Brooks Instrument 0254 User Manual

Installation and Operation Manual
X-SE-0254-eng Part Number: 541B129AAG September, 2010
Gas and Liquid Mass Flow Secondary Electronics
Model 0254
Table Top Four Channel
Secondary Electronics
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B129AAG
Model 0254
September, 2010
Essential Instructions
Read before proceeding!
Brooks Instrument designs, manufactures and tests its products to meet many national and international standards. These products must be properly installed, operated and maintained to ensure they continue to operate within their normal specifications. The following instructions must be adhered to and integrated into your safety program when installing, operating and maintaining Brooks Instrument products.
To ensure proper performance, use qualified personnel to install, operate, update, program and maintain the product.
Read all instructions prior to installing, operating and servicing the product. If this instruction manual is not the correct manual, please see back cover for local sales office contact information. Save this instruction manual for future reference.
WARNING: Do not operate this instrument in excess of the specifications listed in the Instruction and Operation Manual. Failure to heed
this warning can result in serious personal injury and / or damage to the equipment.
If you do not understand any of the instructions, contact your Brooks Instrument representative for clarification.
Follow all warnings, cautions and instructions marked on and supplied with the product.
Install your equipment as specified in the installation instructions of the appropriate instruction manual and per applicable local and national codes. Connect all products to the proper electrical and pressure sources.
Operation: (1) Slowly initiate flow into the system. Open process valves slowly to avoid flow surges. (2) Check for leaks around the flow meter inlet and outlet connections. If no leaks are present, bring the system up to the operating pressure.
Please make sure that the process line pressure is removed prior to service. When replacement parts are required, ensure that qualified people use replacement parts specified by Brooks Instrument. Unauthorized parts and procedures can affect the product's performance and place the safe operation of your process at risk. Look-alike substitutions may result in fire, electrical hazards or improper operation.
Ensure that all equipment doors are closed and protective covers are in place to prevent electrical shock and personal injury, except when maintenance is being performed by qualified persons.
WARNING: For liquid flow devices, if the inlet and outlet valves adjacent to the devices are to be closed for any reason, the devices must
be completely drained. Failure to do so may result in thermal expansion of the liquid that can rupture the device and may cause personal injury.
European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)
All pressure equipment with an internal pressure greater than 0.5 bar (g) and a size larger than 25mm or 1" (inch) falls under the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED).
The Specifications Section of this manual contains instructions related to the PED directive.
Meters described in this manual are in compliance with EN directive 97/23/EC.
All Brooks Instrument Flowmeters fall under fluid group 1.
Meters larger than 25mm or 1" (inch) are in compliance with PED category I, II or III.
Meters of 25mm or 1" (inch) or smaller are Sound Engineering Practice (SEP).
European Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
The Brooks Instrument (electric/electronic) equipment bearing the CE mark has been successfully tested to the regulations of the Electro Magnetic Compatibility (2004/108/EC (EMC directive 89/336/EEC)). Special attention however is required when selecting the signal cable to be used with CE marked equipment.
Quality of the signal cable, cable glands and connectors:
Brooks Instrument supplies high quality cable(s) which meets the specifications for CE certification. If you provide your own signal cable you should use a cable which is overall completely screened with a 100% shield. “D” or “Circular” type connectors used should be shielded with a metal shield. If applicable, metal cable glands must be used providing cable screen clamping. The cable screen should be connected to the metal shell or gland and shielded at both ends over 360 Degrees. The shield should be terminated to an earth ground. Card Edge Connectors are standard non-metallic. The cables used must be screened with 100% shield to comply with CE certification. The shield should be terminated to an earth ground. For pin configuration : Please refer to the enclosed Instruction Manual.
ESD (Electrostatic Discharge)
CAUTION: This instrument contains electronic components that are susceptible to damage by static electricity. Proper handling procedures must be observed during the removal, installation or other handling of internal circuit boards or devices. Handling Procedure:
1. Power to unit must be removed.
2. Personnel must be grounded, via a wrist strap or other safe, suitable means before any printed circuit card or other internal device is installed,
removed or adjusted.
3. Printed circuit cards must be transported in a conductive container. Boards must not be removed from protective enclosure until immediately before
installation. Removed boards must immediately be placed in protective container for transport, storage or return to factory.
