Burkert 2060, 2065, 2061, 2063, 2064 Installation Instructions Manual

Type 2060, 2061, 2063, 2064, 2065
Max. stroke limitation / Min., max. stroke limitation Electrical position indicator / Inductive proximity switch
Max. Hubbegrenzung / Min., max. Hubbegrenzung Elektrischer Stellungsrückmelder / Induktiver Näherungsschalter
Zubehör Accessoires
We reserve the right to make technical changes without notice. Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Sous réserve de modifications techniques.
© Bürkert Werke GmbH & Co. KG, 2017
Operating Instructions 1708/00_EU-ML_00810584 / Original DE
Type 2060, 2061, 2063, 2064, 2065
1 ABOUT THESE INSTRUCTIONS .......................................... 4
1.1 Auxiliary materials ....................................................... 4
1.2 Symbols ....................................................................... 4
2 AUTHORIZED USE ............................................................... 5
3 BASIC SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS .......................................... 5
4 GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................... 6
4.1 Contact addresses ...................................................... 6
4.2 Warranty ...................................................................... 6
4.3 Information on the Internet .......................................... 6
5 OVERVIEW OF OPTIONS ..................................................... 7
5.1 Max stroke limit ........................................................... 7
5.2 Min and max stroke limit ............................................. 7
5.3 Threaded nipple for inductive proximity switch
M12 x 1 ........................................................................ 8
5.4 Mounting bracket for two inductive proximity
switches M12 x 1 ........................................................ 8
5.5 Electrical position indicator Type 8697
(with adaptation) .......................................................... 9
6 OPTION: MAX STROKE LIMIT ............................................. 9
6.1 Before installation ...................................................... 10
6.2 Installation of the max stroke limit ............................. 10
7 OPTION: MIN AND MAX STROKE LIMIT ........................... 11
7.1 Before installation ...................................................... 11
7.2 Installation of the min and max stroke limit,
actuator size D and M ............................................... 12
7.3 Installation of the min and max stroke limit,
actuator size N and P ................................................ 13
8 OPTION: THREADED NIPPLE ............................................ 14
8.1 Tasks before installation ............................................ 15
8.2 Installing the threaded nipple .................................... 15
9 OPTION: MOUNTING BRACKET ........................................ 16
9.1 Tasks before Installation ............................................ 17
9.2 Installing the mounting bracket,
actuator size D and M ............................................... 17
9.3 Installing the mounting bracket,
actuator size N and P ................................................ 19
10 OPTION: POSITION FEEDBACK TYPE 8697 ..................... 21
10.1 Tasks before installation ............................................ 22
10.2 Installing the position feedback,
actuator size D and M ............................................... 22
10.3 Installing the position feedback,
actuator size N and P ................................................ 24
10.4 Electrical installation .................................................. 26
11 ORDER NUMBERS ............................................................. 26
Type 2060, 2061, 2063, 2064, 2065
About these instructions


These installation instructions describe the procedure for instal­lation and start-up of the accessory options of types 2060, 2061, 2063, 2064 and 2065. Keep these instructions ready to hand at the operation site.
Important safety information.
▶ Carefully read these instructions. ▶ Observe the safety instructions and intended use. ▶ Persons, who work on the device, must read and understand
these instructions.
A detailed description of the Types 2060, 2061, 2063, 2064 and 2065 can be found in the operating instructions at: www.burkert.com

1.1 Auxiliary materials

The following auxiliary materials are recommended in these instructions for assembly:
Type of auxiliary
Sealer and anti­seize agents
Liquid adhesive LOCTITE 274 Henkel Loctite
Tab. 1: Auxiliary materials
Designation Manufacturer
Multi-Silikonfett OKS 1110
OKS Schmierstoe GmbH www.oks-germany.com
Deutschland GmbH www.loctite.de

1.2 Symbols

Warns of an immediate danger!
▶ Failure to observe the warning will result in fatal or serious
Warns of a potentially dangerous situation!
▶ Failure to observe the warning may result in serious injuries or
Warns of a potential danger!
▶ Failure to observe the warning may result in a moderate or
minor injury.
Warns of damage!
Important information, tips and recommendations.
Refers to information in these operating instructions or in other documentation.
Designates an instruction which you must follow to prevent a hazard.
Designates a procedure which you must carry out.
Type 2060, 2061, 2063, 2064, 2065
Authorized use


The actuators and their accessory parts must only be used
for the specic applications provided for and described in the
relevant operating instructions, and only in combination with third-party devices and components that are recommended and/or authorized by Bürkert. Any other or more extensive usage is considered contrary to authorized use. Follow the directions and conditions of use of these installation
instructions as well as the authorized data specied in the
operating instructions and on the rating plates of the compo­nents that are used. Correct transportation, proper storage and installation, and careful operation and maintenance are essential for ensuring problem-free and reliable operation of the devices.


