Bosch C1210ES, C1210ESC, C1050ES, C950ES, 940ES Applications Manual

WARNING: If the information in this manual is not followed
exactly, a  re or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury or death.
Follow each appliance's instructions precisely. Installation and service must be performed by a trained and certi ed installer, service agency or the gas supplier.
Application drawings in this manual are conceptual only and do not purport to address all design, installation, code, or safety considerations.
The diagrams in this manual are for reference use by code of cials, designers and licensed installers. It is expected that installers have adequate knowledge of national and local codes, as well as accepted industry practices, and are trained on equipment, procedures, and applications involved. Drawings are not to scale.
Refer to the appliance and accessory installation manuals for additional detailed information!
GREENTHERM & THERM Tankless Water Heaters
C1210ES/ESC, C1050ES, C950ES, 940ES, 940ESO, 830ES, 520HN, 520PN, 330PN
Applications Manual
THERM/GREENTHERM Tankless Water Heaters
Applications Manual
Bosch Thermotechnology Corp.Data subject to change
Applications Manual THERM/GREENTHERM Tankless Water Heaters | 3
Table of Contents
1 Explanation of symbols 4
2 Introduction 5
3 Model Certi cations 5
4 Tankless Water Heater Accessories 6
5 Pump sizing for circulation 7
5.1 Pressure drop curves 7
5.2 Domestic hot water circulation 8
5.3 Tank loading 9
6 Water Heater Sizing & Speci cations 10
6.1 Sizing tankless water heaters 10
6.2 Tankless Water Heater Speci cations 12
7 Water Quality 14
8 Applications Legend 15
9 Domestic Hot Water Applications 16
9.1 Low volume applications 17
9.2 Whole house applications 18
10 High Volume Potable Water Heating 22
10.1 Cascading unit applications 22
10.2 Parallel unit applications 25
11 Residential Solar Applications 26
11.1 Booster applications 27
12 Commercial Solar Applications 29
13 Commercial Water Heating Applications 30
13.1 Commercial Kitchen applications 31
13.2 Tank loading with domestic hot water recirculation 32
13.3 Advanced tank loading commercial hot water system 33
13.4 Common Venting 34
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THERM/GREENTHERM Tankless Water Heaters
1 Explanation of symbols
Warnings in this document are identi ed by a
warning triangle printed against a grey background. Keywords at the start of a warning indicate the type and seriousness of the ensuing risk if measures to prevent the risk are not taken.
The following keywords are de ned and can be used in this document:
f NOTICE indicates that damage to property may occur.
f CAUTION indicates that personal injury may occur.
f WARNING indicates that severe personal injury may
Applications Manual
f DANGER indicates that severe personal injury or
death may occur.
Important information
Important information in cases where there is no
risk of personal injury or material losses is identi-  ed by the symbol shown on the left. It is bordered by horizontal lines above and below the text.
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2 Introduction
This Applications Manual is intended to present some of the most common applications of the Bosch Therm tankless water heaters. Application drawings are shown with both piping and corresponding electrical schematics where applicable. Auxiliary equipment depicted does not necessarily represent any one manufacturer or speci c model number. There are a wide variety of techniques, practices and piping strategies possible when installing water heating appliances. It is the responsibility of the installing contractor to determine the best solution for the application.
NOTICE: All drawings are conceptual in nature
and do not address all design, installation or safety considerations. Additional safety and/or auxiliary equipment may be needed. Drawings are for reference use by of cials, designers and licensed installers. It is expected that installers have adequate knowledge of accepted industry practices for the equipment, procedures, and applications involved. It is the responsibiltiy of the installer to ensure that the installation is in accordance with local building codes.
3 Model Certi cations
The following are certi cation stamps and explanations that are speci c to one or more Bosch tankless water heaters. These certi cations bring the appliances in ac­cordance with the requirements of the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54.
appliances using gas or other petroleum fuel.
appliances using gas or other petroleum fuel.
Energy Star quali ed (models C 1050 ES,
C 950 ES, 940 ES, 940 ESO, 830 ES, 660 EF, 660 EFO).
Certi ed to applicable U.S. standards for
Certi ed to applicable Canadian standards for
Although this manual covers many common applications for our products, system possibilities are virtually endless. Should you encounter an application that is not covered in this manual or have any questions regarding any of its content, we encourage you to contact your local sales representative or us directly at Bosch Thermotechnology Corp.
This manual is not a substitute for any of the appliance installation manuals. All speci cations are subject to change.
