Lockout tagout is an important safety component that is
critical to safeguarding workers around the machinery
and equipment they operate, service and maintain. This
important safety practice involves de-energizing electrical
circuits, closing valves, neutralizing extreme temperatures
and securing moving parts so hazardous energy isn’t
re-introduced while equipment is being serviced.
An effective lockout tagout program is most successful
when it includes the complete safety picture – locks, tags
and devices — as well as proper lockout procedures,
program documentation, employee training, periodic
inspections or other procedural elements.
Benets of a lockout tagout program
• Saving lives: Preventing an estimated 250,000
incidents, 50,000 injuries and 120 fatalities annually
• Cutting costs: Significantly decreasing lost employee
time and insurance costs
General industry workers performing servicing and/or
maintenance on machines or equipment and who are
exposed to the unexpected energization, startup or
release of hazardous energy.
OSHA 29CFR 1910.333 – Electrical Safety
Safety-related work practices shall be employed to prevent
electric shock or other injuries resulting from either direct or
indirect electrical contacts, when work is performed near or
on equipment or circuits which are or may be energized.
ANSI Z244.1 (2016) – Lockout Tagout and Alternative Methods
A voluntary national consensus standard that represents
several industry hazardous energy control best practices and
also promotes greater flexibility through the use of alternative
methods based on risk assessments and application of the
hazard control hierarchy.
Lockout tagout is the fth most cited
OSHA violation, with 2,944 violations
during scal year 2018
Top violations involve:
1910.147(c)(1)Program Requirements
1910.147(c)(6)(i)Inspecting Procedures
1910.147(c)(7)(i)Training Requirements
1910.147(d)Notifying affected employees
Requirements for
General Procedures
Lockout Tagout
Six Essential Elements of Lockout Tagout
1. Program and policy
A written lockout document establishes and explains the
elements of your program. It’s important to take into account
not only OSHA’s guidelines, but also custom requirements for
your employees that ensure they can understand and apply the
program to their workday.
2. Machine- or task-specic procedures
Lockout procedures should be formally documented and should
easily identify the equipment covered. They should also detail the
specific steps necessary for shutting down, isolating, blocking and
securing equipment to control hazardous energy, and include steps
for the placement, removal and transfer of lockout tagout devices.
3. Identifying and marking energy isolation points
Locate and identify all energy control points, including valves,
switches, breakers and plugs, with permanently placed and
standardized labels or tags.
4. Training and periodic inspections and audits
Train authorized, affected and other employees, communicate
processes and conduct periodic inspections. Training should
include OSHA requirements and specific program elements,
such as your machine-specific procedures.
5. Provide proper lockout devices
Provide employees with the necessary devices to keep them
safe. There are many products on the market, and selecting the
most appropriate solution for your application is the key to lockout
effectiveness. It’s important to document and use devices that best
fit each lockout point.
6. Sustainability
Annually review, revise and update your program and
procedures to create a safety culture that proactively addresses
lockout tagout. This allows your company to focus on maintaining
a world-class program, instead of starting from scratch each
year and reacting only when something goes wrong.
Lockout Tagout
Lockout Tagout Procedures
Lockout Tagout Procedures
There are a variety of components in a visual
lockout tagout procedure that will help ensure your
employees will get home safe. Use this helpful
guide to determine what elements are required for
compliance, and best practices to complete an
even safer lockout procedure.
Lockout Tagout
OSHA Regulation
29 CFR 1910.147 (c)(4)
Machine-specific lockout tagout procedures are required for
equipment having more than one energy source, as well as
for much equipment having a single energy source.
Best practice: Company logo
Best practice: Machine-specific
equipment ID number
Required: Facility name, location,
equipment name
Best practice: Number of lockout points
Best practice: The caution statement is
where additional hazards and noteworthy
information can be communicated
Best practice: Pictures of equipment
displaying location of each energy source.
Required: While having corresponding
energy source tags mounted on
equipment and indicated on the lockout
procedure is considered "best practice,"
lockout procedures are required to
identify energy sources and magnitude.
Required: Action steps to isolate
energy and location of isolation points.
