Burkert 8026, SE36, 8036 Quick Start Manual

Type 8026 - 8036 - SE36
Flowmeter and Flow transmitter Durchfluss-Messgerät und Durchfluss-Transmitter Débitmètre et transmetteur de débit
English Deutsch Français
We reserve the right to make technical changes without notice. Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Sous réserve de modifications techniques.
© Bürkert SAS, 2009 - 2018
Operating Instructions 1809/03_EU-ML 00567366 / Original_FR
Type 8026 - 8036 - SE36
1 ABOUT THE QUICKSTART .....................................................................4
1.1 Definition of the word "device" ................................................... 4
1.2 Validity of the quickstart ............................................................... 4
1.3 Symbols used ................................................................................. 4
2 INTENDED USE .............................................................................................5
3 BASIC SAFETY INFORMATION ............................................................6
4 GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................7
4.1 Manufacturer's address and international contacts ...............7
4.2 Warranty conditions ...................................................................... 7
4.3 Information on the Internet ..........................................................7
5 DESCRIPTION OF THE RATING PLATE ............................................8
6 TECHNICAL DATA ........................................................................................9
6.1 Conditions of use .......................................................................... 9
6.2 Conformity to standards and directives ................................... 9
6.3 Dimensions of devices ................................................................. 9
6.4 Materials ........................................................................................10
6.5 Fluid data .......................................................................................12
6.6 Electrical data ...............................................................................14
7 INSTALLATION AND WIRING ..............................................................16
7.1 Safety instructions .......................................................................16
7.2 Installation of a 8026 on a pipe ...............................................16
7.3 Installation of a 8036 on a pipe ...............................................18
7.4 Installation of a flow transmitter SE36 with sensor-fitting
S070 or S077 in a pipe .............................................................19
7.5 Wiring .............................................................................................21
8 ADJUSTMENT AND COMMISSIONING .........................................27
8.1 Safety instructions .......................................................................27
8.2 Knowing the Operating levels ..................................................27
8.3 Using the navigation button ......................................................28
8.4 Using the dynamic functions .....................................................30
8.5 Knowing the display ....................................................................30
8.6 Knowing the process level ........................................................32
8.7 Knowing the configuration level ...............................................34
9 MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING ............................... 41
9.1 Safety instructions .......................................................................41
9.2 If you encounter problems .........................................................41
10 PACKAGING, TRANSPORT .................................................................. 41
11 STORAGE ......................................................................................................41
12 DISPOSAL OF THE DEVICE ................................................................ 42
Type 8026 - 8036 - SE36
About the Quickstart


This quickstart describes the entire life cycle of the device. Please keep this quickstart in a safe place, accessible to all users and any new owners.
This quickstart contains important safety information.
Failure to comply with these instructions can lead to hazardous situations. Pay attention in particular to the chapters „Basic safety information“ and „Intended use“.
▶ Irrespective the version of the device, this quickstart must be
read and understood.
The quickstart explains how to install, adjust, and start-up the device. A detailed description of the device can be found in the related
Operating Instructions available on the internet at: www.burkert.com

1.1 Definition of the word "device"

The word "device" used within this quickstart refers to:
• the Type 8026 flowmeter,
• the Type 8036 flowmeter,
• or the Type SE36 flow transmitter.

1.2 Validity of the quickstart

This quickstart is valid for the following devices:
• Type 8026 flowmeter, from the version V2,
• Type 8036 flowmeter, from the version V2,
• Type SE36 flow transmitter, from the version V2. These informations are available on the rating plate, see chap. 5.
1.3 Symbols used
Warns against an imminent danger.
▶ Failure to observe this warning can result in death or in serious
Warns against a potentially dangerous situation.
▶ Failure to observe this warning can result in serious injury or
even death.
Warns against a possible risk.
▶ Failure to observe this warning can result in substantial or minor
Warns against material damage.
Type 8026 - 8036 - SE36
Intended use
Indicates additional information, advice or important recommendations.
Refers to information contained in this quickstart or in other documents.
▶ Indicates an instruction to be carried out to avoid a danger, a
warning or a possible risk. → Indicates a procedure to be carried out.
Indicates the result of a specific instruction.