NOTICE: Installation must conform with local
codes or, in the absence of local codes, the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54. In Canada: Installation must conform with CGA B149.(1,2) INSTALLATION CODES and/or local installation codes.
National Sanitation Foundation International
certi ed.
Energy ef ciency certi ed by AHRI -
Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute.
For model C 1210 ESC only.
This model is built in accordance
with the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and received the Certi cate of Authorization from the National Board. The heat exchanger has the NB and the HLW stamps.
Other certi cations:
f Meets California Energy Commission (CEC) standards.
Bosch Thermotechnology Corp.
f Approved by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
f South Coast Air Quality Management - 2012
For Models 830 ES, 940 ES, 940ESO, C 950 ES, C 1050 ES, C 1210 ES and C 1210 ESC only
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THERM/GREENTHERM Tankless Water Heaters
Applications Manual
4 Tankless Water Heater Accessories
Available accessories
Part number
Concentric vent/air intake kit stainless steel
Concentric termination kit - PVC* 196016  Exhaust/intake bird screen - PVC L2594  Vertical vent kit ES VVT  Horizontal vent kit 4TWHVK3SII  Outdoor kit for Therm 7709003913  Wireless remote control TSTAT2   Intelligent cascading kit 7709003962  High temperature kit 7736500074   PVC Condensing drain tee† 196061  Condensate neutralization cartridge kit¹ JM-2KIT  Isolation valve kit with PRV ES ISO KIT  Pipe Cover W2-3 Silver PTPCES 
Recess Box for 830 ES to C 1210 ES models
Polypropylene up and out venting kit 7738003210 
Polypropylene common venting system for up to 4 units
Meets ULC S636 Standard
Also included in the Concentric termination kit (196016)
¹ Condensate neutralization cartridge kit may be used for non-condensing product vent systems
see vent
C 1210 ES / C 1210 ESC
C 1050 ES C 950 ES 940 ES 940 ESO 830 ES
Available accessories
Part number 520 HN 520 PN 330 PN
Freeze prevention kit 7709003775 Isolation valve kit with PRV ES ISO KIT  Power vent w/back draft  apper AQ4 
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Applications Manual THERM/GREENTHERM Tankless Water Heaters | 7
5 Pump sizing for circulation
For direct DHW recirculation and tank loading
The following section outlines pump sizing for domestic hot water recirculation and tank loading. Only models approved for such applications are listed in this section.
f Pump must be bronze or stainless steel and designed
for potable water systems.
f Size the pump according to the pressure drop curve of
your Therm model (fig. 1 below) and the loop pressure drop tables.
f Maximum flow allowed for tank loading through the
pump loop is 5 GPM.
f Maximum flow recommended for direct DHW
recirculation is 3 GPM.
f Maximum flow allowed for mini-tank DHW recirculation
is 2 GPM.
applications: Run the system for 30 minutes to remove debris from the plumbing. Then remove the unit‘s inlet water  lter to decrease pressure drop through the system. If the inlet water  lter, when remo­ved, contains debris, it is recommended to install a 40 mesh Y-strainer (installer supplied) on the cold water inlet.
5.1 Pressure drop curves
Pressure (Feet of Head)
C 950 ES C 1050 ES
C 1210 series
830 ES, 940 ES / ESO
igure 1 Pressure drop curves
Bosch Thermotechnology Corp.
Flow (GPM)
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THERM/GREENTHERM Tankless Water Heaters
Applications Manual
5.2 Domestic hot water circulation
5.2.1 Ariston mini-tank DHW recirculation
Reference drawing 9.2.3 on page 20.
If recirculating through an Ariston mini-tank only, use the smallest pump that will overcome the pressure of the loop. Recommended  ow rate within the range of 1 to 2 GPM. This method of recirculation maintains warranty.
f The tank and the Therm should be set at roughly the
same temperature.
f An aquastat is required to control the recirculation
pump operation. An aquastat temperature setting of 110° F with a 10° F differential is recommended.
f The recirculation flow must be <2 gpm. Higher flows
will waste energy and can erode the Ariston anode, requiring frequent anode replacement to maintain its warranty.
f To minimize energy costs:
1. Insulate all pipes in the recirculation loop.
2. Install a timer or sensor system that will shut the pump off when hot water will not be used.
f Recirculation loops over 200 feet in total length will
require an electric tank with a larger heating capacity than the Ariston 8 gallon model.
5.2.2 Direct DHW recirculation
Reference drawing 9.2.4 on page 21.
If the Bosch tankless water heater provides the
heat source for recirculated water , the heat exchanger warranty is decreased. Please refer to the installation manual for detailed warranty period information.
f Direct recirculation flow through the tankless water
heater must be above 1.7 gpm for best performance.