These must include procedural steps
for shutting down, isolating, blocking
and securing equipment to control
hazardous energy. They also must
include steps for the use of lockout
devices and their responsibility.
Required: Verification is required on
every step of your lockout procedure.
This is how your employees will know
whether or not the energy source is truly
isolated and at a zero energy state.
Required: Purpose, scope and
enforcement of lockout tagout procedure
must be included on
Physical procedure. 1910.147(c)(4)(ii)
Required: A sequential procedure
for shutdown, locking/tagging and
testing must be included on the lockout
procedure. 1910.147 App A
Required: A sequential procedure to
restore equipment to service must be
included on the lockout procedure.
1910.147 App A
Lockout Tagout Procedures
Lockout Tagout Services through Brady Safety Services
With a continually changing workforce, and frequent enhancements to processes
and technology, there is a need in the industry to efficiently develop and train new
workers to keep operations running smoothly. Having a sustainable lockout tagout
program in place allows you to bridge the knowledge gap and improve safety
throughout your facility.
Lockout Services include:
• Lockout tagout machine inventory
• Visual lockout procedure writing
• Lockout tagout procedure audit
• Lockout tagout training, including
general / affected, authorized and
train-the-trainer programs
• Alternative method
procedures/minor servicing
• Job safety analysis
• Lockout tagout program development
• Lockout tagout gap analysis
• Time- and material-based services
Create Your Own Procedures
LINK360® Software
Brady’s LINK360® cloud based software offers procedure creation, procedure
maintenance, audit reminders and more in order to manage, store and sustain
machine safety and procedural information. It includes three centers that address
common areas of focus when operating your equipment safely: Lockout Tagout,
Confined Space and Reliability / Maintenance.
With Link360 software, you can:
• Create and update procedures and permits
• Facilitate reviews, comments and approvals
• Setup regularly scheduled audit processes and reminders
• Time-stamping and record keeping
• Print lockout tags containing equipment-specific information
The LINK360 advantage:
• Cloud-based software allows for
program scalability and access from
mobile and tablet devices
• User-defined permission for viewing,
editing and approving helps ensure the
correct people are doing the correct
• Pre-defined templates and standardized
procedures for multi-site standardization
• Workflow and responsibility assignments
for sites, areas and equipment improves
employee accountability around
machine safety and productivity
• Audit alerts, notification and detailed
reporting help companies keep
information up to date
Lockout Tagout
Brady Workstation Lockout Writer App
Desktop app for simple lockout procedures
Save time and keep employees safe with the Brady Workstation Lockout Writer
app. This intuitive tool allows you to create, store and print simple lockout
procedures, associated tags and energy source labels quickly and easily.
Lockout Tagout Procedures
Lockout Tagout Procedure Accessories
Fluorescent Protective
• Clear envelopes with fluorescent
edging, great for color-coding lockout
procedures and other shop information
Lockout Tagout
• Durable 8 gauge vinyl construction
withstands harsh environments
• Ideal for indoor or outdoor use
Catalog #ColorSizeQty.
56941Fluorescent Green 9 in. x 9 in.25
56945Fluorescent Green 9 in. x 12 in. 25
56942Fluorescent Orange 9 in. x 9 in.25
56946Fluorescent Orange 9 in. x 12 in. 25
56944Fluorescent Yellow 9 in. x 9 in.25
56948Fluorescent Yellow 9 in. x 12 in. 25
Magnetic Backed
Adhesive Backed
Adhesive and Magnetic
Backed Envelopes
• Made of non-glare clear vinyl material
• Protects tags and cards on machinery,
valves, switches, controls, and more
• Employers must document when training took
place, who attended, and the topics covered
• Employees must be retrained under the
following situations:
tagout activities are in
of the energy control
program and the importance
of not tampering with
lockout tagout devices
when encountered in the
• Additional training is required when using tagout
instead of lockout. See Section (C)(7)(ii) in the
1910.147 standard.
Wallet Safety Cards
• Wallet size card contains important
reminders for lockout safety
Catalog #DescriptionQty.
