Bosch Appliances MVM-BVRM User Manual

Video Recording Manager
en Software Manual
Video Recording Manager Table of Contents | en 3

Table of contents

2.1 iSCSI storage pools 6
2.2 VRM Functions 6
2.3 VRM Server 7
2.4 Configuration Manager 7
2.5 VRM Monitor 7
2.6 Video Streaming Gateway 7
3.1 Installing 8
3.1.1 Installing Video Streaming Gateway 8
3.2 Configuring a Firewall 8
3.3 Verifying installation 9
3.4 Uninstalling 9
4.1 Licensing the software 10
6.1 Starting VRM Monitor 13
6.2 Starting Configuration Manager 13
6.3 Enabling the Cameras tab 13
7.1 Adding a VRM to the system 14
7.2 Managing iSCSI Systems 14
7.2.1 Adding a storage pool 14
7.2.2 Adding an iSCSI system 15
7.2.3 Removing an iSCSI System 15
7.2.4 Adding LUNs 15
7.2.5 Formatting LUNs 16
7.2.6 Configuring the LUN type 16
7.3 Allocating detected devices 16
7.4 Authorizing an encoder permanently 16
7.5 Clearing device allocations 16
7.6 Creating groups of allocated devices 17
7.7 Allocating a device manually 17
7.8 Managing recording 17
7.8.1 Configuring local storage (firmware version 4.0 or later) 18
7.8.2 Configuring alarm tracks (firmware up to 3.5x) 18
7.9 Configuring failover recording mode 18
7.10 Configuring automatic recording mode 19
7.11 Configuring logs 19
7.12 Activating a transcoding device 19
8.1 Adding a VSG to the system 20
8.2 Adding a Bosch camera to a VSG 20
8.3 Adding an ONVIF camera to a VSG 21
8.4 Adding a 3rd party camera to a VSG 21
System overview 6
Licensing 10
Used icons 11
Getting started 13
Configuring a VRM system 14
Configuring Video Streaming Gateway 20
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4 en | Table of Contents Video Recording Manager
8.5 Configuring multicast 22
8.6 Switching on recording 22
Managing user groups and permissions 24
10.1 Configuring users and user groups 24
10.2 Configuring camera permissions 25
User interface 26
11.1 Device Allocator dialog box 26
11.2 Device Editor dialog box 26
11.3 Pool tab 26
11.3.1 iSCSI System Access tab 27
11.3.2 Basic Configuration tab 27
11.3.3 Load Balancing tab 29
11.4 Failover VRM Server information 29
11.5 VRM Settings tab 30
11.6 User Management tab 30
11.6.1 User dialog box 31
11.6.2 Group dialog box 31
11.7 Target Settings tab 31
11.7.1 LUN Assignment dialog box 32
11.8 Recording Management tab (only firmware version 4.0 or later) 32
11.9 Storage Medium tab (only firmware version up to 3.5) 33
11.10 Recording Preferences tab 34
11.11 Retention time tab 34
11.12 Privileges tab 34
11.13 Advanced tab 35
11.14 License tab 35
11.15 Assignment tab (Video Streaming Gateway) 35
11.16 Add/Edit dialog box (Video Streaming Gateway) 36
11.17 Recording profiles tab (Video Streaming Gateway) 38
11.18 Multicast tabs (Video Streaming Gateway) 38
11.19 Advanced tab (Video Streaming Gateway) 39
Index 40
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Video Recording Manager Introduction | en 5


This manual is intended for persons responsible for setting up, using Configuration Manager to configure the VRM Video Recording Manager. For detailed help and step-by-step instructions read the Operator’s Manual or use the Online Help. You find the manual as PDF file on your Setup CD.
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6 en | System overview Video Recording Manager

System overview

You use VRM Video Recording Manager to organize video recordings in a CCTV system. This involves recording video sequences that are provided in the system by an IP camera or an encoder (for example a Dinion IP camera or VIP X1600) on iSCSI RAID arrays. Recordings managed by the VRM system can be played back, exported and, if necessary, burnt to CD or DVD using Bosch Video Management System or Bosch Video Client. Video Streaming Gateway provides the integration of 3rd party cameras and NVR-like recording, e.g. in low-bandwidth networks.
For each device that you want to record, e.g. in low-bandwidth networks, via Video Streaming
Gateway ensure that the I-Frame distance has the maximum value 60.
Otherwise recording is not possible. For non-Bosch devices see the manual of the respective
camera how to perform this task.

