Bosch WFL 2060, Axxis WFL 2050, Axxis WFL 2060 Operating & Installation Instructions Manual

Table of Contents
Operating Instructions
Disposal Information ........................
Disposing of the packaging ................
Disposing of your old appliance .............
Intended Use ...............................
Your New Washing Machine ..................
Control panel ............................
About Your Washing Machine ................
Before Using For the First Time ................
Using For the First Time ......................
Preparing, Sorting and Loading the Laundry .....
Preparing the laundry .....................
Sorting the laundry .......................
Degrees of dirt ...........................
Loading the laundry ......................
6 6 6
6 6
7 8
9 9
10 10
10 10 12
Laundry Detergents and Additives .............
Dispensing the correct amount
of detergent ............................. 13
Filling laundry detergent and/
or additive dispensers ..................... 13
Selecting Programs ......................... 14
Basic programs .......................... 14
Extra cycle program selector ............... 14
Spin speed selector ...................... 15
Additional function on spin speed selector .... 15
Additional options buttons ................. 15
Washing .................................. 15
Soaking ................................ 17
Bleaching ............................... 17
Decotorizing ............................. 17
Changing a program ...................... 17
Cancelling an active program ............... 17
When the Program has Ended ................ 18
Unloading the laundry ..................... 18
User Maintenance Instructions
User Maintenance Instructions ................ 19
Cleaning and Care ........................ 19
Cleaning the appliance housing
and control panel ......................... 19
Cleaning the drum ........................ 19
Cleaning the detergent dispenser ........... 19
Cleaning the drain pump .................. 20
Cleaning water inlet strainers ............... 22
Descating the washing machine ............ 23
Customer Service ........................... 23
Troubleshooting Minor Faults ................. 24
Installation Instructions
Installation, Connection and Transport ......... 26
Safety information ........................ 26
Factory supplied equipment ............... 26
Dimensions ............................. 28
Installation area .......................... 28
Built in Installation ........................ 29
Levelling procedure ....................... 29
Removing the transport bolts ............... 30
Hose and cable lengths ................... 31
Water connection ........................ 31
Electrical connection ...................... 33
Transport, e.g. when moving ............... 34
(Incase of change of ownership, manual
should be conveyed with the washing
To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, serious injury or death to persons when using your
washing machine, follow basic precautions, including the following.
1. BOSCH washers are provided with a manual, including Operating Instructions, User
Maintenance Instructions and Installation Instructions. Read all instructions before using
the washing machine.
2. Do not wash articles that have been previously
cleaned in, washed in, soaked in, or spotted with gasoline, dry cleaning solvents, other
flammable, or explosive substances as they give off vapors that could ignite or explode.
3. Do not add gasoline, dry cleaning solvents, or other flammable, or explosive substances to
the wash water. These substances give off vapors that could ignite or explode.
4. Under certain conditions hydrogen gas may be
produced in a hot water system that has not been used for 2 weeks or more. HYDROGEN
GAS IS EXPLOSIVE. If the hot water system
has not been used for such a period, before using a washing machine, turn on all hot water
faucets and let the water flow from each for several minutes. This will release any
accumulated hydrogen gas. As the gas is flammable do not smoke or use an open flame during this time.
5. Do not allow children to play on or in the appliance. Close supervision of children is
necessary when the appliance is used near children.
6. Before the appliance is removed from service or discarded, remove the door and the power cord/plug.
7. Do not reach into the appliance if the wash drum is moving.
8. Do not install or store this appliance where it will be exposed to the weather.
9. Do not tamper with the controls.
10. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance or attempt any service unless specifically recommended in the user-maintenance instructions or in published user repair instructions that you understand and have the skills to carry out.
11. Always be sure to unplug the washing machine from the eletrical supply before attempting any
service. Disconnect the power cord by grasping the plug, not the cord.
12. To reduce the risk of fire, clothes, cleaning rags, mop heads and the like which have traces of any flammable substance, such as vegetable oil, cooking oil, petroleum based oils or distillates, waxes, fats, etc., must not be placed in the washing machine. These items may contain some flammable substance(s) after laundering, which may smoke or catch fire by
13. Do not use bleach. Hazardous fumes can form.
14. Do not machine wash fiberglass materials (many curtains and window coverings use
fiberglass materials). Small particals can remain in the washing machine and stick to fabrics in
subsequent wash loads causing skin irritation.
15. Do not leave children unsupervised near the washing machine.
16. Keep pets away from the washing machine.
17. Do not insert/pull out the mains plug with wet hands.
18. Do not pull out the mains plug by tugging the cable.
19. Do not touch the loading door if washing at high temperatures.
20. Caution when draining hot water.
21, Donot climbonto the washingmachineand do
notleanon theopen loadingdoor.
