Bose SoundTouch 130 User Manual

Owner’s Guide • Guía del propietario • Notice d’utilisation
Important Safety Instructions
Please read this owner’s guide carefully and save it for future reference.
Thelightningashwitharrowheadsymbolwithinanequilateraltrianglealertstheusertothepresenceofuninsulated, dangerousvoltagewithinthesystemenclosurethatmaybeofsufcientmagnitudetoconstituteariskofelectricshock.
Theexclamationpointwithinanequilateraltrianglealertstheusertothepresenceofimportantoperatingandmaintenance instructionsintheowner’sguide.
neartheapparatus.Aswithanyelectronicproducts,usecarenottospillliquidsintoanypartoftheproduct.Exposureto liquidsmaycreateafailureand/orrehazard.
WARNING: Thisproductcontainsmagneticmaterial.Contactyourphysicianifyouhavequestionsonwhetherthismight
Important Safety Instructions
1. Readtheseinstructions.
2. Keeptheseinstructions.
3. Heedallwarnings.
4. Followallinstructions.
5. Donotusethisapparatusnearwater.
6. Cleanonlywithadrycloth.
7. Donotblockanyventilationopenings.Installinaccordancewiththemanufacturer’sinstructions.
8. Donotinstallnearanyheatsources,suchasradiators,heatregisters,stoves,orotherapparatus(includingampliers)that produceheat.
9. Protectthepowersupplyorcordfrombeingwalkedonorpinched,particularlyatplugs,conveniencereceptacles,andthepoint wheretheyexitfromtheapparatus.
10. Onlyuseattachments/accessoriesspeciedbythemanufacturer.
11. Unplugthisapparatusduringlightningstormsorwhenunusedforlongperiodsoftime.
12. Referallservicingtoqualiedservicepersonnel.Servicingisrequiredwhentheapparatushasbeendamagedinanyway:such aspowersupplyorcordisdamaged;liquidhasbeenspilledorobjectshavefallenintotheapparatus;theapparatushasbeen exposedtorainormoisture,doesnotoperatenormally,orhasbeendropped.
2 - English
Regulatory Information
Note: ThisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundtocomplywiththelimitsforaClassBdigitaldevice,pursuanttoPart15ofthe
FCCRules.Theselimitsaredesignedtoprovidereasonableprotectionagainstharmfulinterferenceinaresidentialinstalla­tion.Thisequipmentgenerates,uses,andcanradiateradiofrequencyenergyand,ifnotinstalledandusedinaccordance withtheinstructions,maycauseharmfulinterferencetoradiocommunications.However,thereisnoguaranteethat interferencewillnotoccurinaparticularinstallation.Ifthisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferencetoradioortelevision reception,whichcanbedeterminedbyturningtheequipmentoffandon,theuserisencouragedtotrytocorrecttheinterfer­encebyoneormoreofthefollowingmeasures:
Thisdevicecomplieswithpart15oftheFCCRulesandIndustryCanadalicense-exemptRSSstandard(s).Operationissubjectto thefollowingtwoconditions:(1)Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and(2)thisdevicemustacceptanyinterference received,includinginterferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperation.
For SoundTouch
ThisdevicecomplieswithFCCandIndustryCanadaRFradiationexposurelimitssetforthforgeneralpopulation.Itmustnotbe co-locatedorbeoperatinginconjunctionwithanyotherantennasortransmitters.
wireless adapter:
Please dispose of used batteries properly,followinglocalregulations.Donotincinerate.
Thissymbolmeanstheproductmustnotbediscardedashouseholdwaste,andshouldbedeliveredtoanappropriate collectionfacilityforrecycling.Properdisposalandrecyclinghelpsprotectnaturalresources,humanhealthandthe environment.Formoreinformationondisposalandrecyclingofthisproduct,contactyourlocalmunicipality,disposal service,ortheshopwhereyouboughtthisproduct.
relevantprovisionsofDirective1999/5/ECandallotherapplicable EUdirectiverequirements.Thecompletedeclarationofconformitycanbefoundat:
Names and Contents of Toxic or Hazardous Substances or Elements
Toxic or Hazardous Substances and Elements
PartName PCBs X O O O O O
Metalparts X O O O O O Plasticparts O O O O O O Speakers X O O O O O Cables X O O O O O
ThistableispreparedinaccordancewiththeprovisionsofSJ/T11364. O:Indicatesthatthistoxicorhazardoussubstancecontainedinallofthehomogeneousmaterialsforthispartisbelowthelimit
X:Indicatesthatthistoxicorhazardoussubstancecontainedinatleastoneofthehomogeneousmaterialsusedforthispartis abovethelimitrequirementofGB/T26572
Biphenyl (PBB)
diphenylether (PBDE)
English - 3
Regulatory Information
Please complete and retain for your records:
Serial numbers can be found on the Acoustimass® module’s connector panel and on the packag­ing for the remote control.
