest performing point-to-multipoint solution, with up to 90 Mbps usable throughput
• State-of-the-art MIMO (Multi-In Multi-Out) technology
• Better spectral efficiency than other MIMO alternatives
• Efficient GPS synchronized, scheduled TDD operation for easy Access Point site deployment and performance
that is consistent regardless of subscriber lo a ding
• A range of cost-effective subscriber device solutions to meet the business case of any network application
• MIMO Matrix B: This technique provides for the ability to double the throughput of a radio transmission under
proper RF conditions. Different data streams are transmitted simultaneously on two different anten nas.
nLOS benefits and limitations
In addition to providing LOS (Line-Of-Sight) connectivity, use of OFDM technology can provide nLOS (near LineOf-Sight) connectivity and somet imes NLOS (Non-Line-Of-Sight) conne ctivity:
• LOS: the installer can see the AP from the SM and the first Fresnel zone is clear.
• nLOS: the installer can see the AP from the SM, but a portion of the first Fresnel zone is blocked.
• NLOS: the installer cannot see the AP from the SM and a portion or even much of the first Fresnel zone is
blocked, but subsequent Fresnel zones are open.
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
PMP 450 Planning Guide
Figure 1 Line Of Sight Diagram
Whereas multi-pathing degrades a link in some technologies (FSK, for example), OFDM can often use multipathing to an advantage to overcome nLOS, especially in cases where the Fresnel zone is only partially blocked by
buildings, “urban canyons”, or foliage. OFDM tends to help especially when obstacles are near the middle of the
link, and less so when the obstacles are very near the SM or AP.
However, attenuation through walls and trees is substantial for any use of the 2.4/3.5/5.4/5.8 GHz frequency bands.
Even with OFDM, these products should not be expected to penetrate walls or extensive trees and foliage.
Typical deployment
The PMP 450 Series consists of Access Point Modules and Subscriber Modules. The radio link operates on a single
frequency channel in each direction using Time Division Du plex (TDD).
Applications for the PMP 450 Series include:
• High throughput enterprise applications
• nLOS video surveillance in metro areas
• Urban area network extension
• Network extension into areas with foliage
Greenfield deployment
The PMP 450 Series equipment may be deployed as a standalone network deployment offering a high-speed access
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
PMP 450 Planning Guide
System components
PMP 450 Access Point
•Access Point Module (AP): A connectorized outdoor transceiver unit containing all the radio, networking,
antenna, and surge suppression electronics.
•Access Point Power Supply: An indoor power supply module providing Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) supply to
the Access Point.
•Cabling: Cat 5e cables, grounding cables, and connectors.
PMP 450 Subscriber Module
•Subscriber Module (SM): An integrated-antenna outdoor transceiver unit containing all the radio, antenna,
and networking electronics.
•Subscriber Module Power Supply: An indoor power supply module providing Power-over-Ethernet (PoE)
supply to the Subscriber Module.
•Cabling and lightning protection: Cat 5e cables, grounding cables, connectors and lightning protection (surge
•Connectorized Subscriber Module (CSM): An outdoor transceiver unit containing all of the radio and
network electronics that needs to be mated with a customer supplied external antenna.
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
PMP 450 Planning Guide
Product variants
The PMP 450 Series is available in the following product variants:
Table 1 PMP 450 frequency variants
Variant Region Frequency
2.4 GHz
PMP 450
3.5 GHz
PMP 450
3.6 GHz
PMP 450
PMP 450
PMP 450
FCC ISM Band 2400 – 2483.5 5/10/20
3300 – 3600 5/10/20 Combined
3650 – 3700 5/10/20 Combined
FCC ISM Band 5725 - 5875 5/10/20 US Only –
5470 - 5875 10/20
Transmit power
limited based on
Country Code
Available center
based on
Country Code
Transmit power
limited based on
Country Code
Available center
based on
Country Code
Transmit power
limited based on
Country Code
locked to US
Country Code
EIRP limit of 36
dBm and 5.8GHz Only
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
PMP 450 Planning Guide
Access Point (AP)
The AP is a self-contained unit that houses both radio and networking electronics. The AP is supplied in a
connectorized configuration for use with an exte rnal antenna. Connectorized units with external antennas c an cope
with more difficult radio conditions.
Ethernet communications
(management and data)
Power-over-Ethernet, Ethernet
communications (management and data)
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
RJ11 cable, default plug.
RJ45 cable
PMP 450 Planning Guide
Figure 6 AP ground and equilibrium membrane vent
Equilibrium Membrane
Vent (do not cover)
AP Ground
The ports on the 3.5GHz and 3.6GHz APs are slightly different.
Table 4 AP interface descriptions and cabling – ground lug
Interface Function Cabling
Ground Lug (bottom of unit) For grounding the unit 10 AWG copper wire
AP diagnostic LEDs
The diagnostic LEDs report the follo wing i nformation about the status of the module .
The LED color helps you distinguish position of the LED. The LED color does not indicate any status.
Figure 7 AP diagnostic LEDs, viewed from front of the unit
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
PMP 450 Planning Guide
Table 5 AP LED descriptions
LED Color when active Status informa tion provided Notes
PWR red DC power
SYN/1 yellow Presence of sync Always lit on th e AP.
SES/2 green Unused on the AP
GPS/3 red Pulse of sync
ACT/4 yellow
LNK/5 green Ethernet link
Presence of data activity
on the Ether net link
Always lit when power
is correctly supplied.
Continuously lit as pulse as
AP receives pulse.
Flashes during data
transfer. Frequency of flash
is not a diagnostic
Continuously lit when link
is present.
Network connection
The network connection to a PMP 450 Series AP is made via a 10 BaseT or 100 BaseT Ethernet connection. Power
is provided to the AP over the Ethernet connection using a patented non-standard powering technique.
AP power supply
The AP power supply generates the AP supply voltage (29 VDC) from the external DC source and injects the
supply voltage into the AP.
The power supply is connected to the AP and network equipment using Cat5e cable with RJ45 connectors. See
Cabling and lightning protection on page 1-36.
The PMP 450 AP can use the GigE power injector.
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
PMP 450 Planning Guide
Radio tab of the AP
Figure 8 Radio tab of the AP
pmp-0047 (March 2014)
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