LOSC13English Wallet Card10
LOSC13 BI English/Spanish Wallet Card10
Lockout Tagout
• Employee assigned to new job
• Change made to energy control
policies or procedures
• Machinery installed or modified,
presenting a new hazard
• Whenever the employer has reason to believe
that there are problems with the employee’s
understanding or use of the procedures
Lockout Padlocks
Lockout Padlocks
Although padlocks may seem like a commonplace device,
the durability and reliability of your padlocks is critical to
the safety of your employee. Brady provides a full line of
padlocks that withstand harsh environmental conditions,
rough handling and provide maximum safety.
Nylon Lockout Padlocks
Lockout Tagout
(H x W)
Key Retaining
Key Codes
NEW SafeKey Nylon Lockout PadlocksTraditional Nylon Lockout Padlocks
security locking
mechanism, color
matched keys,
compact size
applications and
small spaces
Nylon body
1.7 in. x 1.25 in.
Plastic polymer
Height: 1.0 in.
Diameter: 0.17 in.
100,000+100,000+100,000+100,000+Up to 15,000Up to 15,000Up to 15,000Up to 15,000Up to 15,000Key Codes100,000+Up to 15,000Up to 15,000Up to 15,000Up to 15,000
Keyed Different
Keyed Alike
Master Keyed*
Grand Master
Body (4 sides)
and key
1 key and labels
(EN, FR, SP)
Padlock with
Nylon Shackle
security locking
mechanism, color
matched keys,
nylon body and
General safety
and electrical
Nylon body
1.8 in. x 1.5 in.
Plastic polymer
Height: 1.5 in.
Diameter: 0.25 in.
Keyed Different
Keyed Alike
Master Keyed*
Grand Master
Body (4 sides)
and key
1 key and labels
(EN, FR, SP)
Padlock with
Steel Shackle
security locking
mechanism, color
matched keys,
standard size
General safety
Nylon body
1.8 in. x 1.5 in.
Steel shackle
Height: 1.5 in.
Diameter: 0.25 in.
Keyed Different
Keyed Alike
Master Keyed*
Grand Master
Body (4 sides)
and key
1 key and labels
(EN, FR, SP)
Padlock with
3 in. Shackle
security locking
mechanism, color
matched keys,
3 inch shackle
General safety
requiring a large
shackle clearance
Nylon body
1.8 in. x 1.5 in.
Steel shackle
Height: 3.0 in.
Diameter: 0.25 in.
Keyed Different
Keyed Alike
Master Keyed*
Grand Master
Aluminum shackle
Height: 1.0 in.
Diameter: 0.19 in.
Keyed Different
Keyed Alike
Master Keyed*
Grand Master
Body (4 sides)
and key
1 key and labels
(EN, FR, SP)
Nylon Padlock
with Nylon
Traditional pin
tumbler locking
chrome / nickel
plated keys,
nylon body and
General safety
and electrical
Nylon body
1.75 in. x 1.5 in.
Nylon shackle
Height: 3.0 in.
Diameter: 0.25 in.
Keyed Different
Keyed Alike
Master Keyed*
Grand Master
Body (4 sides)
and key
1 key and labels
(EN, FR, SP)
Nylon Padlock
with Steel
Traditional pin
tumbler locking
chrome / nickel
plated keys,
standard size
General safety
Nylon body
1.75 in. x 1.5 in.
Steel shackle
Height: 1.5 in.
0.25 in.
Keyed Different
Keyed Alike
Master Keyed*
Grand Master
Body (4 sides)
and key
1 key and labels
(EN, FR, SP)
Traditional pin
tumbler locking
chrome / nickel
plated keys,
3 in. body to
display additional
General safety
Nylon body
3 in. x 1.5 in.
Steel shackle
Height: 1.5 in.
Diameter: 0.25 in.
Keyed Different
Keyed Alike
Master Keyed*
Grand Master
Body (4 sides)
and key
1 key and labels
(EN, FR, SP)
Cable Nylon
Traditional pin
tumbler locking
chrome / nickel
plated keys,
compact body
and flexible cable
Small spaces
and multi-locking
points in electrical
Nylon body
1.4 in. x 1.2 in.