Model number: ______________________________________________________________________
Module serial number: ________________________________________________________________
Remote serial number: ________________________________________________________________
Console serial number: ________________________________________________________________
Soundbar serial number: ______________________________________________________________
Purchase date: _______________________________________________________________________
We suggest you keep your receipt with this owner’s guide.
Date of manufacture
Thefourboldeddigitsintheserialnumberindicatethedateofmanufacture.Therstdigitistheyearof manufacture;“5”is2005or2015.Digits2-4arethemonthanddate;“001”isJanuary1and“365”isDecember31.
China Importer:BoseElectronics(Shanghai)CompanyLimited,PartC,Plan9,No.353NorthRiyingRoad,China(Shanghai) PilotFreeTradeZone
EU Importer: BoseGP,CastleblayneyRoad,Carrickmacross,Ireland Taiwan Importer:BoseTaiwanBranch,Room905,9F,WorldwideHouse,131MinShengEastRd,Section3,Taipei,Taiwan,
AppStoreisaservicemarkofAppleInc. Amazon,KindleandFirearetrademarksof,Inc.oritsafliates. AndroidandGooglePlayaretrademarksofGoogleInc. Blu-rayDisc
The Bluetooth
ManufacturedunderlicensefromDolbyLaboratories.Dolbyandthedouble-DsymbolaretrademarksofDolby Laboratories.
ForDTSpatents,seeManufacturedunderlicensefromDigitalTheaterSystems,INC.DTS, theSymbol,&DTSandtheSymboltogetherareregisteredtrademarks,andDTSDigitalSurroundisatrademark ofDTS,Inc.©DTS,Inc.AllRightsReserved.
ThetermsHDMIandHDMIHigh-DenitionMultimediaInterface,andtheHDMILogoaretrademarksorregistered trademarksofHDMILicensingLLCintheUnitedStatesandothercountries.
iHeartRadioisaregisteredtrademarkofiHeartMedia,Inc. ThisproductincorporatesSpotifysoftwarewhichissubjectto3rdpartylicensesfoundhere: SpotifyisaregisteredtrademarkofSpotifyAB. SoundTouchandthewirelessnotedesignaretrademarksofBoseCorporationintheU.S.andothercountries. Wi-FiisaregisteredmarkoftheWi-FiAlliance. ©2015BoseCorporation.Nopartofthisworkmaybereproduced,modied,distributed,orotherwiseusedwithoutpriorwritten permission.
4 - English
About your SoundTouch™ 130 home theater system..................................................... 8
System Features ........................................................................................................... 8
SoundTouch™ ....................................................................................................................... 8
SoundTouch™ Features .............................................................................................. 8
Unpacking the system ......................................................................................................... 9
Placement guidelines .......................................................................................................... 10
Sample system placement ......................................................................................... 10
Setting Up the Acoustimass® Module
Attaching the rubber feet to the Acoustimass module ................................................ 11
Connecting the Acoustimass module to power ............................................................. 12
Setting Up the Console
Connecting the console to your TV ................................................................................... 13
Using the HDMI™ ARC connector ............................................................................... 13
TVs without an HDMI™ ARC connector ..................................................................... 14
Connecting the console to other sources ........................................................................ 14
Connecting to HDMI™ compatible sources .............................................................. 14
Connecting to non HDMI ™ compatible sources ..................................................... 15
Connecting to audio-only sources ............................................................................ 15
Connecting the SoundTouch™ wireless adapter ............................................................. 22
Setting Up the Soundbar
Connecting the soundbar ................................................................................................... 16
Attaching the optional extension feet to the soundbar ............................................... 17
Wall mounting the soundbar ............................................................................................. 17
Connecting the System to Power
Connecting the soundbar to power .................................................................................. 18
Connecting the console to power ...................................................................................... 18
Starting Up the System
Installing the remote control’s batteries ......................................................................... 19
Powering on the system and selecting your language ................................................. 19
Checking for sound ............................................................................................................... 20
English - 5
Running the ADAPTiQ® audio calibration......................................................................... 21
Setting up SoundTouch™
Adding the system to your Wi-Fi® network...................................................................... 22
Using the System
Remote control buttons ...................................................................................................... 23
Programming the universal remote control ................................................................... 24
Source selection ................................................................................................................... 26
Universal source buttons and console connectors ........................................................ 26
Using the
Adjusting the volume .......................................................................................................... 28
Function buttons .................................................................................................................. 28