This instrument is not unique in its content of ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive components. Most modern electronic designs contain components that utilize metal oxide technology (NMOS, SMOS, etc.). Experience has proven that even small amounts of static electricity can damage or destroy these devices. Damaged components, even though they appear to function properly, exhibit early failure.
Installation and Operation Manual
X-SE-0254-eng Part Number: 541B129AAG September, 2010
Dear Customer, We appreciate this opportunity to service your flow measurement and control requirements with a Brooks
Instrument device. Every day , flow customers all over the world turn to Brooks Instrument for solutions to their gas and liquid low-flow applications. Brooks provides an array of flow measurement and control products for various industries from biopharmaceuticals, oil and gas, fuel cell research and chemicals, to medical devices, analytical instrumentation, semiconductor manufacturing, and more.
The Brooks product you have just received is of the highest quality available, offering superior performance, reliability and value to the user. It is designed with the ever changing process conditions, accuracy requirements and hostile process environments in mind to provide you with a lifetime of dependable service.
We recommend that you read this manual in its entirety. Should you require any additional information concerning Brooks products and services, please contact your local Brooks Sales and Service Office listed on the back cover of this manual or visit
Y ours sincerely , Brooks Instrument
Model 0254
Model 0254
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B129AAG
September, 2010
Installation and Operation Manual
X-SE-0254-eng Part Number: 541B129AAG September, 2010
Paragraph Page Number Number
Section 1 Introduction
1-1 Description .................................................................................................................................1-1
1-1-1 Architecture................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1-1-2 Communication .......................................................................................................................... 1-1
1-1-3 Process Controls ....................................................................................................................... 1-1
1-1-4 Operator Controls and Indicators............................................................................................... 1-2
1-1-5 Diagnostic Capabilities...............................................................................................................1-2
1-2 Specifications............................................................................................................................. 1-2
1-3 Signal Wiring..............................................................................................................................1-6
1-4 Optional Equipment ................................................................................................................... 1-7
1-4-1 Mounting Kit Options..................................................................................................................1-7
1-4-2 Power Supply Output V oltage Options....................................................................................... 1-7
1-4-3 Input/Output Signal Adapters ..................................................................................................... 1-7
Section 2 Installation
2-1 General ...................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2-2 Receipt of Equipment................................................................................................................. 2-1
2-3 Recommended S torage Practice ............................................................................................... 2-1
2-4 Return Shipment........................................................................................................................2-2
2-5 Transit Precautions .................................................................................................................... 2-2
2-6 Removal from Storage ............................................................................................................... 2-2
2-7 Ventilation and Mounting Requirements ....................................................................................2-2
2-8 Cleaning Instructions ................................................................................................................. 2-2
2-9 Cable Requirements .................................................................................................................. 2-3
2-10 Installation Instructions .............................................................................................................. 2-3
2-10-1 Panel Mount Installation Instructions .........................................................................................2-3
2-10-2 Table Top S tand Assembly Instructions...................................................................................... 2-5
2-10-3 Retrofit to Model 0152/0154 Table Top Housing ........................................................................ 2-6
2-10-4 19-in. Rack Assembly and Installation Instructions.................................................................... 2-7
Model 0254
Section 3 Operation
3-1 Home Screen............................................................................................................................. 3-1
3-2 Operating Controls.....................................................................................................................