Flexible cable
7.87 in. or
15.75 in. length
Keyed Different
Keyed Alike
Master Keyed*
Grand Master
Body (4 sides)
and key
1 key and labels
(EN, FR, SP)
*Available as custom.
Lockout Padlocks
1910.147(c)(5) OSHA Lockout Device Requirements state that lockout devices must:
• Be provided by the employer and be standardized by size, shape or color
• Be distinguishable from locks used for other purposes. Lockout locks should only be used for lockout
• Identify the individual who applied the lock (both tags and lock labels are acceptable for this purpose)
• Be capable of withstanding the usage environment and be strong enough to prevent removal except by using
excessive force with special tools, such as bolt cutters
• Most importantly, whenever lockout devices are applied, they must remain under the exclusive control of the
individual who attached them. No employee should be able to open a lock attached by someone else
Aluminum and Steel Lockout Padlocks
(H x W)
Key Retaining
NEW SafeKey Aluminum
Lockout Padlocks
SafeKey Aluminum Padlocks
Advanced security locking mechanism,
color matched keys, superior corrosion
Ideal for indoor and outdoor use and
heavy-duty applications
Aluminum body
1.8 in. x 1.5 in.
Steel shackle
Height: 1.5 in. or 3.0 in.
Diameter: 0.25 in.
9 colors9 colors9 colors9 colors9 colors
Traditional Aluminum Lockout PadlocksTraditional Steel Lockout Padlocks
Compact Aluminum
Traditional pin tumbler locking
mechanism, chrome / nickel
plated keys, compact, superior
corrosion resistance
Small space applicationsOutdoor, industrial safety, food
Aluminum body
1.25 in.
Steel shackle
Height: 1.0 in.
Diameter: 0.25 in.
Aluminum PadlocksLaminated Steel Padlocks
Traditional pin tumbler locking
mechanism, chrome / nickel
plated keys, superior corrosion
and beverage applications (FDA
approved lubricant in cylinder)
Aluminum body
1.6 in.
Steel shackle
Height: 1 in., 1.5 in. or 3 in.
Diameter: 0.25 in.
Traditional pin tumbler locking
mechanism, chrome / nickel
plated keys, superior physical
and corrosion resistance
Industrial safety and severe
physical environments
Steel body
1.33 in.
Steel shackle
Height: 0.75 in. or 2 in.
Diameter: 0.27 in.
Laminated Steel Padlocks
Traditional key-retaining pin
tumbler locking mechanism,
chrome / nickel plated
keys, superior physical and
corrosion resistance
Industrial safety and severe
physical environments
Steel body
1.2 in.
Steel shackle
Height: 0.75 in., 2 in. or 3 in.
Diameter: 0.27 in.
Lockout Tagout
Keyed Different
Keyed Alike
Master Keyed*
Grand Master Keyed*
Body (4 sides)
and key
1 key
(labels sold separately)
*Available as custom.
Keyed Different
Keyed Alike
Master Keyed*
Grand Master Keyed*
Body (4 sides)
and key
2 keys
(labels sold separately)
Keyed Different
Keyed Alike
Master Keyed*
Grand Master Keyed*
Body (4 sides)
and key
2 keys
(labels sold separately)
Keyed Different
Keyed Alike
Master Keyed*
Grand Master Keyed*
Body (4 sides)
and key
2 keys
(labels sold separately)
Keyed Different
Keyed Alike
Master Keyed*
Grand Master Keyed*
Body (4 sides)
and key
1 key
(labels sold separately)
Lockout Padlocks
With this innovatively designed padlock, you get up to 700%
more unique key possibilities than a standard safety padlock,
without sacrificing a secure lockout. It’s all in the forwardthinking design of the locking mechanism and unique key
blade that gives you more precision and control in your lockout
program. With that level of precision, you’re covered from your
simple to highly complex lockout needs. You also get:
• Fast identification with the color-matched key
• Easy operation with extra smooth key insertion
and removal — even when wearing gloves!