Programming a non-Bose remote control ....................................................................... 28
Add the system to an existing SoundTouch™ account ......................................... 22
Download and install the SoundTouch™ app .......................................................... 22
Connect the system to your home Wi-Fi® network ................................................ 22
Consumer Electronics Control ................................................................................... 24
Test your HDMI™-connected sources for CEC .......................................................... 24
Program the remote to control your source ............................................................ 25
Select a source connected to the Bose
Select a source connected to your TV ...................................................................... 26
button .................................................................................................. 27
SoundTouch™ ................................................................................................................ 27
Bluetooth® wireless technology ................................................................................ 27
SIDE AUX ........................................................................................................................ 27
system .................................................... 26
Using SoundTouch™
Accessing SoundTouch™ ..................................................................................................... 29
Using the SoundTouch™ app ...................................................................................... 29
Using the SoundTouch™ source................................................................................. 29
6 - English
Pairing a Bluetooth® enabled device ................................................................................ 30
Connecting to a paired Bluetooth
Using the button ......................................................................................... 31
Using the Bluetooth
Getting System Information
Using the System menu ...................................................................................................... 32
Error messages ............................................................................................................. 33
Care and Maintenance
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................... 34
If your console cannot find the Acoustimass® module ......................................... 37
ADAPTiQ® audio calibration error messages ........................................................... 37
Factory reset the system ............................................................................................ 38
Reset a source button on the remote control ......................................................... 38
Service connectors on the Acoustimass® module ................................................. 38
Cleaning .................................................................................................................................. 39
Customer service .................................................................................................................. 39
Limited warranty .................................................................................................................. 39
Technical information .......................................................................................................... 39
enabled device ....................................................... 31
feature on the paired device ............................................... 31
module status indicator ........................................................................... 33
Appendix: Using a Computer for Setup
Important setup information ............................................................................................. 40
Using a desktop computer for setup ........................................................................ 40
Setting up the system using a computer ........................................................................ 40
English - 7
About your SoundTouch™ 130 home theater system
The SoundTouch™ 130 home theater system provides Bose® quality audio for video sources, SoundTouch
and Bluetooth® technology.
System Features
• Advanced Bose audio processing provides natural and lifelike sound.
audio calibration optimizes sound quality.
• Display provides access to system settings and information.
connectivity allows easy setup and ensures high-quality audio from your
connected sources.
• Supports Consumer Electronics Control (CEC).
• Programmable universal remote can control your TV, cable/satellite box and other connected sources.
• Hideaway wireless Acoustimass
module provides impactful bass sound.
• Soundbar can be mounted on the wall (kit available separately).
• SoundTouch
wireless adapter enables SoundTouch™ and Bluetooth® on your
SoundTouch™ provides clear, room-filling sound streamed wirelessly over your home Wi-Fi network. If you have Wi-Fi music in any room you want.
SoundTouch™ Features
• Enjoy wireless access to Internet radio, music services and your music library.
• Access your favorite music easily with your personalized Presets.
• Wireless setup using your smartphone or tablet.
• Works with your existing home Wi-Fi network.
• Stream music from Bluetooth
• Free SoundTouch
• Simply add additional systems at any time for a multi-room listening experience.
• Wide selection of Bose any room.
app for your computer, smartphone, or tablet.
audio systems lets you choose the right solution for
at home, you’re ready to enjoy your favorite
enabled devices.
8 - English
Unpacking the system
Carefully unpack the carton and confirm that the following parts are included:
Acoustimass® module Console
power cord
Soundbar SoundTouch™ wireless
Universal remote control
Console power cord
Soundbar power cord
HDMI™ cable Speaker cable USB cable
adapter series II
Rubber feet
The appropriate power cords for your region are supplied.