Use of the device that does not comply with the instructions could present risks to people, nearby installations and the environment.
Type 8026 flowmeter, Type 8036 flowmeter and Type SE36 flow transmitter associated with a sensor-fitting are intended to measure the flow rate of liquids.
▶ Use this device in compliance with the characteristics and
commissioning and use conditions specified in the contractual
documents and in the Operating Instructions. ▶ Never use this device for security applications. ▶ Protect this device against electromagnetic interference, ultra-
violet rays and, when installed outdoors, the effects of climatic
conditions. ▶ Use this device only if in perfect working order. ▶ Requirements for the safe and proper operation of the device
are proper transport, storage and installation, as well as careful
operation and maintenance. ▶ Only use the device as intended.


This safety information does not take into account any contingencies or occurrences that may arise during installation, use and mainte­nance of the device.
The operating company is responsible for the respect of the local safety regulations including staff safety.
Danger due to electrical voltage.
▶ If a 12...36 V DC or a 14...36 V DC powered version is installed
either in a wet environment or outdoors, all the electrical volt­ages must be of max. 35 V DC.
▶ Disconnect the electrical power for all the conductors and iso-
late it before carrying out work on the system.
▶ Observe all applicable accident protection and safety regula-
tions for electrical equipment.
Danger due to high pressure in the installation.
▶ Stop the circulation of fluid, cut off the pressure and drain the
pipe before loosening the process connections.
Danger due to high temperatures of the fluid.
▶ Use safety gloves to handle the device. ▶ Stop the circulation of fluid and drain the pipe before loosening
the process connections.
Danger due to the nature of the fluid.
▶ Respect the prevailing regulations on accident prevention and
safety relating to the use of dangerous fluids.
Type 8026 - 8036 - SE36
Basic safety information
Various dangerous situations
To avoid injury take care:
▶ not to use the device for the measurement of gas flow rates. ▶ not to use the device in explosive atmospheres. ▶ not to use the device in an environment incompatible with the
materials it is made of. ▶ not to use fluid that is incompatible with the materials the device
is made of. ▶ not to make any modifications to the device. ▶ not to subject the device to mechanical loads. ▶ to prevent any unintentional power supply switch-on. ▶ to carry out the installation and maintenance work by qualified
and skilled staff with the appropriate tools. ▶ to guarantee a defined or controlled restarting of the process,
after a power supply interruption. ▶ to observe the general technical rules when installing and using
the device.
Type 8026 - 8036 - SE36
General information
The device may be damaged by the fluid in contact with.
▶ Systematically check the chemical compatibility of the com-
ponent materials of the device and the fluids likely to come into contact with the materials (for example: alcohols, strong or concentrated acids, aldehydes, alkaline compounds, esters, aliphatic compounds, ketones, halogenated aromatics or hydro­carbons, oxidants and chlorinated agents).
Elements / Components sensitive to electrostatic discharges
▶ This device contains electronic components that are sensitive
to electrostatic discharges. They may be damaged if they are touched by an electrostatically charged person or object. In the worst case scenario, these components are instantly destroyed or go out of order as soon as they are activated.
▶ To minimise or even avoid any damage due to an electro-
static discharge, take all the precautions described in the EN 61340-5-1 norm.
▶ Also make sure that you do not touch any of the live electrical


4.1 Manufacturer's address and international contacts

To contact the manufacturer of the device, use following address: Bürkert SAS Rue du Giessen BP 21 F-67220 TRIEMBACH-AU-VAL You may also contact your local Bürkert sales office. The addresses of our international sales offices are available on the
internet at: www.burkert.com