iSCSI storage pools

As of VRM v.3.0, iSCSI storage pools are introduced. A storage pool is a container for one or more iSCSI storage systems that share the same load balancing properties. The encoders / IP cameras that are assigned to a storage pool, are recorded with these common load balancing settings. A storage pool can be used to have a logical mapping of the network topology to the VRM, for example if you have two buildings, both containing storage and devices, you want to avoid routing the network traffic from one building to the other. Storage pools can also be used to group cameras and storage systems by an important aspect of view. For example a system contains of some very important cameras and a lot of less important ones. In this case it is possible to group them into two storage pools, one with a lot of redundancy features and one with less redundancy. You can configure the following load balancing properties for a storage pool: – Recording preferences (Automatic or Failover) – Secondary target usage
Secondary target is used in case of Failover mode if the assigned primary target fails. If this option is turned off, the recording stops on all devices assigned to this failed primary target. In case of Automatic mode: if one target fails, VRM Server performs an automatic reassign of the related devices to other storages. If VRM Server is down while a target
fails, the recording is stopped on the devices currently recording on the failed target. – Block reservation for downtime – Sanity check period
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VRM Functions

The application comprises the following modules: – VRM Server – VRM Monitor – Configuration Manager – Video Streaming Gateway
Video Recording Manager System overview | en 7

VRM Server

VRM Server manages the recordings of the devices. Further, it monitors the system health status, i.e. cameras, storage online / offline, and problems of the system.

Configuration Manager

Use Configuration Manager to configure the VRM system. The program can be installed on one or more Windows PCs that provide network access to the computer on which VRM Server has been started. Using this program, you specify which IP cameras and encoders have their recordings managed using the VRM system, as well as the iSCSI storage systems on which the recordings are stored. Configuration Manager allows you to create users who may belong to various user groups with different rights. Only users who are set up here can access the system settings and the recordings managed in the VRM system. Access to the VRM system is only permitted for users who log on using a valid user ID. Different types of access privilege may be granted.

VRM Monitor

The VRM Monitor module is provided to monitor the VRM system. The module is automatically installed together with VRM Server. This is where information about the connected BVIP devices (Bosch Video over IP) and storage systems, as well as about the recordings, is displayed. VRM Monitor provides limited options for replaying the recordings. You cannot configure VRM with VRM Monitor.
You need Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or later for the correct display.
Check the Windows Firewall settings. Default settings can possibly prohibit the display of live

Video Streaming Gateway

For integration of 3rd party cameras Video Streaming Gateway provides an ONVIF interface. Additionally you can integrate 3rd party cameras via RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) or JPEG. Video Streaming Gateway (via HTTP) provides NVR-like recording for Bosch cameras. This is especially useful within low bandwidth networks. This is achieved by providing a continuous live video stream which is written to the storage. Therefore, the quality of the recorded data is identical to the quality of the live video. The bandwidth requirement of this live video stream is low because the data packets of this stream do not contain any iSCSI header information. If you have a bandwidth-reduced part in your network, ensure that the live stream is sent through this part. If a connection loss occurs in this part of the network, the connection between Video Streaming Gateway and iSCSI target is not affected. No new block is reserved on the iSCSI target when the connection is reestablished. Hence, the VRM system is more robust against connection loss. Video Streaming Gateway supports name resolution. This allows for using (Dyn-)DNS to connect devices. You do not need to configure IP addresses in Video Streaming Gateway.Video Streaming Gateway itself and the VRM Server must work with fixed IP addresses.
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8 en | Installation Video Recording Manager


For system requirements and recommended Bosch server hardware see the data sheet for Video Recording Manager in the Online Product Catalog on (Video > Video Software > Video Management Systems > VRM - Video Recording Manager. The navigation path is subject to change).
VRM Server
The VRM Server service is installed on a Windows platform. Ensure that a possibly installed web server does not interfere with VRM's HTTP and HTTPS ports. Do not install any of the following applications from VIDOS Pro Suite on the computer where you install VRM: – VIDOS Server – VIDOS-NVR – VIDOS Monitor Wall It is advisable to install VRM Server on a dedicated platform.
Note: For installing VRM Server you need Windows administrator rights.
VRM Monitor
VRM Monitor is an HTML-based interface for monitoring the VRM system. The module is automatically installed together with VRM Server.
Configuration Manager
Configuration Manager is installed along with VRM Server. The program can also be installed on other PCs with network access to the computer on which VRM Server has been started and to the devices that are to be managed.


