Fire Alarm Systems | GE3‑12WR 12 V Strobe and Horn Strobe
GE3‑12WR 12 V Strobe and Horn Strobe
u Silence the horn while strobes flash
u Use the SuperSlide
u Wide voltage range; 8 VDC to 17.5 VDC
feature for easy testing
The Gentex low‑profile strobe (GES3‑12WR) and horn
strobe (GEC3‑12WR) offer dependable alarms, a low
current draw, an 8 VDC to 17.5 VDC voltage range, and
a minimum flash rate of 1 Hz regardless of input
Easy Installation and Testing
The user can wire then install the entire system,
reducing installation and operating costs. Use the
SuperSlide feature to test supervision.
Horn Output
The horns provide a selection of high or low volume.
The user can also select either Continuous or
Temporal (Code 3) tone output, and synchronize the
temporal signals by using the AVS Series
Synchronization Modules.
Strobe Output
Select from 15 cd, 30 cd, 60 cd, or 75 cd while in the
field using a sliding switch. The horn strobe appliance,
with the AVS‑44, AVSM or a compatible control panel,
can silence the audible signal while leaving the visible
signal energized with the use of a single pair of power
u Four candela choices: 15, 30, 60, or 75 cd
u Select high or low frequency, high or low volume,
and temporal Code 3 or continuous tone pattern
Certifications and approvals
Gentex Corporation holds these listings and approvals:
Region Certification
USA UL ULSZ: Audible Signal Appliances
(ANSI/UL 464) GEC3-12_Series
UL UUKC: Signaling Appliances and Equip-
ment for the Hearing Impaired (ANSI/UL
1971) GES3-12_Series
FM GE3_Series
CSFM see our website
Installation/configuration notes
Compatible Products
The following products are compatible with the
GE3‑12 Family 12 V Strobe and Horn Strobe:
Control Panels:
Compatible with all Bosch G Series, B Series, 6000 Series, 2000
Series, DS7400Xi and DS7400XiV4, DS7080iP‑32, DS7200 Series,
and DS7060 Series Control Panels
D70222 Conventional FACP

2 | GE3‑12WR 12 V Strobe and Horn Strobe
FPD-70243 Addressable and Conventional FACPs
Synchronization Modules:
AVS-44, AWS-44W, AVSM-R, and AVSM-W
For synchronization, use the AVS44 or AVSM Synchronization Modules
with these control panels.
The D7022 must be set for 12 VDC operation and requires the AVS44
or AVSM Synchronization Modules for synchronization.
The FPD-7024 is not UL 864 9th edition approved for use with the
Gentex synch protocol.
Mounting Considerations
Use the strobes and horn strobes for indoor
installations only.
These strobes and horn strobes are equipped with a
four‑inch square metal mounting plate that can be
attached as follows:
Single‑gang ● ●
Double‑gang ● ● ●
● ● ●
GSB ● ●
Also included is a locking mechanism that secures the
product to the bracket without any screws showing.
Shipping Information
The horn strobe models are delivered from the factory
set to the temporal lower frequency mode.
Do not use these units in coded or pulsed
signaling circuits.
The input terminals accept wires with diameters
between 18 AWG and 12 AWG (ISO 0.75 mm2 and
4 mm2).
Parts included
Quant. Component
1 Strobe or horn strobe with finish plate
1 Die‑cast mounting plate
1 Plastic test card
1 Hardware pack
1 Literature pack
Technical specifications
Input voltage 12 VDC or FWR nominal
Voltage range 8 to 17.5 VDC or FWR
Strobe current ratings:
• 15 cd 163 mA RMS
• 30 cd 212 mA RMS
• 60 cd 331 mA RMS
• 75 cd 436 mA RMS
Relative Humidity Up to 93% non‑condensing
Temperature (Operating) +32°F to +120°F (0°C to +49°C)
Dimensions (H x W x D) 5.0 in. x 4.5 in. x 2.5 in. (12.7 cm x
11.4 cm x 6.4 cm)
Alarm Ratings
The sound output for the temporal (Code 3) tone
is rated lower because the time the horn is off is
averaged into the sound output rating. When the
horn is producing a tone in the Temporal mode its
sound pressure is the same as the Continuous
Horn (Continuous, 2400 Hz)
Audible Device Current
29 mA RMS
Sound Output (maximum range)
79 dBA to 84 dBA
at 10 ft (3 m)
Horn (Continuous, Mechanical)
Audible Device Current
26 mA RMS
Sound Output (maximum range)
79 dBA to 83 dBA
at 10 ft (3 m)
Horn (Temporal Code 3, 2400 Hz)
Audible Device Current
29 mA RMS
Sound Output (maximum range)
76 dBA to 81 dBA
at 10 ft (3 m)