3-2-1 Primary Functions ......................................................................................................................3-2
3-2-2 Key Functions ............................................................................................................................3-3
3-3 Navigation .................................................................................................................................. 3-4
3-3-1 Display or Instrument Configuration Screen Selection............................................................... 3-5
3-3-2 User Interface Screen Map........................................................................................................ 3-6
3-4 Process V alues (PV) and Setpoint s (SP)................................................................................... 3-7
3-4-1 PV-SP Measures and S t atus...................................................................................................... 3-7
3-4-2 PV-SP Configuration ..................................................................................................................3-8
3-4-3 Value Programming ...................................................................................................................3-9
3-5 Global Settings.......................................................................................................................... 3-12
3-5-1 Global Information.....................................................................................................................3-12
3-5-2 Global System Power................................................................................................................ 3-13
3-5-3 Global Control Services ............................................................................................................ 3-14
3-5-4 Global Communication..............................................................................................................3-15
3-6 Instrument Configuration and Control ....................................................................................... 3-15
3-6-1 Rate (Setpoint) Control ............................................................................................................. 3-15
Model 0254
Paragraph Page Number Number
3-6-2 PV Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 3-17
3-6-3 Batch Control ............................................................................................................................ 3-18
Appendix A Engineering Units
Available Engineering Units .......................................................................................................A-1
Appendix B Blending Examples
Examples 1 through 6 ................................................................................................................B-1
Appendix C Serial Communications Protocol
C-1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................C-1
C-2 Communication Settings............................................................................................................. C-1
C-2-1 RS-232 Port Settings.................................................................................................................. C-1
C-2-2 Hyperterminal Setup ................................................................................................................... C-2
C- 3 Serial Command Organization ....................................................................................................C-4
C-3-1 Command Structures ..................................................................................................................C-4
C-3-2 Command Addressing................................................................................................................. C-5
C- 4 Command Operation................................................................................................................... C-6
C-4-1 General Commands .................................................................................................................... C-6
C-4-1-1 Command Synchronize .............................................................................................................. C-6
C-4-1-2 Menu Command ......................................................................................................................... C-6
C-4-1-3 View Programmed Channel Port Values ..................................................................................... C-7
C-4-1-4 Identify Command....................................................................................................................... C-7
C-4-1-5 Message Serial Character Pacing Controls ................................................................................ C- 8
C-4-1-6 Serial Message Error Control...................................................................................................... C-9
C-4-2 Channel Input Port Commands .................................................................................................. C-10
C-4-2-1 Measured Channel Values Command........................................................................................C-10
C-4-2-2 Send Channel Input Port Programmed V alues........................................................................... C-11
C-4-2-3 Program Channel Input Port V alues........................................................................................... C-12
C-4-2-4 Clear Accumulated Values......................................................................................................... C-12
C-4-3 Channel Output Port Control Commands ................................................................................... C-12
C-4-3-1 Channel Control Output Port V alues .......................................................................................... C-12
C-4-3-2 Batch and Blend Control Commands......................................................................................... C-13
C-4-4 Global Settings Services............................................................................................................C-15
C-4-4-1 Global Setting V alues
C-4-4-2 Set Global Settings Values ........................................................................................................ C-15
C-4-5 Communication Message Basics ..............................................................................................C-15
C-4-5-1 Message Structure ....................................................................................................................C-16
C-4-5-2 Message Format .......................................................................................................................C-16
C- 5 Serial Value Programming ......................................................................................................... C-17
C-5-1 Read a Programmed Value ........................................................................................................C-17
C-5-2 Program a New Value ................................................................................................................C-18
C-5-3 Channel Input Port Values ......................................................................................................... C-19
C-5-4 Channel Output Port Values ...................................................................................................... C-21
C-5-5 Global Setting Values ................................................................................................................ C-22
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B129AAG
September, 2010
Installation and Operation Manual
X-SE-0254-eng Part Number: 541B129AAG September, 2010
Appendix D CE Certification
Essential Instructions .................................................................................................................D-1
Warranty, Local Sales/Service Contact Information...................................................................... Back Cover
Figure Page Number Number
1-1 Model 0254 Signal Wiring ..........................................................................................................1-6
2-1 Panel Mount Cut-Out Dimensions ............................................................................................. 2-4
2-2 T able Top Stand Mount Installation ............................................................................................2-5
2-3 Power Supply Bracket and Bezel ............................................................................................... 2-8
2-4 Rack Installation.........................................................................................................................2-9
3-1 Home Screen............................................................................................................................. 3-1
3-2 User Interface Screen Map ........................................................................................................ 3-6
Model 0254
Table Page Number Number
3-1 Display Home Screen Fields...................................................................................................... 3-2
Model 0254
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B129AAG
September, 2010
Installation and Operation Manual
X-SE-0254-eng Part Number: 541B129AAG September, 2010
1-1 Description
Section 1 Introduction
Model 0254
The Brooks Model 0254 is a versatile full-featured measurement and control process instrument, with precision multiple channel capabilities. The architecture supports a wide range of operating capabilities organized to meet the requirements of nearly any high-accuracy measurement and control application.
This system suits applications requiring advanced multiple channel operation. It provides control services including rate, batch, and proportional blending.
The system is all digital, based on microcomputer technology. There is no power switch to be left off, no feature selection switches or jumpers, and no analog trimming potentiometers.