1. Close all other applications before beginning the installation.
2. Download the software package from the Online Product Catalog and extract the zip file
3. Select the extraction directory and double-click index.htm.
4. Select the required language for the user interface.
5. Under Installation, click VRM Video Recording Manager.
The setup wizard opens and guides you through the installation. When selecting components, a description for each one is displayed when you hover the mouse cursor over them.

Installing Video Streaming Gateway

When you have selected Video Streaming Gateway as a VRM component, in the displayed Wizard dialog box you can configure the following values: – Number of instances that you install on this computer
You can later change this number by reinstalling Video Streaming Gateway. – Starting RCP+ port number, further port numbers are subsequently numbered – Starting HTTP port number, further port numbers are subsequently numbered – Starting HTTPS port number, further port numbers are subsequently numbered

Configuring a Firewall

If you use VRM Video Recording Manager and Video Streaming Gateway behind a Firewall, ensure that the following programs are not blocked by the Firewall:
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Video Recording Manager Installation | en 9

Verifying installation

The Video Recording Manager service is started automatically after installation and every time the computer is started up. Follow the steps below to check that VRM Server has been installed correctly:
1. Click Start > Control Panel.
2. Select Administrative Tools.
3. Select Component Services.
4. Select Services (Local).
5. Search for the Bosch Video Recording Manager entry in the list of all installed services. The following details must appear here: – Status: Started Startup Type: Automatic If you installed Video Streaming Gateway: Search for one Bosch Video Streaming Gateway entry and for as many Bosch VSG Worker Instance entries as you have installed. If you stop the Bosch Video Streaming Gateway service, all Bosch VSG Worker Instance services are also stopped. If you start the Bosch Video Streaming Gateway service, all Bosch VSG Worker Instance services are also started. If you stop a single Bosch VSG Worker Instance, this has no impact o the other Bosch VSG Worker Instance services nor on the Bosch Video Streaming Gateway service. The following details must appear at each service: – Status: Started Startup Type: Automatic


If you no longer wish to use one of the programs on a computer, you can uninstall the program at any time.
The license for any program requiring one applies to the computer hardware and cannot be
used on another computer. Please contact your sales partner if you want to use a license on
another computer.
When you uninstall a licensed program and then install an update on the same PC, your
license is unaffected.
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10 en | Licensing Video Recording Manager


When you purchase VRM Video Recording Manager, you are provided with an authorization number. This number can be found in an envelope that is included with the scope of delivery or you receive it via e-mail. Using this number and the installation code that you can access via the Configuration Manager program, go to the Bosch Software Licensing Manager Internet platform and generate the activation keys. These keys are then entered using Configuration Manager. Once this process is complete, you can use VRM Video Recording Manager permanently in line with terms of the acquired license. You can test VRM for 30 days after installation.

Licensing the software

Main window > Devices tab > > Service > License tab
1. Make a note of the Installation code entry — the copy-and-paste function is supported.
2. On a computer with Internet access, enter the following URL into your browser: If you do not have an account to access the Bosch License Activation Center, either create a new account (recommended) or click the link to activate a new license without logging on. If you create an account and log on before activating, the License Manager keeps track of your activations. You can then review this at any time. Follow the instructions to obtain the License Activation Keys.
3. Return to Configuration Manager > License tab.
4. Under Activation key, enter the first activation key (Activation Key 1) — the copy-and­paste function is supported.
5. Click to save the first activation key.
6. Under Activation key, enter the second activation key (Activation Key 2).
7. Click to save the second activation key.
8. Restart the VRM Server service for which you have entered the license. Video Recording Manager is now available as a full version. Relevant information about the license is displayed on the License tab in Configuration Manager.
The license applies to the computer on which VRM Server is installed. If you have uninstalled
VRM Server and wish to reinstall it on a different computer, you must request new activation
Video Streaming Gateway does not need a license.
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Video Recording Manager Used icons | en 11