4.2 Warranty conditions

The condition governing the legal warranty is the conforming use of the device in observance of the operating conditions specified in the Operating Instructions.
4.3 Information on the Internet
You can find the Operating Instructions and technical data sheets for Type 8026, Type 8036 and Type SE36 at: www.burkert.com
Type 8026 - 8036 - SE36
8026 Flow-Meter V2
Description of the rating plate


Supply: 14-36VDC Output: 1x4-20mA 2xTransistors 500 mA Max Cell: HALL INSERTION SHORT Process: Temp -15/100°C PN 10 Bar
Made in France
IP65-IP67 W41MT
Fig. 1: Rating plate of the Type 8026 flowmeter (example)
2 3 4 5 6
1. Type of the device, measured variable and version
2. Power supply
3. Output specifications
4. Type of sensor
5. Fluid temperature range
6. Fluid pressure
7. Allocation of the pins on the M12 fixed connectors
8. Manufacturing code
9. Article number
10. Serial number
11. Conformity marking
12. Protection rating
Type 8026 - 8036 - SE36
Technical data


6.1 Conditions of use

Ambient temperature Air humidity Protection rating
according to IEC / EN 60529
Operating conditions Mobility of the device Use Degree of pollution Installation category Max. height above
sea level
–10...+60 °C < 85%, non condensing IP65 and IP67 with connectors plugged
in and tightened and electronic module cover fully sealed
Continuous Fixed Indoor Degree 2 according to UL / EN 61010-1 Category I according to UL / EN 61010-1 2000 m