It employs surface mount technology and incorporates floating-point digital signal processing arithmetic. Built-in test capabilities enable simple installation, and extensive self-tests ensures long-term operating reliability . The rugged package is modular , providing an ideal solution for use in demanding applications and tough environments. Options are available for panel mount, rack mount, and desktop.
1-1-1 Architecture
1-1-2 Communication
1-1-3 Process Controls
The system is built on the basics of a multiple-port based architecture, modularly organized, which are combined as channels, able to meet present and future instrumentation requirements.
Channels provide for value measurements and quantity accumulation, rate measurements, scalar measurements, supported by value scaling for process voltage and current process signals. Signal acquisition uses digital signal processing rejecting ambient noise and interference.
The communication facilities provide for data acquisition, command, and control functions, supporting configuration programming and information gathering.
Totalizer , batch, and proportional blending are readily achieved using the front panel key controls or serial commands.
Section 1 Introduction
Model 0254
1-1-4 Operator Controls and Indicators
1-1-5 Diagnostic Capabilities
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B129AAG
September, 2010
Operation may be completely controlled from its integral eight-key pad used to view operation and programmed operating values. Key activations are single touch with hold-and-repeat capability . The front panel key p ad provides splash proofing and environment protection.
The 0254 primary indicator is its large back lit liquid crystal graphic display
- visible at a distance even in low light conditions - to view values, support programming operations, and indicate process state information. A user­selectable audio indicator annunciates key activations.
Powerful automatic diagnostics support easy installation and ensure a trouble-free operating life. Tests include memory facility scans, channel input-output status, and communication status.
1-2 Specifications
Programmable Control and Measurement Functions
Four independent channels. Rate, Batch, Blend, Measure: 0.000 to 999999 Blend Ratio Percent: 0.000 to 999.999 T ot alizer: 0.000 to 19,999,999,999 Gas Correction Factor: 0.000 to 999.999 Measurement Engineering Units: Refer to Appendix A. Time Base: day, hrs, min, sec, none Decimal Point : X. to X.XXX
V alve Override: Normal, Open, Closed Input and Output Signal Selection: Volt s or mA, independent, mix or match Input and Output Full Scale Setting: Independent, 0.000 to 999,999 Setpoint Source: Keypad or RS232
Installation and Operation Manual
X-SE-0254-eng Part Number: 541B129AAG September, 2010
Section 1 Introduction
Model 0254
Measurement and Setpoint Accuracy
0.090% of Full Scale
Electrical Specifications
Input Electrical Characteristics
V oltage Input: 0–5, 0-10, 1–5, 2–10 V V olts Input Impedance: 10 K Ohms Current Input: 0–20, 4–20 mA Current Input Impedance: 100 Ohms
Output Electrical Characteristics
V oltage Output: 0–5, 0–10, 1–5, 2–10 V V oltage Output Load: 2 K Ohms minimum Current Output: 0–20, 4–20 mA Current Output Load: 0–375 Ohms
Voltage Compensation
Voltage I/O signals are compensated to correct for volt age drop in the power return circuit of the attached wiring
V alve Override (VOR) Output
Normal: Open circuit Open: 8.0 V @ 4 mA Closed: –4.0 V @ 4 mA
Channel Connectors (4)
15-pin female D Provides signal and power to connected devices
Serial Port
EIA-TIA232D full duplex D9S Load 4.7 K max Baud Rate = 9600
Section 1 Introduction
Model 0254
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B129AAG
September, 2010
Power for Model 0254 and Connected Equipment
Power Supply Requirements
Required: 12–24 Vdc, 2 Amp s Additional permitted: –15 Vdc, 1 Amp DC +/- 5% Supply voltage flucuations up to +/- 10% Max current draw per channel : 400 mA Instrument power draw: 0.8 W Power Connector: 9-pin female D, 5 A rated
Optional Power Supply Modules (available from Brooks)