22. Donot siton the top ofthewashing machine. 23,To reducetherisk of fireor electricalshock,
DONOTuseanextensioncord oranadapter to connect thewashingmachineto the electricalpower supply.
24,Thewashingmachinemust onlybe usedfor its
25,Alwaysfollow thefabric careinstructions
recommendedbythe clothing manufacturer.
26, Replaceworn power cords and/or loose plugs. 27, Makesurethat allwater connectionsto the
washingmachinehaveshut-offvalve(s)and thattheyare readilyaccessible.Closethe washingmachinewatershut-off valve(s)atthe end of eachwashday.
28,Checkthe fillhose connectionson a regular
basisto assurethat they aretight and not
29,Alwaysreadand followthe instructionsofthe
manufacturerofthe detergent(s),cleaning aid(s),fabricsoftener(s)and staticeliminator(s), whichyou areusing.Heedallwarningsand
30,Store alllaundrychemicalsand aidsina cool
dry placeaccordingto the manufacturer's
31,To reducethe riskof poisoningor chemical
burns,keepallcleaningproducts out ofthe
reachof children.
32, Donot operatethe washingmachinewith any
guardsand/or panelsremoved.
33, Donot operatethe washing machinewith
missingor brokenparts.
34,Do not bypassany safetydevices. 35,Do not operatethis washingmachineuntilyou
aresure: a, the washingmachinehasbeen installed
according to the INSTALLATION
b, all connectionsfor water,drain,electrical
powerand groundingare incompliance
with alllocalcodes and/or otherapplicable
codes and requirements.
36,Failureto install,maintainand/or operatethe
washingmachineaccordingto the manufacturer'sinstructionsmay resultin conditionswhichcan leadto bodily injury and/or propertydamage.
The IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS and WARNINGS presented in this manual do
not cover all possible conditions that may occur. Common sense, caution and care
must be exercised when installing, maintaining or operating the washing
Always contact your dealer, distributor,
service agent or the manufacturer about
any problems or conditions that you do not
Please read this instruction manual and all other information accompanying the washing machine
before operating the appliance. Please retain all documents for future reference or
for a subsequent appliance owner.
Disposal Information
Disposing of the packaging
The shipping package has protected your new appliance on its way to your home. All packaging
materials are environment-friendly and recyclable. Please contribute to a better environment by
disposing of packaging materials in an environmentally conscious manner.
Please ask your dealer or local authority about best means of disposal.
Environmental Protection /
Conservation Issues
Your washing machine uses water, energy and detergent efficiently, thereby protecting the
environment and reducing your household costs.
Using your washing machine in an efficient and
environmentally friendly manner:
- Avoid using too much detergent. Use detergent recommended for high efficiency and front-loading washers.
- Add detergent according to the degree of soiling, amount of laundry and water hardness, and observe the detergent manufacturer's
Keep children away from shipping carton and packaging components. Danger of suffocation from plastic film and folding cartons.
Disposing of your old
Old appliances are not worthless rubbish!
Environment-conscious recycling can reclaim
valuable raw materials.
Intended Use
Your washing machine is intended:
- For domestic use only.
- For washing machine-washable fabrics in washing water.
- For operation using cold and hot (140 °F/ 60 °C) tap water and conventional laundry detergents
and additives that are suitable for use in washing machines.
On out-of service appliances, unplug mains plug. Cut off power cord and discard with mains
To prevent playing children from becoming trapped and endangered, ensure that the door locking
mechanism is disabled.
Your New Washing
Filling laundry detergent and/or additive dispensers
DispenserI: Detergentfor soakingagent.
DispenserI1: Detergentfor wash, stain remover.
Dispenser_: Cleaningproduct,e.g.fabric softener,fabric
conditioner(do notfill abovethe loweredgeof the insert1).
Openthe loading door ...