Note: If part of the system is damaged, do not use it. Contact your authorized
dealer or Bose customer service. Refer to the contact sheet in
the carton.
English - 9
Placement guidelines
To avoid wireless interference, keep other wireless equipment away from the system. Place the system outside of and away from metal cabinets, away from other audio/video components and away from direct heat sources.
Acoustimass® module
Soundbar • Place the soundbar in front of your TV.
Console • Place the console near your TV. Do NOT place the TV on top of
SoundTouch wireless adapter
Sample system placement
• Stand the Acoustimass module on its rubber feet along the same wall as your TV, or along any other wall in the front third of the room.
• Choose a stable and level surface. Vibration can cause the Acoustimass module to move, particularly on smooth surfaces like marble, glass or highly polished wood.
• Make sure there is an AC (mains) outlet nearby.
• Do not place the soundbar inside a cabinet.
• Make sure there is an AC (mains) outlet nearby.
your console.
• Make sure there is an AC (mains) outlet nearby.
• Place the adapter 1 - 6 ft. (.3 - 1.8 m) away from the console, Acoustimass module and other wireless devices to avoid wireless interference.
10 - English
Setting Up the Acoustimass® Module
Attaching the rubber feet to the Acoustimass module
Attach the rubber feet to the Acoustimass module to protect your floor.
1. Turn the Acoustimass module upside down onto a soft surface to protect it
from being damaged.
2. Attach the rubber feet to the bottom of the Acoustimass module.
Rubber foot
Bottom of Acoustimass module
3. Place the Acoustimass module on its feet. Caution: Do not place the Acoustimass module on its front, back end, side or
top when in use.
4. Remove all protective films. These may affect acoustic performance if left in place.
English - 11
Setting Up the Acoustimass® Module
Connecting the Acoustimass module to power
1. Plug the power cord into the connector on the Acoustimass module.
2. Plug the power cord into an AC (mains) outlet.
12 - English
Setting Up the Console
Connecting the console to your TV
Use your TV’s HDMI connector labeled ARC or Audio Return Channel if available. If your TV does not have an HDMI ARC connector, see page 14.
Using the HDMI™ ARC connector
Use the Bose® HDMI cable to connect the console to your TV.
1. Disconnect your HDMI connected sources, such as a cable/satellite box, DVD or Blu-ray Disc
2. Insert one end of the Bose
3. Insert the other end of the HDMI cable into your TV’s HDMI connector.
player or game system, from your TV.
HDMI cable into the TV connector on the console.
English - 13
Setting Up the Console
TVs without an HDMI™ ARC connector
If your TV does not have an HDMI ARC connector, you may need to make a secondary connection to the console with an optical, coaxial or analog stereo audio cable. Without this secondary connection, you may not hear audio from the
Use a secondary connection in the following configurations:
• You are using internal sources (such as Internet applications or an over-the-air antenna).
• You are connecting sources to your TV.
Refer to your TV owner’s guide for more information. Tip: If your TV has IN and OUT audio connector panels, use audio OUT for your
secondary connection.
Connecting the console to other sources
Connecting to HDMI™ compatible sources
You can connect the console to other sources, such as a cable/satellite box, DVD or Blu-ray Disc If your source is non HDMI compatible, see page 15 for configurations with devices that do not support HDMI.
1. Insert one end of an HDMI cable into your source’s HDMI (OUT) connector.
2. Insert the other end of an HDMI cable into the appropriate HDMI connector on
the console. For example, to connect a game system, connect an HDMI cable to the GAME connector.
player or game system with an HDMI cable (available separately).
Connect other sources to the appropriate HDMI connector on the console.
14 - English
Setting Up the Console
Connecting to non HDMI™ compatible sources
If your source is non HDMI compatible, connect it to your TV using audio and video cables (available separately). Refer to your TV owner’s guide for more infor­mation.
Tip: If your source has IN and OUT audio connector panels, use audio OUT.
Connecting to audio-only sources
If your audio-only source, such as a media or CD player, is non HDMI compatible:
1. Connect your source to the console’s optical, coaxial, analog or SIDE AUX (
connector. Note: You can use an optical, coaxial, analog or 3.5 mm audio cable
(available separately).
2. Set the optical, coaxial, analog or SIDE AUX input for the appropriate source.
You can access these settings using the System menu (see page 32).
Connecting the SoundTouch™ wireless adapter
Connect the adapter to the Bose® link connector on the console.
