Bosch ATX-TRM-304T01, ATX-TRM-433T01 Installation Manual

Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd
11 Bishan Street 21 573943 Singapore Singapore
© Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, 2014
ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter
ATX-TRM-304T01 | ATX-TRM-433T01
en Quick Installation Guide
ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter
Quick Installation Guide
1 FCC Information
This device complies wi th Part 15 FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may n ot cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operation.
For the full FCC information, refer to the ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter Installation M anual wh ich can be downloaded from
2 Installation and Setup
This section provides information for the system planners and configurators.
2.1 Removing the Cover
Retaining screw
Lower Part
1. Remove the belt clip, if used.
2. Remove the retaining screw on the back of the enclosure.
3. Use a flat-head screwdriver to pry the lower part of the front cover away from the enclosure.
2.2 Battery
The transmitter uses a CR2, 3V lithium battery. The Central Console indicates wh en the battery is low and needs replacement. Refer to Figure 3.1 for battery polarity. The battery’s life depends on usage and enabled features.
Batteries must not be disposed of in household waste. Please take used batteries to the local collection points. See for further information.
3 Enabling and Disabling Features
The diagram on the left shows the different components of the transmitter.
Dip switch for radio frequency (see Figure 3.2)
Battery compartment (3V)
Alarm button
Test button
3.1 Selecting Transmitter Radio Frequency
The radio frequency (RF) is set as 304 MHz by default. To change the RF to
303.825 MHz, set dip switch 1 to the OFF position and dip switch 2 to the ON position. To change the RF to 433.42 MHz, set dip swit ch 1 to the ON position and dip switch 2 to the OFF position. Once the transmitter restarts after inserting the battery, the transmitter will emit a number of beeping ton es depending on the configured RF.
Remove the battery before setting the dip switches. Use a white marker to indicate the configured RF on the back of the transmitter after setting the dip switches.
Changes to the dip switches should be performed by administrators only.
2014.03 | V1.0.0 | F.01U.268.386
Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd
Quick Installation Guide
ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter
3.2 Factory Reset
Factory reset should be performed by ad ministrators only. Set both dip switches 1 and
2 to the ON position. While pressing the Test and Alarm buttons, the transmitter resets after inserting the battery. If the reset is successful, there will be 3 slow consecutive beep tones every 1 second. After a successful reset, select the transmitter RF by setting the dip switches as described in Section 3.1, Selecting Transmitter Radio Frequency. If the reset i s unsuccessful, there will be 2 slow consecutive beep tones every 1 second.
Refer to the following table which lists the values that are being set for the respective features following the factory reset.
3.3 Activating the Configuration Mode
Configuration mode on the transmitter i s activated by going into the test mo de. Note that this mode is n ot available if th e Man-Down or Lanyard snatch alarms are trigg ered and active. Whil e holding down the Test button, press the Alarm button and release. The transmitter is in configuration mode once it emits 3 short and fast beep tones every 3 seconds.
3.3 Configuring the Transmitter
Transmitter type, Autotracking inte rval, Man -Down pre -beep to duration, Supervision Tracking, Man -Down and Lanyard Snatch features can be configured wirelessly on the transmitter via the coordinator/receiver using the Central Console software. To establish communication be tween the transmitter and the coordinator, you need to know their Radio IDs. Their unique Radio IDs can be found engraved on the devices. Using the Central Console software, enable or disable the features accordingly and send the configuration to the transmitter. Please refer to the Security Escort Technical Reference Manual for further details.
3.4 Exiting Configuration Mode
The transmitter will exit configuration mode automatically once the configuration has been transferred successfully to the transmitter. If no coordinator/receiver is pr esent, user can exi t the configuration mode immediately by pressing the Test button. Th e transmitter will enter operational mode once it exits the configuration mode.
4 Basic Transmitter Features
This section provides information of the various features of the transmitter.
4.1 Transmitting a Manual Alarm
Initiate an alarm by pressing and holding the Alarm button for 1 second. This emits a series of m ixed tones for 2 seconds and sends an alarm signal to th e Central Console. If alarm is activated with in sight of a receiver, the red LED on the receiver lights up. After initiating a manual alarm, the Auto Tracking feature sends your latest l ocation to the Central Console every 7 seconds (configurable). Reset the transmitter after a manual alarm by performing a test as described in Section 6, Testing the Transmitter.
4.2 Man-Down Alarm
Whenever you are in a prone position (60° from upright) for more than 5 seconds (configurable), the transmitter emits a series of mixed tones for 2 seconds, an d sends an alarm signal to the Central Console. There are no tones or alarm signal if transmitter is restored within 5 seconds (configurable). If alarm is activated within sight of a receiver, the red LED lights up. Reset the transmitter after a Man-Down Alarm by returning the transmitter to the upright position and performing a test as described in Section 6, Testing the Transmitter.
4.3 Lanyard Snatch Alarm
Initiate an alarm by pulling the lanyard off the transmitter. This emits a series of mixed tones for 2 seconds, followed by short beeps at 250 millisecond intervals. The transmitter sends an alarm signal to the Central Console. If activated within sight of a r eceiver, the red LED o f the receiver lights up. The Auto Tracking feature sends th e latest location to the Central Console every 7 seconds (configurable). To reset the transmitter after a Lanyard Snatch Alarm, reinsert the lanyard pin and perform a test as described in Section 6, Testing the Transmitter.
5 Wearing the Transmitter
Side view of clip
Back of transmitter
Screw holes (mandatory)
Screw holes (optional)
This transmitter includes a clip you can wear over a pocket/belt, or firmly fixed to a belt. To wear the transmitter over a pocket/belt, se cure the clip to the transmitter at the two top positions (no. 4) using the screws pr ovided. To fix the transmitter firml y on a belt, secure the clip to the transmitter at the two top positions (n o. 4), and at the bottom l ocation (no. 5) using the screw that secures the battery door. The clip is designed to be worn on a security type utility belt. If worn on a thin belt, be aware that a l oose fit might cause the transmitter to send a Man -Down Alarm (if enabled) when you m ove too much.
6 Testing the Transmitter
Test your transmitter by standing within sight of a receiver or siren-strobe. While h olding down the Test button, press the Alarm button until the transmitter emits 3 short beep tones. A test transm ission is sent, lighting the green LED on a receiver or the strobe on an outdoor siren-strobe. There may be a delay of 2 to 3 se conds before the flashing light appears. If the receiver’s LED or the strobe does not light to confirm a successful test transmission, retest the transmitter. If you still do not receive a confirmation, contact the security department.
7 Upgrading Transmitter Firmware
Transmitter firmware can be upgraded wirelessly via a dedicated coordinator using the Utility Tool of the Security Escort software. For more information on the usage of Utility Tool, please refer to the Security Escort Installation and Setup Manual.
Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd
2014.03 | V1.0.0 | F.01U.268.386
Radio Frequency
Switch Number 1
Switch Number 2
304 MHz (default)
303.825 MHz
433.42 MHz
Used for Factory Reset
Radio Frequency
Number of Beeping Tones
303.825 MHz
304 MHz
433.42 MHz
Transmitter Type
Supervision Tracking
Autotracking Interval
7 secs
Supervision Tracking Interval
90 secs
Figure 2.1: Back of Transmitter
Figure 3.1: Components of the transmitter
Figure 5.1: Belt Clip Attachment
Figure 3.2: Selecting Transmitter Radio Frequency