• Years of use with the low-friction locking
mechanism that helps maintain key integrity
• Excellent durability in industrial environments
Lockout Tagout
Brady SafeKey Lockout Padlocks
security with two
side-locking bars
Extra durability
in industrial
with one-piece
body design
Fast identication
with color-matched
lock and key
Added safety with
non-conductive ball
bearings and driver
More than 100,000 key codes
made possible with linear,
low-friction lock mechanism
Easy operation with smooth
key design and precision
steel tumbler blades
safety padlocks
• Pin tumbler
lock mechanism
• Jagged key design
• Up to 15,000
key codes
Lockout Padlocks
Keyed DifferentKeyed Alike
Keyed DifferentKeyed Alike
Master KeyedGrand Master Keyed
Master Keyed
Keyed DifferentKeyed Alike
Keyed DifferentKeyed Alike
Master KeyedGrand Master Keyed
Master Keyed
More really means more with SafeKey
In your lockout scenario, here's what you get with up to 700% more unique key codes:
Other Nylon PadlocksSafeKey Lockout Padlocks
1 Master
25 Master
Key Codes
Key Codes
Key Codes
Key Codes
Key Codes
Key Codes
Keying options for SafeKey and traditional lockout padlocks
Standard optionsCustom options
Keyed Different (KD)
Each lock is opened
by its own unique key.
Perfect for simple
lockout applications
and a manageable
number of energy
isolation points.
Key Charting
Brady will keep a record of and "chart" all key numbers to ensure there's no unwanted key duplication
on current or future orders, depending on your unique requirements.
Keyed Alike (KA)
Each lock in the group
can be opened with the
same key, reducing the
number of keys needed.
Ideal for employees who
work on multiple machines
or isolation points.
Master Keyed (MK)
Each grouping of locks
(whether keyed alike or
different) can be opened
with a master key. Useful
for larger, complex systems
when supervisory access
may be required.
Grand Master Keyed (GMK)
The grand master key can
open all locks grouped into two
or more master keyed systems.
Useful when supervisory or
managerial access to all locks
is needed.
Lockout Tagout
Lockout Padlocks
SafeKey Nylon Lockout Padlocks
• Key retaining feature within a lightweight nylon body is ideal for electrical and general lockout applications
• Two shackle options available; durable, steel shackle or polymer plastic shackle that is non-conductive and non-sparking
• Each padlock includes one key and lock labels in English, Spanish and French; additional keys can be ordered if needed
• Body: 1.8 in. H x 1.5 in. W x 0.75 in. D; shackle diameter: 0.25 in.
SafeKey Nylon Lockout Padlocks with 1.5 in. (38 mm) steel shackle
SafeKey Nylon Lockout Padlocks with 3.0 in. (76 mm) steel shackle
Keyed Different
SafeKey padlocks can be laser-engraved on one to four
surfaces to identify individuals, departments, work areas,
serial numbers and company logos. Additionally, SafeKey
keys can be engraved with up to 10 characters.
Design-Your-Own Padlock Online
Create a custom SafeKey padlock with exactly the options
you need, including engraving, in one easy-to-use online
SafeKey Padlock Labels
• Labels help send a clear message
when machine is down for service
or maintenance
• Keep track of your Brady SafeKey
Lockout Padlocks by writing who
owns that padlock on the label
Catalog # DescriptionSizeQty.
150556English, French, Spanish Compact 0.89 in x 1 in 6 cards
150555English, French, Spanish Standard 1.12 in x 1 in 6 cards
65508Lock Label Overlaminate1 in. x 6 in.40
Lockout Padlocks
Brady SafeKey Lockout Padlocks
SafeKey Compact Nylon Lockout Padlocks
• Ideal for use in small spaces in electrical and maintenance applications
• Extremely compact and lightweight design with non-conductive and non-sparking nylon body and polymer shackle
• Each padlock includes one key and lock labels in English, Spanish and French; additional keys can be ordered if needed
• Body: 1.7 in. H x 1.25 in. W x 0.75 in. D; shackle diameter: 0.17 in.