• +15 Vdc/2 A, –15 Vdc/1 A, 100–240 Vac, 47–63 Hz
• +24 Vdc/2.5 A, 100–240 Vac, 47–63 Hz
Graphic Display
8-line x 40-character LCD display with backlight
Programmable Display Configuration
Two lines per channel Line 1, Process V ariable: Rate, Total, or Signal Line 2, Setpoint: Rate, Batch, Blend, or Signal Off: Unused individual lines can be turned off
Keypad/Display Window
8-Key Metal Dome Tactile with Selectable Audio Beep
Construction: S plash proof and chemically resistant Hot Keys for Instant Access: Setpoint (rate, batch, blend), VOR,
Emergency Stop Key Functionality: Full operation and programming capability (refer to
Figure 3-2 on p. 3-6)
Global Settings
Settings applied to all four channels
V ersion/Check Sum: Factory-installed firmware information Factory Setting: Allows reset of all channels to factory configuration
System Power
Key selectable power down, power up
Installation and Operation Manual
X-SE-0254-eng Part Number: 541B129AAG September, 2010
Section 1 Introduction
Model 0254
Control Service Settings
Audio Beep: Selectable audible keystroke, 2 kHz Leading Zero Suppress: Selectable leading zero suppression on display Power Setpoint Clear: Selectable memory retention for Setpoint/VOR
Network Address
Unique factory set identifier
Operating: 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C); 0 to 95% non-condensing Ship Storage: –40 to 185°F (–40 to 85°C); 0 to 95% non-condensing
15 min typ to rated accuracy
Data Reliability
Data Retention: Non-volatile RAM/ROM, 100 year retention Self-Diagnostics: On power up, memory checksum, communications,
system status, display and keypad operation
Material: ABS Cycolac Resin FR23 Weight: 1.4 lbs (635 g) Panel Cut-Out: 7.67 x 4.275 in., 0.125 in. radius maximum
(194.8 x 108.6 m, 3.2 m radius maximum); 0.25 in. (6.35 mm) maximum panel thickness with optional panel mount kit
CE Mark: EN61326-1 FCC: Part 15 Class A, Part 68 RoHS: EPD 2002/95/EC, 01Jul2006 UL: UL 61010 Electrical Safety for General Purpose Indoor Use; Altitude up to 2000 m; RA TED POLLUTION Degree 2
Section 1 Introduction
Model 0254
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B129AAG
September, 2010
Mounting Options
Panel Mount Kit: Brackets accept panel thickness up to 0.25 in. (6.35 mm) T able T op Kit: W eighted base with fixed tilt for easy viewing Rack Mount Kit: Hardware for mounting the Model 0254 and optional power
supply into 19-in. sub-rack. Rack Mount Kit with 19-in. sub-rack: 19-in. sub-rack included with Rack
Mount Kit Retrofit Applications, Model 0152/0154: Rack Mount Kit will adapt the
Model 0254 and power supply to the table top enclosure used for the Model 0152/0154
Full communications capability for remote readout setpoint, control, programming, and data acquisition
1-3 Signal Wiring
1) The following nodes are directly connected inside the 0254: Pin 12 (COM PWR) of each DA15S channel Pin 5 (GND) of the SERIAL PORT connector Pins 1,2 and 6 (GND) of the +12-24 Vdc 9-Pin SUB D connector All hex shield screwlocks for all SUB-D connectors
2) For each DA15S channel, Pins 6 (CMD RTN) and 8 (RATE RTN) are directly connected, are connected via approximately 10KΩ to Pin 12 (COM PWR) Pins 6 and 8 are not directly connected between channels
3) For all connectors, all unlisted pins are not internally connected
Figure 1-1 Model 0254 Signal Wiring
Installation and Operation Manual
X-SE-0254-eng Part Number: 541B129AAG September, 2010
1-4 Optional Equipment
1-4-1 Mounting Kit Options
1-4-2 Power Supply Options
Section 1 Introduction
Model 0254
The Model 0254 can be mounted using the following kits:
• Panel Mount Kit
• T able Top Kit
• Rack Mount Kit
• Rack Mount Kit with 19-in. Rack
The Model 0254 supports the following power supply options:
1-4-3 Input/Output Pin-Out Adapters
• Factory supplied: +15 Vdc/2 A, –15 Vdc/1 A, 100–240 Vac, 47–63 Hz
• Factory supplied: +24 Vdc/2.5 A, 100–240 Vac, 47–63 Hz
• User supplied: 12–24 Vdc into 9-pin D connector, 5 A rated
The Model 0254 has four 15-pin female D-channel connectors. The pin configuration is compatible with standard Brooks 0(4)-20 mA cables.