Flow can be verified in the diagnostic menu, mode P4-3d. Refer to the Diagnostic Menu section of your Therm installation manual for details.
System conditions vary and each pump must be
sized by a professional to insure performance.
Use only bronze or stainless steel pumps. Do not
use pumps of iron construction as they will oxi­dize and clog the inlet  lter on the appliance.
f When properly installed in a direct recirculation
application the Therm will regulate water temperature in a recirculation loop within a 20° F range. A thermostatic mixing valve is required after the water heater if no other temperature control is used.
f Closer temperature control can also be accomplished
with a recirculation pump aquastat. The Therm temperature setting must always be at least 14° F higher than the aquastat cut-out setting.
Therm temperature setting: 122° F
Aquastat cut-out temperature setting: 108° F
To minimize energy costs:
1. Insulate all pipes in the recirculation loop.
2. Install a timer or sensor system that will shut the pump off when hot water will not be used.
Recirculation Loop Pressure Drop at 2GPM (Feet of Head)
10 ft Pipe 90 Elbow 45 Elbow
½" Type L Copper
¾" Type L Copper
¾" Pex
" Pex
½" Pex
Source: 2009 International Plumbing Code
0.85 0.09 0.05 0.18
0.15 0.03 0.01 0.05
0.25 0.02 N/A 0.03
0.53 0.04 N/A 0.06
1.3 0.12 N/A 0.18
Sizing a pump for a 2gpm direct DHW recirc system with a THERM 940ES and have 150 ft total loop length.
Head Loss Loop Component
9.00 ft 940ES (See Fig.1, page 7)
1.20 ft 80 ft of ¾" copper
5.90 ft 70 ft of ½" copper return
0.24 ft 8 x ¾" 90 elbows
0.10 ft 2 x ¾" Tees (branch)
0.72 ft 8 x ½" 90 elbows + 0.18 ft 1 x ½" Tee (branch)
Refer to pump manufacturers  ow vs pressure speci cations to select a pump that can provide  ow between 1.7 gpm and 3 gpm while overcoming the pressure loss through the Therm and the recirculation loop. Refer to  gure 1 and table... to determine pressure loss.
17.34 ft Minimum Pump Head at 2.0 gpm
Once the loop head loss has been calculated, use the pump manufacturer’s performance curves to select the proper potable water circulator at the required  ow rate.
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5.3 Tank loading
Refer to drawings 13.2 and 13.3 on pages 32 and 33.
Tank loading pairs tankless water heaters with storage tanks to maximize peak  ow for high demand applications. A tank load system, because of the added storage, can provide a high peak  ow with fewer tankless units and lower installed cost.
These guidelines should be followed to maximize system output:
f Ensure flow through each water heater is between
3.5-5.0 gpm.
f Isolation valves or boiler drains should be installed to
facilitate descaling in applications with hard water.
f For best performance, plumb the system or configure
the tank to draw cold supply water into the water heater during hot water use.
f Maintain a 20 degree temperature difference between
tankless set-point and desired tank temperature.
f Do not use a cascading kit in a tank loading
f When multiple tankless water heaters are used, the
total equivalent length of piping to each unit should be kept roughly equal. A reverse return piping scheme is recommended to equalize flow through each water heater.
f For tank temperature settings above 120° F, the Therm
C 1210 ESC is recommended. Other high capacity Therms including the 830 ES, 940 ES/ESO, C 950 ES and C 1050 ES can be used, but a high temperature kit (part 7736500074) is required for each. In these applications a thermostatic mixing valve is required.