English - 15
Setting Up the Soundbar
Connecting the soundbar
1. Insert one end of the speaker cable into the Speaker Connection connector
on the console.
2. Insert the other end of the speaker cable into the connector on
the soundbar.
16 - English
Setting up the Soundbar
Attaching the optional extension feet to the soundbar
Attach the optional extension feet to raise the soundbar to create space underneath.
1. Turn the soundbar upside down onto a soft surface to protect it from being
2. Attach the extension feet to the bottom of the soundbar.
3. Place the soundbar on its feet.
Wall mounting the soundbar
You can mount the soundbar on a wall. To purchase the WB-135 Wall Mount Kit, contact your local Bose dealer or visit
CAUTION: Do not use any other hardware to mount the soundbar.
English - 17
Connecting the System to Power
Connecting the soundbar to power
1. Plug the power cord into the connector on the soundbar.
2. Plug the power cord into an AC (mains) outlet.
Connecting the console to power
1. Plug the power cord into the Power connector on the console.
2. Plug the power cord into an AC (mains) outlet.
18 - English
Starting Up the System
Installing the remote control’s batteries
1. Slide open the battery compartment cover on the back of the remote control.
2. Insert the two provided AA (IEC-LR6) 1.5V batteries. Match the + and –
symbols on the batteries with the + and – markings inside the compartment.
3. Slide the battery compartment cover back into place.
Powering on your system and selecting your language
1. Press on the remote. The console powers on and 10 LANGUAGE Note: After first time startup, the display defaults to your last used source.
appears on the display.
2. Press and to select your language.
3. Press
Tip: Look for the
The system powers off after sixteen minutes of inactivity. You can disable AUTO OFF using the System menu (see page 32).
icon in the System menu if you select the wrong
English - 19
Starting Up the System
Checking for sound
1. Power on your TV.
2. If you are using a cable/satellite box or other secondary source, power on
this source. Tip: If your secondary source is connected to your TV, select the appropriate
TV input. You may need to use a different remote.
3. Power on the system.
4. Press the appropriate source button.
5. Check if sound is coming from the soundbar. Note: If you do not hear sound from the soundbar, see “Troubleshooting” on
page 34.
6. Press speakers.
Note: If you hear sound coming from your TV speakers, see “Troubleshooting”
on the remote control. Check that no sound is coming from the TV
on page 34.
20 - English
Running the ADAPTiQ® audio calibration
The ADAPTiQ audio calibration customizes the sound of the system to the acoustics of your listening area by taking five audio measurements. To perform an audio calibration, you need 10 minutes when the room is quiet.
1. Put the ADAPTiQ headset on your head.
During the ADAPTiQ audio calibration, a microphone on the top of the headset measures the sound characteristics of your room to determine optimal sound quality.
2. Insert the ADAPTiQ headset cable into the connector on the console.
3. Press
4. Press
5. Press
6. Follow the voice prompts until the system completes the process. Note: If you hear an error message and are unable to complete the ADAPTiQ
7. Unplug the ADAPTiQ headset from the console and store it in a safe place. Note: If you move or mount the system or move any furniture, run the
on the remote control.
or until 14 ADAPTiQ appears on the display.
audio calibration, see page 37.
ADAPTiQ audio calibration again to ensure optimal sound quality.
English - 21
Setting up SoundTouch™
controller app
Adding the system to your Wi-Fi® network
You must download and install the SoundTouch™ app onto a smartphone or tablet that is connected to your network. The app guides you through connecting the system to your network.
Note: If you do not have a smartphone or tablet, you can use a computer for setup
(see page 40).
Add the system to an existing SoundTouch™ account
If you have already set up SoundTouch™ for another system, you do not need to download the SoundTouch
1. On your smartphone or tablet, select
2. Select EXPLORE > SETTINGS > Systems > ADD SYSTEM to add
another system. The app guides you through setup.
Download and install the SoundTouch™ app
If this is your first time setting up a SoundTouch™ system, you must install the app. On your smartphone or tablet, download the SoundTouch
Bose® SoundTouchTM
app again.
to launch the app.
controller app.
• iOS users: download from the App Store
• Android
users: download from the Google Play™ store
• Amazon Kindle Fire users: download from the Amazon Appstore for Android
Connect the system to your home Wi-Fi® network
After you install the app, add the system to your network:
1. On your smartphone or tablet, select
The app guides you through connecting the system to your Wi-Fi
2. Follow the instructions in the app to complete setup, including creating a
For more information on using SoundTouch SoundTouch
22 - English
account, adding a music library and music services.
wireless adapter series II owner’s guide from the Bose website.
to launch the app.