An optional pin-out adapter kit with four adapters is available for use with Brooks 0(1)-5 Vdc cables.
Section 1 Introduction
Model 0254
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B129AAG
September, 2010
X-SE-0254-eng Part Number: 541B129AAG September, 2010
2-1 General
2-2 Receipt of Equipment
Section 2 InstallationInstallation and Operation Manual
Model 0254
This section provides installation instructions for the Model 0254 Gas and Liquid Mass Flow Secondary Electronics device.
When the instrument is received, the outside packing case should be checked for damage incurred during shipment. If the packing case is damaged, the local carrier should be notified at once regarding his liability . A report should be submitted to your nearest Product Service Department.
Brooks Instrument
407 W. V ine Street P.O. Box 903 Hatfield, PA 19440 USA Toll Free (888) 554 FLOW (3569) Tel (215) 362 3700 Fax (215) 362 3745 E-m ail: BrooksAm
2-3 Recommended Storage Practice
Brooks Instrument Brooks Instrument
Neonstraat 3 1-4-4 Kitasuna Koto-Ku 6718 WX Ede, Netherlands Tokyo, 136-0073 Japan P.O. Box 428 Tel +81 (0) 3 5633 7100 6710 BK Ede, Netherlands Fax +81 (0) 3 5633 7101 Tel +31 (0) 318 549 300 Email: Fax +31 (0) 318 549 309
Remove the envelope containing the packing list. Carefully remove the instrument from the packing case. Make sure spare part s are not discarded with the packing materials. Inspect for damaged or missing parts.
If intermediate or long-term storage of equipment is required, it is recommended that the equipment be stored in accordance with the following:
• Within the original shipping container.
• Stored in a sheltered area, preferably a warm, dry, heated warehouse.
• –40 to 185°F (–40 to 85°C); 0 to 95% non-condensing.
• Upon removal from storage, a visual inspection should be conducted to verify the condition of equipment is "as received".
Section 2 Installation Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B129AAG
Model 0254
2-4 Return Shipment
Prior to returning any instrument to the factory, cont act your nearest Brooks location for a Return Materials Authorization Number (RMA#). This can be obtained from one of the following locations:
Brooks Instrument
407 W. Vi ne Street P.O. Box 903 Hatfield, PA 19440 USA Toll Free (888) 554 FLOW (3569) Tel (215) 362 3700 Fax (215) 362 3745 E- mail: BrooksA
Brooks Instrument Brooks Instrument
Neonstraat 3 1-4-4 Kitasuna Koto-Ku 6718 WX Ede, Netherlands Tokyo, 136-0073 Japan P.O. Box 428 Tel +81 (0) 3 5633 7100 6710 BK Ede, Netherlands Fax +81 (0) 3 5633 7101 Tel +31 (0) 318 549 300 Email: Fax +31 (0) 318 549 309 E-mail:
September, 2010
2-5 Transit Precautions
To safeguard against damage during transit, transport the instrument to the installation site in the same container used for transportation from the factory if circumstances permit.
2-6 Removal from Storage
Upon removal from storage, a visual inspection should be conducted to verify the condition of the equipment is “as received.”
2-7 Ventilation and Mounting Requirements
Because of the low power consumption of the Model 0254, it does not have ventilation requirements. However , the ambient temperature surrounding the Model 0254 should not exeed 122°F (50°C). The optional power supply modules are also ventilation-free and limited to an ambient temperature of 122°F (50°C).
2-8 Cleaning Instructions
Do not use cleaning agents other than water because this might affect color and marking of the equipment.
Use a clean, soft and damp cloth for cleaning.
X-SE-0254-eng Part Number: 541B129AAG September, 2010
2-9 Cable Requirements
2-10 Installation Instructions
Section 2 InstallationInstallation and Operation Manual
Model 0254
For compliance with the EMC directive 89/336/EEC, the equipment has to be installed with shielded signal cables which are overall completely screened with a shield of at least 80%. Sub-D connectors used must be shielded with a metal shield. The cable screen should be connected to the metal shell and shielded at both ends over 360°. The shield should be terminated to earth ground.
The optional power supplies available from Brooks are always supplied with a power cord that meets all agency certifications and has a protective conductor for grounding purposes. Any replacement cords must have similar construction and be certified by a recognized nartional test laboratory.
Do not use cleaning agents other than water because this might affect color and marking of the equipment.