and close it. Drain water
if necessary
Control panel
2. Control lights
finished flasheswhenthe doorcan beopened, door locked illuminateswhilethe program is running,
rinse/spin illuminateswhilethe rinsingorspinning is running,
wash illuminateswhenStart is pressed,
1, Select a program Programselectorswitchesthe washing machine
on/off, Canberotated ineither direction, Theprogramselectordoesnot rotatewhilethe
programis running the programsequenceis
readyflasheswhen program isselected,
StaJt Rinse
ewaUick Spin
(_ 1000
PermanentP_e_s Regu_r /Coiton
C_d t Cdd
Hand W_ hables DraP"
3, Set the spin speed (if desired)
Variable;must click intoplaceat no final spin,
4, Press buttons for additional functions (whererequiredto supplementthe program)
Power Wash: Extendedwashingtime for best stain removalandcleaningresults, Rinse Plus: Additionalrinsingcycle,
Quick Wash: Fasterwashingtime for expediatedcleaningresults,
Thecontrol lightabovethe option button lightsup whenthe respectiveadditional function is active,
To cancelthe additionalfunction: Pressthe buttonagain,
5. Press the Start button
Thewashingprocessbegins(programmust havebeenselected),
About Your Washin
The washing machine offers the following standard features:
- Horizontal-Axis, Tumble Action Wash System, without agitator
- Stainless Steel Inner Wash Drum
- Exceptionally Low Energy and Water
- Internal Heating Element, for Power temp boost,
up to 160 °F(71 °C)
- High Spin Speeds, up to 1,000 rpm, remove
more water from fabrics to reduce drying time
and energy.
- 4 Fabric and 5 Temperature Settings.
- 3 special cycles
- 3 additional functions
Before Using For the First Time
The washing machine must have been installed and connected properly (refer to page 26).
Before beginning to use your washing machine for
the first time:
Check to make sure that the voltage on which the washing machine is to operate is the same as shown on the rating plate.
Check to make sure that the water valves to the washing machine are open.
Using For the
Your appliance was tested before leaving the factory. To remove any water left over from testing
procedures, the first washing cycle should be
carried out without laundry in the machine.
Do not load any laundry. Turn on the water tap.
Pull out the detergent dispenser up to the end stop.
Pour approx. 1 litre / 1 3Apt of water into chamber II of the detergent dispenser.
Half fill the measuring beaker with detergent and pour into chamber II. Do not use any special detergents for delicates or woollens (excessive foam).
Close the detergent dispenser. Set the program selector to Power temp
boost. The ready control light is flashing.
Press the Start button. The wash control light comes on, and the
program starts.
[] door locked illuminates while the program is
The wash control light changes during the
program to rinse/spin.
When the finished flashes:
Set the program selector to Off.
Preparing, Sorting
and Loadin the
Preparing the laundry
Sorting the laundry
According to colour to degree of dirt
Items of clothing can become discoloured. Never wash new multi-coloured items together
with other items.
Loose debris (e.g. coins, paper clips, needles, nails) can damage items of clothing as well as parts of the washing machine (e.g. drum).
Empty all pockets on items of clothing. Brush out any sand from pockets and cuffs.
Close zip-fasteners and button up bed covers.
Remove curtain runners or tie them up in a net / bag.
The following items must be washed inside a
net / pillow case:
Extremely delicate items, e.g. fine tights, net curtains.
Small items, e.g. small socks or handkerchiefs.
Underwired bras (the wire may come loose during washing and cause damage).
When washing trousers, knitwear and woven fabrics, e.g. shirts, T-shirts or sweatshirts, always turn these items inside out.
White items may become grey. Always wash white and coloured items separately.
Degrees of dirt
Slight dirt
No recognizable dirt or staining. Laundry may have
some body odour.
- Light summer clothing and sportswear that has only been worn for a few hours.
- T-shirts, shirts and blouses that have been worn for up to one day.
- Bed linen and guest towels that have been used for one day.
Normal dirt
Visible dirt and/or some light staining recognizable.
- T-shirts, shirts and blouses that are very sweaty or have been worn several times.
- Underwear that has been worn for one day.
- Tea towels, hand towels and bed linen that have been used for up to one week.
- Net curtains (without nicotine staining) that have not been washed for up to 1/2year.
Intensive dirt Dirtand/or stainingrecognizable.
- Kitchenhandtowels that havebeen usedfor upto oneweek.
- Fabricnapkins.
- Bibs.
- Children'souter clothingorfootball shirtsand
shortswith grassand soilstains.
- Workingclothessuch as overallsor baker's
and butcher's coats.
Typical stains
- Skinfat, cooking oils/ fat, sauces, mineral oil,
wax (containing fat / oil).
- Tea, coffee, red wine, fruit, vegetables
- Blood, egg, milk, starch (containing protein /
- Soot, soil, sand (pigments), red sand on tennis
Removing stains
Wherever possible, remove / pretreat stains whilst they are still fresh.
First, dab soapy water onto the stain. Do not rub.
Subsequently wash the items of clothing using the appropriate program.
Several washing cycles may sometimes be
required in order to remove stubborn / dried in
Sorting laundry according to their care label specifications
Fabric Types
Machine Wash, Cottons
_;/Machine Wash, Permanent Press
_' Machine Wash, Delicates
_;/Hand Wash
Do not wash clothes in washing machine if the care label says "Do Not Wash" or the
DO NOT WASH symbol is on the care label.
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