Bosch NurseCall N46 User Manual

NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter
en User Manual
NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter | en 3
Bosch Security Systems User Manual 970.030 | v1.0 | 2009.06
Table of Contents
3.3.1 Observation and information 10
3.4 Special safety instructions 10
4 Description 11
4.1 General description 11
4.1.1 Top view 11
4.2 Main functions 12
4.2.1 Red emergency call button 12
4.2.2 Blue assistance call button 12
4.2.3 Green acknowledgment button 12
4.2.4 Alarm signaling 12
4.3 Options 12
4.3.1 Identification of the nurse group 12
4.3.2 Relay contacts for external signals 12
5 Installation 13
5.1 Unpacking 13
5.1.1 List of contents 13
5.2 Installation 14
5.2.1 Generalities 14
5.2.2 Wall installation 14
5.2.3 Connecting to the power supply 15
5.2.4 Reset 15
5.2.5 Transmitter Identification 15
5.2.6 Operation Check 15
5.2.7 Replacing the battery 16
5.2.8 Configuration and Wiring 17
5.3 Inputs and Outputs 18
5.4 General inputs 18
5.5 Wired Outputs 18
4 en | NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter
970.030 | v1.0 | 2009.06 User Manual Bosch Security Systems
5.6 Wired Inputs 18
5.7 General configuration 19
6Use 20
6.1 Call for Help 20
6.2 Call for Assistance 20
6.3 Call Acknowledgement (Staff Presence) 21
6.4 Call for Help 2 (reserve) 21
6.5 Technical Alarm 21
6.6 Caregiver Arrival 21
6.7 Caregiver Departure 22
6.8 Daily Message and Battery Low Message 22
6.9 Error Message 22
7Operation 23
7.1 Description of the six different states 23
7.2 Legend of illustrations 24
7.3 Operation with the staff presence processing activated 24
7.3.1 Device behavior when pressing a button 24
7.3.2 Device behavior during coded key insertion and removal 27
7.4 Operation with the staff presence processing deactivated 29
7.4.1 Device behavior upon pressing a button 29
7.4.2 Device behavior during coded key insertion and removal 30
8Storage 31
8.1 Short term storage conditions 31
8.2 Long term storage conditions 31
9Disposal 32
9.1 Disassembly 32
9.2 Local disposal locations 32
9.3 Returning to the manufacturer 32
9.4 Materials 32
9.4.1 Battery 32
10 Appendix 33
10.1 Electrical specifications 33
10.2 Dimensions and weight 33
10.3 Operating temperature 33
10.4 EC-Declaration of conformity 34
NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter Identification | en 5
Bosch Security Systems User Manual 970.030 | v1.0 | 2009.06
1 Identification
1.1 Document
Name No.
User Manual 970.030
Table 1.1 Document No.
Version Description
v1.0 | 2009.06 First Edition
Table 1.2 Version Management
6 en | Identification NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter
970.030 | v1.0 | 2009.06 User Manual Bosch Security Systems
1.2 Customer support addresses
TeleAlarm SA Bosch Group
Rue du Pont 23 CH-2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds Switzerland Phone: +41 32 327 25 40
Bosch Security Systems BV
Postbus 80002 NL-5600 JB Eindhoven Netherlands Phone: +31 (0)900 8212499
Bosch Security Systems France
Atlantic 361 361, avenue du Général de Gaulle F-92147 Clamart France Phone: + 33 (0)825 12 8000
Bosch Security Systems nv/sa
Torkonjestraat 21F B-8510 Marke Belgium Phone: +32 (0)56 20 02 40
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH Haus-ServiceRuf
Ingersheimer Straße 16 D-70499 Stuttgart Germany Phone: +49 (0)1805 47726724
Bosch Security Systems AB
Vestagatan 2 416 64 Göteborg Sweden Phone: +46 (0)31 722 5300
Bosch Security Systems Ltd
Broadwater Park North Orbital Road Denham UB9 5HN United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0)1895 878088
NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter Generalities | en 7
Bosch Security Systems User Manual 970.030 | v1.0 | 2009.06
2 Generalities
2.1 NurseCall System
Alarms and Messages arriving from NurseCall Transmitters such as the NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter are managed and stored by the NurseCall Main Unit. This unit is compatible with the NurseCall Master.
2.2 NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter
The NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter is a multifunction terminal radio transmitter, designed for patients and nursing staff to make an emergency call, summon assistance or cancel a call directly in the patient’s room. It is part of a NurseCall system, and is easily expandable.