Used icons

VRM Server
Failover VRM Server
iSCSI storage device
Click to apply and save your changes.
Online Help...
Click to display the Online Help.
Device is available.
Device cannot be accessed. Devices that cannot be accessed, for example because the network connection has been interrupted, are indicated by a red cross.
Device is password-protected. Devices that are protected by a password are indicated by a padlock until you have authenticated yourself for the device.
Device is busy. Devices for which actions are being carried out are indicated by an egg timer until they become available again.
Device has an error. Devices for which an error has been identified are indicated by a yellow triangle containing an exclamation mark.
Device is in ANR mode. Devices in ANR mode are indicated by a half-filled square with rounded corners. While a network connection exists, the filling is green; otherwise, it is gray.
Camera is available.
Camera cannot be accessed. Cameras that cannot be accessed, for example because the network connection has been interrupted, are indicated by a red cross.
Camera is password-protected. Cameras that are protected by a password are indicated by a padlock until you have authenticated yourself for the camera.
Camera is busy. Cameras for which actions are being carried out are indicated by an egg timer until they become available again.
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12 en | Used icons Video Recording Manager
Camera has an error. Cameras for which an error has been identified are indicated by a yellow triangle containing an exclamation mark.
Camera is in ANR mode. Cameras in ANR mode are indicated by a half-filled square. While a network connection exists, the filling is green; otherwise, it is gray.
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Video Recording Manager Getting started | en 13

Getting started

The Configuration Manager program is used to set and adjust the VRM system. The program can be installed on any PC with network access to the computer on which VRM Server has been started and to the devices that are to be managed.

Starting VRM Monitor

1. Start Internet Explorer on a PC that has network access to the VRM Server computer.
2. In the address bar, enter the IP address of the VRM Server computer and press <ENTER>. If you are starting VRM Monitor on the VRM Server computer, enter the IP address for the localhost followed by the port number if the port number is not 80:<port number>/
3. Access to VRM Monitor is only possible for authorized persons. For this reason you will now be prompted to log on using your user ID. If you do not have the appropriate rights, you cannot view any recordings.
Treat your logon details as confidential.
Ensure that the password is not saved in the browser.
The functions described in the following sections are now available. On the left-hand side, you will see the navigation bar. Click the appropriate entry. The information is displayed on the right-hand side.

Starting Configuration Manager

To start the program:
Click Start, point to Programs, point to Bosch Configuration Manager, and then click Configuration Manager.
If a computer on which VRM Server is started is simultaneously accessed by multiple
Configuration Manager programs, this can result in an inconsistent VRM configuration. Ensure
that different people do not make changes to the configuration at the same time.

Enabling the Cameras tab

Main window > System tab Enable the Cameras tab, when it is not displayed.
1. Expand the Applications folder.
2. Click Configuration Manager.
3. Click the Appearance tab.
4. Click to check the Show 'Cameras' tab check box.
5. Restart Configuration Manager.
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14 en | Configuring a VRM system Video Recording Manager

Configuring a VRM system

To configure a VRM system perform the following tasks: – Adding a VRM to the system, page 14 Managing iSCSI Systems, page 14 Allocating detected devices, page 16 Clearing device allocations, page 16 Creating groups of allocated devices, page 17 Allocating a device manually, page 17 Managing recording, page 17 Configuring failover recording mode, page 18 Configuring automatic recording mode, page 19 Configuring logs, page 19

Adding a VRM to the system

Main window > Network tab You add a VRM to the system to enable assigning storage devices and encoders to this VRM.
1. Right-click the desired VRM and click Add to System....
The Add Device to System dialog box is displayed.
2. In the Group list, select Configuration Manager. The VRM is added to the system and is displayed on the Devices page.
Required configuration changes are performed automatically. You can add a secondary VRM if already two VRM instances are running on a computer and/or no broadcast scan is possible on your system.
To add a secondary VRM without scan:
1. Start Configuration Manager.
2. Click the Devices tab, right-click the desired group and click New Device....
The Device Editor dialog box is displayed.
3. In the URL field, type in the IP address and port number of the desired secondary VRM instance. Example:
4. Click OK.
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Managing iSCSI Systems

To configure a working iSCSI storage, you must add a storage pool, an iSCSI system and add LUNs.

Adding a storage pool

Main window > Devices tab > Right-click > Click New Pool… > Pool Editor dialog box To add a pool:
Type in a name for the storage pool or retain the default name. The default name is automatically numbered. A new folder is added.
To configure a pool:
1. Click Pool n.
2. On the Pool page, perform the required changes.
+ 30 hidden pages