, see page 29 or download the
Using the System
Remote control buttons
Use the remote to control sources connected to your system, adjust the system volume, change channels, use playback functions, enable cable/satellite box functions and navigate the System menu.
Toggles be-
tween SoundTouch™,
Bluetooth® and
Source selection
connector. See page 27.
Selects a source connected to your TV
Navigation pad
Lists recorded DVR programs
System menu
Powers on/off the
Powers on/off a selected source
Displays the Internet TV home page
Previous channel, chapter or track
Playback controls
Numeric keypad. Numbers 1-6 can play SoundTouch™ Presets.
TV aspect ratio
Closed captioning
Teletext mode
Function buttons (see page 28)
English - 23
Using the System
Programming the universal remote control
You can use the remote to control your TV, cable/satellite box, DVD or Blu-ray Disc
player, game system, DVR or other auxiliary source.
Consumer Electronics Control
The system supports Consumer Electronics Control (CEC). CEC allows you to control multiple HDMI can turn on/off CEC using the System menu (see page 32).
Your source may support CEC, but refer to it with a different name. Refer to your source owner’s guide for more information.
Tip: You may need to use your source or TV’s system menu to enable CEC. Refer
to your source owner’s guide for more information.
-connected sources without programming the remote. You
CEC controls sources connected to the console’s HDMI connectors.
Test your HDMI™ connected sources for CEC
If your sources successfully respond to their corresponding source buttons, you do not have to program your remote.
Note: Your HDMI connected source may not support CEC. Refer to your source
owner’s guide for more information.
1. Power on the Bose
2. Press a variety of buttons that correspond with your source’s functions.
3. Press the
If your source does not perform one of the functions, program the remote control (see page 25).
system, your TV, and the source you are testing.
button. The source powers off.
24 - English
Using the System
Program the remote to control your source
If your source does not support CEC, you can program the universal remote to control your source, such as a TV, DVD/Blu-ray Disc game system or DVR, by entering the code for your source’s brand. There may be several codes for your source. You may need to perform this procedure multiple times to locate the correct code.
Locate your source’s code
1. Power on your source.
2. Locate the code for your source’s brand in the Universal Remote Device
Codes book (provided).
Enter your source’s code
1. On the remote control, press and hold the appropriate source button until all six source buttons glow, then release.
For example, to program your TV, press and hold buttons glow, then release.
The appropriate source button continues to glow.
2. On the number keypad, enter the code for your source’s brand and press + on the volume button.
Test your source’s code
1. Test your source for basic functions. Follow the instructions for your source:
TV: press the channel buttons. Press
Cable/satellite box: press
DVD or Blu-ray Disc
Game system: press
2. Based on your source’s response to basic functions:
Remote responds accurately: press
save your settings.
Remote does not respond or does not respond accurately:
- If your source button glows: press + on the volume button to move to
- If your source button is off: your remote exited programming mode.
Note: Your source may not be compatible with IR universal remote controls. Refer
to your source’s owner’s guide for more information.
and to navigate.
. The programming guide appears.
and to navigate.
player: press . The settings menu appears.
and to navigate.
and to navigate through your menu.
the next code. Repeat steps 1-2 in “Test your source’s code”. You may need to repeat this procedure 30 or more times. If all six buttons blink three times, you have cycled through all codes for your source.
Repeat steps 1-2 in “Enter your source’s code” and steps 1-2 in “Test your source’s code”.
player, cable/satellite box,
until all six source
. The settings menu appears.
to exit programming and
English - 25
Using the System
Source selection
You can switch between sources by pressing the appropriate source button on the remote control. Before you begin, program the remote to control your source (see page 24).
Select a source connected to the Bose® system
If your source is connected to the console and does not use CEC, follow this procedure to set the console to the appropriate mode and turn on the source.
1. Power on the system.
2. Press the button for the source you want to control.
The source button glows.
3. Press
The source powers on.
Select a source connected to your TV
If your source is connected to your TV, follow this procedure to select the appropriate TV input.
1. Power on the system, your TV and the appropriate source.
2. Press
You may need to press the source.