SafeKey Compact Nylon Padlocks with 1.0 in. (25 mm) plastic shackle
• Complies with all OSHA
requirements and are a safer
alternative to metal locks
• Non-conductive body with unique
key cylinder prevents electricity
from traveling from the shackle to
the key, protecting workers when
key is inserted
• Superior temperature, chemical
and corrosion resistance
• Labels provided in English,
Spanish, French
• Key-retaining feature prevents
key from being removed until
shackle is securely closed
• Reserved paracentric keyway
provides optimal security
(prevents a copy from being
made at a local key shop)
• Locks come keyed differently or
keyed alike. Custom keying and
charting available
• Lock bodies can be custom laser
engraved upon request
• One key is supplied with
each padlock for safer key
Compact Nylon Lockout Padlocks
• Extremely compact and lightweight
• Easily fits in small spaces making it ideal for electrical
contractors, maintenance and electricians
• 5-pin cylinder can support same keying system as our
current Nylon Lockout Padlock
• Fiberglass reinforced nylon body for extra impact resistance
• Service temperature: 0° to 250° F (-20° to 120° C)
• Lock body dimensions: 1.4 in. x 1.2 in. x 0.625 in.
Shackle clearance: 1 in.; shackle diameter 0.2 in.
Nylon Lockout Padlocks
• Lightweight, non-conductive and non-sparking body
• Special 6-pin cylinder resists tampering
• Fiberglass reinforced nylon body and triple-coated
hardened steel shackle
• Service temperature: 0° to 250° F (-20° to 120° C)
• Lock body dimensions: 1.75 in. x 1.25 in. x 0.8 in.
• Shackle clearance: 1.25 in.; shackle diameter: 0.25 in.
• Each padlock includes 1 key and
1 each English, Spanish and French labels
• Each padlock includes 1 key and
1 each English, Spanish and French labels
Compact Nylon Lockout Padlocks with 1 in. steel shackle
For group lockout situations involving a large number of workers and
equipment, lock boxes can offer a number of advantages including fewer
padlocks and hasps needed.
How group lockout boxes work:
• Supervisor uses a single job lock on each energy control point to lock out
equipment. Keys for that lock are placed in the lock box
• Each worker applies his own lock to the lock box. As long as any one
worker’s lock remains on the lockout box, the keys to the job locks cannot
be accessed, and the energy isolating devices cannot be operated. Each
employee retains exclusive control, as required by OSHA.
Lockout Tagout
SlimView™ Group Lock Box
• Innovative narrow design and recessed door allow
padlocks to hang straight, reducing the overall footprint
by 60% compared to traditional lock boxes
• Steel body and clear polycarbonate door to see contents
• Built-in padlock and key hangers
• Storage for up to 12 padlocks
• Wall mountable
• Size: 10.125 in. x 4.0 in.
Catalog #Description
150505SlimView Lock Box
Padlocks sold separately.
Ultra-Compact Lock Box
• Compact size for portability in your lockout kit or toolbox
• Simple storage with wall-mount bracket when not in use
• Hinged transparent cover for easy viewing of contents
• Can accommodate up to 12 locks
• Size: 5.25 in. x 3.25 in. x 2.25 in.
Catalog #Description
149173Box without locks
149172Box with 6 Yellow Keyed-Alike Locks
149176Box with 6 Yellow Keyed-Different Locks
149174Box with 6 Red Keyed-Alike Locks
149175Box with 6 Red Keyed-Different Locks
Group Lock Boxes
Portable Metal Group Lockout Boxes
• Made of heavy-duty steel, powder-coated
for extra rust resistance
• Features lockable clasp and 12 holes along lid
• Standard: 6 in. x 9 in. x 3.25 in.
Compartment holds up to 40 padlocks
• Extra large: 6 in. x 7.375 in. x 9.25 in.
Compartment holds up to 75 padlocks
Catalog #
45190Standard-English6 in. x 9 in. x 3.25 in.Blue
65699Standard-English6 in. x 9 in. x 3.25 in.Red
65040Standard-Spanish6 in. x 9 in. x 3.25 in.Red
51171XLarge-English6 in. x 7.375 in. x 9.25 in. Red
Padlocks sold separately.
SAFETY REDBOX™ Group Lockout Box
• Use as a portable or a wall-mounted lockbox
• Quick release internal slide button allows lockbox to be
carried to the point of need