Sonifier® Quickstart Guide
Front Panel Controls
and LCD
Continuous or pulsed ultrasonics
Time, energy, and temperature control modes.
Program a Pulse Temp and a Max Temp
to enable True Temperature Control
Fully programmable pulsing, in time or energy (joules)
Experiment progress indicator
Process monitoring
Navigation Keys
Press the Up key or Enter key to initiate a change to
the current settings, then use the Up, Down, Left,
and Right keys to adjust values.
Press the Left and Right keys to select control
modes, to move horizontally between digits, and
to move between different result screens.
Press the Enter key to accept control setting changes.
Preset Key
Press the Preset key to select a memory location to
save the current sample-processing program, or to
recall stored settings.
Press the ESC key to return to the ready screen when
modifying control settings.
Test Key
Press and hold the Test key to turn on sonics.
Microtip Key
Press the Microtip key when using a microtip
probe. This limits amplitude to 70%, thus
preventing damage to the probe.
Pause Key
Press the Pause key to pause an ultrasonic cycle. Press
the Pause key again to resume current cycle.
Start/Stop Key
Press the Start/Stop key to turn ultrasonics on/off.
Reset Key
Press the Reset key to reset errors and alarms.
Sonifier® Quickstart Guide
Operational Sequence
The Sonifier features varied parameter settings to
precisely control the ultrasonic treatment of your
The delivery of ultrasonic energy may be precisely
controlled by selecting the mode that best suits
your application.
For more information, refer to your Sonifer manual.
Setting a Timed Experiment
1. Turn on power and wait for the LCD to show rdy
(ready) and current mode icons on the top two rows.
2. Press the Up key once to get into operating
mode selection. Current selected operating mode
icon will blink.
3. Use the Left and Right keys to select Continuous
mode, then press the Enter key to confirm the
selection. Navigation will continue to the control
mode selection.
4. Use the Left and Right keys to select Time mode,
then press the Enter key to confirm the selection.
Navigation will continue to the parameters area.
5. Time parameter numbers will flash. Use the Up,
Down, Left, and Right keys to enter the desired
value, then press the Enter key to confirm the
selected value.
NOTICE: When setting parameters, pressing the
ESC key will take you back to the rdy screen. Any
parameter changes that were not confirmed using
the Enter key will be lost.
Save/Load Sample Processing Programs
Save Preset
1. Press the Preset key while on the ready screen.
The Preset icon, ‘LO’, and two digits which indicate
the Preset memory locations will appear on the LCD.
2. Press the Left and Right keys to change the
parameter from Load to Save. The Preset icon, ‘SA’,
and two digits which indicate the Preset memory
locations will appear on the LCD.
3. The digits under the Preset icon show the preset
number. Select the Preset number where you wish
to save the current parameters using the Up and
Down keys, then press the Enter key. This will
save the current settings to the selected memory
location and will return to the ready screen.
NOTICE: Press the ESC key to exit without saving
the preset.
Load Preset
1. Press the Preset key while on the ready screen.
The Preset icon, ‘LO’, and two digits which
indicate the Preset memory locations will appear
on the LCD.
2. Select the Preset number from where you wish
to load the parameters using the Up and Down
keys, then press the Enter key. This will load the
saved preset parameters and will return to the
ready screen.
NOTICE: Press the ESC key
to exit without loading
a preset.
Branson Ultrasonics Corp.
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T: 800-732-9262
F: 203- 796-2250
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T: +49-6074-497-0
F: +49-6074-497-199
Branson Ultrasonics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
758 Rong Le Dong Road
Song Jiang, Shanghai, PRC, 201613
T: 86-21-3781-0588
F: 86-21-5774-5100
Quickstart Guide © Branson
Ultrasonics Corporation 2015
The Emerson logo is a trademark
and service mark of Emerson
Electric Co. Revised and printed
in the U.S.A.12/15
100-412-241 Rev. 0