6.2 Conformity to standards and directives

The applied standards, which verify conformity with the EU direc­tives, can be found on the EU-type examination certificate and/or the EU declaration of conformity (if applicable).
6.2.1 Conformity to the pressure equipment directive
→ Make sure the device materials are compatible with the fluid. → Make sure the pipe DN and the nominal pressure PN are
adapted for the device.
Type 8026 flowmeter, Type S030, Type S070 and Type S077 fit­tings conform to Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU under the following conditions:
• Device used on a piping (PS = maximum admissible pressure;
DN = nominal diameter of the pipe)
Type of fluid Conditions
Fluid group 1, Article 4, Paragraph 1.c.i DN≤25
Fluid group 2, Article 4, Paragraph 1.c.i
Fluid group 1, Article 4, Paragraph 1.c.ii
Fluid group 2, Article 4, Paragraph 1.c.ii
DN≤32 or PSxDN≤1000
DN≤25 or PSxDN≤2000
DN≤200 or PS≤10 or PSxDN≤5000
6.3 Dimensions of devices
→ Please refer to the technical data sheets related to the device at:
Type 8026 - 8036 - SE36
Technical data
6.4 Materials
Part Material
Box / seals
Cover / seal PC / Silicone
Display module PC / PBT
M12 fixed connector
Fixed connector holder Stainless steel 1.4404 (316L)
Screws Stainless steel
Nut PC
Flow sensor holder / seal (only 8026) Axis and shaft of the paddle wheel (only 8026)
Paddle wheel (only 8026) PVDF
Quarter-turn system (only SE36) PC
Stainless steel 1.4404, PPS / EPDM
Nickel-plated brass (stainless steel on request)
PVDF / FKM (default)
Ceramic (Al
Nickel-plated brass
(or stainless steel)
Stainless steel
Fig. 2: Materials used in the flowmeter 8026
Ceramic (Al
• Materials of the flowmeter 8026 in contact with the fluid: PVDF,
ceramic, FKM (default).
Type 8026 - 8036 - SE36
Technical data
Nickel-plated brass
(or stainless steel)
Stainless steel
Fig. 3: Materials used in the flow transmitter SE36
P (bar)
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
A: Operating range
-10 +10 +30 +50 +70 +90 +110
PVC (PN10)
PP (PN10)
T (°C)
Fig. 4: Fluid temperature / fluid pressure dependency for flowmeter 8026
associated to a fitting S020
Type 8026 - 8036 - SE36
Technical data
6.5 Fluid data
Pipe diameter
Type of fitting
Fluid temperature
• 8026
• 8036 • see the Operating Instructions, delivered with the fitting S030
• SE36 with a fitting S070 or S077 • see the Operating Instructions, delivered with the fitting S070 or S077
Fluid pressure
• 8026
• 8036 • see the Operating Instructions, delivered with the fitting S030
• SE36 with a fitting S070 or S077 • see the Operating Instructions, delivered with the fitting S070 or S077
Type of fluid
• 8026 and 8036 • Neutral or slightly aggressive fluids
• SE36 with fitting S070 or S077 • Viscous fluids, free of solid particles
Fluid viscosity
• 8026 and 8036 • 300 cSt max.
• SE36 with fitting S070 or S077 • see the Operating Instructions, delivered with the fitting S070 or S077
DN06 to DN400; For fitting S020 or S030, the appropriate diameter is determined using the flow rate / DN / fluid velocity graphs: refer to the Operating Instructions of the related fitting
• S020 for flowmeter 8026: see the Operating Instructions of the fitting
• S030 for flowmeter 8036: see the Operating Instructions of the fitting
• S070 or S077 for flow transmitter SE36: see the Operating Instructions of the fitting
• –15...+100 °C; Also factor in the fluid temperature / fluid pressure dependency for the 8026 with fitting S020: see Fig. 4
Also refer to the requirements of the Pressure Equipment Directive: see chap. 6.2.1
• PN10; Also factor in the fluid temperature / fluid pressure dependency for the 8026 with fitting S020: see Fig. 4
Type 8026 - 8036 - SE36
Technical data
Solid particle rate in the fluid
• 8026 and 8036 1 %
• SE36 with fitting S070 or S077 • 0 %
Flow rate measurement for 8026 and 8036
• Measurement range • 0.3...10 m/s
• Linearity • ±0.5 % of the full scale (10 m/s)
• Repeatability • ±0.4 % of the measured value
• Measurement deviation with standard K factor • ±2.5 % of the measured value
• Measurement deviation with a Teach-in procedure • ±1 % of the measured value (at the value of the teach-in flow rate)
Flow rate measurement for SE36 with fitting S070 or S077
Measurement range
- viscosity > 5 mPa.s - S070: 2...1200 I/min
- S077: 2...1200 I/min
- viscosity < 5 mPa.s - S070: 3...616 I/min
- S077: 3...616 I/min
Measurement deviation
- with standard K-factor of the sensor-fitting
- with K-factor determined with a teach-in procedure or with the specific K-factor,
- S070: ±0.5 % of the measured value
- S077: ±1 % of the measured value
- S070: ±0.5 % of the measured value (at the value of the teach-in flow rate)
- S077: ±0.5 % of the measured value (at the value of the teach-in flow rate)
engraved on the fitting
• ±0.03 % of the measured value
Determined in the following reference conditions: fluid = water, water and ambiant temperatures = 20 °C, upstream and downstream dis-
tances respected, appropriate pipe dimensions.
6.6 Electrical data
14...36 V DC power supply version with 2 or 3 outputs (2 wires)
12...36 V DC power supply version with 4 outputs (3 wires)
Specifications of the power source (not supplied) of the UL devices
Current consumption
• version with 2 or 3 outputs (2 wires) • 25 mA max. (at 14 V DC)
• version with 4 outputs (3 wires) • 5 mA max. (at 12 V DC)
Current consumption, with loads on the transistors Power consumption Protection against polarity reversal Protection against voltage spikes Protection against short circuits
• Connection to main supply: permanent (through external SELV and through LPS power supply)
• filtered and regulated
• oscillation rate: ±10 %
• Connection to main supply: permanent (through external SELV and through LPS power supply)
• filtered and regulated
• oscillation rate: ±10 %
• Limited power source according to UL / EN 60950-1 standards
• or limited energy circuit according to UL / EN 61010-1, Paragraph 9.4
1 A max. 40 W max.
yes yes yes, transistor outputs
Type 8026 - 8036 - SE36
Technical data
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