Pressure drop vs.  ow*
# of
1 40 feet of head @ 4gpm 32 feet of head @ 4gpm
2 40 feet of head @ 8gpm 32 feet of head @ 8gpm
3 40 feet of head @ 12gpm 32 feet of head @ 12gpm
4 40 feet of head @ 16gpm 32 feet of head @ 16gpm
5 40 feet of head @ 20gpm 32 feet of head @ 20gpm
6 40 feet of head @ 24gpm 32 feet of head @ 24gpm
7 40 feet of head @ 28gpm 32 feet of head @ 28gpm
8 40 feet of head @ 32gpm 32 feet of head @ 32gpm
9 40 feet of head @ 36gpm 32 feet of head @ 36gpm
10 40 feet of head @ 40gpm 32 feet of head @ 40gpm
11 40 feet of head @ 44gpm 32 feet of head @ 44gpm
12 40 feet of head @ 48gpm 32 feet of head @ 48gpm
13 40 feet of head @ 52gpm 32 feet of head @ 52gpm
14 40 feet of head @ 56gpm 32 feet of head @ 56gpm
15 40 feet of head @ 60gpm 32 feet of head @ 60gpm
16 40 feet of head @ 64gpm 32 feet of head @ 64gpm
17 40 feet of head @ 68gpm 32 feet of head @ 68gpm
18 40 feet of head @ 72gpm 32 feet of head @ 72gpm
19 40 feet of head @ 76gpm 32 feet of head @ 76gpm
20 40 feet of head @ 80gpm 32 feet of head @ 80gpm
21 40 feet of head @ 84gpm 32 feet of head @ 84gpm
22 40 feet of head @ 88gpm 32 feet of head @ 88gpm
23 40 feet of head @ 92gpm 32 feet of head @ 92gpm
24 40 feet of head @ 96gpm 32 feet of head @ 96gpm
C 1210 ES / ESC,
C 1050 ES, C 950 ES
940 ES, 940 ESO, 830 ES
Sizing a pump for a 4GPM tank loading DHW system with a 1050ES and a 20 ft total loop length.
Tank Loading Loop Pressure Drop at 4GPM (Feet of Head)
10 ft Pipe
¾" Type L Copper
1" Type L Copper 0.14 0.04 0.02 0.07
1.25" Type L Copper 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.04
1.5" Type L Copper 0.03 0.01 <0.01 0.02
2" Type L Copper 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Source: 2009 International Plumbing Code
* Calculations based on 120°F Set-point temperature, 107°F shower temperature, 2.5 GPM showerhead  ow rate, 1.5 GPM sink  ow rate,
adequate water pressure and gas supply. Variation from these parameters may alter performance. GPM shown is the hot water  ow rate at
120°F Set-point temperature.
Bosch Thermotechnology Corp.
0.48 0.1 0.03 0.15
Head Loss Loop Component
39.00 ft 1050es (See Fig.1, page 7)
1.00 ft 20 ft of ¾ copper
0.80 ft 8 x ¾” 90 elbows + 0.30 ft 2 x ¾” Tees (branch)
41.10 ft Minimum Pump Head at 4.0 gpm
Once the loop head loss has been calculated, use the pump manufacturer’s performance curves to select the proper potable water circulator at the required  ow rate.
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THERM/GREENTHERM Tankless Water Heaters
6 Water Heater Sizing &
Speci cations
This section describes the water heaters available from Bosch Thermotechnology Corp. and provides a general overview to the speci cations of each particular model. More detailed information is contained in the installation manuals. Download manuals at
6.1 Sizing tankless water heaters
Rule of thumb sizing
The tables below provide a general rule of thumb when sizing for most residential applications. For commercial applications or for a more detailed sizing method, use the Sizing by Chart instructions below in conjunction with the charts on the next page.
Sizing by Chart
f Measure the flow rates at each fixture that will be
used simultaneously and add them together. If only one application will be used at a time measure each fixture and use the maximum flow rate observed.
Applications Manual
Figure 2 Average ground water temperatures
f Using a thermometer, measure the incoming water
temperature. For reference, see average ground water temperature map. Subtract this temperature from the desired hot water temperature to get the degree rise. If the desired hot water temperature is 120F and incoming temperature is 55F, the desired degree rise is 65F.
f Using a known volume container, record several fill
times. Perform the calculation below to determine the flow rate (a one gallon fill time of 30 seconds is 2.0 gallons per minute (GPM):
Flow rate (GPM) =
Volume (gallons)
Fill time (sec)
Hot water  ow rate at 120°F Set Point temperature
C 1210 ES / ESC
C 1050 ES
C 950 ES
940 ES / ESO
830 ES
520 HN / PN
77° 72° 67° 62° 57° 52° 47° 42° 37°
9.8 8.8 8.0 7.3 6.7 6.2 5.8 5.4 5.1
8.5 7.6 6.9 6.3 5.8 5.4 5.0 4.7 4.4
7.7 6.9 6.2 5.7 5.2 4.9 4.5 4.2 4.0
7.7 6.9 6.2 5.7 5.2 4.9 4.5 4.2 4.0
6.7 6.0 5.4 5.0 4.6 4.2 4.0 3.7 3.5
4.3 3.8 3.5 3.2 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.2
f Required flow rate of 2.0 GPM at a 65F rise.
f Refer to the graphs on page 10.
f Since the demand is above the 330 PN capacity, this
application would require a 520 HN/PN gas tankless water heater.