In the NurseCall system, the NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter allows the resident of a home or the patient of a clinic to easily alert the care personnel if needed. The patient simply has to push the large red button. The system is then able to control and to monitor the progress of the care personnel.
The alarm and event transmission is performed by radio. There is no need for a wired connection between the NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter and the NurseCall Main Unit, this makes the system installation easy and allows great mobility.
Depending on the model, two relay outputs are available and may be used to connect alarm and staff presence indicators such as, for instance, the signal lamps installed above the door.
Two LED signal lamps allow the progress to be monitored on the device.
In this document you will find all the information you need for the installation and the use of the NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter.
The document "NurseCall General Overview" explains the system concept.
8 en | Safety Instructions NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter
970.030 | v1.0 | 2009.06 User Manual Bosch Security Systems
3 Safety Instructions
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Principle
3.1.2 Importance of safety instructions
Each safety and protection instruction in this manual must be adhered to in order to avoid personnel injuries, property damages or environmental pollution. In a similar manner, the legal bylaws, the measures in prevention of accidents and for the pro­tection of the environment, as well as the recognized technical rules aiming at appropriate and safe working conditions which as applied in the country and at the place of use of the NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter must be adhered to.
3.1.3 Disregarding safety rules
Disregarding the safety rules, as well as existing legal and technical regulations, may lead to accidents, to property damages or to environmental pollution.
3.2 Environmental conditions
The User / Installer should read and understand this chapter before any intervention on the NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter.
In case of unclear information, please contact your local representative.
The NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter must not be located near a water tap or any other source of water. The electrical safety of the NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter is only guaranteed if the electrical installation is in accordance with the national regulations and if this installation works prop­erly. The NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter may not be used in buildings prone to fire and explosion hazards.
The NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter may not be used under exposure to the direct sunlight, to heat, to dust or to an excessive humidity (only use the equipment in a clean environment).
NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter Safety Instructions | en 9
Bosch Security Systems User Manual 970.030 | v1.0 | 2009.06
X Install the NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter in a dry place, away from any source of heat.
3.3 General safety instructions
Interferences Avoid immediate proximity to other electric devices such as a television.
Electrocution During maintenance operations, when the NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter is powered and its casing is removed, the NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter may not be left unattended.
The NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter may only be connected to the electrical sources as described in Section 5.2 Installation, page 14.
Maintenance and repairs may only be performed in accordance with the instructions and by authorized technical personnel only. The sole possession of the User Manual does not allow the personnel to perform any kind of repair on the NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter. Take into account all the warnings and follow all the instructions displayed on the NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter and those which are printed in the documentation. Never try to use replacement pieces other than those authorized by the manufacturer of the NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter.
It is mandatory to use the products specified in the present User Manual to clean the Nurse­Call N46 Wall Transmitter. If you plan to use another product, only do so after having obtained the authorization of the manufacturer.
WARNING! Electro Static Discharge The NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter contains highly sensitive electronic components. It should be opened only in an ESD protected environment with respect to the following precautions: X Discharge yourself from electrostatic loads by touching a grounded conductive surface
before opening the unit.
X Avoid touching conductive parts inside the NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter if not abso-
lutely necessary.
10 en | Safety Instructions NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter
970.030 | v1.0 | 2009.06 User Manual Bosch Security Systems
1. Switch off the NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter by taking out the battery or removing the power supply.
2. Dry up the NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter.
3. Clean the NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter.
4. Check its electrical functions.
3.3.1 Observation and information
In case of defective operation or any other technical incident for which no remedy is described in this manual, please contact immediately your local representative.
3.4 Special safety instructions
Appropriate safety instructions linked to specific risks are described in the corresponding section of this manual.
Never let any liquid enter the system. In case of liquid spill inside the NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter, act immediately as follows:
For further information, please contact your local representative.
NurseCall N46 Wall Transmitter Description | en 11
Bosch Security Systems User Manual 970.030 | v1.0 | 2009.06
4 Description
4.1 General description
4.1.1 Top view
Fig. 4.1 Top v i ew
1. Red emergency call button
2. LED indicator for alarm
3. LED indicator for presence
4. Green acknowledgment button, to acknowledge an alarm locally.
5. Blue assistance call button
6. Socket for coded key insertion (option)
7. Installation compartment
8. Jack plug for pear-push button
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