These safety instructions do not consider any contingencies or incidents which occur during assembly, operation and maintenance.
The operator is responsible for observing the location-specic safety
regulations, also with reference to the personnel.
Risk of injury from high pressure and discharge of medium.
Before working on the system or device, switch o the pres-
sure and vent or drain lines.
Risk of injury from electric shock.
Before working on the device or system, switch o the
power supply and secure to prevent reactivation.
▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regula-
tions for electrical equipment.
Risk of injury from ejected parts.
The actuators contain tensioned springs. If the actuator housing is opened, there is a risk of injury from the spring jumping out.
▶ Do not open actuator housing.
Type 2060, 2061, 2063, 2064, 2065
General information
General hazardous situations.
To prevent injury, ensure the following:
▶ Operate the device only in perfect state and in consideration
of the operating instructions.
▶ Do not transport, install or remove heavy devices without
the aid of a second person and using suitable auxiliary equipment.
▶ Secure device or system to prevent unintentional activation. ▶ Only trained technicians may perform installation and main-
tenance work.
▶ Install the device according to the regulations applicable in
the country.
▶ After an interruption in the power supply, ensure that the
process is restarted in a controlled manner.
▶ Observe the general rules of technology.


4.1 Contact addresses

Bürkert Fluid Control Systems Sales Center Christian-Bürkert-Str. 13-17 D-74653 Ingelngen Tel. + 49 (0) 7940 - 10-91 111 Fax + 49 (0) 7940 - 10-91 448 E-mail: info@burkert.com
Contact addresses can be found on the nal pages of the printed
operating instructions.
And also on the Internet at: www.burkert.com

4.2 Warranty

The warranty is only valid if the device is used as intended in accor-
dance with the specied application conditions.

4.3 Information on the Internet

The operating instructions and data sheets for Bürkert products can be found on the Internet at: www.burkert.com
Type 2060, 2061, 2063, 2064, 2065
Overview of options


5.1 Max stroke limit

Actuator size D (50 mm), M (70 mm)
Special feature:
• to limit the upper end position
• for control function A only
Actuator size N (90 mm), P (130 mm)
Special feature:
• to limit the upper end position
• for control function A only
Tab. 2: Max stroke limit

5.2 Min and max stroke limit

Actuator size D (50 mm), M (70 mm)
Special feature:
• to limit the upper and lower end
• with optical position indicator
for incoming ow under seat only
Actuator size N (90 mm), P (130 mm)
Special feature:
• to limit the upper and lower end
• with optical position indicator
for incoming ow under seat only
• pilot pressure reduction for actuator
size P (130) with control function I
Tab. 3: Min and max stroke limit
Type 2060, 2061, 2063, 2064, 2065
Overview of options

5.3 Threaded nipple for inductive proximity switch M12 x 1

Actuator size D (50 mm), M (70 mm)
Special feature:
• for control function A only
• for upper end position feedback
Actuator size N (90 mm), P (130mm)
Special feature:
• for control function A only
• for upper end position feedback
Tab. 4: Threaded nipple for inductive proximity switch M12 x 1

5.4 Mounting bracket for two inductive proximity switches M12 x 1

Actuator size D (50 mm), M (70 mm)
Special feature:
• upper and lower end position
Actuator size N (90 mm), P (130 mm)
Special feature:
• upper and lower end position
Tab. 5: Mounting bracket for two inductive proximity
switches M12 x 1
Type 2060, 2061, 2063, 2064, 2065
Option: max stroke limit

5.5 Electrical position indicator Type 8697 (with adaptation)

Actuator size D (50 mm), M (70 mm)
Special feature:
Tab. 6: Electrical position indicator Type 8697 (with adaptation)
• upper and lower end
position feedback
• with optical position
Actuator size N (90 mm), P (130 mm)
Special feature:
• upper and lower end
position feedback
• with optical position


Risk of injury from forcibly ejected parts.
If this option is used with incoming medium ow over seat,
there is a danger that parts of the device could be forcibly ejected by strong opening impacts.
Use the option with incoming ow under seat only.
Use the max stroke limit option only with:
• Control function A.
Transparent cap
Position indicator
Actuator cover
Spindle extension
Fig. 1: Description of the parts, actuator size D, M, N and P
Pilot air port 2
Pilot air port 1
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