Inlet temperature (°F)
330 PN
2.7 2.4 2.2 2.0
Simultaneous Showers Sink Faucet
1.9 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4
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Applications Manual THERM/GREENTHERM Tankless Water Heaters | 11
C 1210 ES/
C 1210 ESC
C 1050 ES
C 950 ES
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Temperature rise (°F)
100 110 120 130 140
Figure 3 Flow rate vs. temperature rise - condensing models
940 ES/
940 ESO
830 ES
520 HN/
520 PN
330 PN
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 4 Flow rate vs. temperature rise - non-condensing models
Flows above 10 GPM require installation of a
mixing valve to help mitigate pressure drop in the water heater and plumbing system
100 110 120 130 140
Temperature rise (°F)
Temperature rises above 110 °F or more,
or output temperatures above 140 °F require either a commercial unit or optional accessories such as a high temperature kit.
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THERM/GREENTHERM Tankless Water Heaters
Applications Manual
6.2 Tankless Water Heater Speci cations
Technical Speci cations
Gas input BTU/hr
Minimum  ow to activate GPM 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Maximum  ow rate at 35° rise GPM 12.1 10.5 9.2 9.4 9.4 8.3
Maximum  ow rate at 90° rise GPM 4.6 3.9 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6
Thermal ef ciency %
Energy factor N/A .94 .93 .83 .83 .83
Dimensions Inches
Weight LBS 88 74 74 67 67 67
Modulating gas valve Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic
Ignition Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic
Gas connection Inches
Water connections Inches
NG gas pressure
LP gas pressure
Water pressure- static PSI
Electrical supply VAC 120 120 120 120 120 120
Venting options
Venting diameter Inches 3 or 4 3 or 4 3 or 4 3 or 4 N/A 3 or 4
Vent material
Temperature range °F
C 1210 ES / C 1210 ESC
Max: 225,000 Min: 25,000
NG: 94 LP: 94
H: 30½ W: 17 D: 11¼
C 1050 ES C 950 ES 940 ES 940 ESO 830 ES
Max: 199,000 Min: 19,900
NG: 94 LP: 94
H: 30½ W: 17 D: 11¼
Max: 175,000 Min: 19,900
NG: 93 LP: 93
H: 30½ W: 17 D: 11¼
Max: 199,000 Min: 19,900
NG: 82 LP: 82
H: 30½ W: 17 D: 11¼
Max: 199,000 Min: 19,900
NG: 82 LP: 82
H: 30½ W: 17 D: 11¼
¾ Male NPT ¾ Male NPT ¾ Male NPT ¾ Male NPT ¾ Male NPT ¾ Male NPT
¾ Male NPT ¾ Male NPT ¾ Male NPT ¾ Male NPT ¾ Male NPT ¾ Male NPT
Min: 3.5 Max: 10.5
Min: 8.0 Max: 13.0
Min: 30 Min (well): 40 Max: 145
direct vent, room-sealed, combustion
PP common vent, PP twin pipe, PVC, CPVC, or ABS (Schedule 40)
100-180°F (ESC) 100-140°F (ES)
Min: 3.5 Max: 10.5
Min: 8.0 Max: 13.0
Min: 30 Min (well): 40 Max: 150
direct vent, room-sealed, combustion
PP common vent, PP up and out concentric vent, PP twin pipe, PVC, CPVC, or ABS (Schedule 40)
100-140°F 100-184°F (requires HT kit)
Min: 3.5 Max: 10.5
Min: 8.0 Max: 13.0
Min: 30 Min (well): 40 Max: 150
direct vent, room-sealed, combustion
PP common vent, PP up and out concentric vent, PP twin pipe, PVC, CPVC, or ABS (Schedule 40)
100-140°F 100-184°F (requires HT kit)
Min: 3.5 Max: 10.5
Min: 8.0 Max: 13.0
Min: 30 Min (well): 40 Max: 150
direct vent, room-sealed, combustion
Stainless steel (AL29-4C)
100-140°F 100-184°F (requires HT kit)
Min: 3.5 Max: 10.5
Min: 8.0 Max: 13.0
Min: 30 Min (well): 40 Max: 150
outdoor installation only
Outdoor vent cap supplied
100-140°F 100-184°F (requires HT kit)
Max: 175,000 Min: 19,900
NG: 82 LP: 82
H: 30½ W: 17 D: 11¼
Min: 3.5 Max: 10.5
Min: 8.0 Max: 13.0
Min: 30 Min (well): 40 Max: 150
direct vent, room-sealed, combustion
Stainless steel (AL29-4C)
100-140°F 100-184°F (requires HT kit)
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