2-10-1 Panel Mount Installation Instructions
1. Cut a hole according to the cut-out dimensions shown in Figure 2-1 on p. 2-4.
2. Pass the Model 0254 enclosure through the cut-out.
3. Position one of the two brackets included in the Panel Mount kit on the side of the enclosure, while aligning the two holes at the top and bottom of the bracket flange with the holes at the corners of the back of the enclosure. Secure the bracket to the enclosure with two of the screws provided in the kit.
Do not over-tighten these attachment screws.
4. Secure the second bracket to the other side of the enclosure.
5. Tighten the panel mounting screws in the middle of both brackets to secure the enclosure to the panel.
Do not over-tighten these attachment screws.
6. Connect the power supply cable with the D-connector to the power connector on the back of the enclosure.
7. Connect the power supply AC cord to a power outlet.
8. Connect the cables to the RS-232 and Channel connectors, as approprate for the application.
Section 2 Installation Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B129AAG
Model 0254
September, 2010
Figure 2-1 Panel Mount Cut-Out Dimensions
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2-10-2 T able T op S t and Assembly Instructions
1. Attach the four rubber mounting feet to the base, as shown in Figure 2-2.
2. Use four of the provided screws to attach the two brackets to the base.
3. Slide the Model 0254 enclosure into the brackets.
4. Use four screws to secure the enclosure to the brackets.
Do not over-tighten these attachment screws.
5. Connect the power supply cable with the D-connector to the power connector on the back of the enclosure.
6. Connect the power supply AC cord to a power outlet.
Section 2 InstallationInstallation and Operation Manual
Model 0254
7. Connect the cables to the RS-232 and Channel connectors, as approprate for the application.
Figure 2-2 Table Top Stand Mount Installation
Section 2 Installation Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B129AAG
Model 0254
2-10-3 Retrofit to Model 0152/0154 T able Top Housing
It is possible to retrofit the Model 0254 into a table top box that was used for the Model 0152/0154.
1. Slide the flange on the front of the power supply bracket, shown in Figure 2-3 on p. 2-8, under the rear channel rail of the box. For an illustration of the rail engagement, refer to Figure 2-4 on p. 2-9.
2. Use the two thumbscrews at the back of the power supply bracket to slide the back flange under the front channel rail of the box. Finger tighten the two thumbscrews.
3. Place the power supply onto the bracket, with the AC cord receptacle facing the back of the box.
4. Secure the power supply to the bracket using the Velcro strap.
5. Install the four plastic screw retainers into the bezel, then add the bezel screws.
September, 2010
6. Slide the bezel over the back of the Model 0254 enclosure. Secure the bezel to the enclosure by threading two screws through the holes in the bezel mounting brackets and tightening them.
Do not over-tighten these attachment screws.
7. Connect the power supply cable with the D-connector to the power connector on the back of the enclosure.
8. Connect the cables to the RS-232 and Channel connectors, as approprate for the application.
9. Slide the enclosure into the box until the bezel is flush with the front of the box.
10. Secure the bezel to the front of the box using the bezel screws.
1 1.Connect the power supply AC cord to a power outlet.
X-SE-0254-eng Part Number: 541B129AAG September, 2010
2-10-4 19-in. Rack Assembly and Inst allation Instructions
Use these instructions whether you are installing the Model 0254 into your own rack or into the optional 19-in. rack assembly from Brooks Instrument.
1. The optional 19-in. rack comes with a blind front plate covering half of the rack. This plate can be removed or repositioned, depending on the application, such as installing two Model 0254 modules side by side.
2. Slide the flange on the front of the power supply bracket, shown in Figure 2-3 on p. 2-8, under the rear channel rail of the rack.
3. Use the two thumbscrews at the back of the power supply bracket to slide the back flange under the back channel rail of the rack. Finger tighten the two thumbscrews.
4. Place the power supply onto the bracket, with the AC cord receptacle facing the back of the box.
5. Secure the power supply to the bracket using the Velcro strap.
Section 2 InstallationInstallation and Operation Manual
Model 0254
6. Install the four plastic screw retainers into the bezel, then add the bezel screws.
7. Slide the bezel over the back of the Model 0254 enclosure. Secure the bezel to the enclosure by threading two screws through the holes in the bezel mounting brackets and tightening them.