On some TVs, correct TV input and close this menu.
to select the correct input on your TV.
several times to select the TV input for
displays a menu. Use the remote control to choose the
Universal source buttons and console connectors
The source buttons on your remote control correspond with the connectors on the back of the console. For example,
Your source buttons work with any source that is connected to the corresponding connector. If you have a secondary DVD or Blu-ray Disc the CBL-SAT connector, it can be programmed to work with
Note: Ensure you are using the remote code appropriate for the source rather than
the connection point when programming the remote.
26 - English
corresponds with the BD-DVD
player and connect it to
Using the System
Using the button
This multifunction button enables you to play music on your system.
• Access the SoundTouch
• Stream music from a connected Bluetooth
• Access the SIDE AUX connector
to toggle between SoundTouch™ ( ), Bluetooth ( ), and the
source on your system
enabled device
) connector.
You can control a subset of SoundTouch™ features on your system such as playback controls and Presets. See “Using SoundTouch
” on page 29.
Bluetooth® wireless technology
Your system has Bluetooth wireless technology which lets you stream music from Bluetooth enabled devices to your system. Your system stores eight previously
connected devices in its pairing list. See page 31.
The connector is a 3.5 mm connector located on the side of the console. When set as a connector for an audio in source, the connector can be accessed through the
See “5 SIDE AUX” on page 32 for information on how to change the connector settings.
English - 27
Using the System
Adjusting the volume
On the remote control:
• Press + to increase the volume.
• Press – to decrease the volume.
• Press Note: If you hear sound coming from your TV, see “Troubleshooting” on page 34.
to mute or unmute the audio.
Function buttons
The red, green, yellow and blue buttons on the remote control correspond with the color-coded function buttons on your cable/satellite box, Blu-Ray Disc teletext functions.
• Cable/satellite box or Blu-Ray Disc box owner’s guide.
• Teletext functions: correspond with color-coded page numbers, headings or shortcuts on a teletext display.
player functions: refer to your cable/satellite
player or
Programming a non-Bose® remote control
You can program a non-Bose remote control, such as your cable/satellite box remote, to control the system. Refer to your non-Bose remote control owner’s guide or cable/satellite website for instructions.
Once programmed, the non-Bose remote controls basic functions such as power on/off and volume.
28 - English
Accessing SoundTouch™
Using SoundTouch™
After you create a SoundTouch™ account, you are ready to enjoy SoundTouch™ on your system. You can access SoundTouch pressing
For more information on using SoundTouch adapter series II owner’s guide.
on your remote control.
through the SoundTouch™ app or by
, download the SoundTouch™ wireless
Using the SoundTouch™ app
The SoundTouch™ app is a software application that enables you to set up and control SoundTouch your smart device acts as a rich remote for the SoundTouch
• Easily personalize Presets to your favorite music.
• Explore Internet radio, music services and your music library.
• Manage system settings.
from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Using the app,
Using the SoundTouch™ source
Once you have set up SoundTouch™, you can use the remote to control a subset of features on your system:
• Personalize and play Presets using numbers 1-6 on the numeric keypad.
• Control playback (play, pause, stop, skip to the next track, etc.).
To start SoundTouch™:
Press on your remote. A SOUNDTOUCH message appears on the display.
English - 29
Pairing a Bluetooth® enabled device
Bluetooth® wireless technology enables you to stream music from Bluetooth
enabled smartphones, tablets, computers or other audio devices to your SoundTouch that are not part of your SoundTouch or tablet.
Before you can stream music from a Bluetooth enabled device, you must pair the device with your system.
1. On the remote control, press and release
message appears on the display.
system. You can even stream music from Bluetooth enabled devices
ecosystem, such as a guest’s smartphone
until a Bluetooth pairing
Note: Each time you press
( ), Bluetooth ( ), and the connector.
the system toggles between
Make sure you see a Bluetooth pairing message on the display before you pair your device.
2. On your Bluetooth
Tip: The Bluetooth feature is usually found in Settings. A gear icon (
enabled device, turn on the Bluetooth feature.
often represents Settings on the Home screen.
3. Select your SoundTouch™ system from the device list.
Once paired, your SoundTouch
system’s name appears connected in the
device list.
4. On the Bluetooth enabled device, play music to stream to your system.
If you cannot pair your device
You may need to clear the system’s Bluetooth pairing list (see “Troubleshooting” on page 34 for more information). After you clear the list, try pairing again.
30 - English
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