Do not over-tighten these attachment screws.
8. Connect the power supply cable with the D-connector to the power connector on the back of the enclosure.
9. Connect the cables to the RS-232 and Channel connectors, as approprate for the application.
10. Place the enclosure into the rack until the bezel is flush with the front of the rack.
1 1.Secure the bezel to the front of the rack using the bezel screws.
12. Connect the power supply AC cord to a power outlet.
Figure 2-4 on p. 2-9 shows a completed rack installation.
Section 2 Installation Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B129AAG
Model 0254
September, 2010
Figure 2-3 Power Supply Bracket and Bezel
X-SE-0254-eng Part Number: 541B129AAG September, 2010
Section 2 InstallationInstallation and Operation Manual
Model 0254
Figure 2-4 Rack Installation
Section 2 Installation Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B129AAG
Model 0254
September, 2010
Installation and Operation Manual
X-SE-0254-eng Part Number: 541B129AAG September , 2010
3-1 Home Screen
Section 3 Operation
Model 0254
The Model 0254 home screen is the instrument's central information and navigation indicator. The home screen displays following initial power application, and automatically follows the make-model screen banner. It provides an overall view of the instrument's operation. Table 3-1 on p. 3-2 describes the main elements of the home screen.
Figure 3-1 Home Screen
Section 3 Operation
Model 0254
3-2 Operating Controls
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B129AAG
September, 2010
Table 3-1 Display Home Screen Fields
Cursor Points to channel even when channel is Off.
Channel Numbers 1-4.
Description Process value text.
Value Numeric process value.
Unit / Time-base Combined measure units and rate time-base.
Control Process control state indicators.
The primary instrument control is supported by eight front panel tactile snap-action keys, and alternatively by serial communications. Every function that can be accomplished by using the keys can also be simultaneously be accomplished by serial communication commands. The serial communication functions are described more fully in Section D.
3-2-1 Primary Functions
Primary functions performed from the Home screen are as follows:
• Select a channel using the and keys
• Enter the configuration selection menu
• Enter the Global System Settings selection menus
Installation and Operation Manual
X-SE-0254-eng Part Number: 541B129AAG September , 2010
3-2-2 Key Functions
Key Present Location System Response
Home Screen Navigates to channel configuration screen.
Section 3 Operation
Model 0254
• Quickly navigate to setpoint or valve override functions
• Start and stop control functions
• Select a blend control master
• Execute the emergency stop function
Instructions for the using the above are described in their respective subsections throughout this section.
The control function of the keys is dependant on the context of the function that has been requested to be accomplished as follows:
Function Select Screen Selects viewing configuration or programming
configuration. Display Configuration Screen Selects the home screen value. Input Configuration Screen Programs the value that the cursor points to and
saves the value.
Home Screen Press three times to enter Global System Settings. All Other Screens Navigates immediately to previous screen.
Home Screen Press three times to start batch and/or blend controls
operation. Power Down Condition Press to restore power.
Home Screen Terminates operating controls if any. Otherwise HOT
navigates to change channel VOR state. This key can
be used to power down the system when pressed for
3 seconds.
All Screens Move cursor up to desired item. All Screens: Selected Item Increase blinking program selection to succeeding
All Screens Move cursor down to desired item. All Screens: Selected Item Decrease blinking program selection to preceding
Section 3 Operation
Model 0254
Key Present Location System Response
3-3 Navigation
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B129AAG
September, 2010
All Screens: Selected Item Move cursor left. Home Screen Select channel pointed to by cursor as blend master
unless the channel is already the master, in which
case the existing master is deselected and no master
is chosen. Display Configuration Screen Zero PV Total when cursor points to PV Total. Program Screen Move blinking program selection to next left choice.
All Screens: Selected Item Move cursor right. Home Screen HOT navigates to change channel setpoint value.
This subsection provides an overview of the various values that are available to set up the various program values, which determine how the instrument is desired to perform. It also describes the performance operating states.
Navigation is primarily performed using the keypad controls described in "3-2-1 Primary Functions" on p. 3-2. The same operating characteristics set using the keypad are also fully supported by serial communication. The serial communication functions are described more fully in Section D.
A complete map of the user interface screens is provided to support the overview of the instrument. It shows the entire organization of all of the instrument process values (PV), all setpoint (SP) values, and all system global settings.
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